Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 140 Pirate Ship

Chapter 140 Pirate Ship

The man was a middle-aged man with a pale face, and fell on the deck speechless for a long time.When I touched his body, it was already numb.Ah Ying hurriedly took a bowl of fish soup that was still hot, and fed the man to drink it. It took him a while to speak, and the first sentence was: "Please, save people... There are pirates."

At this moment, everyone on the ship gathered around the edge of the deck. Professor Lin was surprised: "Why are there pirates here? This area is not out of bounds yet, there are maritime patrol ships."

The man breathed weakly and said: "It's a loose bandit, disguised as a fishing boat. Our boat was sunk, they hijacked people onto their boat, and all the men were thrown into the sea, leaving women and children behind. It was resold to other countries...ahem." According to the intermittent description of this person, we learned that this person is a relatively wealthy businessman.Taking advantage of my spare time at work, I made an appointment with a few relatives and friends, and rented a mini cruise ship by myself for vacation.A group of people are walking slowly, and it's only the second day that they will encounter pirates disguised as fishermen. Not to mention all the money has been looted, and now the rest of the people are uncertain, and the women and children have been taken away by the pirates up.

Pirates were once popular in the age of great navigation 500 years ago, but in recent years, with the strengthening of maritime defense, they are generally close to the seas of various countries, and there are very few pirates, only in the Pacific Ocean, which is relatively large and cannot be supervised. There are a large number of pirates rampant in the sea area.We didn't expect that before we left the East China Sea, we would encounter pirates attacking people.

I thought to myself: Is this the reason for my bad luck again?Concubine Wan Yao, Concubine Wan Yao, you will really find trouble for me.

The man probably saw how many of us there were, so he knelt down and begged us to save people after he finished speaking. He noted down the direction of the ship, and it was still too late to catch up. Otherwise, the vast sea would not call the police afterwards. used.Although I am not a good person, but when encountering such a thing, I do my part and cannot ignore it.Professor Lin and the others also had a sense of justice, and immediately decided to save people.

What surprised me was that the four bald heads, seeing their viciousness, unexpectedly agreed without a hitch, and quickly took action.I couldn't help thinking: Official robbers are different. Look at their quality, they are really not at the same level as those tomb robbers who are greedy for profit and like to fight in the nest. I have no prejudice against them for a while.

After asking the man the direction of the stolen ship, the carp increased its power, and our ship sailed in the dark in the predetermined direction.The businessman introduced himself as Mrs. Tang, who is engaged in financial investment. Tofu heard this and suddenly said, "Why does this name sound familiar to me...?" After thinking for a long time, he suddenly pointed at the down-and-out middle-aged man and said : "I remembered. It was you who donated money to hold a folk art exhibition for street performers a year ago!"

When Tofu said this, I remembered it, and I couldn’t help being very surprised. Tofu did nagging a year ago, saying that a rich financial tycoon held an art exhibition, and said with emotion that the financial tycoon had something wrong with his head, why didn’t he sponsor him to hold an art exhibition .This world is really too small. I didn't expect that a year later, we would meet the person who appeared in the newspaper in this way.

The man had already changed into clean clothes, but he was still trembling. The money lost should not be a big deal to him. The key is the people on board, either his relatives or his friends. Such a thing is almost like exterminating the door.Don't talk about financial tycoons, even Bill Gates may not be able to calm down when he encounters such a thing.

After hearing what Tofu said, he probably wanted to go along with it, pulled out an ugly smile, and said, "When I get back to the shore, I will definitely help you hold an art exhibition." He stared at the dark place ahead.But at this time, the four bald heads suddenly changed their clothes. They were covered with lacquered leather-like clothes, which glowed phosphorescent under the light, and each of them held a small submachine gun in his hand.

Tofu swallowed his saliva and said, "Damn it, this is the arrival of the Star Legion." He turned his head and asked Mrs. Tang, "Do those pirates have guns?" I was stunned, my eyes were stunned, and I was stunned for a long time before I hurriedly replied: "There are guns, but they are all old-fashioned pistols. They can't compare with yours. The gap is too big, and you also have bulletproof vests. Great, great Well, it’s saved now.” He was incoherent with excitement.

Tofu said happily: "According to this, as long as these four brothers board the pirate ship, it will be the same as Big Big Wolf meeting Pleasant Goat. The wolf enters the sheep's mouth."

When I saw the equipment formation, I knew that there would be no accidents on this trip. We didn’t need to do anything, just four people with bald heads, bulletproof vests on board, and a submachine gun to shoot.

Gu Wenmin shook her head and said, "What if they take women and children as hostages?"

Professor Lin reacted quickly and said, "We will also pretend to be ordinary fishing boats for a while, and wait until we find an opportunity."

