I'm a big dick

Chapter 300 The emperor sharpened his knife again, the Ming Dynasty mortar

Chapter 300 The emperor sharpened his knife again, the Ming Dynasty mortar
The great victory in Liaodong is inspiring, defeating Donglu once again, and the number of enemies killed has reached a new high, which indicates that Liaoxi is stable and the capital is as safe as Mount Tai.

What's more, Dongjiang, Deng, and Jin towns have used troops together in the past year, and they have continued to achieve small victories, firmly blocking Donglu, making Donglu exhausted, and making people's mentality no longer the panic and fear of previous years. , or gnashing of teeth with hatred.

For this great victory, the royal family spent money to buy wine, and celebrated with the people on the Lantern Festival, which also raised the joyful atmosphere in the capital.

In such an atmosphere and situation, the article published in the "Da Ming Forum" caused shocking waves in the hearts of some people.

If there is no distinction between officials and businessmen, it will be a big disadvantage in politics; if both officials and businessmen are also officials, it will be a big beetle for the country.....
The article is not shy, and directly criticizes the collusion between government and businessmen that was prevalent and common at the time.

At that time, it was obviously an exaggeration to say that there were no officials and no business.But there are not a few officials involved in business.If you say it the other way around, it is more practical to say that there is no business without an official.

Not every businessman is an official, but most businessmen are related to officials.Either it is mixed with bureaucratic capital, or it gets convenience and benefits from the officials it makes friends with.

Therefore, it should be an effective means for Zhu Youxiao to use the means of controlling the chamber of commerce to gradually eliminate officials involved in commerce.

Twitter governs the country and builds the country, and public opinion precedes Zhu Youjian.

The tendency of the emperor represented by the "Da Ming Forum" and the direction of the wind in the court are all certain, as evidenced by a year's time.

The emperor is sharpening his knife. People who have read newspapers and can understand newspapers almost have such guesses and judgments.

The gentry in arrears of taxes was cut down with a single knife, the powerful landlord who obstructed Qingtun’s payment of wages was chopped down with a single knife, and the evil gentry students who made trouble in the court were killed and their heads rolled...

There is no need to count the piles of piles, and people will understand some of the emperor's routines.Now, officials and businessmen have been designated as the biggest beetles of the country. Whether they are crushed to death with a finger or a foot, no one doubts the power of the imperial power.

It's just that the panic spread quietly among officials and businessmen and their collaborators, and it didn't affect the excitement of the Shangyuan Festival.

At this time, the capital is immersed in the carnival atmosphere of the Shangyuan Festival.Compared with the crowds of people who go to Dali to watch the lanterns and go shopping, this year's restaurant has a lot of customers and the business is very good, and it does not distinguish between day and night.

Free drinks, publicity and marketing methods for later generations, were inadvertently pushed out by Zhu Youxiao.And the fueling of the restaurant in the capital made the activity of "giving wine to celebrate victory" even more enthusiastic.

"Congratulations to the great victory in Liaodong, and congratulations to Daming!"

"Congratulations to Daming, congratulations to the Holy Son of Heaven!"

The wine glasses collided together, and several new students drank the wine in the glasses and laughed heartily.

Chen Zilong and the others were not fond of wine, but when the exciting news of the great victory in Liaodong came, they still met in a restaurant to celebrate.

"It is said that this great victory was all due to the Hongyi cannon?" Xu Fuyuan looked at Chen Zilong and asked as if asking.

Chen Zilong was already Xu Guangqi's disciple, and went to Xu Mansion to help compile and sort out the "Nongshu" that Xu Guangqi had long wanted to publish after finishing his classes in Xinxue.Therefore, Xu Fuyuan felt that Chen Zilong could know more.

Chen Zilong nodded, then shook his head again, and said: "The Hongyi cannon is very powerful. This time, the victory over the Eastern captives is indeed a great achievement. But it is not accurate to say that it is all relying on it."

Xu Fuyuan smiled, and added: "Of course, the master commanded properly, and the soldiers fought bloody battles, all of which are indispensable."

Zhang Yitai filled the pot with wine for everyone, and said: "Since the great victory in Guangning last year in the Liaodong War, there have been frequent small victories. Somehow, the decline in Liaodong has been reversed, and the capital will no longer be surprised by the police."

"It's not that I was shocked when I heard the police. It's true that I was depressed and depressed because of the defeat, and I didn't want to study." Xia Yunyi sighed with emotion, and said: "Living in the south of the Yangtze River, there are not many people who care about the Liaodong War. Some high-spirited talks now seem It's also unrealistic."

Chen Zilong agreed, and said: "Everyone thinks that the war is far away, something far away in the north. After discussing it, it will be over."

With a wry smile, Chen Zilong continued: "Actually, this is a matter for the country, and it is also a matter for every Ming citizen. But some people just don't understand, or deliberately pretend not to understand."

