Small peasant girl wants to farm

Chapter 163 Chapter 164

Chapter 163 Chapter 164
Liu Daniu originally wanted to grow medicine fields and sell them for money, because it would make money quickly.However, other major pharmacies will not take away loose medicines casually.

However, later, Liu Daniu went to the city again, and he asked several medicine shops with a shy face, and one of them introduced Liu Daniu to a master who processed medicinal materials.

The master of concocting medicinal materials, this person accepts the medicinal materials, but the price is kept very low.After all, it is an unprocessed medicinal material.

Originally, Liu Daniu wanted to learn the business of concocting medicinal materials, but the old man of the old Liu family refused to let him go, and Liu Daniu had no choice.

From the looks of it now, as long as we slowly start selling some medicinal materials at a low price.

Now Liu Daniu is still walking towards the piece of land he has reclaimed.

Liu Daniu has already decided that he can't make money from growing medicinal materials.

Liu Daniu looked at this big mountain, could there be any good things on such a big mountain?

Liu Daniu frowned and thought.

For example, ganoderma, ginseng.These ones don't need to be concocted, they are worth a lot in themselves.

That's right, thinking of this, Liu Daniu was inexplicably excited.Perhaps, he can change the cultivation of medicinal materials, and instead plant these rare, precious, top-level medicinal materials that are scarce outside.

Well, just do it.

After Liu Daniu thought of this good idea, he immediately thought of going to the mountains to search for it.

Anyway, today, Mr. Liu probably won't look for him again.Recently, Liu Daniu's status in the old Liu's family has improved, and the old man doesn't always keep an eye on him.

Liu Daniu found Liu Baobao in the forest.

Liu Daniu walked towards Liu Baobao.As he walked towards him, he looked at this girl, but he was very familiar with the forest behind the old Liu's family. It seemed that he could ask the baby, maybe she would know.

"Baby." Liu Daniu called out.

"Well, what's the matter?" Liu Baobao turned around strangely.

Today my little aunt's in-laws came, Liu Baobao saw it, and the whole family treated that guy really well.She was furious and escaped again.

Liu Baobao didn't want to watch and make himself sad.

"What's wrong?" Liu Baobao asked again, this little husband is good, but he doesn't have the financial resources of his little aunt's future husband's family.What's more, my little husband has lost his memory.On this point, Liu Baobao felt that he was really better than many little aunts Liu Yinhua.

"Baby, is there any ginseng in this mountain?" Liu Daniu asked.

"Well, what is this?" Liu Baobao shook his head.

"Uh..." Liu Daniu was surprised.

Why doesn't this girl know.Has she never heard of anything?

Liu Daniu was very surprised.

"Well, tell me, maybe I've seen it before." Liu Baobao stood up, she was very talkative.

Liu Daniu smiled, "Well, then let me tell you, this thing is very valuable, if you have seen it before, remember it..."

When Liu Baobao heard this, he regained his spirits.

This seems to be another good opportunity for the two of them to secretly make money and make a fortune.This time, she must hold back and not let the old man know about it.

"Well, hurry up, tell me, Brother Big Niu." Liu Baobao was anxious.

Liu Daniu described the appearance of ginseng and ganoderma in his memory.

"Is this thing worth money?" Liu Baobao heard that it seemed to be similar to ordinary radishes and fungus.

"Yes." Liu Daniu stared at Liu Baobao expectantly.

"Then go up the mountain and look for it. I seem to have seen a lot of them on the mountain..."

Liu Baobao smiled.

Qian Qianqian seemed to be getting closer and closer to her.


(End of this chapter)

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