The brothers who traveled westward in those years

Chapter 362 0363, there are gods 3 feet up

Chapter 362 0363

The next afternoon, Long Fei went to the prison to meet Liao Feng.He was much smarter than He Hua, and he was very calm from the beginning to the end.He knows everything without saying anything, no matter what questions Long Fei asks, he can answer Long Fei immediately.

It looked like he was asking questions and Long Fei was answering.Every question was answered impeccably, and there was no clue at all.

After a stick of incense, Long Fei had finished asking most of the questions he had prepared, and asked Liao Feng casually, "How is your relationship with He Hua?"

Liao Feng said: "He Hua is Mei Song's wife. At Mei Song's invitation, he has visited his house several times and tasted He Hua's cooking skills. She is beautiful and cooks well. Mei Song is really lucky. .”

Long Fei asked: "Did you know He Hua before?"

Liao Feng said: "They're all old neighbors. They look down and don't look up. It's a bit pretentious to say they don't know each other."

There was nothing wrong with what he said, but Liao Feng's performance made Long Fei very uncomfortable.Such a big murder happened in the post house, but he was indifferent.He answered the question without emotion, as if it had nothing to do with him.The more he reacted like this, the more Long Fei doubted him.

Since he couldn't find any new clues, Long Fei could only tell Liao Feng what He Hua told him earlier.According to He Hua, Liao Feng and her are not ordinary neighbors.If He Hua's parents didn't agree, she should have been Liao Feng's wife by now.

When I asked Liao Feng about this topic, the answer I got was the same as before.Liao Feng replied coldly that he did like He Hua before.But at that time, he was still young, and he didn't understand the truth of beauty in trouble.He also wanted to ask Master Zhang, the sheriff, to officiate the marriage for him, but luckily He Hua's parents didn't agree.

What Liao Feng said was so natural, just like the real thing.He said that he didn't hate He Hua's parents at all, but now he was a little grateful to He Hua's parents.If it hadn't been for their refusal, perhaps he would have died in the posthouse instead of Mei Song.

I don't know why Liao Feng commented on He Hua so much, Long Fei wanted to know more details from Liao Feng, but he deliberately changed the topic.He hoped that Long Fei could visit the neighbors near He Hua's house more and let them evaluate what kind of person He Hua is.

However, there is one thing that Liao Feng cannot change, he almost married He Hua once.No matter what he thinks now, this is an unchangeable fact.As for whether he harassed He Hua later, of course, he needs to visit the neighbors to verify this matter.

Regarding Liao Feng's visit to He Hua's house two days before the incident, Liao Feng kept silent until Long Fei brought it up.When Long Fei described everything that happened at that time in detail, Liao Feng admitted that he did go to He Hua's house that day.He was also the one who sent Mei Song away, but he refused to admit that he had any unreasonable thoughts about He Hua.

Liao Feng has always been single. Although he can't be called a rich man, his income can definitely be called a well-off level.It is not a problem to support the whole family, and his position may be further promoted.If Liao Feng worked hard for another two or three years, he might be promoted directly to the county yamen.

It was difficult to find a breakthrough from Liao Feng, so Long Fei went to find the last suspect that night.According to the confessions of Liao Feng and He Hua, Ding Yao became the biggest point of difference between them.Because He Hua said that she saw Ding Yao when she sent Liao Feng away, and she even begged Ding Yao not to tell anyone what he saw.

But Liao Feng said that Ding Yao was not there when he left He Hua's house.And he hasn't gone far, He Hua has already closed the door, the situation that He Hua said doesn't exist at all.Moreover, he had evidence that Ding Yao could not have been there at the time.He provided the evidence to Long Fei, hoping that Long Fei could verify the evidence.

As before, Ding Yao was emotionally unstable in the cell.According to the guards in the cell, the kid didn't eat or drink after he was locked up.He kept saying that he wanted it, and that the posthouse murder had nothing to do with him.

After seeing Long Fei, Ding Yao begged Long Fei even harder, hoping that he could give him justice.And repeatedly swore that he had nothing to do with the posthouse murder.He is also an indirect victim of this murder case, and the real culprit should be arrested and their innocence should be returned.

Just asking Ding Yao, Long Fei only asked him three questions.

First, what is the relationship between Ding Yao and Wei Lan?
Second, did you see Liao Feng coming out of He Hua's house two days before the incident?
Third, where was he that night?
Let me talk about the first question first, what is the relationship between Ding Yao and Wei Lan?

According to Ding Yao's account, his relationship with Wei Lan has always been very good.The two of them have known each other since childhood, but they didn't play together at that time.Moreover, Wei Lan was very attractive at that time, and a large group of peers liked to play with her.To put it bluntly, it means that it is very popular, but to put it bluntly, it means that Ding Yao doesn't like Ding Yao at all.

But Ding Yao has always had a good impression of Wei Lan. When she was a child, she didn't really like Wei Lan. She just envied those little friends who could play with her.After growing up, his thoughts gradually changed, and only then did he secretly fall in love with Wei Lan.

However, there was something that Ding Yao didn't want to understand, so she took this opportunity to express the doubts buried in her heart.Wei Lan, who was very popular since she was a child, naturally looked down on Ding Yao when she grew up.Talking to him is basically a look of indifference, no matter what Ding Yao does, she looks down on her.

