Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 575 Waiting

Chapter 575 Waiting
After the mute finished the last sentence, his whole body shook and fell to the ground suddenly.I just felt my heart twitch, as if someone had punched me, I quickly put down Wen Min, and rushed towards the mute.Normally, I just think this person is hateful, but watching the mute fall down covered in blood, the feeling is not so complicated.

I half picked up the dumb man, leaving a mark of a bloody man on the tomb bricks on the ground. Immediately afterwards, I checked his breath and pulse, and they were still there.Feng Guishou was surprised and said: "How could he be so seriously injured?" Everyone can see the dumb's strength, and the difference is only half an hour. How did he become like this?

I saw that he was covered in blood, and didn't bother to say more, and said, "It's important to heal the wound first." Subconsciously, I looked at the mysterious tomb passage behind the mute. Bloodstains, a bloodstain extended, it was shocking to see.

In the depths of the tomb, what happened to the mute?
He actually told us not to go in and let us go quickly?What is it that makes the mutes so frightened?

I took off the mute's clothes, and saw that there were several tearing wounds on his body, and there was also a wound on his forehead, which was bleeding so that half of his face was covered in blood. This wound seemed to be caused by a knock.These two distinct wounds together make it impossible for me to imagine what lies behind the tomb passage.

Due to the disbandment of our entire team, there was not much water. Half of the water was used to clean the wound of the mute. In the wound, I found a broken white thing.Zhuan Rui rubbed it between his fingertips a few times, saying it looked like a broken tooth.


Could it be that there are some monsters behind this tomb passage?

We immediately reminded Feng Guishou to close the door of this tomb quickly, so as not to provoke anything.After a while, the tomb door was slammed shut, the tomb bricks moved, and everything returned to the way we had just entered.By this time, the dumb wound had been bandaged.

Zhong Gong gave him an anti-inflammatory injection and said, "I need to feed him something to eat and drink some water." This task naturally fell on me, and everyone in the team could see that I had a lot to do with the mute.Everyone decided to stop here, Wen Min was still weak, and Zhong Hua had one leg that was useless. Now that the anesthesia was gone, he couldn't move forward. In addition, they were exhausted after a lot of tossing in the burial pit, so they decided to Rest on the spot, eat something, and wait for the mute to wake up.

I smashed the biscuits into handfuls of small particles and put them into the mouth of the mute, hoping that he could swallow them. Zhong Gong said dumbly: "You can't do this, it's best to mix it with water and let him drink it. I can't eat it." Before the words finished, the mute's throat suddenly moved, and then he began to swallow slowly.Zhong Gong choked when he said this, and even I was surprised, the mute's will to survive was too strong.

Next, he swallowed me while feeding him water. He just felt that he was not so filial to my grandpa. I was very angry with my grandpa when I was young.

After feeding, I let him go to bed by himself, and I passed some jerky to Wenmin to let her eat more.Wen Min said: "I don't know why Mr. Wu became like this. I'm a little worried. I haven't seen Xiaodou all the way. Will he also...Chen Xuan, do you want to go in?" I know, she asked It was the tomb passage that seriously injured the mute, and Wen Min was already worried.Along the way, we are a mighty group of people, some of us died, some of us broke up, now there are only a few of us left, and three of them are unable to take care of themselves now, how can we fight?

I thought for a while and said, "When he wakes up, ask him first. If it really doesn't work... we can only accept our fate. When the time comes, let's withdraw." The group of people in front of me, except for the mute and Feng Guishou, And his three subordinates, even Wen Min, all accompanied me.According to my own personality, I would definitely not be willing to give up at this point, but now, I am not making decisions alone, and the lives of these people are all under the weight of my decision.

If this Tomb of the Giant Ear King is really so terrifying, I can only give up.

In the dark, the mute was in a coma. Wen Min fell asleep after eating because of his weakness. The man named Zhong Hua was always restless, showing pained expressions from time to time. No one wanted to become crippled.Zhong Gong stepped aside and comforted him in a low voice. After a while, he calmed down, showing an expression of resignation.I believe that Zhuanrui must have given compensation conditions. The incident has already happened, and there is no other choice but to accept fate.

