The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 396 0397, I will never regret taking one step

Chapter 396 0397, take a step and never regret

The initial choice was made by Cao Cao himself. It was his voluntary offer to kill Dong Zhuo with a knife, and the latter two were forced to flee Luoyang City even more because of the situation.If it wasn't for completely turning against Dong Zhuo, he wouldn't have raised troops in his hometown, wouldn't have partnered with Yuan Shao, and wouldn't have been kicked out by the allied forces.

He is the loyal minister who wants to help the Han Dynasty the most besides Sun Jian, but unfortunately the big guy has a world of difference from his thinking.In the end, he not only failed to realize his ideal, but also made the situation of the Han Dynasty more and more chaotic.

Seeing Cao Cao sobbing softly, Long Fei patted his shoulder helplessly.There is no absolute in everything, isn't it right? Isn't it right for 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi?

Cao Cao, whom everyone despises, now has tens of thousands of troops, and his power and number are still increasing.Has become one of the most potential forces among the princes, and no one will underestimate him like before.

Cao Cao has completed his initial venture, but now he is also facing a choice.Standing at a crossroads again, he really needs to face up to this question as to how to choose.At the beginning, the soldiers were raised to help the Han Dynasty, but now the Han Dynasty is at the end of its strength, and no one cares about the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty.

When Cao Cao was drunk, the person he mentioned the most was his father.He has always wanted to impress his father, hoping that he can make a career out of it.Unexpectedly, he killed his father in the end, for which Cao Cao blamed himself for a whole life.

Some things are done wrong, and some things are wise and wrong.Cao Cao is like this now, no matter how many people don't understand him, he must go on this road.

"Don't hesitate, you can continue to develop your power and recruit more soldiers. When the thirteen prefectures are unified in the future, you will be worthy of the dead emperor." Long Fei said to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao squinted at Long Fei and said, "But if that's the case, there will be several tough battles to be fought in the future. All forces occupy the states, and wanting to unify the thirteen states is equivalent to making an enemy of the whole world."

Long Fei smiled and said, "Why, are you afraid?"

"I, Cao Cao, will be afraid?" Cao Cao said, "From the day I was born, I have never been afraid of anyone."

Cao Cao really didn't lie when he said this, he was really different from other children since he was a child.Because his grandfather was a eunuch, and some of the eunuchs at that time were eunuchs.So Cao Cao was ridiculed since he was a child, saying that he was the queen of the eunuch.It was those eunuchs who disturbed Chao Gang, so many people looked down on Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao was very young, his father taught him a truth.Face is not obtained by asking others, but by fighting for it with strength.As for how to fight, that is Cao Cao's business, and his father never participated.

A long time ago, children in the city were afraid of passing through the mass graves in the suburbs.Many people say that it is haunted by ghosts, adults dare not pass by there alone, and it is said that there is still crying there at night.

This kind of thing is an undisclosed secret. Not long after it was spread among the adults, the children in the city were both curious and afraid of the random graveyard.Those children were all around ten years old, and they tried many times but they didn't dare to get close to the mass grave.Later, a child took the initiative to stand up and said that he not only dared to go to the random grave, but also dared to stay in the random grave overnight.

Not only the children, but even the adults who heard about it were extremely shocked.If it was a grown-up who said that, they'd think he was bragging.But the person who said this was only an eight-year-old child, which made them naturally not think about bragging.

Everyone gave a witness to the child named Cao Aman, and then watched him enter the mass grave with their own eyes.Among them, there were many caring people who guarded outside the graveyard for a whole night, and finally saw Cao Aman who was safe and sound.

From then on, these children never laughed at Cao Aman again, and after that incident, many adults also recognized Cao Aman.

Of course not everyone likes him, there are two people who especially hated Cao Aman at that time.One is his parent's senior, an elder of the same generation as his father.He is full of words when he talks, he has always been displeased with Cao A's concealment, and he likes to teach Cao A's concealment when he has something to do.

There is another person who is the teacher in the private school.He was an acquaintance with that person, and it seemed that he was influenced by that person, so he didn't look good when he kept a secret from Cao A.Of course, this is not the main reason. The main reason is that Cao Aman always asks him some questions that are not in the book.

For example, in this world, which came first, the chicken or the egg.Cao A kept asking him this question dozens of times, but every time he would be laughed at by the students and teachers in the private school for several days whether he answered or not.

There is another question, which can be regarded as Cao Aman's trump card against this disliked teacher.The content of the question is "Your mother and your daughter-in-law fell into the water at the same time, who do you save first?"

When Cao Aman asked this question for the first time, the teacher's wife happened to go to the private school to bring him food.She was at the door when she asked this question, and the teacher didn't think too much about it. Isn't it just a hypothetical question.He directly replied that it would be over if he saved his wife first, since his mother was not there anyway.

But he didn't expect it, and he didn't know that it was the talkative person who received a thousand dollars, and his mother knew about it that afternoon.After returning home, the teacher, but it took a lot of effort to coax the mother who has been raising him for nothing.But it was also from that day that he no longer dared to openly compete with Cao A.

