Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 522 Tea Party

Chapter 522 Tea Party
Seeing that we were interested, Shi Geda said that for the sake of the meal, he took out all the goods at the bottom of the box.Immediately afterwards, he looked around mysteriously, lowered his voice, and told us about Mr. Bai.

This is a ruthless character, in his fifties, who owns a magnificent shop in Liulichang. When Shi Geda went to the Liulichang area to hold eyes, he once saw him by chance.This old man is in good spirits, wearing a Tang suit, followed by a man and a woman when he went out. The man is his assistant, and the woman is a bodyguard. It is said that he adopted his adopted daughter. She has a unique skill in her hand. Of course, I don't know what the specific skill is. up.The style of going out is self-evident.

However, Mr. Bai will not be in the shop every day, and usually he will visit the shop on Friday afternoon.This person likes to make friends with capable people from all walks of life. When he is free, he will hold a tea party and invite some capable people to the meeting.Of course, even if there is no invitation, as long as you have the ability, you can also go to visit on your own, and you are warmly welcome.There used to be some people with high-mindedness and low-handedness, who felt that they were extraordinary, went to visit, but those who didn't even go in were stopped.

The goods in this store are very white, and the goods are rare and fine. The police can't find any faults when they go there. It shows that the methods are high. Most importantly, I heard that they are secretly doing overseas business.

When I heard this, I couldn't help but hiss. From this point of view, the third master Bai is really suspicious.Thinking about it this way, I suddenly realized that today is Friday, what kind of tea party is there in the Bachenghui, since Tofu and I are both 'celebrities', we should be able to go in, right?
I felt sorry for Wenmin's hard work, and I wanted to help. Seeing that Shi Geda was also full of wine and food, I paid the bill, and let it go. I didn't go shopping anymore, and went outside to take a taxi and headed all the way to Liulichang.

These two places are quite far from each other. In the car, I told Tofu about my thoughts. Tofu is for fearing that the world will not be chaotic.The car went all the way to Liulichang, which also specializes in antiques, but it doesn't have as many Xibei goods as Panjiayuan, and there are no street stalls all over the floor. The stores are all decorated in a grand style.According to the address provided by Shi Geda, we found Bai Sanye's shop all the way.

I saw that this was an antique second-floor entrance. At the door stood a man in a Tang suit with a short jacket, with a circular character pattern on his chest. There was a plaque hanging on the door of the store, named: Qibaiju.The guy smiled slightly, came over to greet us, led us there, and asked us what to see. I said that he came here for the tea party.The clerk asked us to show our ID card and report our name. Tofu flashed his ID card, slapped his chest, and said, "We are a duo who went up the mountain and went down to the sea, chopping zongzi, breaking organs, and digging mushrooms. This is our ID card." .”

The clerk looked at it and made an inside call, but he didn't know who to ask for instructions. After a while, he respectfully said: "Two guests, please follow me." After speaking, he led us to the second floor.As soon as I went up, I found that there were quite a lot of people present, there were eight people scattered around, but there was no one sitting on the north side, and it seemed that the master hadn't come yet.

The guy led us to sit down and left. Several people who came earlier looked at me and Tofu one after another, and one of them was quite old and said, "You two are so young."

I'm really not young anymore. To put it mildly, I'm in my prime. According to the standard of a post-00s little girl, I'm a standard uncle.But in front of this group of people, I can only be regarded as a young man, so I didn't say much, just greeted everyone, and simply reported my family name.

Unexpectedly, just like what Shi Geda said, because of the search for tofu before, the two of us are really famous, and everyone here knows about it.As soon as the words fell, I heard a burst of laughter: "Since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth." I saw a black-haired old man in his fifties wearing a white Tang suit walking out from behind the bead curtain on one side. Secretly applaud.

Tofu stuck out his tongue, and said in a low voice, "This old man has read too many martial arts novels. We are tomb robbers, and we are heroes..." It is impolite to whisper to each other in a large audience, so I ignored Tofu and looked at Bai Third Lord.However, at this moment, three more people came out following Mr. Bai.Among these three people, two of them are just like what Shi Geda described, a 50-year-old assistant who is about the same age as Mr. Bai, and a plain-looking girl in her 20s.

In addition to these two people, there was one more person. I looked at that person and couldn't help being stunned.

He is dressed in black and black trousers, with jet-black hair, and a pair of eyeballs that are even more pitch-black. It's a dumb guy who hasn't been in touch for a long time!

