Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 543 Immortal Seed

Chapter 543 Immortal Seed

This, this is the eternal heart?Looking at the pale green in the mid-air of the ancient space in the body, and the above ground is a circular cylinder with an equal area and a small height, Yu Fei's eyes are full of embarrassment.

Nima, this is obviously a piece of green!bean!cake!Bar!Yu Fei didn't know why the six hearts, which were red, blue, yellow, cyan, white, and black, would turn into light green when fused together, but this eternal heart now completely looks like a piece of mung bean cake.

Ahh, do you want me to eat it?Yu Fei suddenly seemed to understand this setting.At that time, when upgrading to the level of the ancient tree, it only consumed the required energy and wood to upgrade directly, but upgrading to the level of the eternal tree required the eternal heart.

How to use it?Of course it was eaten - I am so smart!Yu Fei was complacent.But what happened next seemed to slap him hard.
The Eternal Heart that had turned into a piece of mung bean cake quickly disintegrated and turned into wisps of light green mist.Before Yu Fei had time to think about his mistake in judgment, his heart suddenly tightened.

This is a necessity for one's own body to advance to the level of the Eternal Tree. Finding those six hearts was either a coincidence, or it was a waste of great strength and caused countless deaths and injuries.Where to find another Eternal Heart if something goes wrong?

Under Yu Fei's worried and nervous attention, part of the light green mist formed by the collapse of the Eternal Heart gradually merged into the ancient space, and the boundary of the ancient space began to expand rapidly.

The other part of the light green mist leaked out of the ancient space in the blink of an eye and appeared in the outside world.Yu Fei was taken aback. He had been focusing on these light green mist all the time, but he couldn't see clearly how they escaped from the ancient space.

The light green mist that appeared outside quickly merged into the 800-meter-high tree of Yu Fei's body like a swallow falling into the forest.

Strange to say, just a piece of Eternal Heart the size of mung bean cake, the light green mist that can escape can be imagined to be rare, and only a part of it penetrates the ancient space and merges into Yu Fei's body, naturally even less.

But in Yu Fei's feeling, when the rare light green mist merged into the back of his tree body, the huge tree body with a canopy of more than 800 meters and an area of ​​about four square kilometers felt an unparalleled sense of comfort everywhere.

This feeling is like, well, Yu Fei is still a virgin, and he doesn't know what makelove feels like, but as far as he thinks about it, the comfort he feels from his huge tree body is probably much stronger than the orgasm.

As for the night elves around Yu Fei's body—in fact, only in the eyes of Illidan, Yu Fei's tree body was suddenly surrounded by a green light that evoked a sense of tranquility.This light should be pure light, but it made Illidan feel the refreshing fragrance, as if he had come to the Garden of Eden, and unconsciously wanted to sink down and reach eternity here.

Fortunately, the mythical mind is still extremely powerful, and Illidan only woke up after sinking in this feeling for a few seconds.And although Illidan hadn't been summoned when Yu Fei advanced from the tree of life to the tree of ancient times, as long as the night elves saw this scene in front of them.will know what happened.

God the Father is going to become an eternal existence!Illidan was full of excitement.Although he has been trying to collect all the parts of the Eternal Heart, he clearly knows that the Heart of Darkness he just handed over to the Father God is the last part, and the Father God will be able to synthesize the Eternal Heart after that to advance to the Eternal Heart level, but the real Illidan couldn't help but lose his composure when he saw this scene.

In fact, the level of Yu Fei's body is closely related to the night elves.It's not just the improvement of strength, the unlocking of skills and so on - but from the name, we can see the difference between the ancient tree and the eternal tree.

Let's put it this way, when Yu Fei was still at the level of the ancient tree, the state of the night elves was actually equivalent to "ancient".Those trained by Yu Fei, or it can be said that they were created, will have an extremely long lifespan, and they can live from ancient times to modern times, but they are not immortal.

Only when Yu Fei's body reaches the level of the Eternal Tree, can the night elves truly be called an immortal race.Because their Father and Mother became Eternal, they too will share in Eternity.

Illidan only felt that a small seedling took root in the depths of his heart, and then it grew rapidly and became a towering tree.The appearance of this tree is obviously the appearance of Yu Fei's body.

This scene appeared in the hearts of not only Illidan, but every night elf.Then, they had a kind of understanding - from now on, they will become the real immortal species, not the previous immortal species.

This kind of immortality is true immortality, and it is impossible for night elves to appear in a state of natural death.Not only that, even if they die unnaturally and are killed by the enemy in war, their souls can still return to the embrace of the Father God.

Yu Fei already knows this point.After the Eternal Heart merged into the tree body and the corresponding resources required to advance to the Eternal Tree level were deducted, Yu Fei suddenly discovered that this time the advancement was actually completed so directly.

Before he had time to check more changes, he got an important inheritance memory in his heart.This inheritance memory seems to be limited. It will only appear when he advances to the level of the tree of eternity. Otherwise, no matter how hard he practices Yuanmu Zhenjue, he will not know it.

The content of the inherited memory is the saying about the night elves turning into immortal species.

Yu Fei can understand that there will be no natural death, but what does it mean to be able to return to the embrace of God the Father after an unnatural death?Yu Fei was confused, and continued to read this inheritance memory.After he thoroughly read this inheritance memory at a glance, his heart was already full of excitement.

Good thing!Great news!
As we all know, the night elves trained by Yu Fei are like puppets at the normal level, with almost no intelligence, only fighting instinct.And when they reach the elite level, their intelligence will improve a lot, and they will initially form their personalities.

When the ordinary night elves advanced to the elite level, they would be completely independent life forms, possessing complete wisdom and personality - there is nothing wrong with saying that they have souls.

But in this way, the elite units that have become real elves, if they are killed by the enemy in the war, they are truly dead.Not to mention the time and energy it takes for a unit to upgrade from the ordinary level to the elite level, but such a "person" who worshiped and believed in him from the bottom of his heart just died like this, Yu Fei also felt very uncomfortable.

In a sense, just like the night elves call Yu Fei, Yu Fei is the father who gave birth to every night elf, of course there is no mother.

It would be fine if they were ordinary puppet-like guys, the truly intelligent night elves seemed to Yu Fei to be his own children.Not to mention elite units, even the death of an elite night elf with some wisdom would make Yu Fei sad.

It is precisely because of this mentality that Yu Fei tried his best to minimize the losses of the night elves in the previous wars.For example, in the battles on the Eslazer Continent, epic-level powerhouses do not appear and take action very often, but every time Yu Fei will not hesitate to let the hero go out in person to reduce the loss of the night elves.

But even so, it is impossible that there will be no loss in the war.There are still not a few elite night elves who have died, and Yu Fei often regrets this.Now, however, there is a solution to this problem.

When Yu Fei's body became the tree of eternity, he naturally possessed the ability to reincarnate—of course, this ability was limited to the night elves.

The dead elite night elves can be collected by Yu Fei, and when new night elves are trained, these heroic spirits will be poured into them.The newly trained night elves will possess the original wisdom as soon as they come out.

This is true eternal life.

(End of this chapter)

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