Chapter 531
Bai Zhanji was very stubborn. Regardless of his aging body, he rested on the spot for a while and then urged us to set off. He seemed even more anxious than Lu Su. He was probably getting old and worried that his body would not be able to hold on. He wanted to hurry up. Arrive at the destination.Now that the elderly have had enough rest, we will naturally not delay any longer, so we continue to descend the mountain.

This section of the mountain road is too steep, and the walking speed is very slow. It was quite a walk along the way, and it was not until the afternoon that we reached the end.Going down to the bottom of the mountain, the sight is blocked due to entering the jungle, so the Nu River, which was visible from a high place before, has disappeared from our eyes.

Because it is close to the water source, the forest here is very dense, and there is no human presence all year round. The kudzu and vines in the forest are shrouded in humidity. After a while, I feel that my hair is wet.Lu Sudao said that it is recorded in the silk script that the tomb of King Juer is located at the third bend of the water dragon, that is, at the third bend along the Nu River.As long as you get to the place, an insider can see the clue at a glance, because there are immortals guiding the way there.

What this immortal guide refers to is not described in detail above, and we can only know when we get to the place.

Immediately, everyone walked to the river, and then went up the river. The river bank was piled up with rocks that fell from the top of the mountain. There were all kinds of strange things. , The moss on the stone is lei lei, if people walk up it, they will slip if they don't pay attention, it's really a physical job.Not long after, Bai Zhanji failed again. Fatty Li put a piece of clothing on a stone, and helped Bai Zhanji to sit down.

Heizi shrank his neck and said, "This is too much trouble for the old man."

We were not in a hurry this time, and since it was meal time, everyone picked up a slightly cleaner place, sat down to eat and drink, and from time to time some tide bugs crawled on people, and we were halfway through eating Son, who knows that the weather is not beautiful, a black cloud floated from the plains and covered the valley, and it was about to rain heavily, Feng Guishou said: "I have to quickly set up a tent, it seems that I can't leave today." Fortunately, Pitching up a tent is not troublesome. We all often sleep in the wild, and it took about ten minutes to get it done. We each retracted into the tent, and it didn't take long for a heavy rain to pour down.

I was in the same tent with Feng Guishou and Heizi, and Lu Su, Bai Zhanji, and Fatty Li were in the same tent, and we didn't know what to discuss.I'm too lazy to study these anymore, I'm eating unfinished compressed biscuits, lying in the tent with my eyes closed and resting.

Looking at the rain, it will not stop for a while, and it is already afternoon. Even if the rain stops, it is estimated that it will be night soon. This place cannot be walked after nightfall. Let's start again tomorrow.

I lay down and fell asleep in a daze. The whole rain stopped for more than three hours. When the rain stopped, the sun had already set, and it was dark all around.

A bonfire has already been raised outside, most of which are solid fuels, and there are some wet firewood beside them, which are temporarily put aside.Heizi probably wanted to show off and said to catch fish for us to eat.I looked at the water of the Nu River not far away, and said, "The water is strong, and it's so dark, so don't bother."

Heizi said it's okay, his family has been fishing since he was a child, and it takes less than 10 minutes to wash and peel a fish, you just have to wait.

After speaking, he went to the river, took out the hook and fishing line he carried with him from his pocket, touched some woodworms and started fishing.Lu Su smiled and said, "He's a good boy."

I glanced at him and said, "Since he's a good boy, why are you lying to others like this?"

Still smiling, Lu Su looked at Heizi who was fishing not far away, and said, "I am willing to take him with him. He is willing to take risks for money. How can he be called a cheater?"

I said: "What are you doing with such a person to fight? Is it not to die? I can't control your affairs, but don't lose your basic conscience."

Bai Zhanji smiled strangely: "My surname is Chen, what do you mean by that, you have more conscience than us?" This sentence choked me, and I couldn't make a sound for a while, thinking that this is called self-inflicted, Forget it, we are all adults and should be responsible for our own actions. How much more can I control Heizi's own choices?
Thinking about it this way, I didn't say any more. After a while, Heizi brought up three fish, washed them and grilled them on the fire. The fish was plump and tender, without any fishy smell. The smell of meat, was cleaned up by a few of us old men in a short time.

