fruity fragrance

Chapter 132 Spring Equinox

Chapter 132 Spring Equinox
After the Chinese New Year, it seems to be March, which is a good season for planting trees.

After thinking about it for a winter, Lin Guoxiang finally decided to plant [-] mu of pear trees, because the village where she lived had never planted apple trees before, and I heard that apple trees have higher requirements for land, like Linjia Village. Even if the climate is planted with apple trees, the fruit produced will not be delicious.

As for the [-] mu of land below her, Lin Guoxiang doesn't plan to plant fruit trees, but wants to plant other things, such as watermelons and strawberries. As long as they are well managed, these will bring in money faster than fruit trees and the benefits will be good.I remember watching a program on TV before, in which the watermelon grower tied the watermelon vines to a rope to make the watermelon vines grow vertically, which can save land and allow all sides of the watermelon to be exposed to sunlight.The watermelons grown in this way not only look good but also won’t be flooded by rain. More importantly, the taste is better than ordinary watermelons because of the uniform sunlight, and the yield is not low.

Then use a special mold to cover the watermelon, so that the watermelon can be formed into various shapes. I believe that the ancients must have never seen such a watermelon, so why not rush to buy it like a treasure?At that time, I will make an auspicious pattern on the watermelon... Hehe, then it will be developed.

Lin Guoxiang looked at the workers who were busy digging pits and planting trees in front of her, and couldn't help laughing foolishly, as if she had seen a lot of white money flirting with her, and some even grew a pair of The white and lovely wings flew towards her and obediently fell into the purse that had been prepared long ago.

As for strawberries, it depends on one's luck. I heard that the strawberries used to be wild strawberries. If she is lucky enough to find wild strawberries and bring them back to plant, it might be good.Even if you can't sell it for money, it's good to keep it for yourself.

I planted watermelons and strawberries, and then planted... By the way, pomegranates and grapes are indispensable. In summer, I can also make iced juice or simply make shaved ice to eat.But pomegranates can only be available in autumn, so let's not consider this for now.Lin Guoxiang stood there counting with her fingers, counting the seasonal fruits that are only available in summer, and planned to plant some of them. Although making money is important, enjoying life is more important.

Today, the family dug a hole and planted fruit trees. Xiucai was afraid that Lin Guoxiang would be too busy alone, so he put down his books and ran over to help. In fact, Father Lin and the others had already helped to invite many workers to come over, so they didn’t need to do it themselves. Using help as an excuse to come here for selfish purposes, chatting with Lin Guoxiang to increase their relationship.

He saw that Lin Guoxiang was counting with her fingers, and her eyes were full of little stars shining, so he knew that she must not know where her mind was wandering at this moment.So he didn't interrupt her, but stood there with a smile on his face, guessing that it was almost time before he asked slowly, "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Asked by Xiucai, Lin Guoxiang was eager to find someone to talk to, so she happily told Xiucai all the thoughts in her heart.

After hearing this, Xiucai rested his chin in one hand and pondered for a while before he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Watermelons can be planted on a shelf like Huang Guang?" This was the first time he had grown up. I have heard that watermelons grow on the ground in my impression. I have never heard that watermelons can climb melon shelves, but I have seen pumpkins and loofahs climbing melon shelves.

Seeing that Xiucai made such a fuss, Lin Guoxiang immediately gave him a pair of big eyes: "Why not, I can also make the watermelon look longer." It is only possible to use a special mold.

Then Xiucai fell into deep thought again, and finally he said slowly: "If it is really possible to grow watermelons in this way, it will save a lot of land... If you can also change the shape of watermelons, then there should be a way to make watermelons grow. Some auspicious patterns are formed on the watermelon, so that everyone will rush to buy these melons out of curiosity or for auspiciousness, and then they will not be afraid that they will rot in the field and no one will want them.” After finishing speaking, The scholar smashed his mouth and continued, "If watermelons can be grown like this, then cantaloupe should also be able to grow..."

After listening to the scholar's words, Lin Guoxiang almost fell in love with his admiration. Smart people really are different.I still learned this trick from others in modern times, but I didn't know that I just mentioned it a little bit, and then the scholar just turned his brain cells a few times and said so many things by analogy.Lin Guoxiang felt that she was going to be jealous of him, alas, this person is really pissed off compared to others!
Now when Lin Guoxiang looks at Xiucai, she has the urge to kick him into the river to feed the small fish.

Received Lin Guoxiang's unfriendly gaze, Xiucai's scalp suddenly went numb, he subconsciously touched his face, and asked a little cautiously: "Did I say something wrong?" Why are you looking at me like this? ...People are a little scared...

"No, what you said is quite right." Lin Guoxiang took a deep breath, and it took a long time before she slowly uttered this sentence.

Hearing Lin Guoxiang's words, Xiucai's hanging heart finally fell again, and then he asked again: "What is that strawberry?" Stuff, never even heard of it before.

"This is a very popular fruit in later generations. It tastes good." When mentioning strawberries, Lin Guoxiang immediately thought of the sweet and sour taste of strawberries, and she immediately salivated.

Looking at Lin Guoxiang's greedy face, Xiucai could guess with her toes that the taste of fruit must be good to catch the eyes of her "chef".He couldn't help but look forward to it: "Then what kind of strawberry do you want?" He really wanted to see what that strawberry looked like, just like some tropical fruits that Lin Guoxiang told him before, full of curiosity .

"I don't know if there is such a world yet." Lin Guoxiang's originally high-spirited face suddenly became gloomy, and her two eyebrows also drooped down, looking a little disappointed, "This strawberry was only cultivated by humans in later generations. They are all wild, if we don’t have them here, we can’t grow them.”

Xiucai didn't want to see Lin Guoxiang looking listless, so he thought for a while and said, "Why don't we do this, anyway, the grass is starting to sprout now, let's go to those wild fields that no one plows in a few days Look for it, maybe if we are lucky and let us find it?"

Lin Guoxiang listened to the scholar's words, and she was a little downcast, but now she suddenly became energetic again: "Yes, how do you know if you don't look for it!" Thinking that it is still possible to find wild strawberries, Lin Guoxiang is very excited. Excited, without even thinking about it, she habitually stretched out her paw and patted the scholar's shoulder, saying, "If I really find it, I will give you a first-class merit, ha ha."

From the corner of Xiucai's eyes, he glanced at Lin Guoxiang's hand on his shoulder, a smile flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at her deliberately with an ambiguous expression: "Is there any reward for memorizing first-class merit?"

"..." Lin Guoxiang's ears were a little red when she was watched by the scholar, she deliberately turned her face away, and then pretended to cough twice, and deliberately changed the subject: "Ahem, today's weather is really nice, Look at the white clouds in the sky..."

(End of this chapter)

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