Chapter 565 0566
The white robe looks very beautiful, and on the back of the robe, there are portraits of the family of four embroidered by the daughter.The mother hugged the elder brother, and the father hugged the younger sister.The family is happy and harmonious, and there is a house behind them.

With good thoughts in your heart, you are invincible, and with benevolence and righteousness in your heart, you are invincible.

In the last battle of the general, he was not afraid of returning the body shrouded in horse leather, but he was afraid that he would die in a foreign land and no one would know.He had won so many battles, but in the end there was not even a single person to collect his body.

Patting his head still immersed in memories, Hou Qing forced himself to become sober.He glared at Yin Lingzi and Nuba who still wanted to continue to cast mana.But this time he was not angry, but said to Wukong: "Fight with me, if you can beat me, then let's talk about letting me join you."

Wukong's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is this really true?"

Hou Qing said: "So what if you don't take it seriously? Do you have a choice? Since they both chose to follow you, you must have the capital to make them follow. Show it to me to see and see, and I haven't been active for a long time. "

Being able to rank eighth among the top ten demon gods, the Corpse Queen Houqing is naturally stronger than Yin Lingzi and Nuba.But his most powerful thing is the extremely poisonous corpse poison.Not to mention a demon hunter with some cultivation, even a celestial immortal.As long as you are poisoned by the corpse, you can't live for eight hours without Houqing's antidote.

Jumping up, Wukong punched Hou Qing, and the latter did not dodge, but greeted him with a punch.Wukong collided with Houqing's fists, and there was a piercing explosion.As if trying to pierce the eardrums of the bystanders, the nun not only covered her own ears, but also covered the ears of Yin Lingzi who reacted a little slower.

Even so, there was a long humming in both of their ears.When Nuba looked up, Wukong and Houqing had already flown into the air.

For Houqing, it doesn't matter whether he wins or not, the important thing is that he hopes to see what Wukong thinks.Only when a person concentrates on doing one thing is the easiest time to perform mind reading.

Because at this time, he was concentrating on fighting, and he would not notice that other things had quietly invaded his brain.Houqing is a little curious about Wukong, hoping to find the answer in Wukong's memory.

In other words, he doesn't quite believe the reason Wukong gave earlier.

What does it mean to hope for justice for the demon world?Can justice be recovered?Isn't justice always there?What does it mean to live with dignity?Is dignity given by others?As a demon god, he naturally knows about the affairs of the demon world, but so what?

Are those inconsistencies the responsibility of the Demon King?Since the Yaozu and Mozu themselves are not up to date, why bother to complain that the human world and the heavenly world are unfair to them.

After discovering Wukong's memory, Hou Qing finally found the answer he wanted after many twists and turns.

In a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, the gate of the temple was slowly opened.A little monk poked his head out from inside, and then trot along the mountain road to prepare to go down the mountain.


Before reaching the first turning point, the little monk fell heavily to the ground, and fell down hard.But he was not discouraged, but he got up and rubbed his knees that were purple from the fall, and continued to run down the mountain.

"Cough cough!"

An untimely cough sounded, and the little monk came to an emergency stop, looking around with those big eyes.After hearing the second cough, the little monk sighed heavily and said, "Master, I was wrong, I will go back to fetch water now."

When the young monk walked back to the monastery, Hou Qing saw an old monk walking out of the grass with a few leaves on his head.He walked towards the temple with his hands behind his back, with a smug smile on his face.

This kind of hide-and-seek game has been played by old monks and young monks for many years.According to the young monk's impression, he should have grown up a long time ago, but even he himself doesn't know why he is still a child.And he will always forget what happened before. When he was six years old, he couldn't remember what happened when he was five years old, and when he was seven years old, he couldn't remember what happened when he was six years old.

The young monk asked the old monk about this more than once, and the answer given by the old monk was very simple. "You're still young, it's normal not to remember things, just grow up a bit."

As soon as the screen changed, Hou Qing walked into the meditation room.The old monk is still meditating, and the young monk has long since turned into a teenager.Seeing the intermittent white light above the old monk's head, Hou Qing had already guessed the state of the old monk at this time.

When the monks passed away, most of them said that they would go to the Lingshan Mountain in the Western Heaven, where they would get a golden body and become a Buddhist, so that they could continue to practice in the future.

The old monk said: "After traveling to so many places, I finally chose to stay here. Wukong, do you know why I chose this place as my teacher?"

Goku shook his head, then nodded again.Of course he knew, but wished he didn't.The old monk once told him that he chose this place to seal the magic power in Wukong's body.Use the aura of the ancient spirit mountain range to dilute the hostility in Wukong's body.

If Wukong can't be less hostile, and then the hostility is mixed with mana, the mana will definitely be swallowed by the hostility in the end.At that time, Wukong will be enchanted, all mana will turn black, and the things he does will naturally have nothing to do with justice.

Born as a loose immortal, the old monk has only seen Wukong for so many years.Since the reincarnation of heaven exists, it must have its mission.So the old monk gave Wukong a mission before he died.

Thousands of years ago, the human world and the heavenly world joined forces, not only killing the master of the demon world at that time, but also preventing the eight subsequent reincarnations of the demon king.As a result, the dragons in the demon world had no leader, and finally became a mess, allowing the human world and the heavenly world to divide and eat.

At the beginning, they were not so unscrupulous, and at most they were doing some cheap business with the two races of monsters.Without the demon king to lead them, cracks had already appeared within the two clans of demons.After the intrigue, the fisherman took advantage of it, and the royal family of the human world and the two major alliances who took advantage of the vacancy finally took most of the territory of the demon world into their pockets.

Since then, the two races of monsters and demons have lived a life of neither human nor ghost.This kind of life lasted for 1000 years, knowing that people are used to treating the two races of monsters as servants, tools, and medicine.No one treats the two races of monsters as equals anymore, they will only use the two races of monsters as tools or goods.

The old monk's last words were to let Wukong stand up for the demon world.Help the two races of monsters to seek justice, and restore the equality of all beings in the Three Realms.

In order to get Wukong to agree, the old monk used his remaining mana to forcibly load the fate of the nine-rank demon king who was almost wiped out onto Wukong.Although he has dual identities, he has only one duty.

The old monk said: "Wukong, if you promise to be your teacher, you must stand up for the demon world and seek justice for the two races."

(End of this chapter)

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