Chapter 503

This place is only one meter square, and the space is narrow, so the posture of Tofu and I is rather weird, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as sloping.I was on my back, with an equipment bag in between, and my legs were pressed sideways against the raised stone wall.Tofu is even more ruthless, with me as a meat pad, the whole body is almost on top of me. If the distance of this burrow is higher, my waist will probably be broken.

As soon as I moved, I realized that I couldn't get up, so I said to Tofu: "Don't sit on me fucking, go away."

Tofu said: "You think I think, there is no place to stay. Wait, let me adjust my posture." As he said, Tofu supported the wall with both hands, stepped on my belly, and lifted himself up.Taking advantage of this opportunity, I quickly adjusted my posture and prepared to get up, but unexpectedly, I still couldn't get up. Suddenly, I felt that the equipment bag under me seemed to be caught by something, and I felt something A force is preventing me from getting up.

I was shocked for a moment and turned around quickly, but because I couldn't get up, I could only catch a glimpse of my equipment bag from the corner of my sight, and only then did I realize that there was only half of the equipment bag left. , and the other half were wrapped in a black substance.

I said in surprise: "Xiaodou, quickly look at what is under me!"

Tofu felt something was wrong, propped his feet on both sides, and aimed the light of the flashlight directly under me, his expression suddenly became surprised, and he said: "It seems to be quicksand, black quicksand!"


How could there be quicksand in this place?

Could it be that Zhuanrui and Harichagai also encountered the same situation as us, being swallowed by this black quicksand?I didn't dare to be careless, and didn't want to think too much, so I quickly untied the connecting buckle of the equipment bag. Soon, the whole person got out, just like Tofu, relying on the strength of my legs, against the stone walls on both sides, and pushed myself It was lifted up, and at this time, almost only the layer near the back of my equipment bag was exposed.In the sight of me and Tofu, it was instantly swallowed up by these black quicksand-like things at an extremely fast speed.

As soon as I shifted my attention now, I didn't feel the pain anymore, I just felt a little bit of fear after a while.Tofu said: "It's over, it's over, the Yin Yang face and the others must have been swallowed, I don't know if they are still alive. Old Chen, do you know what these are?"

I shook my head and observed those things carefully. At this moment, I suddenly discovered that these black quicksand-like substances flowed out from the gaps around the stone walls.The overall building and underground palace of Ghost Creature are all made of huge stones. They have limited manpower and processing technology, so the connection between stones is very rough, and there are inevitably some gaps.And these black quicksand-like substances flowed out from these gaps.

I didn't answer Tofu's words, but a few thoughts flashed through my mind.This thing seems to have the same nature as quicksand. If a person is swallowed by it, [-]% of them will suffocate to death.No, I have to confirm whether Zhuan Rui and the others are still alive.Thinking of this, I reached out and took out the probe and extension tube from Tofu's equipment bag, and started inserting the iron rod into the black quicksand. Each extension tube can be extended by three meters by stretching.

Soon, I lowered the first extension tube to the bottom, and it didn't touch anything like a human corpse. Even the equipment bag I sunk just now was gone.

It seems that this quicksand hole is deeper than I imagined.

The people of ghosts have no reason to make these in their own homes, so I suspect that these black quicksands are probably the products that appeared after the destruction of ghosts. What are they?

When I stretched the second extension tube to one meter, the probe suddenly touched something.I rotated the probe and felt the vibration from it. Through the vibration, I concluded that this should be the equipment bag I just sank.According to this situation, the bottom of the equipment bag is likely to be the end, and there may be the corpses of Zhuan Rui and the others underneath.

When I thought of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on my forehead.

Tofu seemed to see what I was thinking, panicked, shook his head and said, "Impossible, the yin and yang face and the lid of the teapot belong to cockroaches, so it's so easy to die. Old Chen, you need to see people when you live, and you need to see corpses when you die. We have to think about it." Think of ways to!"

I said, "Did I tell you to leave it alone?" Turning my eyes, I looked at the cracks where the black sand flowed out between the stones, and an idea came to my mind.These things are fluid, so there must be a starting point and an end point. Only when these things are cleaned up can we see the things buried by them.If quicksand keeps slipping out of the crevices of these stones, then the black quicksand in this cave should be far larger than it is now.

So where did the rest of the quicksand go?
The only explanation is that this is likely to be a cyclical system. Perhaps, if we find its cyclical path, we can find the two of them.

Thinking of this, I signaled Tofu to go up first, and the two climbed out of the hole.Tofu looked around vigilantly, as if looking for the thing that kicked him down before.According to Doufu's recollection, he said that one foot kicked him, and it was a human foot without shoes.