There is another thing that laid the foundation for Cao Aman's many inconveniences after entering the officialdom.It was just a whim to do these things at the beginning, but the damage caused by these things to him was a bit beyond imagination.

He was looked down upon by others at that time, so he naturally wanted to take revenge on those who looked down on him.The best way to get revenge is to make those people unable to do what they want. Most people like the female teachers in their private schools.There are only two female teachers who teach, and they are both from scholarly families.

Since childhood, the family has been taught very strictly, not to mention piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, poetry and poetry, the appearance of these two female gentlemen alone can make complete teenagers flock to them.No one in the private school disliked them, including Cao Aman of course.

The tactics of those people are quite old-fashioned, giving gold, silver and jewelry to celebrities, calligraphy and paintings, or fighting with stalkers.Anyway, as long as there is a method that can be thought of, those grandchildren have practiced it.When the gang of grandsons hit the wall again and again, Cao Aman never took any action.

He is studying musical instruments, especially the obsessive pipa.Not only can he play the pipa easily, but he can even make his own pipa.Because those grandchildren didn't know at all that the two female gentlemen were born young. Although they had learned a lot and were rich in knowledge, they were both very fond of musical instruments.

There is no need to take the initiative to find them, just use the pipa to play a song at the right time.The two female gentlemen who were about to go home were attracted by the sound of the piano, and drove the carriage to the lake where the sound came from.

Two beauties and one young man resonate with the three pipas.It is said that same sex repels opposite sex attracts, and opposite sex attracts for a reason.Two people with different hobbies together is torture, and a group of people with the same interests together is like heaven.Later, Cao Aman got closer and closer to the two female gentlemen, which attracted the envy and jealousy of countless students in the private school.

Time can not only create love, but also turn envy and jealousy into hatred.Everyone thought Cao A was not pleasing to hide it, but there was no chance to retaliate against him at that time.In the future, everyone left one after another and went their separate ways, and later many people entered the court as officials.Although they were court officials like Cao Aman, they didn't show any kindness to Cao Aman.

After dawn, Cao Cao couldn't remember what he said last night.Long Fei only felt a headache, but he couldn't remember what happened last night.I just remember that the two of them drank a lot of wine, and Cao Cao talked a lot.

Back then, he once said, "I would rather let the world bear me down than let the world bear me down."He has always regarded these words as his motto, and regarded them as the principle of doing things.In fact, this can be explained in another way, that is, it is better to kill one thousand by mistake than to let one go.Of course he did the same. Once he found something wrong, he immediately killed them in the cradle.

To be honest, Long Fei originally wanted to say goodbye to Cao Cao.He treats Long Fei very well, and also thinks highly of Long Fei.But Long Fei didn't want to deal with the tomb all day long, after all, that place was where the dead were buried.The risk factor is too high. He was lucky enough not to die today, but no one can tell if he can survive tomorrow.

Long Fei really didn't want to do this kind of job of stepping into the gate of hell.It is not like going to battle to kill the enemy. As long as you are brave and resourceful, you can not only kill the enemy and make meritorious service, but also continuously improve your combat effectiveness on the battlefield.But as for the burial, there is a large part of luck in it.

Even the experienced Lieutenant Mojin and General Faqiu Zhonglang will have tombs and organs they have never seen before.Once there is a miss, they will be buried together in the tomb.Experience cannot be passed on to others, and this situation will be inevitable in the future.

But seeing Cao Cao's eyes, Long Fei never said these words.He understands Cao Cao's difficulties, and also knows that he is now on the rise in his career.If there are not many people to help him at this moment, the Cao family army will be annexed by other forces sooner or later.Therefore, he must develop his power quickly, and he must do everything possible to recruit soldiers.

He never told anyone else about this, and he only mentioned it to Long Fei once last night.As long as the number of Cao's army can reach six figures, he will start to clean up several counties near Yuzhou.First double the territory, and then double the original force.Don't rush to eat a fat man in one bite, this matter needs to be done steadily.

Long Fei didn't say anything about leaving, and Cao Cao, who guessed what Long Fei was thinking, naturally didn't mention it either.He just told Long Fei that he hoped he could help him raise more military pay.No matter how the future war will be, he will fulfill his promise to Long Fei.No matter how many cities are captured in the future, no innocent people will be harmed.

This is not only Cao Cao's promise to Long Fei, but also what he promised to everyone when he raised his troops.He wants to ensure that the people in his jurisdiction can live and work in peace and contentment, and naturally he also needs to ensure that the soldiers under his command have military pay and food.These are the most basic guarantees, and both are indispensable.

Seeing that Long Fei agreed to stay, Cao Cao immediately sent a map.This map was jointly drawn by several topographical experts, and it is an extremely detailed topographical map.

The map not only has the general situation map of the thirteen prefectures of the Han Dynasty, but also the marking prompts of the forces of each prefecture.There are also many confirmed tomb locations, and one of these places marked with red dots is in Yuzhou.

This red dot is different from the others, much bigger than the other red dots.According to Cao Cao, it means that this tomb should be a group of tombs, with more than one emperor buried.

More than one emperor was buried, and naturally there were more than one funeral objects.

(End of this chapter)

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