I'm a big dick

Chapter 642 The Southwest Chieftain's Way Out

Chapter 642 The Southwest Chieftain's Way Out

The caravan can go, the Shu brocade can go to India, and the army can go.

The emperor was determined to open up the land road. Although it was a long-term plan, it was implemented without any delay.

At the same time, it is also the most ideal choice to rely on the strength of the Southwest Chieftain.After all, they are more adaptable to the climate and environment, and have better ways to deal with miasma.

In fact, in the eyes of the emperor, the most daunting thing is the continuous rainy season in the subtropical zone.

During the monsoon period from June to September every year, continuous torrential rains change the world. All rivers and valleys flood and rush, trees float, roads collapse and traffic is cut off.

Therefore, whether it is miasma or rainy season, the time suitable for using troops is only five or six months a year.

If you want to break into Shendu and secure your occupation, you must invest enough troops and supplies at one time. Even if the traffic is cut off, you can independently support it for half a year.

It is a way to support war with war and solve food, grass and materials on the spot.But in terms of ammunition, it is not so easy to replenish.

Referring to the history of the British conquest of India, the emperor believed that [-] well-equipped troops were enough to gain a firm foothold in one state or two.The most important problem is the ammunition and supplies carried with the army.

With such considerations in mind, it is still very necessary to build a relatively solid and stable passageway with a large carrying capacity.

There are gunpowder to open mountains and rocks, cement with better and better performance, lifting facilities, and more efficient felling tools. It is no longer out of reach to open up roads between jungles and mountains.

Wang Sanshan made no secret of the emperor's enthusiasm and ambition for expansion. Although this cannot be put into written materials, all the local officials understand the next strategic deployment of the Ming Empire.

Cutting Myanmar is only the first step in a large-scale expansion. It is the preparation for opening up Tianzhu, um, a country that is also called poisonous.

Tianzhu has gold and silver treasures, ivory treasures, and vast and fertile land.And this Tianzhu is still composed of many small states, even the strength of Myanmar is not as good.

"Master Wang, the Dao family is willing to move [-] people to serve as Meng Lun's envoy."

"The Na family is willing to relocate [-] people to serve as Jiesha's envoy."

"Sha Shi wishes..."

Just like bidding in an auction, several local officials took the lead in making bids, with great enthusiasm.

It's just the land and the official positions of Xuanfu envoys. These native officials are not stupid.The area under the jurisdiction of these five envoys is exactly a commercial route, a profitable commercial route.

The merchants who come and go will continue to invest in the conquest army, which will bring a lot of income to this business route.

What's more, you can also go to Tianzhu to enclose land and plunder wealth.It is different from China, where the imperial court and the emperor are guarded against and suspicious of chieftains, and the room for development is very limited.

Wang Sanshan chuckled, stroked his beard, but did not make a decision lightly.

The one with the highest price wins, which is of course the emperor's intention.At the same time, diluting the strength of the southwestern chieftain and making his energy outward will lay a good foundation for future reform and return.

The reconstruction and expansion of the Shushen Poison Road will also enable the southwestern provinces to achieve a leap in economic development.Shu brocade, wand sticks, lacquerware, Glauber's salt and other commercial goods in the southwest have new channels for export.

Kunming, Dali, Yongchang, Tengchong and other places in Yunnan Province, as the must-pass towns of commercial routes, will undergo huge changes as the flow of people increases.

It's a pity that the old man is about to resign from office and return to his hometown.

Wang Sanshan sighed in his heart, rather unwilling.Although he is old, his ambition is still there.

Well, after the main force returns to Yunnan, there is still one big thing to do.

Wang Sanshan pursed his lips slightly, thinking of the emperor's secret and confessed errand.Mu Guogong has guarded Yunnan for hundreds of years, and now it's time for the curtain call.

The news of defeating the Burmese army and occupying Ava City, the capital of Burma, was sent back to the capital as quickly as possible.

It is a few days faster than the [-]-mile express, thanks to the spread and construction of the communication signal tower.

Although due to the relationship between mountains and rivers, some lines are still interrupted and need to be transmitted by horse or boat to continue, but the speed is still breathtaking.

It was already early winter in the capital, but the news of the victory eased the chill and aroused the enthusiasm of the people in the capital.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the occupation of the capital is tantamount to the destruction of the country.No matter what the difference is, ordinary people are willing to think and say so.

After Champa, this is the second country to be "destroyed". Another battle of "destroying the country" has different gold content. This can be regarded as the real show that the Ming Empire has revived its national power and regained the authority of the heavenly kingdom.

"Myanmar is not a good thing. Shenzong fought several battles, and many territories were taken away by them."

"Now, even the principal and the interest have been recovered. If the Burmese king is captured and taken to the capital to be a prisoner, then—"

"I only care about how much I get. War bonds, but all my savings."

"If you win the battle, you can still lose money? Just keep your heart in your stomach and wait for the count to be counted, and the numbers will be reported in the newspaper. Go home and count the money!"

"Let me tell you, our news is still unclear. A few days ago, there were bond buyers at high prices. They must know that the victory is sealed."


The victory of the war against Burma became the talk of the people again.

War bonds have also become one of the focuses.Not only the people are concerned about how much the short one-year bond can earn, but the emperor is also estimating it.

Although the exact figure has not yet been calculated, an approximate figure was first reported to the emperor.

"My lord, there are about 800 million taels of gold and silver property, and 40 to 1000 people traded, plus donations from local officials, and other miscellaneous items, it is less than [-] million, which is not much worse."

Li Chengcheng settled the accounts very quickly, and the emperor's accountant was very conscientious.

The emperor smiled and nodded, excluding the various investments in the war and the money rewarding the army, the remaining three or four million taels is still safe.

What's more, this is still an immediate benefit. The occupied land is given to various native officials, and taxes will also be paid in the future.

Well, the war bond was only issued for 300 million yuan, which is about half of the total investment in the war.

Well, I made a lot of money, the emperor fiddled with his fingers, but still couldn't figure out the exact figure.

With this huge profit, it has laid a good foundation for future bond issuance.The one-year period is too short, and the three-year period should be issued, including military operations such as the capture of Hetao and Luzon.

The short-term gains from these actions are not big, and the focus is on the long-term. In the three-year period, there will not be too little, which will discourage everyone from buying.

By the way, there must be a victory celebration, so that the common people can get some benefits, and they are all happy and proud of the prosperity of the country.

Things don't need to be many, and they don't need to be expensive. What is given for free, even if it is a piece of paper, is often snatched.

The emperor pondered, and calculated how much income he could get from the 50 bonds purchased by the royal family, and how much it would be appropriate to distribute things to the common people.

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(End of this chapter)

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