Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 708 Chapter Family

Chapter 708
It seems that what Xiao Jing said is true. Lu Su has been using a method similar to raising corpses to 'raise' the real Lu Su. Even Chen Tiande praised it, which is enough to see Lu Su's failure in this regard. There is really a lot of effort.

From this point of view, most of the human bones inside were eaten by this real Lu Su.

However, at this moment, he cowered and hid behind a pile of bones, wearing a dirty robe, thin and short, as if we were bullying an underage refugee.From what he said just now, it seems that he still has his own consciousness and has been begging us for help. It seems that he doesn't want to stay in this place.

I tried to think about it, if a person dies, if he still maintains his own consciousness, he will be "raised" like a corpse, locked up in a dark place, and eat "human flesh" every day. I just imagined this a little bit At the scene, I felt my temples throbbing uncontrollably.If it were me, I would probably go crazy. This person can still utter a few words, which is already very rare.

I immediately asked Chen Tiande: "Is he threatening?"

Chen Tiande shook his head, and said: "To raise a corpse, it is still a corpse in the end, but in the cultivation technique, there is a very profound and even lost secret technique, which can make a dead person exactly like a living person."

I said, "A living corpse?"

Chen Tiande shook his head, and said: "A living corpse is just like a living person, but it is still a corpse."

I said, "Then what is he?"

Chen Tiande said: "The Lu Su you mentioned should have an expert behind him. This kind of cultivation method will make the dead completely maintain the functions of the living, so now, he is no different from the living, and naturally there is no difference between him and the living." Danger."

I was shocked for a moment. As the saying goes, the king of hell will let you die in the third watch, so how can you let you pass the fifth watch?That Xiao Jing is a typical living corpse, although the appearance is the same as that of a human being, but the real appearance is already corrupt and ugly.As for Lu Su, he was able to use such a weird method to keep a dead person alive, which is a slap in the face of Lord Hades.

Chen Tiande went on to say: "This kind of corpse is not easy to keep. What he eats is definitely not ordinary human flesh. Most likely it is something like red scorpion. The heavier the suffocation, the more it can cover up the death aura. It is said that if this is the case, you can avoid it." The seducer of ghosts in the underworld."

I heard him talking more and more mysterious, and said: "If I get him out now and don't feed him, how long can he last?"

Chen Tiande thought for a while and said, "One week."

I thought to myself that a week is enough, and immediately said: "Okay, let's open the coffin and get the person away."

This thing looks like a crystal coffin, but it is actually strengthened glass, and no cracks can be seen when a shovel is dropped. In the end, we can only climb to the top, to pry the reinforced nails, and then there is a big lock.On the surface of the lock, there is something like a signal light that keeps flashing. It is obviously some kind of monitoring equipment. It is estimated that once we unlock the lock, Lu Su will receive the signal.

However, since Chen Tiande took over Shuangxi's corpse, our whereabouts have been revealed, so we don't have any scruples now.Within two clicks, we smashed the big lock open. The three of us worked together and quickly saw a space that could accommodate one person in and out.Seeing this, Lu Su below immediately jumped up excitedly, and he didn't care about being afraid, and said intermittently: "Let it go, get out, I'll go out." I threw a rope down, and he immediately grabbed it, three times five divisions two He pulled the person out.

There was a stench from this man, and I couldn't help but step back. Lu Su's face was thin and out of shape, his skin was covered with bones, so his eyes were very big, which reminded me of the aliens I had seen in previous movies.He looked very excited and kept talking, but because the ability to organize words was too confusing, I couldn't hear what he wanted to express.The only thing that is certain is that this Lu Su does not want to be locked up in this place.

He hardly needed any coercion from us, he regarded the three of us as his saviors, and followed us every step of the way.

The stench on his body was the smell of a strong bloody smell that had accumulated for too long, but on the way back, the clay pots did not move in any way.Chen Tiande said that [-]% of the reason is because of this real Lu Su.

After a while, a few of us went outside.

I noticed that Lu Su didn't move.He stood at the junction of light and darkness at the door, looking at the outside world with a shrunken expression, as if he was looking at a new world.I suddenly felt that this real Lu Su was also pitiful, he was quite an honest person, how could he be reduced to where he is today.

What exactly happened that year?
Enduring the stench, I dragged the man out of the door, trying to communicate with him while walking.

Maybe it's because he's been locked up for too long, he seems to have difficulty recalling many things, and his memory only stays in the recent past.According to his intermittent and chaotic description, I have a general understanding that Lu Su will come to this place every Monday, bring him 'food', and clean the glass coffin by the way, and then leave.

The two didn't communicate much, so Zhen Lu Su didn't convey any more useful information.

But I feel suspicious.

