Chapter 538
The old tortoise popped up suddenly, which made us all a little stunned. Feng Guishou hissed and joked at me: "This old tortoise must be a mother. I will never forget Brother Chen, right?" I came to my senses and said, "The old animals are spiritual, so you can accumulate some morals." Then I asked the old turtle: "Why are you here?"

Naturally, the old turtle couldn't speak, and just walked around our raft. After a while, Heizi met him and said, "Could it be that it wants to get on the raft?"

At this point, the old turtle nodded like a human being, and everyone who watched was amazed.Lu Su didn't know what he was thinking, so he smiled slightly and said, "Since it wants to come up, let it come up. Help people to the end, and send the Buddha to the West."

Heizi kept praising Lu Su as a good person, with respect and admiration on his face, just like Tofu when he first met Lu Su, as if he was deceived by Lu Su's gentle appearance.Although I didn't know what Lu Su's intention was, but seeing the old turtle circling around our raft, I helped a group of people to fish it out together with Heizi.

The old turtle got on the raft and didn't move around, just closed his eyes where he was, as if he was recuperating.I thought it was because the turtle was old and was attacked by some big fish in the water, but after a careful inspection, I didn't see any injuries to its limbs and head, so I ignored it and continued on the raft. .

Soon, our raft got close to the woods by the water, to be precise, it was close to the canopy floating on the water surface. On these canopies, there were no birds to settle, and even insects were very few, so the leaves were emerald green, very conspicuous.

I kept thinking about the sudden gunshot before, and didn't look carefully at the surrounding environment. When the raft got closer, I suddenly realized that there were many green vines hanging faintly in the canopy of the tree standing on the water. , Look carefully again, those vines are still wriggling slowly!

I immediately thought of the stone tablet standing among the bushes, and I was terrified: Is there something weird about the treetops in the water?Lu Su saw my eyes straightened, and followed me to look over, then he heard him gasp and said, "What is that?"

While speaking, he motioned to Heizi who was holding the pole to move the raft to the other side, not to get too close to those weird tree trunks, but at this moment, Heizi said anxiously: "No, the other side is a cliff, and the river flows down from the cliff. Come around, the current is very fast, and you can't get through it with human power!"

Feng Guishou said unlucky, and asked: "How can I get there?"

Heizi thought for a while and said he wanted an engine.Hearing the words, Feng Guishou gave a piss, and said: "Isn't this fucking nonsense, where can I get an engine?" Heizi was so embarrassed that he scratched his head.At this time, even though we didn't want to get close to those tree tops, our raft gradually approached them.In fact, under the control of Heizi, our raft has been maintained at a specific position, but the growth of these trees in the water is different, and some of them grow aggressively, slowly moving towards the middle of the river, so our raft moves with it. , uncontrollably leaning towards those tree crowns, and at this moment, everyone suddenly discovered that the green vine-like things on the tree crowns squirmed even more violently.

Feng Guishou raised his gun while scolding his mother, but at this moment, the vines on the treetops slid down one after another and floated on the river.It wasn't until then that I realized what kind of vines were there, they were clearly huge boa constrictors with the thickness of adult thighs!

Boa constrictors are generally rare, because snakes have many natural enemies, and many small boa constrictors will become the prey of other natural enemies almost before they grow up.Coupled with the man-made destruction of mountains and forests over the years, the habitat of pythons has gradually shrunk. Now, it can only be seen occasionally in some inaccessible mountains and forests.This valley of anger is surrounded by natural dangers and has never been inhabited by humans, but we did not expect that there would be so many snakes here, and they are not ordinary snakes, all of them are big snakes that can swallow a whole person alive!

I saw countless emerald green giant pythons swimming on the river, coming towards our raft. Everyone who watched this scene was stunned, even Lu Su, who was so well-informed, was stunned for a while.In places that are inaccessible, there are inevitably snake dens. It is not the first time I have encountered snake dens and been attacked by snakes, but this time is different. These are giant pythons that swallow people!And don’t point to one, at a glance, on the densely packed treetops in front of you, there are almost no trees living on a giant python. At this moment, they all swim towards us as if they are seeing a big meal, and the river is green.

