Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 715 Disguise

Chapter 715 Disguise
I looked at the phone and found that it was Wen Min's call. A very complicated emotion suddenly arose in my heart. The phone rang persistently for a while, and I pressed the answer button.The voice on the other end of the phone was still as gentle as ever.

She asked me about the progress here, I didn't say much, just said that the red hair has mastered the method of using the sky eye, and the next step is to wait.When I said this, I was thinking in my heart, if it is to close the net, then this time is a good opportunity, what will she do?

If Tofu knew that the person he had always regarded as his future sister-in-law actually wanted to send him to prison, I don't know how he would react.

I wanted to test her, so I casually asked, "How's the movement in the capital?"

Wen Min paused and said, "You mean Mr. Bai?"

"Yeah, I don't want to trouble Zhuan Rui very much now, he has helped me enough, so I didn't ask him to ask."

Hearing this, Wen Min smiled, and said: "It's a good thing. This third master Bai is too ignorant to accept the inspection, and the case of the previous shootout is still remembered by the higher authorities, so he has been focusing on him. Work hard, he has suffered a lot recently and has restrained himself a lot."

It seemed that the same as Xiao Jing said, I pretended to be surprised and said, "Good thing. Did you participate in it?"

Wen Min paused and said, "No. I've been in charge of other cases recently. Why?" Her voice was full of doubts, so I changed the subject and said, "It's nothing, I'm just worried that the higher-ups will let you handle this case. That third master Bai is a ruthless character, I am afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry, which will be bad for you."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on. It's late, let's rest."

After hanging up the phone, I immediately called Zhuan Rui and asked him about Mr. Bai.Zhuanrui's statement is the same as Wen Min's, but he has his own opinion. He said that Bai Sanye's several misses seemed to be obstructed by someone. He was fighting Lu Su fiercely during that time, so Bai Sanye has been Suspected that Lu Su had planted someone beside him, and these days have been very orderly.

I said, "Then do you know who is in charge of this case?"

Zhuanrui asked me to wait a moment and get back to me later.

As expected of everyone, after more than 20 minutes, he called and told me that the person in charge of this operation was a ruthless man named 'Zhang Haiqi'. "

My heart twitched, Zhang Haiqi was the one Cyclops told me about, the one who killed the Qi family back then.

If Xiao Jing's words only made me have great doubts, then Zhuan Rui's words confirmed Wen Min's purpose like ironclad evidence.The real reason behind the repeated defeats of Mr. Bai is probably Wen Min's promotion, but it's ridiculous that he thought it was Lu Su who was playing tricks.

Speaking of which, this matter really has nothing to do with Lu Su. He completely put himself out of the matter and silently watched Bai Sanye fall into Wen Min's trap. He regarded Wen Min as a gun, a gun that didn't need him , will eradicate dissident guns for him.

This man's mind and scheming are really unfathomable.

On the phone, Zhuan Rui continued: "Mr. Bai is secretly investigating this matter, trying to find out the spy. Why, are you interested in this matter?"

Naturally, I don't know how to make famous words at this time, so I said it was because of the tofu.So it is inevitable to pay more attention and let him not take it to heart.After hanging up the phone, I began to formalize this matter. Wen Min's real purpose was almost ready to be realized. If I didn't have any countermeasures, I would eventually be caught by her.

In my mind, I actually already had a solution, but once this solution was used, her life would be in jeopardy.

Could it be that the experience of the past three years was all a scam?Thinking of all the past, I was so depressed that I could only put it aside temporarily.

In the morning of the next day, Chen Tiande's antidote arrived by courier early in the morning, and in the afternoon, the big banner wearing a down jacket that looked like a glutinous rice ball came again.In his hand, he carried something like a sand-proof sack, which was heavy and looked like it contained some local products.

He still only saw one head, put the bag in my store, and said: "Eat." I couldn't help but look at the sack more, it seems that it is definitely not a local product, it is probably a person who was surrendered by the banner Zongzi.

This is not Douli, it will be in broad daylight, and it will be sent to the residential building at that time, what if something happens?I said, "There won't be any accidents, right?"

Daqi looked at me with the eyes of your mother-in-law, and said with a sneer, "You think I'm Chen Tiande's parallel importer? Check it out if you're worried." Of course I was worried, so I closed the store, untied the sack, and Look, there was a sudden nausea, and I saw that in the sack, there were dried purple long-haired pieces of meat, which were obviously zongzi meat, just like zongzi that had been dismembered.

