Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 294 The production in the 297 space is very popular 33

Chapter 294 The production in the 297 space is very popular 33
Regarding this point, the women of the old Liu's family were overjoyed that the new breed of chickens and ducks would not lay eggs indiscriminately.

"Well, mother, this must be well taught by our babies, otherwise, how did they develop such a good habit?"

At this time, the women of the old Liu's family were picking chicken and duck eggs in the forest again in the afternoon.

Now, for them, this job is much less labor-intensive and easier than before.

Most of the time now, they can complete the task as long as they bend down and squat for a while beside the grass nest.

"Well, yes, yes..."

The old lady laughed.

"The chicken and duck eggs are really valuable..."

The women of the old Liu's family have lived a comfortable life recently.

She was originally the daughter-in-law of the third family who was pregnant. Before, because of some discomfort after pregnancy, Chen did not dare to move her body easily, for fear that her child would be unstable because of something. He dropped it noisily.

Now, I don't know what the relationship is. After eating the big chicken and duck eggs a few times, I feel that my body can say that I don't feel pregnant at all.

She, right now, is thinking of ways to move more. If one day, she doesn't exercise a little, she will feel uncomfortable all over today.

For this feeling, Mrs. Liu also has the deepest understanding.

The old lady's legs and feet sometimes appear inflexible on rainy days.On weekdays, there are often some pains.

But, recently, it's really... It can be said that the old lady's legs and feet are as light as a swallow, and she has strength wherever she walks.

The old lady was also thinking in her heart, did she have this effect after eating the chicken and duck?

Of course, there are still many people from the old Liu family who are the same as them.

It's just other people, and it's not too obvious, just a little bit of feeling, because they didn't have any serious problems with them.

Therefore, the feeling is that there is no such sharpness.


In the past few days, she, Liu Baobao, has continued to do big business.

What is it?Stupid, it was because she secretly let Liu Daniu, her little husband took the cow to the city every day to do business...

Liu Daniu has been able to do business recently.

Last time, he and Liu Jizu didn't go to the same market, so Liu Jizu still doesn't know that Liu Baobao is secretly making a fortune.

Except Liu Baobao at home knows.

After Liu Jizu stopped doing this business, because Liu Jizu also knew that if he took such a big and valuable chicken and duck to sell now, it would be a loss.

Liu Jizu thought it was too late to cultivate.

After Liu Jizu stopped selling big chickens and ducks, the rich people in the city became anxious.

So I sent the servants at home to look around to see if anyone else was selling it.But unexpectedly, they found Liu Daniu almost without much effort.

No, Liu Daniu just appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Originally, Liu Daniu just followed the price Liu Baobao told her, and three taels of silver was enough for each. Although, in his eyes, three taels of silver for a chicken and duck was already expensive enough.Moreover, it's a little outrageous, but I don't want people to rush to buy it.

(End of this chapter)

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