Chapter 604 Reason
What Yang Jian said made sense, but Bai Yue was still a little puzzled.

She blinked, then looked at Mu Xun, and asked innocently: "He stole my things and used them, should I return my things just because he has no money to pity him?" Come back? Do I just forgive him like that? "

Bai Yue thinks that taking something from someone else and returning it back is not a matter of course?Could it be that if he didn't come back because he didn't have money, could he not be reluctant?
After Xiaoshang heard his words, he felt that this woman was really vicious!It's just that he took her spray, and he was going to force her like this.He was very angry in his heart, but at this time he knew that he couldn't show it, so he said: "Or else, I'll give you the rest, and you can let me go."

Xiao Shang said pitifully.

Bai Yue started to feel a little dazed, where did she show that she wanted to let go?Did he take her things and return the rest, as if this hadn't happened?

Lu Yan and Mu Xun frowned. They had been watching this matter from the sidelines. Did these people think that the two of them were eating up air and that Bai Yue was here alone and wanted to bully her.

"Isn't it that you took her things in this matter? You have to return them after you take them! It's not that he forced you to take them. Why did it seem that she forced you to take his things away? Forcing you to return her things."

A trace of puzzlement appeared in Lu Yan's eyes, looking at those people, he said.

Bai Yue nodded, she felt that what Lu Yan said was too true, it was indeed the truth.

She didn't say, Xiaoshang, I have something here, so hurry up and steal it, obviously he stole it himself, and she stole it by herself, so of course she has to be responsible for herself.

Seeing that there seemed to be no room for maneuver in this matter, Yang Jian fell silent. He knew that no matter what he was talking about at this time, it was useless, and it was indeed what Bai Yue said.

Xiaoshang took her things and should return them to her.

Xiao Shang was a little scared. It can be said that the price of this bottle of Baichong Water is very high. Even if he sells himself, it is not worth the price. If you call him, you will simply want to kill him.

He couldn't help looking at Yang Jian. In the end, she kept calling Uncle Yang's people, hoping that he could help her. At this time, he was the only one who could help her.Seeing that it wasn't that Yang didn't see his gaze, he sighed.

This matter is really too difficult to solve.

"How about it! He will pay you back this Baichongshui, but can you postpone it for a while? Or, like the kind of installment payment that is popular now, I will give you the money."

Yang Jian felt that if there were no accidents, this bottle of Baichong Water would basically be impossible to buy, so it could only be converted into money. The best way I can think of.

Xiao Shang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't ask him to take it out right away, after all, if something unexpected happens in the future, who can decide?
Looking at him like that, Bai Yue also knew that he had no way to come up with the money now, so she nodded helplessly.

Mu Xun was originally a business person, and she saw something wrong in it all at once. He said: "If you want to install installments, you also need to be honest. How can we trust a person who steals other people's things?" , to be able to pay back the money on time.”

(End of this chapter)

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