Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 747 Despair

Chapter 747 Despair
This blankness lasted for a long time. After the huge avalanche, the deafening sound gradually disappeared, and what was left was only the whimpering sound of the wind and snow. under any influence.

The snow is still falling, the wind is still blowing, but we, the three outside intruders, feel at a loss.

In the end, Bai Shuang recovered first, tugged at my sleeve, and said, "Chen Xuan, what should we do now?"

I shook my head, many things flashed through my mind.No matter how I guessed Lu Su before, but this time, he was indeed the one who saved us. It is really difficult for this person to fathom his true thoughts.I said: "Go back and see if I can save people." Even so, I know that this hope is very slim, because this avalanche has almost filled the entire snow ditch with our current ice surface, and the snow that just fell at this moment The snow is so soft that it is impossible to walk on foot. If we want to save people, we have to put on snowboards.

Fortunately, this thing has been prepared in advance, but such a thick snow, what kind of situation will be buried under the snow, people really can't raise good expectations.

In contrast, Bai Sanye showed genuine urgency, and even scolded: "That damn thing." I don't know if this is a scolding for the real Lu Su or a fake Lu Su. It seems that he and Lu Su are very close During the period, there should be a strong collusion of interests, otherwise, they would not be so angry.

We put on our snowboards and started walking back immediately. This snow ditch is not long. Although there is no reference, we also found the approximate location by comparing the length, but this area is full of snow.Bai Shuang asked me what to do, I thought about it, and said, "Go ahead and see if you can dig out anything." I'm not sure whether to dig up a living person or a dead body.

However, just as we were about to start, the fluffy fresh snow suddenly bulged up near the ice wall, shaking, as if something was about to come out.This vision startled us a lot. After calming down, I realized that there was something wrong, so I immediately went to dig the snow. After digging twice, a human head came out. It wasn't Lu Su, whoever it was.

Bai Shuang covered her mouth, not to mention how surprised she was.

Monster, this is just like a monster, so he didn't even die?And it crawled out by itself?I shouted in my heart that I was abnormal, and I helped to pull Lu Su out again and again. He was covered in snow and only wearing thin clothes. When his skin touched, he felt icy cold.

However, the mist that came out of his mouth when he breathed showed that the man was indeed alive.

To my surprise, after I peeled away the snow on the surface, I found a snow cave underneath, and the real Lu Su fell into the snow cave. Lu Su tied a rope around his waist and pulled him up. Zhen Lu Su didn't know whether he was dead or alive, he lay on the ground without any movement.

Lu Su seemed to be exhausted, sitting in the snow with no image at the moment, panting heavily, then found clothes from the equipment bag and changed, then smiled and said to me: "I can't think of you Will come back to save me, I will remember this love."

I said: "You have saved me quite a few times. You don't need to remember these. It seems that even if we don't come back, you won't be in any danger."

Lu Su smiled slightly, and said: "Who said that if you don't come back, I will definitely starve to death." He rubbed his hands, tightened the neckline of his sleeves, and said: "Go through this snow ditch first and then talk about it." "He didn't explain why he survived the avalanche, but I observed the snow cave he climbed out of, and soon got a clue, and I couldn't help but admire Lu Su's observation ability for a while.

It seems that he had seen the determination of the real Lu Su to perish together before, and knew that it was useless to say anything, so he came to recruit softness.However, what Zhenlu Su didn't expect was that there was an ice crevasse next to it. This ice crevice was not wide, and if one wanted to get in, one had to turn one's body sideways.

Probably because of his inconspicuousness, he was ignored by Zhen Lu Su. His mind is relatively only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he is inexperienced. It has surprised us to be able to set up this situation. This loophole is also reasonable. among.

It is probably because of this that Lu Su has seen this point, so that we are here now, and he himself, probably at the first moment of the avalanche, quickly hid in this ice crevice.

Snow is no better than sand. The texture of snow has many pores. If a person is in the snow, as long as there is enough space, the snow is compacted, and then expanded according to the principles of mechanics, a snow cave can be formed.Lu Su is an upside-down guy. He has dug a lot of various burglar holes. It is not difficult to build a snow cave with even force.

