I'm a big dick

Chapter 639 Great Victory over the Burmese Army

Chapter 639 Great Victory over the Burmese Army
Due to the favorable terrain of the sandbar, no matter how many Burmese troops there are, they can only counterattack through a narrow front, and cannot give full play to their numerical advantage.

The flintlock guns equipped by the Ming army can be arranged densely, and the rate of fire is also greatly improved compared with the matchlock guns.The layered bursts formed a continuous rain of bullets, frantically shooting and killing the incoming Burmese army.

It is also the Burmese army's helplessness to use human sea tactics to counterattack and land on the Ming army.

If you confront the Ming army with matchlock guns that are far inferior to the Ming army in quantity and quality, not only will there be no chance of winning, but it will also leave time for the Ming army to continue landing.

It can be said that the Burmese army was completely forced to fight according to the battle plan of the Ming army, so how could it not be passive?

In the front is more and more dense white smoke, gunshots like popping beans, and the roar of Fran's machine guns; in the middle is the intensive bombardment of artillery rockets, blocking the continuous attack of the Burmese army.

On the river, there are ships coming and going, carrying the Ming army nervously and busyly, landing and forming formations on the sandbar.

The rhythm of the drums changed, and the firing of the Ming army's muskets suddenly became more violent. Two rows of salvos and lead bullets were fired densely, almost wiped out the Burmese army within 30 meters.

The resounding sound of bugles resounded across the battlefield, and the sound of war drums was as rapid as a storm.

"Kill, kill!"

Countless shouts rang out, overpowering the bugles and war drums.

The Ming army suddenly started, bayonets straightened, and charged forward.

Under the fierce firepower, the forward Burmese army, which was already in disarray, was defeated and retreated by the Ming army.Rows of sharp bayonets are like harvesters, and there is no Burmese army that can stand where they pass.

"Kill!" As soon as the bayonet felt like it had penetrated into the flesh, Li Shifeng exerted force with his wrist and pulled it back.

This is the correct response of an experienced veteran, lest the bayonet go too deep, or get stuck in a bone crevice and make it difficult to extract.

The enemy screamed and fell to the ground. Li Shifeng didn't even look at it. He just adjusted his posture slightly and strode forward to keep up with his teammates.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"...

There is nothing more exciting and exciting than this short and powerful voice. Li Shifeng only felt his blood rushing and his whole body was hot. Only when he released the "kill" in his chest violently would he feel comfortable.

As a soldier, fighting on the battlefield and making contributions is actually just nice to hear, and killing is their profession.The skills they have learned and mastered are all related to this.

My brother just lay on the ground and didn't even dare to move. When a big foot stepped on his hand, he could only grit his teeth and hold back.

The sound of killing echoed in his ears, and the sound of footsteps sounded beside him. Brother Gang was heartbroken. Not only did he have no heart to fight, but he would never pick up a knife or gun again in the future.

The bombardment of the artillery fire stopped, the ammunition continued to be loaded, and the elevation angle was adjusted to the maximum range.Then, like an eruption of thunder, hundreds of shells and rockets flew across the sky and hit the enemy.

The number of explosions was indistinguishable, the flames flashed and black smoke rose, and dirt and debris flew into the air. The screams and wailing were completely covered by the rumbling gunfire, and only the Burmese army could be vaguely seen falling in the blood. Collide.

The battle formation of 3000 people marched from the sandbar to the land, and marched forward boldly, becoming the strong backing of the commando that was charging.

When the ship docked, the artillery shouted loudly, and together with the sailors, they carried the Francois cannon and the artillery carriage ashore, followed closely behind the infantry formation, and moved forward.

Another batch of ships approached the sandbar, dragging a large number of wooden rafts behind them. The soldiers disembarked and went ashore to form an array. In the rhythm of the beating of the army drums in the team, they stepped forward with sonorous and powerful steps.

"Native chicken and tile dog, vulnerable." Sha Yuan curled his lips and shook his head, unable to tell whether it was contempt, emotion, or both.

Daohejiang laughed and said, "Victory is certain. However, I didn't expect that the first wave of landing, with only three to five thousand soldiers, defeated the Burmese army."

"How many soldiers are still a small matter, the Ming army's artillery fire is too fierce." Na Shi stroked his beard and said with emotion: "With such firepower, ten times the enemy can hardly resist."

Pu Shi was deeply convinced, and nodded: "Today is considered an eye-opener, the overwhelming artillery fire, needless to say, scares the enemy away."

"The Burmese didn't expect such ferocious artillery fire." Sha Yuan pondered for a while, and said, "Even if I thought of it, there is no way to deal with it. Well, I can't think of it."

The local officials watching the battle all showed the same expressions. In their view, unless they had the firepower to compete with the Ming army, there would be no solution.

The guns on the other side are still ringing, and the battle is still going on, but there is no suspense about victory or defeat.

The Ming army not only firmly occupied the landing field, but also repelled the counterattack of the Burmese army in one fell swoop, and shattered the will of the Burmese army to fight again.

At the beginning, the tight battle formation moved forward, like a flame-breathing monster, repelling the Burmese army in front of them and forming a rout.

As more and more Ming troops landed ashore, the defense line built by the Burmese army on the broad front was riddled with holes, and the defeat could no longer be contained.

The Ming army also took advantage of the situation and launched a white-blade charge, ruthlessly chasing and killing the Burmese army who dared not even turn their heads.A few people can chase hundreds of Burmese people and run away screaming. The Burmese army was not only defeated, but also became lambs fleeing in embarrassment.

Dare to be popular with the bayonet has long been included in martial arts as the standard for whether the army can fight and dare to fight.Each army also uses this as a standard to conduct strict training for soldiers.

Strict training alone is not enough. All the troops strive to seize the opportunity of actual combat and conduct a baptism of blood and fire to the soldiers under their command.

As long as there is one experience of bayonet fighting on the battlefield, even if you have not killed a dead person, even if your hands and feet were weak at the time, you can recover, and you are an experienced veteran, a strong army who dares to fight and can fight.

The reason is very simple, if you have never killed an enemy, you have seen the scene of blood and flesh flying, and you have charged side by side with Pao Ze, there must be a qualitative change in your psychology.

The emotions and atmosphere on the battlefield can be contagious. Surrounded by comrades who are shouting and charging, even recruits will feel courageous and even more impulsive and excited than veterans.

A large number of wooden rafts were pushed into the river, fixed with the boats, and a pontoon bridge was quickly built.Many ships also began to cross the river loaded with rockets, heavy pressure and ammunition, preparing for the attack on Ava City.

The Ming army on the opposite bank has exceeded [-], and they have firmly grasped the battle situation and have the strength to attack Ava City.

The native officials watching the battle hurried forward and directed the native soldiers of various ministries to speed up the erection of the pontoon bridge.At this point, the war against Burma could basically come to an end, and it would be better if they contributed more.

The next step is to divide the spoils. The native officials know in their hearts that how much land and population they can get depends on their own contribution and strength.

Because, according to the plan that the Ming army has disclosed, there will not be too many troops stationed, and the various Turkish troops will become the main force to guard the occupied areas.

(End of this chapter)

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