first class maid

Chapter 713 Final Chapter Queen's Road

Chapter 713 Final Chapter Queen's Road (26)
Xun Zhen stepped forward and said lightly: "Prince Huyan, you should stop for a while. I am standing upright and I am not afraid of the shadow slanting. You accused me of killing Princess Yu, so let the facts speak for themselves and see who put Princess Yu on the ground." The dead one? Is it me, the woman you say can't tolerate a concubine, or your brother with a human face and a beast's heart?" Clapping his hands lightly.

All the people stood up and stared at Xun Zhen who stood up for a moment. His face was solemn, not the slightest bit arrogant and favored concubine. It was as dignified as they saw last time, like a star in the morning. There is no feeling of flattery in her eyes, not to mention that now she is fighting against the groundless accusations of Hu Guoren, which makes their favorability index for her continue to rise.

Only Hu Yanzan's expression was very ugly, and the two of them sang together, and it was indeed quite difficult to deal with.

A dog was brought up, and Fang Jin also stood up and dripped the small bottle of liquid into the dog's mouth which was forced open. He fell to the ground and twitched, then closed his eyes with a peaceful face, Wu Zuo hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed his carotid artery, "This dog is dead."

"Okay, bring Hu Guoyu Princess Yu's body up." Xun Zhen said softly.

Hu Yanyu's body was carried up after his death. Because it is winter now, the body was well preserved. It can be seen that the princess also died peacefully, as if she was asleep. She was dressed in a gorgeous beard. Even though she is dressed in Chinese clothes, she can still feel her youthful atmosphere.

The minister behind Hu Yanzan said angrily: "This is the body of my Princess Hu. What do you mean by carrying her in front of the public like this? Do you have respect for my Hu State?"

Xun Zhen looked at the group of ministers, and slipped past Hu Yanzan's calm face, "Doesn't your country want an explanation? If you don't invite Princess Yu to speak up for her unjust death, who else can you invite? Besides, according to what I have said to Hu Guo I understand, your funeral matters are not as many as Hua Guo's rules, so this is not considered an offense to Princess Yu."

At this time Fang Jin stood up and said: "Open the eyes of the princess. This medicine has a characteristic, that is, after taking it, it looks like it is dead, and the other is that the eyes are covered with red bloodshot eyes. The drugs that come here are not produced in our country."

As soon as everyone heard this explanation, they quickly looked at the eyes of the two. As Fang Jin said, the eyes were blood red, and the public was in an uproar.

Fang Jin looked at Hu Yanzan, "According to the imperial doctor's inspection, this medicine was produced on the plateau and snow-capped mountains of Hu State. Our Hua State does not produce it, and the production is very small. If you are not very careful, you will not be able to find out that the deceased was poisoned by this medicine." Those who died from the medicine, the knowledgeable among you can come forward and see if the medicine is a special product of the Hu country?"

Immediately, those old doctors stepped forward and took the small bottle in Fang Jin's hand to observe carefully, and finally they all nodded in agreement, "That's right, this medicine can only be produced in the snow-capped mountains of the plateau, and there is no such production in China."

"The one who killed Princess Yu was her elder brother himself. The purpose was to instigate our Hua Kingdom and the emperor to separate themselves from each other, so as to have an opportunity. The so-called wolf's ambition is clearly revealed." Xun Zhen pointed at Hu Yanzan and said sharply, The face is very dignified.

When some people saw her accusing Prince Hu of justice, they couldn't help but be in awe.

Hu Yanzan looked up to the sky and laughed, and then he closed it and looked at Xun Zhen, "This is the funniest joke my prince has ever seen. Xun Zhen, you didn't write a draft when you said this, why did this prince kill you?" Your own imperial sister? That's right, the medicine in your hands is produced in Hu State, but what does this mean? Doesn't it prove that you, Xun Zhen, are the murderer of Yu Yu?"

Xun Zhen smiled and said: "Isn't this a proof of your brilliance, that you secretly executed your own sister and put the blame on me? What kind of poison did you die from? If you use the poison from the Hua country, then there must be traces, but if you use the poison from the Hu country, then I have a hard time explaining it. You use my embarrassing status as an excuse , intending to open a gap, third prince, your plan is not bad."

Hu Yanzan's expression froze, the woman's mind was too active, and then she said angrily: "The script is well written, and the words that slander the prince are quite pleasant." Then he turned to the people of Huaguo, "You also believe This woman's one-sided words..."

"No, this is not a one-sided statement, it is well-founded." Xun Zhen said with a smile, "Come here, bring those who dare to do such things in the palace to me."

Immediately, several eunuchs and court ladies were escorted up in disgrace. As soon as they saw the emperor and Xun Zhen, they immediately begged for mercy.

Xun Zhen said coldly: "Bring out your crimes, even if you believe in the White Lotus Sect, you must know that what you are doing is doing things for the barbarians and making our country of China injustice."

"Slave, servant, servant..." One of the maids hurriedly said, "The slave is placed in the palace by the leader of Bailian. He gave the servant instructions to put this medicine in the princess's hangover soup... Where is the servant? Knowing that this is doing things for a barbarian... that princess is arrogant and domineering... besides being a barbarian... only a slave will do this..."

"Slaves (slaves) too... This is all ordered by Master Bai..."

"Prince, it's impossible for you not to know that Huaguo is cleaning up the White Lotus Sect. It's colluding with the White Lotus Sect in private, and at the same time wants to talk about peace talks. Is this the sincerity of your Hu State?" Yu Wenhong looked at Hu Yanzan with a cold expression.

At this time, the people looked at Hu Yanzan with indignation. No wonder, this time, the White Lotus Sect was behind it again. Fortunately, Director Xun exposed their conspiracy. Now they look at Xun Zhen with respect, otherwise I'm afraid that Hua Guo is still kept in the dark, thinking that Hu Guo really wants peace talks, thinking about the consequences can't help but send a chill down his spine.

In their eyes, Xun Zhen's image gradually grew taller. Although she was not as tall as the emperor Yu Wenhong, at least everyone no longer regarded her simply as the emperor's woman, she should be a woman of the empire.

"Director Xun is wise, otherwise we will all be fooled by the barbarians..." Someone shouted in the crowd, and then the voice gradually became louder.

Hu Yanzan's performance remained unchanged. Although this situation was no longer under his control, it still achieved his expected goal, and Huaguo would soon be in his pocket.Looking at the sky, it was almost noon at this time, and it was finally delayed until this time, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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