I'm a big dick

Chapter 572 Change

Chapter 572 Change ([-])

For ordinary people, reading books and newspapers is out of reach and unnecessary.

Surrounding their own one-acre three-point land, they are busy and tired for the mouths of their family members, and their concern for national affairs is obviously a luxury and fantasy.

But every village built schools and every village had evening schools, which gradually changed the inherent habits of the common people.

Reading newspapers to students and explaining the new policies promulgated by the state and the cultivation essentials of new crops issued by the Liaodong government has become a regular job for school teachers.

Although not as professional as the official agricultural officials, the common people have learned a lot from the experience, and they can harvest more by farming their own land. The new policy of the imperial court also has an impact on their lives. The common people are naturally willing to listen to it and use it as a topic of conversation after dinner.

In addition to the preferential policies introduced by the Jilin government, and the emperor's suggestion to raise sheep and drink milk for health, Zhang Zhuzi went to the city and brought news that the compulsory military system in Liaodong was implemented.

"I will join the army in the future!" Yingzi was not surprised, because it was not about his own business, and said with a smile: "This is also very good. There are many troops in Liaodong, so there is no need to worry about war chaos."

Yingzi's father sipped his porridge and said slowly: "Sixteen, the age stipulated by the court is not bad. Half a child, eat poor old man. Send it to the army, the family will be more comfortable, and you can enjoy preferential policies after two years of discharge from the army. "

Zhang Zhuzi nodded, put the peeled eggs into his wife's bowl, and said, "The common people should agree, those rich people don't want their children to suffer in the army."

After a pause, Zhang Zhuzi added: "But this matter, I really can't hide it. The government has set up a report box, and anyone who escapes military service will be reported, and there will be rewards."

Yingzi's father smiled and said: "Now we can pinch the cheaters and punish them vigorously. Let's see if they dare."

Yingzi broke open the egg, but looked at the old man and the man, showing a bit of embarrassment.

"Your body is the most important thing, eat it all." Yingzi's father knocked down the bowl with chopsticks, and said: "The few sheep on credit are nothing, they can be paid back in a year, don't worry about it."

The naturalization of Neikarka and other Mongolian tribes made the amount of cattle and sheep traded no longer limited to the share stipulated by the imperial court, which made the naturalized ministries enjoy the benefits.The price reduction has also benefited the people of Liaodong.

For example, the credit sheep and cattle introduced by the government are actually distributed to the common people's homes for raising, and the same amount will be repaid when the deadline is reached.

In addition to cattle and sheep, there are also horses, which can also be purchased on credit.Like cattle, the term is extended to three years, and only a symbolic amount of money is charged each year.

It is the best way to make the country's finances increasingly full and make the people rich.Moreover, such as promoting consumption, stimulating the development of industry and commerce, creating more employment projects, etc., the emperor's thinking is broader and ahead of others.

The pattern of men farming and women weaving, the traditional society has developed to the point where it must be changed.Of course, you can leave it alone.Falling behind, the overall development of the country and the nation lags behind the trend of world development.

Zhang Zhuzi also nodded, and said, "Even if it's for buying, our family has enough money."

Yingzi's father glanced at Zhang Zhuzi and said, "How appropriate is the credit, I can figure it out clearly."

"I'm not worried." Yingzi said with a smile: "I know, I've listened to my father since I was a child, and I'm sure."

Yingzi's father showed a proud and happy expression on his face, put down the bowl and chopsticks, got up and said: "I will go to herd the sheep and cut the grass, and the mother will stay at home."

"It's noon, you can take a rest before going." Zhang Zhuzi persuaded: "I'll go to the fields in the afternoon, and we will go together by car."

Yingzi's father didn't turn his head back, he waved his hand backwards as he walked, and said, "It's just a few steps away on that road, and you still need to take a car?"

Zhang Zhuzi watched the old father-in-law go out, turned around and smiled at his daughter-in-law, cleared the table with his hands and feet, and said: "I will do this work, you should rest well."

Yingzi didn't fight for it, and sat back, leaning on the quilt, and said with a smile: "Go to the market in a few days, and catch some chicks."

"Okay." Zhang Zhuzi agreed happily, and said, "It will be fine when our old hen can cuddle. You need to take care of your body first, so don't worry."

Turning around to put away the bowls and chopsticks, when Zhang Zhuzi turned back again, he handed many things in front of Yingzi with a smile, and a scent of fragrance spread over them.

"Soap?!" Yingzi's eyes lit up, and he reached out to take it, but after a brief glance, he knew it was right. He couldn't help but look up at the man, and said angrily, "It's a waste of money, and my father will blame you when he finds out."

Soap, scented soap, perfume, etc. have been around for two or three years, but they are considered luxuries for ordinary people.

Only soap, still relatively large sales.But when it was not widely used, the emperor believed that this day was not too far away.

Yingzi knew the price of this soap after working in the shop.I like it in my heart, but I feel a little distressed.

Zhang Zhuzi chuckled, and said, "The store is doing promotional activities, and I just saw A Tao, and the price is much cheaper."

Yingzi blinked her eyes, didn't look any further, held it to her chest, sniffed the fragrance of jasmine, closed her eyes slightly, looking very peaceful.

Zhang Zhuzi watched in rapt attention, his eyes slowly moved down, the slightly bulging belly was pregnant with new life, every time he thought of it, he was excited and filled with happiness.

That is the hope of the old Zhang family, and also the hope of the old Chen family.

After experiencing unbearable wars, he was the only one left in the Zhang family.Although after joining the army, he was full of hatred and was not afraid of death.But now it is peaceful and he has the dream of a better life again.

The dream of a better life is not just owned by the Liao people who have experienced wars.In fact, everyone thinks, everyone hopes, and everyone is working hard.

It's just that, three years after the apocalypse, all those who walk the right path, whether they are officials, scholars, merchants, soldiers, or ordinary people, have gradually discovered that hard work will bring greater hope.

You know, what is sad is not that you don't work hard, but that you don't change after working hard.You are not afraid of being poor, but you are still poor after working hard, which is enough to kill the enthusiasm for struggle.

The rise of a nation is inseparable from the efforts of the people.They are all muddled, numb and rigid, what hope is there for the country?
Therefore, the Ming Empire is still a celestial kingdom, and it is still a great country, but from the inside to the outside, it has changed a lot in a few years.

Zhu Yujian, the descendant of the Tang Dynasty, looked up at the magnificent and majestic Meridian Gate. Although he entered the palace many times, the feeling was quite different this time.

As the first vassal to give up the title of vassal king, Zhu Yujian finally did his father's work well.

It is also because the heir of Tang Wang's body is too poor, he doesn't think much about his own future, but puts all his care on his son Zhu Yujian.

Since the son feels that giving up the title of vassal king is more gain than loss, it is not good for the son of Tang Wang to insist too much.As for the emperor's temperament, he has also figured out a lot after staying in the capital for so long.

Zhu Yujian took a deep breath and strode towards the imperial city.

(End of this chapter)

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