Snake King begging Ji

Chapter 144 First Night

Chapter 144 First Night (1)

At this moment, Panpan remembered a lot, a lot of past events.After living for so many years, no matter in the previous life or in this life, he is the first person who is willing to treat him well except his mother.

Thinking that when he was locked up in the ancestral hall, he gave him chicken legs and put him in his clothes.When the fireworks exploded, she was terrified, but when she saw his anxious eyes and touched his cold embrace, she finally burst into tears.

In his arms, she sobbed and said, "I hurt."Burying his bloody face on his chest, tears welled up.At that moment, all the grievances and fears turned into hot attachment.

Yes, she is attached to him.Attached to his powerful and omnipotent ability, even more attached to the joy and pain he gave himself.

It was him who made her who was used to the indifference of the world feel the warmth of human affection. It was him who gave her a strong sense of security during the ups and downs in her life.

Now when he was sick in bed, when his mind was full of thoughts, he was the only one in his mind.

But at this time, when she was the most vulnerable and most disturbed, he told her that I never showed my sincerity to you.

Hearing his words, she was not sad, only regretful.

Panpan looked blankly, and said softly: "Yushe, shouldn't I tell you that I like you. I shouldn't let you know that I need your care for me. In this way, you won't be like avoiding the plague. leaving me."

Yes, he felt that she liked him, and he dared not see her again.Because I am a coward, a coward who will never dare to face this face.

But, what does all this have to do with Panpan?
Why did he implicate her with the crimes he committed thousands of years ago?

From beginning to end, she was just an innocent girl, that's all.

If there is no her, if even she leaves him, then living forever is really too painful and desolate punishment.

Yushe turned her head slowly, Panpan's tearful face made him feel sorry for him.It's all his fault, how can you blame her?
He asked in a low voice: "Panpan, no matter what I did wrong, are you willing to be with me? No matter how dirty and ugly my heart is when I take off the human mask, you are willing to like it." me?"

(End of this chapter)

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