Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 137 Time Island

Chapter 137 Time Island

When we got on the boat, a middle-aged man with dark skin and long sleeves and trousers greeted us on board. His black and shiny skin looked like someone who had been crawling on the beach all year round.

Gu Wenmin turned her head to Tofu and me and said in a low voice: "This is our captain, the ship is his, and sea navigation depends on him."

The captain's name is Li Yu, and this time we are going to sea, we will rent his boat and let him be our guide.Modern boats are not like the water boats or scull boats of the past, which can be driven with strength. Now they all use high technology, and people who have no professional training can't drive if they want to.The female student Professor Lin took was Duan Fei, a very eccentric girl, she covered her mouth and smiled and said, "Li Yu? That name sounds a bit like a carp."

Tofu is the type who can't move when he sees a woman, so he immediately struck up a conversation and said, "Sister, we want to go together, there is a poem about it...the body has no colorful phoenix and wings, but the heart has a good understanding."

Duan Fei glared at Tofu, wrinkled her nose and said, "Who can tell you a little bit."

Tofu has a relatively thick skin, and continued to strike up a conversation with a shy face. The carp didn't mind, smiled, and took us to the cabin.

Maybe it's my inherently suspicious personality. When I first heard the name of Duan Fei, the corners of my eyes couldn't help but twitch.This girl's surname is broken?Is it from the Duan family of the three major tomb robber warlords?
After thinking about it, I feel unreliable. The world is so big, where can I meet people in the circle everywhere? Besides, the descendants of the Duan family have basically emigrated overseas, so how could they appear in China as students?There are so many Duan surnames in the world, I should be thinking too much.

It seems that my suspicious and overthinking problem has to be corrected. If this continues, I will definitely suffer from neurasthenia.

This ship is relatively small and divided into two floors. The upper floor is the stern, the command room and the deck. The lower floor is divided into two parts. The first half is the crew lounge, and the second half is a fish cabin. In the cabin, it’s just because we charter the boat, so the fish cabin is empty now, and the equipment for our trip is placed in it.

Carp is an old hand at sea and it's not the fishing season so he chartered the boat to us for extra money.When we got on the boat, Carp gave us a brief introduction of the itinerary. Only after he said this did I discover the problem.

It turns out that the island we are going to belongs to the southeast border of Fusang. Due to its small location and the fact that the island is full of barren rocks and lush forests, it has no development value, so it is an uninhabited island named 'Jiuan Island'. However, in the mouths of these fishermen who go to sea all the year round, it has another name called 'Time and Space Island'.

Why such a weird nickname?

Carp told us a strange legend about Time Island.

The location of Time and Space Island, in terms of sea area division, is located in the East China Sea, at the westernmost edge of the Pacific Ocean.The underwater ocean currents in the Pacific Ocean are very complicated, so the area where they meet is known as the 'shipwreck grave' belt.The so-called shipwreck burials are the places where ships are most likely to have accidents.Due to the collision of ocean currents under the sea, dangerous environments such as eddies, huge waves, undercurrents, and sea fog are easily formed in that area.Throughout the ages, many ships have had accidents there, so there are many shipwrecks on the seabed, so it is called the burial place of shipwrecks.

Because of these unique natural environments, the waters around Time and Space Island are raining all the year round. In the folklore of Fusang, there was once a story about a pulsatilla.

It is said that there was an old fisherman who was already gray-haired, but his children ignored him, so he lived a lonely life alone.The beginning of this legend reminds me of the story of the old man and the sea, but the later development is completely different.The old man failed to catch any fish for several days, so he decided to go out to sea to fish farther away.

He hung up the sails, braved the wind and waves, and headed for the farther north Pacific Ocean.Some big fleets met him at sea, laughed at his shabby boat, and told him to hurry back to the shore, but the Pulsatilla refused to listen and insisted on moving forward. The big fleet watched him gradually in the dark night Sail to the scope of the space-time island.

Due to the chaotic ocean currents in that area, dense fog gathers all year round in the area of ​​Time and Space Island. In the darkness, those white sea fogs turn into black fog barriers. As he moved forward, his figure was gradually engulfed by the black mist.

The people on the big boat said with pity: "This old man is dead, his boat will be torn apart by the storm."

Another said: "He will starve to death at sea."

A sailor said: "Never mind it, we catch our own fish." The big ship was working nearby, but they didn't go near Time and Space Island, because the current in that area was not only dangerous, but also not in the activity zone of fish schools.On the third day, a sailor on the boat suddenly exclaimed, pointing in the direction of Time and Space Island: "Look, it's the old man's boat from three days ago. The boat came out."