Tofu clapped his hands and said: "Professor Lin is still experienced, but professor, when we start a war with the thieves, you should not show up. Although you are old and strong, those people are ruthless. If they hurt you, they will hurt us." Dongliang." I couldn't help laughing, thinking that the boy Tofu was obviously afraid that Professor Lin's old arms and legs would make trouble, but what he said was like honey.

Professor Lin couldn't see the smallness of tofu, and said with a tiger face: "I really think I am old. Let me tell you guys, when I was young..." Amidst Professor Lin's endless reminiscence, The darkness seemed to be thicker, and we seemed to have broken into a cloud of ink. The faint light of the ship's lights seemed a little fragile on the black sea.

Mrs. Tang is also a good person. Seeing the posture of the bald four, he also knew that our group was not simple, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and just pretended not to see it.

After driving at high speed for about four hours, a starlight suddenly appeared in the darkness, and when I got closer, I found that it was an old-fashioned fishing boat.Miss Tang choked for breath, and a voice filled with hatred and murderous intent came out of her throat: "That's the boat, and those beasts are on it."

We made a gesture first, let the four eye-catching baldheads hide first, and approached the boat disguised as an ordinary fishing boat, pretending not to know, let the carp pass the signal light, and send a friendly signal.

On the sea, due to the vast sea area, there is a set of light language for exchanging information between ships, just like the command lighthouse in the harbor.

Carp flashed the signal light three times quickly to indicate that it was okay, and greeted the 'comrades'.If there are really pirates there, they will definitely not let go of the opportunity to kill another sheep, and they will probably reply with a friendly signal.Usually at this time, the two fishing boats like to go side by side, and the crew members on the boat visit each other, play cards, talk nonsense, and eat fish pot to pass the boring time at sea.

But after our friendly signal was sent out, the other party did not respond.

Wu Sidong said, "Why didn't you respond? Are you not interested in our boat?"

From this distance, it can be seen that there is also a person leaning on the side of the fishing boat, who is obviously observing us, and it is likely to be a pirate.

Tofu suddenly realized, pointing to Mrs. Tang and said, "The other party must have recognized you."

Miss Tang shook her head and said worriedly: "There were a lot of people on the boat at that time, and we were subdued by guns and thrown into the sea just after we met each other. On this side, there are so many people, they can't remember my appearance, let alone , I’ve changed my clothes now.” Several of us looked at each other, and finally Carp said: “It’s not right, I’ll try sending out a few more signals, they have guns, you should not stand on the bow.”

So everyone retreated to the command room, and the carp started to emit light signals, which were always on at first, that is, emergency, and asked if something happened to the other party.The pirate ship remained unresponsive.Carp began to change signals again: three long and two short flashes, asking if the other party was lost.There was still no response.

After trying a few more signals, the other party also did not respond.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not sure what happened for a moment.Ah Ying is a simple fisherman, who has never experienced this kind of battle, her fear is palpable, and she said: "Aren't they going to ignore us? Then how can we save people? Could those women have been... She probably thought of something bad, with an angry and unbearable expression on her face, suppressing the panic a little.

When Ah Ying said this, Miss Tang couldn't sit still anymore, she got up and begged the four bald heads: "This is not going to work, we have to hurry up, I really can't imagine how they will be treated. There is me in it. Relatives, as well as my friend's wife and children, I beg you to hurry up and get on the boat."

The four bald heads didn't express any opinions, only the bald one said dryly: "Don't worry, we will help the people solve their problems."

Tofu almost lost his temper when he heard the words, and said, "It looks like they came out of the army. Before, I thought the four of them were not pleasing to the eye, but now they are kind."

I said, "I agree."

Just as we were discussing what to do next, there was an extremely shrill scream on the sea where the wind was blowing.

It's a woman's voice.

All the discussions among the crowd came to an abrupt end. Professor Lin was furious, his face flushed, and he said to the bald four, "Act immediately."

Professor Lin was the person in charge of this operation, and the four of them obeyed their orders. After checking their equipment at last, they filed onto the deck, and the carp also began to move our ship closer to the pirate ship.If it goes well, there will be a gun battle without any suspense, but if it doesn't go well, and the other party uses hostages as threats, we may not have the chance to shoot at all.

Standing in the command room, the ship gradually approached.

At this moment, Bald No. [-] gasped, and made a sharp gesture.This is probably a military gesture, and the rest of us can't understand it. Gu Wenmin is a policeman, and immediately translated: "The situation has changed, let's go, let's go out and have a look."

Except for the carp manipulating the boat, we all ran to the deck, stood around the four bald men, followed their line of sight, and were stunned for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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