Wang Jizhong blinked his eyes and asked thoughtfully: "Three gentlemen, are you talking about those gentry who owe taxes, merchants who evade taxes, and officials who participate in business for personal gain?"

Without any hesitation, Chen Zilong said immediately: "Yes, who else would it be if it weren't for them? The war cost so much, and the country's finances are beyond its means, but they are only doing illegal things for their own benefit."

"Brother Chen was influenced by Lord Xu, right?" Zhang Yitai asked curiously.

Chen Zilong didn't deny it either, and said with his jaw down: "The teacher did teach, but they are all reasonable. You don't know how much the war in Liaodong cost a year, and how much the Dongjiang town will increase the salary and resettle hundreds of thousands of Liao people... "

Xia Yunyi was a little straight-eyed, looked at other people's expressions, shook his head and said: "We really didn't know that the cost was so huge and the court's finances were so embarrassing."

"It should be that the taxes and miscellaneous taxes collected by the country have been owed and leaked. Can you not be embarrassed?" Chen Zilong sneered, and said: "My teacher told me that if it weren't for the sage who dared to bear the stigma, and by attacking the sanctimonious Corrupt officials and evil gentry raised military expenses. The situation in Liaodong and Southwest China may not stabilize and improve so quickly."

"Before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first." Wang Jizhong said: "When the war starts, how can the military supplies of thousands of troops be so small?"

Xia Yunyi said thoughtfully: "The army is fully used without any Fu, the Holy One is wise!"

"Is it necessary to increase taxes on the common people?" Zhang Yitai shook his head and said, "If you want to increase taxes, it is also for the rich. The way of heaven is like drawing a bow! The high ones suppress it, the low ones raise it, the surplus damages it, and the deficiency On the other hand, the way of heaven damages the excess and makes up for the deficiency."

Xu Fuyuan looked at Zhang Yitai with a little surprise, and asked, "Brother Zhang advocates Taoism?"

Zhang Yitai laughed, and said, "Whichever is reasonable, I will admire whichever one is right. Is it wrong for Brother Xu to think that 'the Way of Heaven damages more than it needs to make up for it'?"

Xu Fuyuan laughed twice, and said: "That's not true. I also quite agree with Brother Zhang, and it is the right way to learn from others' strengths."

"When I enter a new school, don't I just want to learn from others' strengths and apply them to the world?" Xia Yunyi said with a smile: "Come, the emperor bestows Zhujie wine, and you should drink it."

Everyone toasted and drank together, and chatted about other topics.What are the recent anecdotes, the customs of the hometown, famous people and so on.

"It's a pity that Brother Shen can't see the end, so it's impossible to invite him to have a happy gathering." Zhang Yitai said with some regret: "As for that house, someone has been there again. Whether it's the neighbors or the people in the house, People, but they can't find out the details of Brother Shen."

"Not good, not good." Chen Zilong shook his head and said, "Since Brother Shen is hiding something, it must be inconvenient. Friends, it's important to have a heart-to-heart relationship, and it's not appropriate to inquire about it in private."

Zhang Yitai blushed a little, cupped his hands and said: "I know how to be abrupt, but I couldn't bear it for a while because of my curiosity. Don't blame me, don't blame me."

Xia Yunyi smiled and waved his hands, expressing that he doesn't need to care, he was also very curious, and asked: "The servants in the house don't know about Brother Shen's whereabouts either? Or are they afraid to tell?"

Zhang Yitai said uncertainly: "I don't know. However, the gatekeeper recognized us, and said that the head of the family told us that if we are free, we can go there for entertainment, just treat it as our own."

"Brother Shen is really warm and generous." Xu Fuyuan said with a smile, "It's just that someone feels that if Brother Shen isn't here, I won't feel comfortable waiting."

Chen Zilong nodded and said: "The last time we met, brother Shen left a message, there will be opportunities in the future, so don't be too impatient."

After a pause, he smiled and said, "My teacher told me that the Holy Majesty has sent people to search for fertilizer, which can increase the yield of the land by at least [-]%. If it succeeds, it will be the great fortune of Ming Dynasty and the blessing of the common people."

"Increase production by [-]%?!" Zhang Yitai calculated roughly, clapped his hands and said with a smile, "That's true, there will be no more hunger in the world. It's really good news."

Wang Jizhong smiled wryly, and said: "Brother Zhang is not right. It is good to increase production by [-]%, but it will really be in the hands of the people and into the mouths of the people? Somehow, it may not be."

Everyone quickly understood what Wang Jizhong meant, and they couldn't help frowning in thought, and the cheerful atmosphere suddenly became a little depressed.


Whether it's a great victory, or the birth of an heir to the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, or other happy events, Zhu Youxiao doesn't plan to take advantage of this to implement any tax reduction or exemption policy.