Lu Su wasted so much effort, obviously he attached great importance to this person.He won't do meaningless things. Besides, from the bottom of my heart, I don't believe that Lu Su is trying to find a way to find the key for the so-called repayment of kindness, trying to really bring the real Lu Su back to life.

This kind of reason is okay to deceive others, but I know it too well.For example, I have a very good relationship with Tofu. If the same situation happened to him, I might try some methods to save him, but it is absolutely impossible to reach Lu Su's level.

From this, it can be clearly concluded that Lu Su has been raising the real Lu Su by raising corpses, and there must be some other purpose.

A few thoughts flashed through my mind, and I couldn't help asking: "Do you still remember who... killed yourself?"

At this moment, Zhen Lu Su was like a panicked animal, with his arms around his back, making him look even thinner, watching everything around him tremblingly.At this moment, we are actually just in the woods of the short cow ditch, and we are going up the mountain at the moment, surrounded by some flowers and plants.But for a "person" who has been locked underground for more than ten years and feeds on zongzi, the change in the environment is particularly exciting to him.

I originally came here with the attitude of catching hostages, handcuffs, ropes, etc., but now this person looks like an African refugee, and he follows us every step of the way like a little chicken. It's useless.

Most likely he didn't move much, his muscles were atrophied, he walked crookedly, his legs were trembling, and the lazy guy walked in the front with his nose covered, obviously unwilling to be with him, but Chen Tiande used a very weird method, as if he wanted to dissect people. I looked at Lu Su with wide eyes, and Lu Su hid behind me in fright. The stench made me really uncomfortable, so I pushed him away.

With a light push, the kid fell to the ground. I was startled and quickly helped him up.At this time, I heard Lu Su say intermittently: "Hui, coffin, don't have money..."

It took me a long time to understand that this kid said that he can make coffins and can help me make money, and told me not to drive him away. It seems that he is treating me as a protective umbrella.I suddenly felt very uncomfortable in my heart, and said to myself that this is an ordinary child who grew up in a coffin shop. Lu Su's behavior is really cruel. He won't let people stop after death. What on earth is he trying to do?Perhaps, only by finding out the cause of Zhen Lu Su's death can we solve the mystery, but after I finished asking, this kid didn't answer my question, he was just worried about being abandoned by us, begged incoherently, and finally almost knelt down .

I quickly gave him a hand and said a few words of comfort before giving up.

At this time, Chen Tiande said: "You can't ask anything now, it's better to wait until he recovers."

I said, "Didn't you say it's only a week? Why should I wait?"

Chen Tiande said again: "If the environment is stable, the recovery will be quick. You'd better find a place to hide him, so that he won't be found."

I remembered that Sanxi Town was not far from the short cow ditch, and I couldn't help thinking that maybe letting Zhen Lu Su revisit his hometown would help his memory recover faster.I proposed this idea, and Chen Tiande said it was feasible.Thinking about it, Lu Su probably would not have expected that the missing person would return to Sanxi Town.

Chen Tiande was reluctant to leave such a good corpse, and with a research attitude, he wanted to go to Sanxi Town with me. The lazy guy yawned and said that he would send the Buddha to the west, so the four of them decided to go to Sanxi Town.Although the corpse of Shuangxi was taken by Chen Tiande, it was not easy to take it with him in broad daylight, so he let it dig a hole on the spot and pick it up on the return journey.

Sanxi Town is not very big, the land of Anhui is vast and vast, with deep water, and the folk customs have always been simple and elegant.Although modern society has already made every city similar, but in a small and remote place like Sanxi Town, you can still see the special humanities of Anhui.

Almost as soon as he entered the town, Lu Su seemed to be infected by something, his shrinking expression gradually became confused, and he looked around strangely.This town is very small, most of the young people have gone out to work, only a few old people are left. In winter, they all stay at home to enjoy the fire, and only a few scattered shops are open.

After Lu Su walked for a while, he suddenly stumbled and quickened his pace. I immediately realized that he must have remembered something.The three of them followed behind him without urging them, and walked further and further away. After about [-] minutes, we stopped at a street.

The houses here are very old, and most of them are locked, showing that no one lives in them. The steps in front of some doors are already covered with dry yellow moss.We stopped in front of a building with a yellow wooden door. This house was an old flat-roofed house with folding wooden doors. More than 20 years ago, such doors were mostly used by merchants, and rolling iron doors were used in good condition.

It can be seen that this is a shop.

There is a thick big lock in front of the shop, and the lock is rusty, which means that it has not been opened for many years.

Lu Su shook the lock, and suddenly shouted hoarsely into the door: "Mom, Dad, you're back... the door." I rubbed my nose, remembering that Wen Min told me that shortly after the real Lu Su disappeared, his parents were arrested. The coffin board was smashed to death.

And the real Lu Su in front of him, no matter his age or mentality, might still be more than ten years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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