After the avalanche, Lu Su started to push out of the snow cave along the ice crevasse, and slowly climbed up. I have to say that this person really has a skill.I checked Lu Su's breath and found that he was still alive, probably because he was stunned by the snow, or he was fainted by Lu Su.

I could only smile wryly, sighing in my heart that there was such a strong opponent, and at the same time I was a little admiring. Even if I noticed, I might not be able to think of such a way immediately.

Obviously, when we were still struggling with how to persuade the real Lu Su, Lu Su already had a plan.He immediately gave in to Zhen Lu Su and knelt down. The so-called man can bend and stretch, but that's all.

Lu Su got up from the snow, flipped through the equipment, got the rope, cut the real Lu Su's hands behind his back, tied them behind him, led him with the rope, and then pinched him, and tied him Woke up.

When Zhen Lu Su woke up, he was stunned when he saw our group of people, and then he looked at the surrounding environment and his tied hands. Everyone was stunned.After a while, he lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders, and made a gurgling sound from his throat, which seemed to be suppressed crying.

I didn't say a word, in fact, I can understand Zhen Lu Su's mood at the moment.It is said that men don't flick their tears lightly, but in fact they just haven't reached the point of sadness.In my many years of experience, it is not that I have cried. Of course, this matter cannot be admitted to the outside world, even tofu. It is a matter of face.

I've tried what it's like to be cornered, with no way out, no hope in life.At that time, the so-called strength was superfluous, you had nothing to do, there was no man’s self-esteem at all, and the pain that people faced was often not physical pain, but psychological pain that made people despair.

Now Zhen Lu Su already knew what a formidable opponent he was facing. He used his greatest strength to prepare to die together, but he was still defeated.This feeling must be hopeless. At this moment, the defense line in his heart is close to the verge of collapse. For a person who is meaningless to live and has a big enemy, he is as weak as an ant in front of the enemy. There is no chance of revenge, even being played around with applause, without any ability to resist, it is really a great tragedy.

Although Zhen Lu Su has lived for so many years, no matter his mind or appearance, he is still a young man after all. We surrounded him with a group of more than [-] people. Seeing his desperate appearance made me feel a little uncomfortable.Lu Su watched from the sidelines with a calm expression. I waited for a while, but I couldn't bear it. I knelt down and patted the real Lu Su on the shoulder, saying: "As long as people are alive, there is hope. It is too early to cry now."

Zhen Lu Su raised his head and looked at me coldly, without saying a word.

Lu Su, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, reckoned that he had had enough of watching the show, smiled slightly, and said, "He's right. Life and events go through countless twists and turns. Sometimes it seems hopeless, but in fact there is life. It may not become a bad thing. It is indeed too early for you to cry now."

Zhen Lu Su gritted his teeth and stood up, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Yes, thank you for reminding me, I will remember." After speaking, he straightened his back and showed no other expression on his face.I know that this child has grown up, not physically, but psychologically.

The process of growing up is actually a process of stepping on a knife.

Those who have never experienced a knife are innocent; those who have experienced a knife will have an extremely strong heart.

This heart is strong and cold on the surface, but the inside has already been poked to the point of corruption.

Lu Su smiled when he heard this, patted Zhen Lu Su's shoulder affectionately, and said, "Brother, let's go." The corner of Zhen Lu Su's mouth twitched fiercely, and without a word, he raised his leg and left.Bai Shuang and I walked behind, Bai Shuang thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said: "It stands to reason that he wants to kill us, so we should be on guard against him, but why do I feel that this child is a bit pitiful?"

I didn't answer. People are very complicated creatures. Most people can be called good people, but when there is a conflict of interest, the other party is naturally an enemy.Speaking of which, the real Lu Su is actually the most innocent.Among the five of us, I, Lu Su, and Bai Sanye are all bad youngsters.

Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over good, in fact, farting.It's all about winner and loser, the side that is defeated is evil, and the side that wins is naturally good.

Of course I know that Lu Su is pitiful, but what else can I do besides pity me?To help him fulfill his wish and kill me and Lu Su?This is obviously impossible, so, regarding Bai Shuang's words, I can only keep silent.

(End of this chapter)

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