Tomb Raiders Codex

Chapter 105 The Great Change of Living People

Chapter 105 The Great Change of Living People
Although we had already prepared in our hearts, we knew that Princess Geger was not a good person, but no one expected that he would have two heads.I saw that the two heads and faces were covered with a golden mask, which set off the chin like a fox.We couldn't see what the corpse under the mask looked like for a while, but the corpse's hair was scattered and black and tangled in one place. Looking closely, it seemed that water was hidden in the black hair, making it appear wet.

The few of us looked at each other, and felt that the two-headed female corpse was too weird. Feng Guishou said: "So many coffins have been opened, and this is the first time I have seen a zongzi that grows like this. No matter, hurry up and touch things, everyone stays behind." Be smart." Following Feng Guishou's instructions, we removed the brocade quilt covering the corpse.The brocade quilt had already been rotted into a ball, and it would be divided into several pieces when it was touched. It took a long time to clean up the body before it was exposed.

The first thing that came out was a human hand, and I was stunned when I saw that hand.

The flesh on the hand was a little blue, obviously it was the hands of two dead people, but after so many years, it was not corrupted at all. It seems that what lay in the coffin was a wet corpse that had not decomposed.Dry bones, mummified corpses, and wet corpses. Among the three types of corpses, dried bones are the most common. Mummified corpses are more common in deserts, while wet corpses are very rare.

The hands in front of him, except for the abnormal color, are almost the same as living people.

Tofu smacked his tongue secretly, and said, "Look at this hand, the skin is pretty good, and I don't know how it looks." I looked at the mask on the female corpse's face, and warned, "Xiaodou, didn't you let you stand behind? Why are you rushing up again? Don't make trouble, don't touch the mask of the female corpse." I know this kid too well. When he should be bold, he is timid like a mouse. When he should be timid, he is often prone to nervousness.If he sees the delicate skin of this female corpse and suddenly wants to play with his corpse, then I can't bear it.

While we were talking, Lu Su and I worked together from left to right, and cleaned up the rotten brocade on the top of the female corpse, and the whole corpse was exposed in front of our eyes.As soon as he saw the corpse, Feng Guishou's face changed, and he lost his voice: "How could this happen!" Even through the glass cover of the gas mask, I could see his distorted face.

Not to mention Feng Guishou, even my hands trembled a little, because the corpse in front of me was not wearing a shroud, she was wearing Ren Ling's clothes!

Almost instantly, we thought of a possibility at the same time: Is this corpse Ren Ling?
But the coffin was obviously sealed, how could she be put in the coffin?

Judging by the color of the skin, the one in front of us is definitely a corpse, but it would not surprise us if this corpse appeared anywhere, but it was unimaginable to appear in this coffin.

Lu Su hissed, his voice was not too fast, his eyes were fixed on the two heads of the corpse, and he said, "Take off her mask."

There is a hole where the mask is close to the forehead. The ancients believed that the forehead is the place where the soul enters and exits, so leaving such a hole is equivalent to leaving a passage for the soul.There is also particularity in removing the mask from the corpse's face. The person who removes the mask must not face the corpse. He must stand at the head of the coffin and turn it upside down before removing the mask.

It is said that this is to prevent the mouths and noses of the living and the dead from colliding, and it is also said that it is because facing the dead face to face is disrespect for the dead.There are too many such strange and unexplainable rules in China, which have been passed down from generation to generation.

When I was young, I ate zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. After removing the leaves of the zongzi, my grandfather would always use a chopstick to insert it from the head of the zongzi, and then pull it out halfway, leaving a hole for the chopsticks before I could start eating. I asked him The reason, grandpa himself can't say it, only that his grandpa taught it like this.

At this time, even if I don't need to take off the mask, I can almost be sure that the corpse in this coffin must be Ren Ling, but, even if it is Ren Ling, even if she is inexplicably strange, in a strange situation, she was pulled into the coffin, but how could she have an extra head?Whose head is this extra?
After Lu Su finished speaking, no one spoke.

At this time, Feng Gui was at the end of the coffin, Lu Su and I were standing on the left and right sides of the coffin, and Tofu was on my left.After Lu Su finished speaking, he concentrated and held his breath, and carefully stretched out his hand with a corpse-touching glove, and walked towards the mask of the female corpse.With a move in my heart, I also stretched out my hand and moved towards the mask of the other head.

Because of the oddity of the situation, both of us forgot the mask-removal rule.The mask covered the face, it was not fixed, and it was easily swept off by us.

