Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 206 208 Dispose of Liu Jinhua 1

Chapter 206 208 Dispose of Liu Jinhua 1
Back then, it seemed that it was not enough to have her leg crippled and make her lie on the bed in pain for half a year.

Liu Daniu was already pondering whether he should take this rare opportunity and simply take her to a deserted place to have another accident.

In his eyes, such an accident is so……

Liu Daniu is very confident.

The baby in her arms would not object if she thought about it, because she didn't like this aunt either.

Liu Daniu held Liu Baobao in his arms, and he took Liu Jinhua to continue walking in this rural wild forest with difficulty.

Liu Jinhua only focused on walking forward and continued to follow. She didn't know whether the path she was taking was normal or not.

What's more, Liu Jinhua is no longer able to go home alone.To her, this place was a barren mountain and wild forest, a place that was completely unfamiliar to her.

During Liu Daniu's journey, he used to hunt for several meals.

He helped the baby carefully tear the sizzling roasted legs into pieces and put them into the baby's mouth.

Liu Baobao didn't object to him serving like this.It seemed that she was still thinking that this was also her own little revenge on him.

Liu Daniu saw it clearly.Then he looked at her with a slight smile, wondering if this girl was thinking too simply.

It's rare for Liu Baobao to enjoy the service of the young lady. As long as he opens his mouth wide, he will carefully tear the meat and deliver it to your mouth.

She has never enjoyed such a top-notch service, and she just thinks that she can't just miss this rare opportunity like this.

Liu Baobao ate very quickly, and while eating, he looked around the strange surroundings with novelty in his eyes.

"Let's go." After Liu Daniu also ate, he stood up, he was still the same, and gently wrapped the disabled Liu Baobao in his arms.

In this wild forest in the countryside, if you want to deal with a person, it is actually a very simple matter.

Even the government will not go to this place where birds don't lay eggs.Even if they come to investigate, there is nowhere to investigate.

What Liu Daniu has to do is to have an accident.

Liu Jinhua cursed and continued to follow behind.

Liu Baobao didn't pay attention at all, even if she tried her best, she still closed her eyes tightly and didn't care about anything.

However, they had only left for a short time when they saw a small village in the forest ahead.

Looking from a high place, a dozen houses of different sizes are scattered on the flat ground.

"Ah, there are people living there." Liu Jinhua cheered in surprise.

Liu Daniu was frowning.

He was worried that if someone saw that he was with her, and then she had an accident, it would be trouble for him.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have chosen to go to unpopulated places.

He never expected that there would be such a small village here.

Liu Daniu didn't have the slightest intention to take a step forward.Liu Baobao, who was huddled in his arms, looked back and forth between Liu Daniu, Liu Jinhua and the village in front of him.

Liu Baobao felt a little strange.

Before Liu Daniu could speak, Liu Baobao said, "Let's go to the village ahead and have a look?" She suddenly smiled.

"" He couldn't refuse her.Maybe there will be another chance later.Liu Daniu raised his head again, and when he looked at Liu Jinhua, there was a chill in his eyes.

Liu Baobao's eyes rolled slightly.Seems to understand all of a sudden.

The three walked slowly towards the village ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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