Small peasant girl wants to farm

470 Chapter 473 He's Jealous 3

470 Chapter 473 He's Jealous 3
But this summer, it is estimated that Liu Baobao is more than 7 years old.That afternoon, near the evening, she was squatting alone on the stone under the big sycamore tree in front of the door to eat watermelon, and she saw Er Gouzi who lived next door walked past her happily carrying a fish.

The girl's eyes lit up immediately, she was so greedy, she threw away the watermelon rind that she gnawed out of the hole, and went to the riverside in front of the village alone without a little bit of red pouch.

  She jumped directly into the river, swam to the middle of the river, and dived into the water to search for fish. She was lucky. After a while, she really found a big grass carp with her back facing her eating wild grass roots. She was much older than Er Gouzi's, and Liu Baobao was very excited at that time.

Seeing the opportunity, she slowly swam close, and suddenly jumped on it, but she was caught by such luck.

But the fish in the water and the fish out of the water are two different things, and they are very wild.

In the final result of the fight between the man and the fish, the fish ran away, Liu Baobao had cramps in his feet and almost drowned.

Fortunately, she caught a few clumps of reed poles in the river in a crisis, and slowly swam to the river bank with the support of the reed poles. She didn't catch any fish and went home wet.

When Liu Baobao returned home, she was spotted by Jia Shi, who asked her only that she went swimming in the hot weather.

It turned out that Jia Shi came to hear it from Liu Baobao two days later. At that time, Jia Shi's legs were weak, and her daughter didn't let her go out for a month.Jia Shi was terrified.Because she didn't know, she almost lost this pretty girl.


Although this happened several years ago, it was different this time, Liu Baobao thought, this time he was allowed by the old man, and he was still saving people.

Liu Baobao was even more excited about this.

After that year, Jia Shi was very strict with himself, so Liu Baobao never went swimming again.

For some reason, this icy cold river often appeared in her dreams

Now luck is good, not to mention that the old man got into trouble, he still came to beg himself to save others, which is great.

Liu Baobao immediately agreed, but, for the sake of her own life, the old man was also worried about this level of concern, so he immediately went to prepare bamboo poles and a bundle of ropes for acquaintances.

"Master, as long as I go down to the river and tie a rope around his waist, you can pull it up..."

Liu Baobao said.

"Well, yes, my granddaughter is still smart..."

The old man lamented that he had neglected it just now. After all, he was still a young man. No matter how good his granddaughter could swim, such a heavy person would definitely not be able to carry her.

It seems that in the end, the old man himself has to do it himself.

Thinking of this, the old man felt much less guilt in his heart.

"Quick, let's hurry up and save people..."

Unreliably, the old man rushed to the river ahead with the two little guys in his family who had no strength at all.

"It's there, it's there, did you see his tall horse? I was jealous just now that this kid has a big horse at a young age. I just wanted to get close to him and scare him. Who knows, He can't help being scared like this. Bastard!"

The old man felt that he was really a little too memorized.Bad luck today.

(End of this chapter)

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