"Back, fast, back!" Feng Guishou roared, he couldn't hold the gun in his hand steadily, with so many pythons, and it was in the water, the gun's effect was almost zero.There is no need for him to say that Heizi has already retreated with all his strength, this time it is against the current, and with the help of the pole, the speed of retreat is naturally very fast. Retreat, but even so, it can't keep up with the speed of the python's pursuit.

A group of us scolded our mothers vigorously, and immediately raised our guns and fired, attacking those pythons that were closer.

The gloomy smile on Bai Zhanji's face suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly said, "Sulfur, we have sulfur!"

These words wake us up.

That's right, we have sulfur, which is the natural enemy of snakes. You will carry it almost every time you fight, because it is easy to hide insects and snakes in ancient tombs, so it is also one of the necessary equipment.It's just that we were frightened by these giant pythons and didn't react for a while.As soon as Bai Zhanji reminded me, I immediately put down the gun and turned the brimstone out.Without further ado, he took out the smokeless stove and quickly ignited the sulfur with solid fuel.

All of a sudden, yellow smoke billowed from the raft, and the choking smell of sulfur caused everyone to cry and cough, and took out their gas masks one after another to put them on.But at this time, those giant pythons were affected by the sulfur, and they didn't dare to approach us any more, they swam back one after another, and hid in the canopy of those trees.

Seeing this, Lu Su pointed to the smokeless stove, then pointed to the front, and made a gesture, signaling to rush over in one go.

The old turtle also seemed to be disgusted by the smell of sulfur, so he climbed to the front of the raft, jumped into the water and disappeared.We supported the smokeless stove, burned sulfur, and continued to move forward with a yellow smoke.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this level was over, but at this moment, our raft suddenly shook, I didn't understand what happened, and then there was another violent shake, this time The shaking was very strong, and in an instant, the whole raft overturned, and everyone, including their stoves and equipment, fell into the water one after another.It wasn't until I entered the water that I saw a giant blue python in the water.

This giant python is bigger than the ones seen on the river before, and it has a red crown on its head. Among the folks, the one with the red crown on its head is the King Snake. The King Snake is wise. After being chased away, this snake king hid underwater, sneaking into our raft without a sound, and came up with such a trick.

The moment I entered the water, I saw the big mouth of the snake king, a bloody mouth, and suddenly bit the white chicken in front of me.Bai Zhanji was old and frail, and could not move easily. The snake king seemed to know that the persimmon should be soft first, so he bit the Bai Zhanji with one bite.

I was shocked, and subconsciously pulled Bai Zhanji's legs, pulled him back a lot, and slid in the water along with the water, Bai Zhanji quickly slipped a lot out of the mouth of the snake, but the giant python This bite was empty, and the snake swung its head and bit me fiercely.How could I hide before, suddenly a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of me, the big snake bit down and opened its mouth again.I took a closer look in the water, and it turned out to be the old turtle that blocked the bite for me.

I didn't dare to be careless, I caught a glimpse of the overturned raft on the water, and quickly climbed up.At this time, Lu Su and others also climbed onto the raft one after another. The capsized boat lost more than half of their equipment.The equipment this time is extremely refined and simple, and nothing can be done without it. Now Lu Su will be angered.The snake king poked his head out of the water, opened his mouth and attacked again, Lu Su shouted loudly, jumped up, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed towards the snake king's big mouth.

This time, the upper half of the python's head was cut off directly, and a pool of blood sprayed out, splashing all the people standing on the bamboo raft, it was fishy and smelly, let alone.Lu Su chopped off half of the snake king's head with a single knife. The snake king was alive, and its huge body fell into the water with a bang. The water around the raft was instantly bright red. As a black shadow, it finally disappeared without a trace.

Lu Su panted heavily, the muscles on his face tensed, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he squeezed out a few words: "Check the equipment."

Heizi was almost dumbfounded, staring straight at the bloody Ghost Crying Knife in Lu Su's hand.I knew Lu Su's strength a long time ago. I saw his ability to kill Jiaojiao in the tomb of Princess Gegeer. Compared with then, it is not worth mentioning now. It's just that the equipment was scattered into the water and lost most of it. It's a bad start.Under Lu Su's command, Heizi immediately retreated on the raft, and we began to count the equipment, which immediately complained. Most of the weapons such as shovels and guns were almost lost. Only food and medicine arrived. is well preserved.

But with only these things, how can we fight?
(End of this chapter)

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