My eyes looked around this place, and suddenly, I found that the woman next to the table had no shoes on her feet.

My heart skipped a beat, and I felt an ominous premonition.

Tofu saw that my expression was not right, waved his hand in front of my eyes, and said, "Old Chen, don't be in a daze, just do as you say, you go to pry the stone, I will guard it, don't care what it is, this time I will make sure it won't break." Give it a chance to make trouble."

I didn't answer Tofu's words, but turned my eyes, and took out a shovel from Tofu's equipment bag.This thing is thick and sharp, with a shovel down, it can cut off half of a person's skull. I weighed it in my hand, and without further ado, I picked up the shovel and slammed it at the petrified woman.The corpse was fused with volcanic ash. Although it was petrified, it was not hard. With this shot, her whole head was directly broken into countless pebble-sized particles, bringing up countless dust.

Tofu didn't understand what was going on at all, and stood by in a daze.I didn't bother to explain to him that in order to prevent future troubles, the shovel in my hand was transformed into a weapon of destruction, and the entire petrified body of the woman was completely smashed into pieces.

When I was destroying the corpse, Tofu noticed the woman's feet without shoes, and probably reacted, and immediately picked up an extension tube and started destroying it with me.There is a saying that cut weeds and root them out. Just in case, we both took care of the male corpse and the child lying on the table. The entire square wooden table was also smashed into pieces by us. The dust around time made up, and the vision was blurred.

We might as well wear gas masks, but that doesn't bother us.After finishing all this, Tofu looked around nervously and said, "Is it useful to destroy the corpse?"

I said: "Whether it's useful or not, it's better than doing nothing."

Tofu said: "Could it be that we made a mistake? Didn't you tell me before that petrified corpses won't turn into zongzi?" Tofu said so, it reminded me of a story, this ancient corpse is Wei Nanjing told us.Speaking of which, it is a pity that Wei Nanjing died. He was a man, and he knew that I was a blue face, so he told me some strange things in the circle at that time. It is a pity when I think of him even now.

The dead body is lifted up with one breath, some of which is borrowed from popularity, some is the resentment before death, and some is the atmosphere of the earth, that is, there are some special places to raise corpses, and rice dumplings will also be raised.But petrified corpses are absolutely incapable of lifting the corpse.

However, Wei Nanjing told me a legend about a stone statue turning into a spirit.It is said that in the early years, when the Japanese invaded China, they swept up villages under a mountain at the junction of the two wests.The two west are Shanxi and Shaanxi.There is a Xiaogong Temple in that village, and there is a stone sundial beside the temple.Fusang people passed by Xiaogong Temple, and some people were anxious, so they hurriedly settled in Xiaogong Temple.Unexpectedly, at this time, someone discovered that there was a person hiding behind the sundial, wearing red clothes and red trousers, she looked like a girl.

The Fusang people laughed loudly: there is the work of the flower girl.Immediately afterwards, he went to catch the little girl, but when the little girl turned around, it turned out to be a face as gray as a stone, with Zichou Yinmao and other hours engraved on it.The people in Fusang were so frightened that they ran away, never daring to go to this area again.

It is said that because the Xiaogong Temple has been built for a long time, since there has been no furnace, the incense and incense are enshrined under the sundial for generations. Over time, the sundial senses the popularity and becomes a humanoid elf.Although the three petrified corpses could not be recovered, they died in an instant at the beginning. Perhaps their popularity had not subsided at that time. After a long time, it is also possible that they became ghosts.In this case, once its real body is destroyed, it is equivalent to venting its energy.

I told Tofu about the way, and Tofu said in surprise: "If it is true that these stone corpses have become spirits, will they come to retaliate against us?" There was a gust of wind.

In the empty stone room that was heard, suddenly there was a shriek, like a man, a beast, a virtual reality, and in an instant, the dust that had been silent flew up again with the dark wind, swirling in the air, suddenly I couldn't see anything in front of my eyes.

Spiritual monsters are no better than soft rice dumplings. According to folklore, spirit monsters are much higher than soft rice dumplings.Back in Yinyang Liubu Village, it was the weasel who helped us block a large number of soft rice dumplings.I was shocked, and suddenly felt a cold thing crawling from behind my body.

It was a very strange feeling. For a moment, I only felt that my limbs were icy cold, and my whole body twitched uncontrollably. I could almost feel my intestines being stirred together. That feeling was extremely painful.

(End of this chapter)

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