Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 803 806 Get Rich 6

Chapter 803 806 Get Rich 6
Liu Baoshao didn't have any objections either, because this mother always said that to herself.

"Hey...Mom, I hurry up and get busy...I'll come and help you after I finish eating here..."

"Mother, I don't need your help now. The business in our store is doing well. If you help me any more, you will be exhausted, mother..."

Liu Baoshao answered himself this way to this mother, Liu Baoshao still wanted to say, this is really interesting.

Liu Baoshao happily enjoyed the little squirrel together in the small kitchen behind.

This is a little squirrel who is as greedy as Liu Baoshao. Although the little squirrel was very evil for a while before, he wanted Liu Baoshao to become a big fat man, just because the little squirrel knew that Liu Baoyin was worried that his son would It turned into a big fat man, that's why it deliberately delivered all the delicious things to the little guy's mouth every night for supper.

The purpose of the little squirrel is to hope that Liu Baoshao will become a fat son that Liu Baoyin cannot accept.

But now, the two of them have reconciled.What's more, the little squirrel is not worried at all, because Liu Baoyin's worries still exist today.Liu Baoshao is still developing like obesity.

The little squirrel smiled.

But as everyone knows, after Liu Baoyin opened a cake shop recently, the little guy's figure has actually become a little bloated.It's just that, in its eyes now, it just looks at Liu Baoshao every day, but never checks whether its body is the same as before. However, it seems to want to check whether it has become fat, and it seems to be somewhat difficulty.

Liu Baoyin also didn't make any demands on it, as long as the little squirrel made a request, usually, the talkative Liu Baoyin would satisfy this little guy unlimitedly...

Liu Baoyin just walked out with the three little old men who helped her in the shop.

The order in the store almost needs the old man to maintain it again.

"Don't worry, don't worry... line up, line up,..."

The old man stood on the chair and greeted loudly.

Jia's has now started collecting money to sell cakes.

Some people, after buying the cake, need something else, such as the chocolate they came here to buy today.But many people, who used to eat chocolate, now see chocolate in different shapes and flavors, and some feel strange.

However, Liu Baoyin has already said that it is guaranteed to be delicious.

Liu Baoyin nodded seriously, and said this to a little guy again.

"What is this? It's different from usual..."

Because the size and shape are also different, many customers also come for this chocolate... But the requirements are particularly high...

Liu Baoyin nodded, and said to these people: "This, don't underestimate it... the taste is even more delicious than before... If you don't believe me, let me give you a few people in the front to taste it first. ..."

As soon as Liu Baoyin said this, many people began to envy, envy and hate.

Many people who come to buy chocolates know that this thing is not ordinary, but now, look, this Canadian is actually so generous...

(End of this chapter)

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