They were all dismembered, so naturally nothing would happen.

I find it a bit unbelievable, we are fighting each other, and we often meet zongzi, it is because of professional relationship, but according to Zhen Lu Su's meal of one zongzi a week, where did they get so many zongzi?This zongzi has black hair and belongs to the lowest class. Apart from being extremely powerful and fond of tearing people apart, it has no other abilities.

As if seeing my doubts, Daqi shook his head huddled in his down jacket, quite proudly, and said: "It's not difficult for me to raise these things, boy, do you regret being our enemy now?" ?”

I looked at his smug expression, smiled, and turned around: "In my life dictionary, Chen Xuan, there is no word regret. Go slowly, don't give it away." Sending it over, the kid didn't cooperate very much, and every time he ate, he had to stage a scene of crying and fussing, which took a lot of effort.

After the person left, I immediately dug out the set of signal shielding equipment I had used before, and after turning on the power, I started testing the entire sack.Sure enough, there was a tracker hidden in it.I immediately put on my gloves and went to turn the pile of meat.

Needless to say, the disgusting energy in this is not necessary, but fortunately, this corpse has been processed by the 'tangyuan flag', there is no liquid, but there is a strange smell, which is relatively mild compared to the smell of corpses, quite like stinky salted fish the taste of.

It took about twenty minutes for me to find that little thing. I wasn’t sure if it had monitoring functions, so I said to Cyclops: “I’m going to deliver something later, but you closed the shop. Those who trust Lu will find someone to follow me, and in case something happens, you can come and meet me."

While talking, I wrote on the side of the paper: camouflage, with a tracker, and move in the opposite direction.

Cyclops is a shrewd person, he nodded immediately, but responded in cooperation: "Master, do you want me to go with you? There are few people in that place, and if someone really follows them, they will kill you when the time comes." suffered."

I said: "I have a belt guy on me. If Lu Su really backtracks, I will have to fight him to death." In the evening, I put the tracker on the coffee table and went upstairs with Cyclops.Even if there is a monitoring function, you should not be able to hear it upstairs.I signaled Cyclops to change into my clothes and pretend.

We are about the same height, Cyclops is more muscular, but now it is winter, and we wear thick clothes, so it is difficult to distinguish if we camouflage.

After a while, Cyclops put on my hat and windproof mask, put on my overcoat, stood there without speaking, and could easily mistake him for me.

The two of us went downstairs, Cyclops put the tracker in his pocket, and I said, "I'm leaving, you can wait for my news anytime."

Cyclops said: "Don't worry." Immediately afterwards, he dragged the replaced sack, took the car keys, got into my car, and then drove all the way in the opposite direction.

At this moment, the door of the shop is closed, and there are no other windows in the quaint interconnected shops, and no one can know my current situation.I waited for about half an hour, then screwed things up to the second floor.I didn't pack it in a sack, which would be too conspicuous, but I packed it in a big suitcase.Immediately afterwards, he flipped from the window sill on the second floor to the neighbor's house on the opposite side.Because of the retro design, the windows are blocked by bay windows. As long as the windows are not turned over, the internal actions cannot be seen from the outside.

There is a jade shop next to me, and there is a female boss. We usually get along well, and there are several pots of cacti in the middle of the window.When I turned over, she was drinking tea and said in surprise, "Boss Chen, what are you playing today?"

I said: "The door is stuck and I can't get out. I borrowed it from you. I'm in a hurry to go out and fix it when I come back." She didn't ask any more questions and motioned me to do it myself.Going out of her shop, I took a taxi by myself, keeping an eye on the rearview mirror along the way.

The driver felt strange and asked me what I was doing, and I said, "See if my wife is following me."

The driver took it for granted that I was going out for a tryst, and pretended to say, "The colorful flags are fluttering outside, and the red flag at home must not be down. I can't tell if anyone is following you. How about you let me earn some tips? Give you a ride?" I thought to myself that the driver was quite up-to-date, so I nodded, and the vehicle detoured into a residential area, entering and exiting several times, but there was no sign of the same vehicle following me, so I was completely relieved .

After more than 30 minutes, the car stopped in the community. I twisted my things and went upstairs. When I opened the door, it was dark inside, and the windows and curtains were drawn tightly.There was no sound in the room, so I turned on the light, then closed the door and locked it.

Zhen Lu Su heard the movement and was looking at the door vigilantly. Of course, his eyes are currently invisible.



He breathed a sigh of relief and looked happy, but I thought in my heart that I had to let him eat as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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