Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 272 The production in the 275 space is very popular 11

Chapter 272 The production in the 275 space is very popular 11
Although she, Liu Baobao, still doesn't quite understand why the flock of chickens and ducks in the space always love to run to that lake and pollute the water in that river.

However, Liu Baobao vaguely felt that there must be something wrong with this not-so-big lake.

Liu Baobao glanced at the distance between the lake and the half-reclaimed land he had chosen at this time.

This also means that if she Liu Baobao wants to water it later, she will have to work very hard to fetch water from the lake from a long distance.

My God, this is a more strenuous labor activity...

Liu Baobao felt that he hadn't chosen a good place.

If it is planted near the lake, then she will not have so much trouble watering it.

Alas... However, there are a lot of chickens and ducks by the lake, and it is very possible that the chickens and ducks will be ruined as soon as the seeds are sprinkled.

If you want to farm here, it is really troublesome, not to mention tired, there may be risks.At least it is to prevent chickens and ducks from coming to their own fields to cause harm.

This, this is really troublesome...

"Forget it, let's see if it grows again tomorrow. Today, I don't need to water it." After all, she hasn't tried it yet. After at least a few experiments, maybe she will There will be experience.

After all, this is a magical place. In case, it is very different from the outside, and it will not grow according to the natural laws outside.

Who can tell?

Liu Baobao was a little lazy.

Who else gave her such a small body, got up early in the morning, entered the space, plowed the land, and plowed almost half an acre, but she had no strength anymore.

It's not that she wants to be lazy, really, she can't do this job alone.

"Hey, let's wait until tomorrow, maybe there will be a special surprise!"

Liu Baobao began to fantasize.

Because, she knows, here, it seems that anything is possible.

At least, the fruits that shouldn't grow in this season are all here, growing extremely vigorously at this time.

For this kind of expectation, Liu Baobao is very willing to wait.

Liu Baobao wanted to move forward again, she was walking around slowly in this space, stepping on her calf.

She has already made a plan, if it is the same as the outside, if living food can be grown here, then she will plant all kinds of food here.

In the countryside, how to advertise whether a family is rich or poor, in fact, strictly speaking, it still depends on how high the grain is piled up in their big warehouse, which is the most powerful and direct basis for judgment.

If it is silver, then it is not clear which family has more and which has less.Also, no one would be so stupid as to tell people how much money their family has all day long.

In the afternoon, Liu Baobao left the space. Of course, following that, she brought out more than a dozen baskets of eggs laid by chickens and ducks in the space.

Plus today, Liu Baobao used stones to stun a rooster and a duck inside.

Why do this.

Alas, this is all because Liu Baobao wants to put an end to them and continue to breed their offspring for himself in the space without restraint.

She wants to put an end to them, and they will continue to reproduce for herself like this.

It's not that Liu Baobao thinks there are too many chickens and ducks...

(End of this chapter)

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