But I also know why, suddenly one day Wei Lan seemed to be a different person.The attitude towards Ding Yao took a 180-degree turn. Not only did she care about Ding Yao, but she also married Ding Yao later.In the second year after their marriage, Wei Lan gave birth to a fat boy for Ding Yao.

Many people said that the child did not look like Ding Yao at all. Ding Yao had heard this word hundreds if not a thousand times.But he never took it seriously, after all, he always believed in Wei Lan's character.

The second question, did you see Liao Feng coming out of He Hua's house two days before the incident?
When this question was mentioned, Ding Yao denied it without even thinking about it.He said that he never saw Liao Feng come out of He Hua's house, and he didn't know where He Hua's house lived.

One last question, where was he that night?

According to Ding Yao's explanation, he was at home the night of the incident.Daughter-in-law Wei Lan returned to her natal home, but she didn't take the child with her.Ding Yao has been taking care of the child at home. On the night of the incident, he went out to buy something while the child was asleep.Passing by the posthouse, he came in and chatted with acquaintances. If the official Mei Song hadn't asked him to help him on duty, he wouldn't have brought the child to the posthouse for the night.

According to the time described by Ding Yao, of course, when Long Fei came to the post house, it should be the time when he came home to pick up his child.He didn't know what was wrong with Mei Song, so he insisted on asking him to help with the night shift.When he brought the child back from home, Mei Song was no longer at the counter.

Ding Yao didn't think too much, just thought that Mei Song left in a hurry.If there were not so many officers and soldiers rushing in the next morning, I am afraid that Ding Yao would not believe that her daughter-in-law would die in the posthouse that night.

He Hua said that she saw Ding Yao when she sent Liao Feng away, but Liao Feng and Ding Yao denied it.Long Fei had to verify this matter first, and of course this required more people and more evidence.

Visit the neighbors in the neighborhood near He Hua's home, and listen to everyone's evaluation of He Hua based on the information provided by Liao Feng.Long Fei already understood Liao Feng's intention after only leaving three houses.Although he didn't say it clearly, the result of the interview was already obvious. Everyone didn't like He Hua very much.

According to the reactions of the neighbors in the neighborhood, they often saw He Hua lose his temper and drive Mei Song out of the house.Whose mother-in-law can do this kind of thing, even if this kind of thing does happen, most of the elders will drive the daughter-in-law out of the house.He Hua took Mei Song's role and drove Mei Song out of the house again and again.

Sometimes he would mock Mei Song at the door, despising him for not being able to make money.He also said that he was blind after following him, and that he would be a cow and a horse in the next life and would never have anything to do with Mei Song again.

There were many people present when she said this, but no one came out to dissuade her.It's hard for an upright official to decide on housework, and no one wants to make a fuss if he can't beat the fox.After a long time, everyone got used to it, and it became no surprise to He Hua's various behaviors.

If the testimony provided by He Hua's neighbors is relied on, He Hua's words will lose the most basic credibility.It can't even be said to be credible at all.

But everything has two sides. According to Long Fei's past habits, he would still make two assumptions about this matter.The first is that He Hua did not lie, and the second is that He Hua lied.

If all this is true, then it is not difficult to guess what Liao Feng is thinking.He was simply framing He Hua, and there must be an ulterior reason for him to do so.

If all of this is false, then He Hua must have something to hide.What she concealed was the truth, but there must be other people involved in this truth.

According to the current situation, Ding Yao's suspicion is the least, so the method of elimination should be used.First rule out Ding Yao, who is the least suspicious, and then focus on Liao Feng and He Hua.

Long Fei took Zilong to Ding Yao's house, and his child had been sent to the neighbor's house to take care of him.But Ding Yao's family is really doing well, because Ding Yao is a craftsman.I have learned carpentry from my master since I was a child, and I have practiced a good craft for so many years.People who rely on craftsmanship may not be rich and powerful, but those who have craftsmanship will definitely not go hungry.

Everything in the house was made by Ding Yao himself, some of which were made by Wei Lan and him together.Influenced by Ding Yao, Wei Lan also liked to make some wooden utensils after she married him.

Putting on the gloves, Long Fei rummaged around Ding Yao's house for a long time.Of course, he would not destroy any of the facilities as they were, but he also wanted to find some evidence that could prove that Ding Yao was not suspected.As long as there is nothing to gain in Ding Yao's house, this is the best proof for him.It's not to completely rule out his suspicion, but to minimize the suspicion.

Long Fei, who had been busy for a long time, sat at the dining table, which was different from ordinary dining tables.Its shape resembles the table of the Eight Immortals, but the tabletop of this table is very thick.When you knock it, you can tell it is solid wood. I am afraid that only an old carpenter like Ding Yao can use solid wood as a dining table.

The curious Long Fei fumbled under the dining table behind him, always feeling that this dining table looked very different.

There was a crisp sound of "stab", even Long Fei didn't know what was going on, a small grid had already popped up under the dining table.There was a box in the grid, and Long Fei's face changed drastically when he opened the small box.

(End of this chapter)

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