Just like whether the harvest of the land is rich or not, the landlord will not suffer too much.Tax cuts and exemptions seem to be sympathetic to the people, but how many ordinary people can get the most benefits?
Although last year, there was a decision to determine the object of reduction or exemption according to the amount of tax paid.For example, less than five taels is exempted, and more than five taels is accepted.

But Zhu Youxiao also knew that in the local government's list of exemptions, there must be many who should not enjoy this treatment.

But if you know it, you know it, Zhu Youxiao didn't investigate first before showing mercy.

The real ordinary people can indeed be relieved, this is the main purpose.And if you take advantage of it, there will be a time when you make a list in the future.

Flipping through the production and storage data of the Gunpowder Bureau submitted by Sun Yuanhua, Zhu Youxiao calculated, and felt that Liao Town and Dongjiang Town could be refurbished gradually.

It is still a musket, but it has changed from a matchlock to a flintlock, which is almost five or sixty years of progress.According to the history of the development of muskets, it has almost reached the end.

The rifled musket is actually not a big stage, but the rear-loading gun and shell-loaded ammunition ended the historical mission of the musket.

Of course, Zhu Youxiao doesn't need to climb too fast or too high on the technology tree.As long as he can overwhelm Jiannu and surpass Xiyi, he should be satisfied.

The second year of the apocalypse is a year of shrinking the defense line, stabilizing the ground, and strengthening the armament; the third year of the apocalypse should be a year of gradual transition from defense to offense, from harassment to frontal combat.

Dongjiang Town has nothing to say. It has increased investment, replaced it with flintlock guns, and equipped it with artillery to enhance its field combat capabilities.

The advancement of Liao Town also mentioned the date and time agenda, but the old slave demolished the city when he retreated, which made Zhu Youxiao more worried.

Although Xiong Tingbi is quite confident, he stated in the title book submitted that only relying on the parapet of the trench, even if the defense cannot be defended, the ratio of casualties between the enemy and the enemy can reach at least [-]:[-].

Zhu Youxiao had the idea of ​​fighting against others before, but now, a ratio of [-] to [-] cannot satisfy him.

Hot weapons against cold weapons, a war with generational differences, should not be played like this, nor should it be such a casualty ratio.

In the use of muskets, the Ming army has far surpassed Jiannu.But this is not enough, and switching to a flintlock does not have an overwhelming advantage.

Cannons will be increased, and their power will also be enhanced.But once there are requirements for transportation and mobility, the Hongyi Cannon will show many shortcomings.

It is too heavy and inconvenient to transport, and it is difficult to provide the Ming army with fast and mobile artillery cooperation.

Although the Weapons and Powder Bureau is manufacturing field artillery, Zhu Youxiao has always criticized the artillery for firing solid ammunition. He prefers the lethal effect of the shells exploding on the ground.

Although the grenadier works well, it also has obvious defects, and the range is too short.

If there is a kind of artillery, which is lighter in weight, has a range close to that of the Hongyi cannon, and can also fire explosive bullets.Then use the field fortifications, if Jiannu wants to attack, how much iron do they need?

This kind of cannon does not need to be invented, the poisonous fire flying cannon created during the Jiajing period is.

This gun is made of wrought iron, and it fires a pig iron shell with a time-delay fuze. The range is conservatively estimated to be 300 meters, and it can be called a mortar of the Ming Dynasty.

Sun Yuanhua once put forward a suggestion that the Bureau of Arms and Gunpowder should manufacture the cannon and equip the troops.

But Zhu Youxiao did not allow it, because the shooting range did not meet his standards.Moreover, the manufacture of round hollow shells is quite time-consuming and laborious.

It was not agreed at the time, but the situation has changed. Zhu Youxiao planned to produce mortars, which were called mortars at that time.But it doesn't matter if the poisonous fire flies, he has a better choice.

During the Civil War in the United States, the M1852 24-pound mortar was very famous.

In fact, it is a weapon with a short and thick barrel that shoots explosive bullets at a large angle to kill.

Because the burning fuze of the shell fired at night shoots out sparks, making the shell look like a meteor with a trailing flame in the night.Also known as the "Meteor of Frankfort".

Not counting the base made of thick wooden boards at the bottom, this mortar weighs only 150 jin, which is very easy to deploy and move.The maximum range is about a kilometer, which meets Zhu Youxiao's standard.

At the same time, because of its extremely simple structure and light weight, the manufacturing cost of this artillery is very low.

To put it more vividly, this mortar is similar to a large tank, short and thick.There are cannon lugs, and the launch angle can be adjusted. When it is 45 degrees, it can hit kilometers away.

You can imagine that on the battlefield where the two sides line up and fight, a thousand meters away is enough to bombard the enemy commander and the banner. What kind of effect will that be?
The two armies have not yet fought, and the main general has been killed or injured. The resulting fluctuating morale and panic in the army should be inevitable.

Capture the thief first, capture the king, and the Hongyi cannon didn't kill the old slave, so let him taste what it's like to be bombed before fighting!

(End of this chapter)

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