Small peasant girl wants to farm

473 Chapter 476 He's Jealous 6

473 Chapter 476 He's Jealous 6
Liu Baobao felt more and more that there was something wrong with this person.

Liu Baobao decided to test him first.

Liu Baobao pretended to swim forward, but the old man and Liu Baobao on the shore could clearly see that their baby had deviated from the direction.

Mr. Liu thought to himself, probably his baby hasn't been swimming for a long time, so it's normal that he didn't grasp the direction all of a sudden.

Baby Liu thinks so too.

After Liu Baobao swam happily for a while, she was surprised to find that this kid who was thumping in the water was still thumping just like before.

He was actually fine.

This time, Liu Baobao had completely figured it out.

Damn, immediately, Liu Baobao changed direction.

Both Mr. Liu and Baobao Liu on the bank first saw their baby swimming straight towards the man.They couldn't help but praise Liu Baobao:
"Well, the baby is smarter, and my granddaughter is smarter. She can immediately remember swimming skills that she hasn't used in the past few years."

Liu Baobao also thinks so, Liu Baobao is also extremely sure that her sister is capable.

Liu Baobei turned around and called the old man.

"Master, let's work hard together later..."

"Don't worry, this kid will definitely be able to save his life. Look at him, he is still thrashing so hard, he won't die."

Mr. Liu thought, thanks to the half-death he was worried about just now, he caught one who could swim and brought him to the river without stopping.Now the old man has nothing to worry about.

So, the old man's sarcastic remarks came out.

"Master, everything else is easy to talk about. I'm worried. This kid is probably trying to rip off our family after he got ashore... After all, his falling into the water still has something to do with you."

Baby Liu wasn't sure.However, on weekdays, they can often hear the old man of the old Liu family talking to their family members, and people outside must be careful.The reason is not to be fooled.

"Well, I don't think this kid can..." The old man said uncharacteristically today.

Why, in fact, no one understands better than the old man who experienced it himself just now.Because this kid is very timid.He fell into the river after he said a few words. Such a person, in the old man's consciousness, he is a coward.

How can such an incompetent person compare with the powerful support group of the old Liu family, and the members of the support group are all shrewd.

Therefore, the old man is still very relieved about this matter.At most, after the boy got up, he said sorry, and then, it would be the best to accompany him with a tael of silver.

The old man calculated well.

Liu Baobao felt reasonable after hearing this.

At this time, Liu Baobao had already swam to the side of this guy she was sure of.

Liu Baobao laughed.

"Don't worry, I will come to save you..."

"Uh, uh. Hurry up... I'm going to drown..." he was still talking.

Shit, a drowned person can still speak so sharply, and still have the strength to speak?
Liu Baobao rolled her eyes again and again, but she was not in a hurry.

Although she approached and grabbed a rope in her hand, Liu Baobao just wanted to see how long this guy could pretend at such a close distance.

(End of this chapter)

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