The people on the boat looked at it, and they saw that the broken wooden boat was nailed again and again, heading in their direction, and there was a person standing on the boat.Strangely, the man's hair was black.

Where did the Pulsatilla go?
The two boats met, and the people on the boat greeted the young man on the broken wooden boat: "Hey, where is the old man on the boat? Who are you? Why are you on the old man's boat?"

The young man was very nervous, and without saying a word, he accelerated the speed of the boat. Everyone watched his boat go away and scolded him for being rude.At this moment, a sailor on the boat suddenly turned pale, and said, "Ah... look, the clothes on him are the old man's clothes, aren't they?"

Only then did the people on the boat react, but the boat was already gone.

They looked at each other, and no one could tell why.Could it be that the island has some magical powers, or can it turn back time?Otherwise, why would Pulsatilla become a young man?Of course, it is also possible that pirates at sea robbed Pulsatilla, who can tell?

In short, the name of Time and Space Island slowly spread. It is said that there is a magical power on the island that can make people rejuvenate.There used to be some explorers who went to explore specifically. Some people successfully landed on the island, but nothing happened. Instead, they were bitten to death by poisonous snakes on the island. Sigh.

Carp said: "However, don't worry about my technology. I am confident that I will bring you to the island. Moreover, in the current season, the currents under the sea are not active, which is very helpful for our itinerary."

Tofu has a rich imagination. It is speculated that the reason why the old man became younger is because there is really an elixir of life on the island?Maybe Xu Fu didn't deceive Qin Shihuang, the rumored Penglai fairy island is the current space-time island?
I said: "Imagination is the ladder of human progress, but your imagination is too unreliable."

Carp grinned, showing white teeth on his swarthy face, and said, "Although that island is an uninhabited desert island, there have been expeditions there. I heard that there are stones and trees in it, and there are snakes, insects, rats and ants everywhere. What kind of fairy island is it? Your ideas are too weird. Not to mention, it will take about five days to reach the destination. In these five days, you can do whatever you want. If you have any questions, you can ask me and my crew.”

"Crew?" Tofu asked, "Who else is on this boat besides you?"

Li Yu said: "Of course I can't sail by myself for five days. Someone has to change the guard. She is in the control room now, and we will have a chance to meet." Li Yu went to the command room to prepare to set sail. We have a total of 12 people, which can be described as a mighty team.And taking advantage of the free time, Tofu and I went to the fish cabin where the equipment was stored and took a look. The equipment was packed in a black equipment bag, and there were some emergency diving equipment and life-saving equipment, which can be said to be well prepared.

But what caught my attention the most was one of the bulging equipment bags, with a lot of edges and corners protruding from the cover, and a complete submachine gun can be clearly seen.

Tofu and I have only seen shotguns and pistols in our life. As soon as we saw the shape, we knew that the weapons and pistols in the equipment bag were not of the same level. We are completely incomparable.

Tofu is a typical sour grape mentality. After watching it for a long time, I felt unbalanced, and said: "The equipment is good, but this equipment is a bit too much. Even if we carry a bag each, we can't finish it. So, Eating public meals has this bad problem, I don’t know how to save money.” I poked Tofu’s waist and said, “Don’t talk about it.”

Tofu waved his hand and said, "What are you afraid of, they can't hear you..."

Can't hear anything, the bald one is standing behind you, okay?Bald No. [-]'s face is almost black, okay?Seeing that Tofu was about to continue talking, in order to prevent him from saying anything surprising, I immediately greeted the bald one, and Tofu finally realized it, and changed his tone when the words came to his mouth: "...but saving is not good, saving is not good. It can’t stimulate domestic demand, if the old ones don’t go, the new ones won’t come.”

While talking, he made a smiling face for Bald No. [-], dragged me and ran to the boat.

When the two arrived on the deck, they saw that the ship had left the pier at some point. Looking at the coast before, they could only see a line of yellow sand.Tables and chairs were placed in front of the deck, but the four bald heads were nowhere to be seen, only Gu Wenmin and Professor Lin's two students were playing poker.

Tofu and I often saw the sea in Shenzhen, so we didn’t think it was unusual. The two of us stood on the deck, leaning against the side of the boat to look out, and then we heard Tofu say, “I saw that weapon just now, and I thought it was quite exciting. The more you think about it, the more difficult it is to bring so many hard weapons. Could it be that the place is very dangerous? Old Chen, why do I feel like I'm on a pirate ship?"

(End of this chapter)

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