Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 490 493 Gifts 3

Chapter 490 493 Gifts 3
All of a sudden, the people in the village have seen it before and know the temper of this family, and all of them are excited now, this is, they are going to be a real guy.

The people in the village are not stupid, since they are halfway through the opera, and now they are going to fight in martial arts, naturally no one wants to stay, lest they get caught in the dustpan, that would be bad luck.

Almost immediately.All the villagers in Mr. Liu's big courtyard disappeared without a trace. Even the village chief Liu Wanquan who had nothing to do just now, under the threat of Mr. Liu, was unwilling to try his best to help someone who couldn't figure it out.

This guy, I really can't figure it out, since you said that you were wronged, then well...they are willing to compensate, but you don't want it, and you still have to beg for nothing and stay in this old man's house.

This matter, let anyone say it, it is not clear.

Mr. Liu and the members of this family, the village chief knows that they are an honest family on weekdays, but if they touch their interests, they can immediately turn into beasts and rush at you.

Isn't this the case at this time?The people in the old Liu's family all have fierce faces at this time, and those who don't leave at this time are fools.

As soon as the old man showed his power, even that "dog skin plaster" guy disappeared at this time.

Baby Liu is satisfied.

Liu Daniu smiled.

Liu Baobao felt disappointed, why, because the broom he raised couldn't hit anyone, so he was going to feel disappointed.

"It's okay, baby, next time, you are ready to come in handy next time."

"Well, that's the only way."

Baby Liu sighed.He didn't expect that this matter would be so difficult. It was hard for him to have a guy who practiced his hands come to his door.On weekdays, Liu Jizu and Jia Shi are in charge of him, not letting him use his brains that should not be used.

In this way, the life of the old Liu's family, the past few days, after a while ago in the village, the life can be said to be pretty good.

Now, however, this year, the vicinity of Anting has not had rain for several months.

The crops in the field dried up and died a lot.

The old man of the old Liu's family has a good face, just because there is space in their home.

There is plenty of water in the space, not to mention the lush vegetation, and the growth is excellent.

"By the way, Dad..." Jia Shi wanted to tell the old man when he was having breakfast today.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Liu asked.

This eldest daughter-in-law, on weekdays, she looks good, doesn't pick things up, works hard, and the most important thing is to educate the two Miao Miao of the old Liu's family well.

"Father, I want to go back to my mother's house recently. You see, the crops in this field have been planted and died. My mother's side may not be able to eat now. I want to bring some food to help. Hit them."

When Jia Shi said this, he had no idea in his heart, this old man was not a bit stingy.Therefore, she also knew it because of it.So, I skipped the old lady of the Liu family and said this directly to Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu looked at the sky, his face was also sad, and he looked at the two daughters-in-law next to him as well.

Mr. Liu nodded.

"Well, I just listened to you, I don't care how much I want to give, you can figure it out..."


(End of this chapter)

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