Warcraft Eternal Tree.

Chapter 327 The Queen Appears!

Chapter 327 The Queen Appears!

A-Gump followed the other shark fighters calmly, and rushed towards the center of the sea basin with the Naga thugs.Along the way, he also saw that many sea races of other species were heading in the same direction as them.Yu Fei roughly estimated that at least one-fifth of the vassal Sea Clan has been assembled.

Did the Naga know the news that the Shadow Island organization gathered pirates to prepare for war with the Sea Clan?Probably not.Not to mention that the Sea Clan did not have any channels to obtain this kind of news. If they really learned that the pirates were going to fight with all of them, Queen Naga could not have gathered only one-fifth of the vassal Sea Clan.

Let's wait and see what happens, Yu Fei settled down and continued to radiate his spiritual power through A-Gump, hoping to use this opportunity of the Sea Clan gathering to find out the reality of the Naga Clan.

But soon, he was disappointed.The status gap between the Naga tribe and the ordinary Sea tribe seems to be really big. Although the queen gave the order of the season, the summoned Sea tribe still gathered outside the area where the Naga tribe lived.This made it impossible for Yu Fei to learn the information of the Naga clan in detail.

His mental power is emitted through the carrier of Forrest Gump, and it is in the sea, so it can only be emitted for a distance of about one kilometer.After approaching the settlement of the Naga tribe, he found that the area that he could sense had been severely compressed.

Yu Fei felt that A-Gump seemed to have entered a mental field that was similar to his body, but relatively rigid, and much weaker, which made his mental power suppressed.Now, the distance he can sense is only 500 meters.

However, although Yu Fei has been relying on all-round spiritual sensing, but now that the range of detection has been suppressed, it is not impossible to observe the settlements of the Naga tribe.

As a controlled existence, Yu Fei can choose to receive what A-Gump can see, hear, and even feel with his body.Since the telepathy could not achieve the goal, Yu Fei simply shared Forrest Gump's vision, and observed the Naga settlements through this pair of naked eyes.

This observation further confirmed Yu Fei's judgment in his heart - this Naga clan is really different from other wild monster groups that descended from Warcraft.Looking around, Yu Fei saw many familiar Naga buildings, the most striking of which was the Tidal Temple standing in the center of the settlement.

Feeling it carefully, Yu Fei found that the spiritual field that restricted his mental power was just emitted by the Temple of Tides.However, because the Tidal Temple is different from the Tree of Life, it is a dead thing, so the spiritual field is relatively lifeless, without the vitality of Yu Fei's body.

He thought that the leader of the Naga tribe would never become the main board of the night elves like himself.Including the Naga clan, in the Warcraft game, only the motherboard of the night elves is alive and mobile.In this case, I am inherently stronger than the leader of the Naga clan.

Thinking of this, Yu Fei was determined.No matter what kind of ability that Queen Azshara has, it is definitely not as good as Yu Fei's main board that directly becomes a night elf.In this case, it is not impossible to subdue the Naga tribe.

Where A-Gump looked, Yu Fei also saw some familiar troops.Mugel Marauders, Mugel Ocean Blood Witches, and Mugel Ocean Predators who all look the same, but differ in size and color; flying dragons swimming in the sea above the buildings, and people who can faintly see through the gaps in the buildings. The Naga sea monsters and Naga lunatics who came here-these are all the arms of the Naga tribe.

Unlike the Sea Clan, even the lowest-level Mugel type of arms in the Naga Clan is closer to human form in terms of body structure.Higher-level Naga witches and Naga thugs can already be regarded as human beings except for the difference in the lower body—that is, the Naga thugs are more fierce and have a much stronger body.

This also means that, compared with those tuna people and shark people, the Naga people themselves are better able to adapt to the environment on land.Coupled with those amphibious shrimp and crab people, even if they are not in the sea, the Naga tribe and the vassal sea tribe are a fighting force that cannot be underestimated.
What made Yu Fei heave a sigh of relief was that the Naga clan obviously hadn't developed to the third level.Otherwise, the Naga Royal Guard and the Dragon Turtle should have appeared in A-Gump's sight.With the size of these two types of arms, if the Naga already owned them, they would definitely not be able to hide in the building.

While Yu Fei was using Forrest Gump to observe the situation of the Naga tribe settlement, the Hai tribe that came continuously came finally arrived.Contrary to what Yu Fei estimated before, at least a quarter of the vassals of the Sea Clan came.Including some Naga troops that may be dispatched, this is already quite a scene.

But Yu Fei has a strange expression at this time.Judging by the appearance of this Naga tribe, they are going to find a place with the Shadow Island organization.

Yu Fei is not surprised that the Sea Clan will know the information about the Shadow Island organization and the location of the Shadow Island. The Sea Clan has been in this sea area for about half a month, and has already attacked many ships.As for the distribution of forces in the Eslazer sea area and even some coastal areas, I am afraid that they have a superficial understanding.

Shadow Island usually only exists as the headquarters of the Shadow Island organization in a symbolic sense. At most, the pirate groups that entered the Shadow Island Council have troops stationed on Shadow Island.More than a quarter of the Sea Clan plus some Naga Clans in this sea basin can clean up the usual Shadow Island.

However, if the Sea Clan troops gathered here are going to attack Shadow Island now, Yu Fei imagined that most of the pirate groups in the eastern and northern waters of the entire Eslazer Continent gathered together, the banners covered the sky, and the ships covered the sky. The scene of the sea shows that they are very unfavorable to the sea people.

But the Sea Clan is not an idiot. Even if the Sea Clan and Naga Clan gathered here were really going to attack the Shadow Island, after finding the number of warships around the Shadow Island on the bottom of the sea, they would probably choose to retreat quietly.Not everyone has the powerful detection ability of Yu Fei, and maybe tens of thousands of sea people wander around under the pirate fleet without being discovered.

In his mind, he speculated about all kinds of situations that might arise in the future, but Yu Fei didn't notice the new situation in the Naga settlement.

I saw thirty or forty Naga thugs pouring out of the building complex, followed by dozens of Naga sea monsters lined up in two rows.Further back, there is a coral bed carried by four Naga thugs—the Naga queen that Yu Fei has been hoping to get in touch with has appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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