Under the two masks, two faces were exposed.

The face above is that of Ren Ling's, with bulging eyeballs, unrepentant eyes, bruises all over the face, and bloodstains at the corner of the mouth.She was originally a charming little beauty, but after she died, no matter how beautiful she was, she couldn't look any better, and even just looking at her made her feel disheartened.On the other hand, with a slightly lower head, that face was pale, with closed eyes, and a delicate melon-seeded face showing a painful expression. Tofu cried out: "Beauty Gu!"

It's really hard for me to describe my feelings at this moment. We watched Gu Wenmin fall into the abyss, so why did he appear in this coffin?Could it be that we have fallen into another trap?Could everything in front of me be an illusion like the murals of Feixian?Before I could figure it out, Tofu reached out and touched Gu Wenmin's neck, and said happily, "I still have a pulse, hurry up and save her."

There is a saying that concern leads to chaos. After Doufu reminded me, I came back to my senses and realized that it was not that the corpse had grown two heads, but that Ren Ling's corpse was pressing on Gu Wenmin.The coffin was small, and the body was covered with a brocade quilt. At first glance, it really looked like there were two heads.Now that I understand it, I don't care too much, knowing that saving people is the most important thing, so I don't care about Ren Ling's body, and I don't have time to feel sorry for her. I put my arms around the shoulders of her body and pulled her up. He sat in the coffin.

Under the coffin, Gu Wenmin's upper body was exposed. It looked wet and greasy at first glance, as if it had just been salvaged from some sewage, and Ren Ling was sitting on her stomach.Gu Wenmin didn't react at all to such a big movement, she was obviously in a deep coma, if she stayed in the coffin for a while longer, she might be going to see the King of Hades just like Ren Ling.

Thinking about it carefully at this moment, I immediately understood what was going on with the abnormal noise in the coffin before, it was probably caused by Gu Wenmin.

Tofu acted on his own, said sorry to Ren Ling, and his subordinates were even more rude, directly grabbed Ren Ling's armpit, dragged him out of the coffin, and threw him on the lap of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.After finishing all this, the four of us quickly got Gu Wenmin out of the coffin, and looked at the coffin again, except for a bed of torn cotton wool, it was empty.

Tofu hissed, as if he didn't believe in evil, and tapped the bottom of the coffin with his hands, saying: "There must be a hole or something under here, otherwise how would Miss Gu get into the coffin." The coffin made a dull sound, showing that there were no caves underneath, and the floor was intact.

How Gu Wenmin and Ren Ling got into the coffin is really unimaginable.

Could it be that this coffin can pull people by itself?

And also specifically to pull women?

Although this incident is weird, the most important thing right now is to save Gu Wenmin. There is no flat place on the statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, so we took the man down the rope and laid him flat on the ground.At this time, I didn't care about whether men and women could kiss or not. I touched her all over. There was no major trauma, only some scratches left by our actions before, which didn't bother me. It seems that the reason why she passed out was because It must have been suffocated before.

Lu Su put his hand under her nose, took off the gas mask, shook her black hair, and said, "The breathing is getting weaker and weaker, hurry up, give her artificial respiration."

Artificial respiration?

Tofu's eyes lit up, and he said, "Is your mouth right? How embarrassing."

I said: "Fuck your mother's mouth to mouth, it's not drowning." I ignored the tofu and started to do chest and abdomen compressions for Gu Wenmin. Unfortunately, my arm was stabbed by a dagger before. There was a burst of pain, so I had to stop, and said to Tofu: "Come on, don't put your hands around." Tofu looked teasing, winked, and said with a smile: "Your friend's wife should not be bullied, don't worry, I will definitely touch the place that shouldn't be touched." Do not touch."

Just as Tofu's evil hands stretched towards Gu Wenmin, the person lying on the ground suddenly coughed, opened his dark and fragile eyes, and slowly woke up.Tofu was dumbfounded, then blinked, looking like he was about to cry, and muttered: "It was intentional, Miss Gu, you must have done it on purpose."

I was overjoyed and quickly helped Gu Wenmin up.She was very weak at the moment, her eyes were half open, she looked around slowly, and finally her eyes rested on me, she seemed to be relieved, her voice, which was always clear, became a little hoarse, and she said angrily: "I, I ..." Before finishing a word, he fainted again.

Lu Su felt for her pulse, heaved a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face, and said slowly: "She has passed out, it doesn't matter, let her have a good sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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