I was shocked, how could he be with Mr. Bai?
The mute stared at me and Tofu, and obviously paused for a moment, but this was so subtle that I even wondered if it was my own illusion.Tofu didn't hide it at all, his surprise was beyond words, and he seemed to be about to call him dumb. I stabbed him violently, and Tofu swallowed abruptly.

This expression and movement were captured by Bai Sanye, who sat on the mahogany chair to the north, looked at the tofu with a smile, and said, "Is there anything you want to say?"

Tofu swallowed, glanced at me, stammered back, and said: "I saw you, old man, and I felt, felt that you are very handsome, rare in your life, and I admire it very much, so, so I was a little excited, that... offended Ha, sorry."

Bai Sanye smiled slightly, with thin crow's feet in the corners of his eyes, and began to exchange pleasantries with everyone. This so-called tea party was actually an exchange of feelings, not necessarily something serious.The so-called feelings don't have to be true, but there must be an attitude on the surface, that is, I am willing to make friends with you.

During the conversation, everyone said some anecdotes and chatted about "business experience". From time to time, I looked at the mute. He calmly crossed his legs, leaned slightly on the mahogany chair, crossed his hands, and looked cold and arrogant, which was very eye-catching.As if aware of my gaze, the dumb gaze suddenly turned and stayed on me. Our eyes met, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

A person who is exactly the same as the statement.

A person with whom I may be closely related.

His behavior has always been so puzzling, and this feeling of being completely unknowable makes people feel very uncertain.

The dumb man puts a lot of pressure on people. In his proud and cold eyes, I couldn't resist. I averted my eyes. After turning my eyes, I realized that this was a somewhat cowardly behavior, and I couldn't help but feel annoyed in my heart: Why should I be cowardly?
Then, I was not in the mood to listen to the scenes that Sanye Bai and the others had to say, and I secretly wondered about the mute's intentions.He is an arrogant person, how could he get involved with Bai Sanye?What is his relationship with Mr. Bai?Is there any cooperation between these two people?
I know that the mute wants to find out the relationship between the statement and himself. With his ability, he will not be short of money, let alone people who recruit him. Such a person will naturally not get mixed up with Bai Sanye because of material things .In this way, could it be that Mr. Bai has something to do with the matter of the statement?
Mr. Bai... surnamed Bai...

Is it...

My heart skipped a beat, and I remembered the scene of my grandfather's deathbed. His eyes were wide open, blood was pouring out of his mouth, and he said a few key words to me: saving lives, maps, looking for a person surnamed Bai...

Grandpa gave me the black light and asked me to save whom. I haven't figured it out yet. According to speculation, it should mean saving Chen Ci, but Grandpa should know that Chen Ci has probably become a skeleton. How should I save it?Besides the map, this map should refer to the tomb map of King Juer that Chen Ci obtained from the Xuanbing Tomb. Now, the information on the map is in Lu Su's hands.And the last one, Bai.

This Bai, does it refer to the person with the surname Bai, or something else?
I think the former is more likely.Lu Su once told me that the organizer of the Yashan Palace, Lord Bai, was disguised by a person nicknamed "Qianbian". After the Yashan Palace, both Lord Qianbian and Zhuan Donglai lost news.

And is the Bai Sanye in front of me the same person as Qianbian back then?
Just as I was thinking about this, Third Master Bai suddenly asked me: "Brother Chen Xuan, what do you think?" What does this mean.Fortunately, Doufu was clever, and immediately said: "Third Master, he has a bad brain and was trapped by a door when he was a child. If you ask him this question, you might as well ask me. I know, there is a doggerel saying: If you want to get rich, dig ancient tombs." You must remember when you look, smell and ask; this antique is also the same reason, I have met two people, and they can tell when the artifact is from just smelling it." Listening to Tofu's answer, I guessed what Bai Sanye was talking about just now. , It should be a topic like antique appraisal, so he smiled and said: "In this regard, I have to learn more from the seniors, and I dare not play tricks."

Bai Sanye laughed and confused the topic. After about forty minutes, the tea party ended and everyone got up and left. At this time, the dumb man also said something to Bai Sanye, and then he kept his eyes fixed. Arms crossed his chest, he followed coldly, as if he was about to leave.Where he passed by, everyone almost gave way one after another. The arrogance of treating everyone as trash is really impossible to ignore.

Tofu and I looked at each other and immediately chased him out.On the edge of Liulichang's main street, I stopped the mute.

He stopped, without changing his posture, and his voice was still indifferent, and said lightly: "I have something to say."

I was stared at by his dark eyes like an ant, and I was angry, but I knew that this was not the time to turn my face, so I suppressed my anger and said: "Look at the snow-capped mountains, I carried you all the way!" For the sake of it, can we take a step to talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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