Chapter 475 The Meaning of Cultivation

Because they are all patron saints, so in fact, he also has a special understanding of other patron saints. He knows that their patron saints are particularly powerful, so under such circumstances, their assessment must also be special. high difficulty.

But even with such a high degree of difficulty, Yang Xuan still passed the assessment of the patron saint of the Taurus, which naturally made him feel particularly surprised.

At this time, he could also see that Yang Xuan had actually entered into a state of thinking. Obviously, for the assessment he proposed, Yang Xuan would definitely need to think for a long time before he could come to a result.

To put it bluntly, judging from the current situation, he felt that Yang Xuan still had a great possibility to pass his own assessment.

Because my own assessment is actually a particularly easy assessment in a strict sense. If Yang Xuan can't pass such a simple assessment, it is basically impossible for Yang Xuan to get out of this maze. matter.

"Cultivation, life, and understanding of the world, these three points of view can actually be interpreted from many aspects."

Yang Xuan frowned tightly at this time, and he also entered a state of thinking, because he knew that if the answer he gave the other party at this time could not satisfy the other party, then there must be no way for him to do this assessment. Yes, this is a very simple truth.

In fact, Yang Xuan would also become very nervous in such a place, because he also knew that, judging from the current situation, he had no advantage for him. He could be said to be in a trap right now. In fact, it is full of dangers. If he can't find a good way to break through this maze, then in fact, he has no way to leave this maze at all.

At this time, many thoughts were actually popping up in Yang Xuan's mind, and he thought of many things that happened to him, because so many things happened to him, that's why he felt A little sad.

No matter how you look at it, Yang Xuan actually felt that his current situation was extremely dangerous, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this. Originally, he came here just to get rid of these Shuras as soon as possible.

But no one thought that the situation would develop to this point. The strength displayed by his head Shura is indeed quite powerful, and he is also cunning, allowing himself to fall into the opponent's trap. This is the beginning of Yang Xuan. Nothing that I thought about at all.

So in fact, his word is more or less sad. If I had thought about it earlier, then maybe it would not be like this now. To put it bluntly, I was too careless.

His heart is actually uncontrollable at this time, and there is a little bit of this kind of sad emotion.

However, I think he is still a person who is particularly good at thinking. Maybe other people may be particularly flustered in the face of such a situation and don’t know what to do, but he will not think because of his indirectness and his own thinking mode. It is simply not comparable to ordinary people, so under such circumstances, he directly gave his own answer at this time.

"Actually, I have my point of view on cultivation. Although I know that my point of view may not be acceptable to you, but you also said that now, do I just need to explain the three points of view you put forward? If the interpretation is good, you will be able to let me pass."

"But now, in fact, I can't control whether the interpretation is good or bad. It's not for me to judge. I just said that I can express my own views on cultivation to you."

"In fact, everyone needs to practice. Cultivation may not only be physical cultivation, but also spiritual cultivation. Cultivation is a broad term, and it is a term that requires cultivation in many aspects."

"In the situation that everyone needs to practice, in fact, many times we don't do enough. We may not work too hard and not too desperately. Only those who really work hard and go all out may be able to cultivate. get good results.”

"As far as I am concerned, in fact, many times when we practice, we will encounter bottlenecks, and the meaning of cultivation, I think, is here, so when we encounter bottlenecks, we can actually make a real effort. Because only when we break through the bottleneck can we enter a new world, before we break through the bottleneck, we are actually trapped.”

"I believe that the reason why we have so many bottlenecks when we cultivate our intentions is that in this place, he must hope that we can realize the key that traps us, and let us make more efforts to directly break through this kind of bottleneck. bondage."

"After breaking through the shackles, we can directly reach a new world and let ourselves have a completely different life. I believe this is the state that many people dream of."

"There are many people who can't break through a certain realm throughout their lives, so in such a situation, he will actually feel particularly uncomfortable."

"But some things are actually predestined by God no matter what angle you look at. How far some people can cultivate, or what kind of opportunities they encounter during cultivation, or what kind of encounters they have, In fact, these may have been preordained long ago, we are just hiding in the script that others have arranged."

"But even so, I think we still need to work hard to cultivate, because this can indeed bring us into a completely different state."

Yang Xuan actually expressed it very well at this time, because he said that he felt that he had already given his own answer. Regarding the point of view of cultivation, he felt that what he should say was good, because no matter what angle he looked at from this point of view, See, it's actually a very comprehensive point of view.

Well, in such a comprehensive situation, Mr. Ye thinks that the other side should accept the point of view raised by him. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether the other side accepts the point of view here. Make an interpretation.

What surprised Yang Xuan was that after he had finished expressing his point of view, the patron saint of the white tiger also directly gave his judgment at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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