Zhong Gong, Shen Hao, and Feng Guishou and I arranged five people to take turns guarding, two people in a group, rest for the time being, recharge your energy, each rest for two hours, and then arrange it depending on the situation. As for Zhuanrui, he With Zhong Gong as a loyal dog, there is really nothing wrong with him.Shen Hao and I stood in front of each other, and Shen Hao actually hid a pack of cigarettes. He took out the cigarette and smoked it silently, but didn't take it for me.

After a while, he said, "I don't like you."

I said: "I know, you have no obligation to like me, this is your right and freedom."

Shen Hao sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said: "You are very interesting, but I really don't have a good impression of you. I can't explain the reason. I always feel that there is...a kind of..." He frowned, but did not continue Say.I couldn't help but look at him more, and finally said: "What?"

He shook his head, stubbed out the cigarette, and said: "I can't say it, anyway, people don't want to deal with you at first glance, ah, I think of it, it's the breath, the breath on your body, it makes people feel very evil."

I said, "Someone said I look like a pervert, but this is the first time I've heard someone describe me like that."

Shen Hao shrugged and said, "That's because you didn't meet me."

I said: "Your opinion is not worth mentioning to me."

Shen Hao responded to me with the original words: "This is your right and freedom." Then, we didn't speak any more. In fact, I could vaguely understand what Shen Hao meant. In fact, evil is not an accurate adjective. The feeling of making him uncomfortable may come from the increasingly prominent curse on me.

Everyone has a sixth sense. When walking on the street, I obviously feel that there is someone approaching me, and I will unconsciously stagger away from me, and I don’t want to face each other. In fact, this is a kind of sixth sense.When people face a stranger, they will subconsciously feel that this person is not a good person, that this person may hurt me, so they subconsciously leave.Such subconscious behavior, sometimes even the parties themselves do not know.Shen Hao's sense is very keen, he can feel it.

This feeling, the more familiar people are, the easier it is to ignore.

I looked at Wenmin's sleeping face and thought about the missing tofu, and suddenly felt exhausted.What on earth am I chasing? For more than two years, I have been on the verge of life and death again and again, but in the end there is still nowhere to retreat.And now, I brought my friends to such a Jedi.

Enough is enough, enough is enough.

At this moment, I just hope that the mute will wake up quickly, let me figure out the truth of the matter, and then make a decision: keep going, or go back.No matter which option I choose, I can't delay other people. I must ensure Wenmin's safety.

While thinking, the time passed by every minute and every second. Two hours later, we woke up Zhong Gong and the two, and after the shift, I fell asleep with Wen Min in my arms.

I've never felt like I do now that I have less and less time.

I fell into a drowsy sleep this time, and I don't know how long it took before someone shook me awake.I opened my eyes and saw that it was Zhong Gong who woke me up. He lowered his voice and said, "I haven't woken up yet." I looked at the watch on my wrist and found that two hours had passed.The mute is still in a severe coma, and Zhonghua's anesthetic has been withdrawn. This local anesthesia does not last long, and the effect is not very great. But don't expect him to walk by himself.

Looking at Wen Min again, there is no external injury, but his usually rosy face has turned pale, and he looks very weak, but his spirit is much better than before.

The only one who didn't wake up was the mute, who lay motionless on the spot and didn't even change his posture.If it wasn't for his bullying chest, I almost doubt he is dead.It seemed that the mute was seriously injured, and he might not even think about waking up for a while.

Zhuan Rui sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at me, obviously asking for my opinion.

I said: "Thank you, I think, this is the end of the matter, so be it."

Zhuan Rui's voice was still lukewarm, but he frowned slightly and said, "Have you decided?"

I nodded, what else?Are they leaving them alone to break through?Or go with them?Even the mute almost died, and I would almost die if I went alone, but I would rather not let this group of friends follow me to die than that.

Seeing this, Zhong Gong also sighed, and said: "Then your curse... After passing this village, this shop will no longer exist. I don't think you should make a decision so early, it's better to wait until Wu Shui wakes up." With a hiss, he said, "This Dou is really messing around, and I don't know if he is alone, dead or alive? This kid knows the mechanism here. When he left, he said that the curse was on him, maybe Son, can he really succeed?"

These words are purely comforting, I don't expect Tofu to find a way to break the curse, I just hope that this kid can go out safely and thank God.

(End of this chapter)

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