Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 204 206 Elopement 5

Chapter 204 206 Elopement 5
However, when Liu Daniu deliberately chose a particularly difficult path, he made a wrong estimate.

Because he took it lightly, he didn't realize that there was another person behind Liu Jinhua.

Until Liu Baobao let out a cry of pain, Liu Daniu knew something bad happened.

This girl also followed, so she has short calves, so she shouldn't pass by the thorns that would reach her neck just now.

Since she couldn't pass, wouldn't she be scratched all over her face at this time?

After Liu Daniu heard that the sound was actually not too loud, Liu Daniu hurriedly passed Liu Jinhua who was full of surprise and thought he had been discovered by Liu Daniu.

Liu Daniu soon found Liu Baobao who was nesting on the cold ground and counting ants.

"Baby, why are you here?" Liu Daniu asked in a low voice.His eyes quickly scanned her body.

Seeing that Liu Baobao was fine, Liu Daniu was relieved.

However, Liu Baobao told him that her leg seemed to be broken.

Liu Daniu hurriedly went to check, and what he saw was indeed the same.

Liu Daniu secretly hated Liu Jinhua, if this woman hadn't been sneaking behind him, how could he have chosen this path.

This time it's okay, now, he let Liu Baobao get hurt.

Liu Daniu was heartbroken immediately.

Liu Daniu lightly scooped up Liu Baobao, who was lying on the ground and still unwilling to get up, with both hands.

"You, what are you doing?" Liu Baobao, who was still unwilling to talk to her, exclaimed.In order not to lose his balance, the little hand had to grab the clothes on Liu Daniu's shoulders.

"Baby, just put your arms around my neck." Liu Daniu reminded, with a smile on his face.Liu Daniu didn't seem to be struggling to carry Liu Baobao.

Thinking about it, in the past two years, he has done a lot of farm work in the field, so it is so easy to hug him.

However, in other aspects, especially when he was followed by two people today, he didn't notice it at all. It took a while before he found out one of them. Strictly speaking, Liu Baobao exposed himself.

Regarding this point, Liu Daniu already felt some crisis.Pay attention to yourself in the future.

"Liu Baobao, why are you here, you shameless little girl, are you ashamed..."

Liu Jinhua in front saw Liu Daniu ignoring him, skipped her, ran to Liu Baobao, and saw Liu Baobao pretending to be lying on the ground, he immediately picked up Liu Baobao.

For Liu Jinhua, it was nothing more than a hard slap on her face.

Liu Jinhua couldn't bear it, a person who neglected herself so thoroughly.

Liu Baobao was scolded, she could bear it, but she did something shameless to this aunt herself, but she came to accuse her in turn, Liu Baobao only felt disgusted, and there was really nothing else Feel.

Liu Baobao made a small face, unwilling to say anything.

She shamelessly ran away with her little husband, what else could she say to her, if she was a normal person, then it would be nothing to Liu Baobao, but this is a normal person ?

Apart from these two words, Liu Baobao has no other words to describe Liu Jinhua.

From then on, she would no longer regard Liu Jinhua as her aunt.

(End of this chapter)

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