I'm a big dick

Chapter 686 Untitled

Chapter 686 Untitled
Since the gradual restoration of Nuergandusi and Daningdusi in the Liaodong theater, many people have already seen clearly that the emperor wants to repeat the powerful state of Taizu or Chengzu.

Like Dongshengwei, Ningxiawei, etc., all the sites that were once guarded and then abandoned will be the first areas to be restored.

But this did not satisfy the emperor. Mekong Province, Dongfan, and the occupied Burma all showed the emperor's great ambition to expand the territory.

At the same time that the Mongols were expelled in the Northwest Theater and Dongshengwei was repeated, mobilization and preparations also began in the Liaodong Military Region.

The current Tongliao area is the closest position to the Chahar tribe advanced by the Ming army.After several years of operation, the immigrant Han, Manchu, and Koreans have settled down and built this place into a stable base.

The intelligence of Huduntu's westward expedition has long been known. The mobilization and preparation of the Ming army is to copy its lair, occupy the old place of the Chahar tribe, and completely remove the threat of Huduntu to Liaodong.

Talking about threats is just flattering Huduntu.Don't look at the tens of thousands of Hal troops, but in terms of real combat power, only [-] flying cavalry and spear cavalry of the Ming army are enough to sweep.

Huduntu must have also seen the gap, and did not dare to easily provoke the powerful Liaodong army that defeated Jianlu and was in high morale.

However, the Ming army's patience with the Chahar tribe obviously also gave Huduntu the illusion that the Ming court did not want to go to war.After all, the grassland is vast, and even if the Ming court seized it, it would not be easy for the garrison to manage it.

Looking at the right-wing Mongolian tribes, they are not as powerful as the Chahar tribe, and the Ming court did not take action, and they still have market rewards as usual.

With such a judgment, Huduntu decided to go west and defeat the right-wing Mongolian tribes, which not only realized the grand ideal of unifying Mongolia, but also won the market reward from the Ming Dynasty.

Of course he didn't know that the Ming court was oppressing and luring him to attack the right-wing Mongolian tribes, so as to reap the benefits of fishermen.

The Ming army has been preparing for the military offensive against the Chahar Department for several years, and it can be said that it has sufficient troops and food and has been planning for a long time.

Kong Youde took the letter from the messenger, opened it to look at it, a smile slowly appeared on his face, passed it to the lieutenant general, and said: "Finally waited for this day, and there will be a war."

The deputy general read the letter and said with a smile: "The commander-in-chief is too cautious, and he has to mobilize General Yang's troops to recruit the naturalized Mongolian tribes."

Kong Youde shook his head and said: "With such a force, I'm afraid not only to capture the Chahar tribe's garrison, but also to go west to defeat Huduntu."

"Solve Monan Mongolia once and for all?" The deputy general pondered for a while and said, "It is possible."

Kong Youde lightly shook his horsewhip, and said: "Flying cavalry plus gun cavalry, there are already [-] people, and there are also [-] Mongolian allied forces. Perhaps, we must also add troops from the right-wing Mongolian tribes. Well, the Northwest Military Region will not mobilize , and have the certainty of defeating Huduntu."

"I heard that Huduntu has the Jade Seal of Chuanguo in his hand?" The deputy general narrowed his eyes and said, "If it can be captured, it will be a miracle."

Kong Youde smiled, and said: "Don't think too much about it, it's a good opportunity to make great achievements by fighting the battle in front of you well. Although there are still battles to be fought in the future, the Mongolian tribes in Moxi and Mobei are also waiting to be conquered. But in terms of time, it is estimated that it will take a long time.”

Huduntu's plan to unify the Mongolian tribes is obviously delusional, and it can even be said to be a joke.But the emperor's ambition is surprisingly big, and it is being realized step by step.

Kong Youde's department, as well as Yang Guozhu's department, have been waiting here for several years, just to suppress the possibility of Huduntu's eastward advance.

Zhang Pan and other generals, who are also in the Liaodong Theater, have continuously advanced in the east, and have included hundreds of miles of territory into the Ming Dynasty, and their official positions have been promoted to lieutenant generals.

In comparison, Kong Youde and others are naturally very eager to make meritorious deeds and want to be promoted.And the only way to achieve it is to fight.

In the distance, galloping horses and billowing dust and smoke, thousands of cavalrymen of the Ming army are galloping and training nervously.

There are both veterans and recruits among these flying cavalry; there are Han Chinese, Mongolians, and even Manchus.

It has been several years since Ping Liao, and the hatred formed by the war has gradually weakened.The Horqin and Neikalkha tribes were naturalized, and the Manchus were naturalized. The frequent exchanges in residence, life, and business exchanges also made the barriers between ethnic groups gradually thinner.

The key is the increasing assimilation of clothing. Manchus naturally do not want to be discriminated against. Naturalized Mongols, Koreans and Han people live together or live next to each other. For more convenience, they often change to Han clothing.

After a few years of this situation, I am afraid that if they do not speak out, no one will be able to recognize the distinction between the various ethnic groups.

And after the inspection period, those who have truly entered the Ming Dynasty naturally do not want to be regarded as outsiders, and are proud to integrate into the lives and habits of Ming people.

It was this fusion that the emperor hoped for.

The long civilization of the Han nationality and the population of the Han nationality must be the main body in a multi-ethnic country.Exuding brilliant light and attracting other ethnic groups to join and integrate, this is the correct posture.

After the cavalry training was completed, they returned to the camp to rest their horses. Several officers came to report according to the rules, evaluating the results and deficiencies of the training.

"The speed of charging needs to be more proficient. It's not that the faster the better, but it needs to be changed flexibly according to the situation on the battlefield."

Kong Youde pointed to an officer and said, "Your troops are too fast, but you still haven't got rid of the original problems. Our army's cavalry tactics focus on collective combat rather than individual bravery."

"Yes, the general will work hard to correct it." This officer is full of people, and his personal martial arts skills are not mentioned, but to lead troops in battle, even if it is to cooperate with comrades in arms, it is not casual.

Kong Youde nodded, and said: "Don't worry about the horse's speed being slower than the opponent's, and you will suffer a disadvantage in the collision. What we use is to kill the enemy with a knife, not a head-on collision."

"My lord, can the armor be reduced, so that the cavalry's slashing movements will be smoother." An officer wiped the sweat from his face and made a suggestion.

Kong Youde shook his head and said: "The advantage of our army lies in the strength of the armored soldiers. The lethality of the Mongols' bows and arrows against light armor cannot be ignored. They are heavier and have fewer casualties. Casualties are inevitable in battle, so let the soldiers try their best to fight against light armor." It is also our responsibility as officers to return home safely."

"Chahar's troops are mainly light cavalry. Although they are fast, they are hard to match the sharpness of our army's muskets and the charge of cavalry in frontal combat." .”

Kong Youde smiled, and said: "This time we will send troops to fight, and the cavalry from various Mongolian tribes will assist in the battle. If it is a contest between rangers, leave it to them."

The Ming army only cared about fighting in large groups, and the Rangers let the Mongols fight with the Mongols.There are not many people left behind by the Chahar Department, and their hearts are scattered, so there is no need to overestimate their combat effectiveness.

Therefore, it is actually not difficult to attack and occupy the old place of the Chahar tribe.But the next military operation will be a real contest with the tiger rabbit who is marching west.

The emperor was determined to take advantage of Huduntu's westward expedition to completely wipe out the great trouble of this northern nomadic people, and to make all the tribes of Monan Mongolia surrender and naturalize.

(End of this chapter)

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