Chapter 82 Inadvertent touch 1
 There is another reason, which Li Shi did not point out, that is to eliminate Feng Qi's suspicion. As a minister, he is most afraid of the master of meritorious service. If Wei Qian checks and balances himself and forms a confrontation, it will appear that his power has been weakened. On the contrary, it can make the monarch and his subjects get along in harmony.

But Feng Qi was thinking about another matter. Although what Master Li said was correct, having such a person by her side was the best proof of the benevolent government she was going to promulgate now, but she could leave one who was against her. Feng Qi felt a little uncomfortable to be appointed to such an important position with such an important person by his side.

The feeling of betrayal is really enough!

During the medicinal bath, Jiang Yunchen was still treating Feng Qi according to the previous pattern, and a while of skin contact was unavoidable. Although Jiang Yunchen had nothing on the surface, Feng Qi could clearly feel his nervousness and even... fear!
The indifference that has been maintained has finally changed.

What is he afraid of?
Because of the previous treatments, Feng Qi's body has gradually started to recover, and even the acupuncture is no longer as painful as before!

"Scream out when it hurts, and holding it back is not good for your health. People feel pain, it's nothing."

His eyes are blind, but Jiang Yunchen can always clearly see the condition of Feng Qi's body. Feng Qi's endurance is super strong, even if he dies, he will not groan, but his body's instinctive reaction cannot be faked.

"You're talking about ordinary people, but I'm not an ordinary person, and the pain is no longer as painful as before!" Feng Qi replied lightly.

I don't know why, but her attitude towards Jiang Yunchen seems to have changed in the past few days, and even she herself feels uncomfortable with this change.

"Are you in a bad mood? Are you bothering about Wei Qian?"

Jiang Yunchen spoke casually, and carefully pulled out the silver needle from Feng Qishou.

"Master Li is a bastard who would be popular if he was given three points, yet at this time he recommended Wei Qian to be Prime Minister Zuo! Isn't this intentional to embarrass me?"

Thinking of this, Feng Qi couldn't help being angry. Although she knew that Master Li would never have any malicious intentions, it was really uncomfortable to disgust herself like this.Besides, Feng Qi's impression of Wei Qian in the past was extremely bad, and this subconscious impression has also affected Feng Qi now.

"As far as I know, Wei Qian is honest, loyal, and knowledgeable. He is indeed a rare talent!"

"What are you thinking about An, don't you know that he has opinions on me? With such a person by my side, how will I live in the future?" Feng Qi is not sensitive to this kind of upright and pedantic person.

"Phoenix Lord, forgive me! I'm just telling the truth."

When Jiang Yunchen heard Feng Qi's words, he quickly bowed his head and pleaded guilty, but there was no apology in his tone at all, it was still so flat.

"If I didn't need your treatment, I would have killed you with a sword!"

Feng Qi threatened viciously, but she was vigilant for a while.

What's wrong with me?The attitude towards the blind seems to be a little too nice lately.

"Now tell me, what is it about Wei Qian that you recommend him so much?"

Feng Qi said, although she really didn't like Wei Qian very much in her heart, but Master Li said so, and Jiang Yunchen said so at the moment, which made Feng Qi start to think about it.After all, my goal is not to really be a competent queen, the vast world outside is still waiting for me.

(End of this chapter)

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