Everyone had enough to eat and drink, and arranged a vigil to sleep separately. Feng Gui and I kept watch in the middle of the night. When I was bored, I took out my mobile phone, which still had half of the battery, and the signal was gone. There were some small games that came with it. Grind it out and play.Feng Gui was smoking a cigarette by himself, humming some yin and yang songs, and in the dark night, he could only hear the rustling of leaves in the forest.I'm pretty good at playing games. To put it simply, it's a question of IQ. I'm about to pass the level if I win every game.

Feng Guishou suddenly pressed my hand, listened attentively, and said, "Listen, what's the sound?"

In the darkness, there was a faint sound of splashing water, which seemed to come from the side of the Nu River, but there was a distance across the river, and the sky was so dark that it was hard to see clearly.Reminded by Feng Guishou, after listening carefully, the sound of splashing water became louder and louder, as if there were many fish.

I was so surprised that I didn't bother to get the flashlight. I turned on the flashlight function of my phone and said, "I'll go and see." Then I walked towards the river.When I got to the riverside, I suddenly discovered that on the surface of the water, for some reason, countless big fish jumped out of the water and fell into the water one by one.I only heard that whenever fish come out of the water, it is a sign of a catastrophe coming. Could it be an earthquake?
This is impossible, our luck should not be so bad, right?

As I was thinking about it, suddenly, I suddenly saw a black shadow in the middle of the river, where the shadow went, the surrounding fish disappeared immediately.

What is that shadow?
Could it be some big fish?
As I was observing, I suddenly discovered that the black shadow was swimming all the way towards the shore, which made me a little vigilant, so I didn't dare to get too close to the river, but before I retreated far, the black shadow in the water suddenly The ground rushed ashore, revealing half of its huge head. I couldn't help being shocked when I saw it, it was a crocodile!
Have you never heard of crocodiles in this Nu River?

Could it be that I am ignorant?
The crocodile poked out half of its head, and the eyeballs on both sides rolled forward, staring straight at me.I knew in my heart that the crocodile moved very fast, fast on the ground and faster in the water, and people would definitely not be able to run away, so I didn't rush to escape, but stood there motionless.

In fact, crocodiles are also short-sighted, the more they run, the more they will suffer.In fact, living things are sneaky, such as cats, their hunting habit is to sneak up on their prey, and if the prey rushes towards it fiercely when it is sneaking, they will back away in fright.Therefore, some experts in field exploration give people the advice that if you encounter animals such as cheetahs without weapons or cars to escape, do not try to race with cheetahs with your feet.At this time, risking your life, picking up the stone gaze, roaring, and rushing towards them, can often have unexpected effects.

Of course, this is just a way to scare off the opponent temporarily, once it realizes that you don't have fangs and claws, it will attack again.Whether this method can survive or not depends only on the nature of the individual.

At this moment, this crocodile that suddenly emerged from the river made me a little bit surprised, and my heart skipped a beat.I didn't bring a gun, and the only weapons I had were daggers and flying knives. With a flick of my wrist, I held the flying knife in my hand, thinking that if it attacked, I would shoot it in the eyes with this flying knife.

But this crocodile was obviously not interested in people. After climbing onto the shore, it slowly went downstream. Its flippers made a clattering sound, and it disappeared into the darkness in a short while.At this time, the fish in the water were still beating the water surface, and I thought to myself, is there something in the river that makes the fish and crocodiles inside want to escape from the water?

Before I could see it clearly, Feng Gui walked to the riverside with a flashlight in his hand. He looked at it for a while, looking very experienced, and said, "It may be a ground leak."

Ground leakage is a traditional saying, which refers to some symptoms caused by the leakage or change of ground air due to some reasons. Ordinary ground leakage is actually more common, but if the ground leakage reaches a certain intensity, it will be the same as I said before. , will usher in some major geological disasters.

However, the current leakage situation is not serious, but it will cause a large area of ​​fish to die in this section of the watershed, and some amphibians in the water will also climb ashore.

As I was talking, I suddenly saw two green lights flashing in the bottom of the water, as if some luminous body was swimming.

Before I could see it clearly, the green light disappeared, and then, a big guy suddenly crawled out of the water.

When Feng Guishou and I saw it, we couldn't help gasping, because it was a big tortoise as big as a man, with slow movements and a dark green head. The most important thing was its face, which was unusual. Turtle face, hooked nose, grinning mouth, and two eyebrow-like wrinkles on the eyes, combined together, it looks like an old green face!

Feng Guishou took a step back and said, "Damn it, isn't this about becoming a master?"

(End of this chapter)

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