Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 300 303 Treatment 3

Chapter 300 303 Treatment 3
At this time, the apprentice of the old doctor who drove away Liu Jizu came forward, his face was hardened:
"Master, in my opinion, this matter is definitely not that simple. This matter may be a trap set by the medical officer opposite, just waiting for us to jump down."

The apprentice's words really made the old doctor slap his thigh and began to strongly believe it.

"Yes, it must be. This problem can be cured by anyone. It is a problem that is obvious at first glance. He must want to test my personality. Fortunately, I am a loyal person."

"Then, master, should we do the same, pretending to invite someone to test them for a while, in case, he has a dark heart and treats a minor illness as a serious illness, isn't that, isn't it...hehehe..."

It's hard to say the latter.

Although there is nothing wrong with him being a famous doctor, there is a gap between a famous doctor and a doctor, and such a gap can easily breed jealousy and dissatisfaction.

No, Liu Jizu led his precious daughter to make such a fuss, which really made this famous doctor in the capital make a move to steal his business from the same medical officer on the opposite side, and even with him The guy who is always wrong is right about the decision.

As for how they want to fight, literary or martial, this is of course for Liu Baobao who is still dazed at this time, and has nothing to do with her.

Liu Jizu cursed angrily on the bullock cart: "This muddled doctor actually said that our baby just has a cold, bah!"

The main thing Liu Jizu thinks is that it is not worthwhile to spend so much money to diagnose such a small problem. In addition, he was treated unfairly by the so-called "famous doctor" just now. .

Liu Daniu also had an angry face.He was also really worried about Liu Baobao.It's been two days.Liu Baobao fell ill. In fact, he was also very anxious, but he couldn't go in to see her. The old Liu's family guarded him like something.

Today I finally had such an opportunity, I want to take Liu Baobao to the city to see a doctor quickly, and hope to get better soon after seeing it.

No, but I learned such a result.

Liu Daniu also did not believe the diagnosis of that "famous doctor".

"Quack doctor! This old guy is a quack doctor!" Liu Daniu couldn't help complaining.

This is the first time he dared to show such a side in front of Liu Jizu.

Although, in fact, he is a very dark-hearted person.

"Yes, that's right, this old guy is a quack doctor! Quack doctor!" Liu Jizu seemed to have found someone he could talk to right away.

In fact, Liu Daniu was on the bullock cart at this time.

Strictly speaking, Liu Jizu had no choice.

At this time, Liu Jizu kept coming from quack doctors and quack doctors.

Thinking about it, if an old doctor who has always advertised himself as a highly respected doctor heard these words, he would definitely be overwhelmed with anger.

Liu Jizu cursed, and under Liu Daniu's inadvertent hint, he went to see a doctor in other medical officers.

Moreover, they took Liu Baobao who was in a daze, and this breath, perhaps because of extreme anger, ran away with more than a dozen medical officers.

However, the medical officers of each family said to them in this way:
"Small illness, the girl just has a cold, don't worry too much."

People are still saying, this girl in your family is not the eldest lady in the mansion, is it necessary for her to be like this?Isn't she just a girl?

Everyone thinks this way.They all thought that Liu Jizu and Liu Daniu had passed.

(End of this chapter)

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