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Chapter 627 I Will Go

Chapter 627 I Will Go

After a while, the door of the mountain temple opened again, and Princess Taiping came out.But the old monk closed the door immediately, just like Princess Taiping was a disaster.

Wang Hua looked at her, and saw that in order to escape for her life, Princess Taiping took off her usual expensive clothes and put on the old clothes worn by a humble servant, and she didn't put any rouge on her face. Years old.

It's just that after years of upbringing, some of the charm of the past can still be seen in her.

Wang Hua patted the long stone beside him and said, "Sit."

If it was changed in the past, even if Princess Taiping sat down, she would have to be wiped repeatedly by the maidservant beside her with Xiangluo before she would sit down.But now Princess Taiping didn't hesitate and sat down immediately.

Wang Hua looked at the sunset in the evening and asked, "Why do you want to escape here?"

Although she ran away, Princess Taiping's delicate thoughts still existed. She knew that Wang Hua found here so quickly, it must be a deliberate preparation in advance.Reminiscent of his sending Muzili, Li Chiying and her daughter away in advance, obviously, Wang Hua's coming this time is a good thing for him, definitely not a bad thing.

She replied: "I used to come here to escape the summer. I came to this place by chance. I saw the quiet scenery here, so I went into the temple, donated some incense money, and formed some good relationships with the mage in front of the temple. That's why I thought of it." Escape here."

The words were flickering, obviously the old monk in the temple was not an expert outside the world, he must have heard what happened outside.He didn't have a good impression of Princess Taiping coming to join him, and he was afraid of getting into trouble.It was just because the old monk still had some conscience hidden in the deep mountains, so he didn't hand over Princess Taiping immediately.

It is estimated that if Wang Hua does not come, the monks in the temple will drive her out within two or three days.

After finishing speaking, Princess Taiping asked again: "How is the situation in the capital now?"

"The Supreme Emperor entrusted all military affairs to the emperor. Xiao Zhizhong, Xue Ji, Li Ci, Dou Huaizhen, Cen Xi, Li You and Jia Yingfu were all executed, and Li Jin, Cui Shi, Lu Zangyong and other ministers were arrested successively. It is estimated that there are more bad things than good things. And your family, except for Xue Chongjian, the rest were beheaded. But the emperor did not stop, and continued to order the Habayashi army to arrest people everywhere. Oh, I forgot to mention, and they are also looking for you."

Princess Taiping sobbed softly.

It doesn't matter whether the minister lives or dies, the main thing is that her children were born from her stomach after all.

Wang Hua didn't do anything to comfort her. To this day, she asked for it all.

Back then she was heroic, although it was because of herself, but she still had some thoughts about the country, some people, and her Li family's clan in her heart.What he did later was all endless greed.

He continued to let Princess Taiping cry on his head, and said: "Back then, I planned to support Li Chongjun to the throne and set up a complete system to reduce such incidents of fratricide. It was also for the preservation of your Li clan. But As for you, you want to help your fourth brother get the position wholeheartedly. You even sent your cronies to stand by Li Chongjun's side to provoke him. Well, as you wish. You have had a very good time in this period of time."

Princess Taiping cried even louder, maybe she felt a little wronged in her heart.

Wang Hua said again: "Princess Taiping, maybe your goal is to be like the epiphyllum, which consumes the essence of a lifetime for the beauty of a moment. Or like a moth, to pursue the light, throwing yourself into the fire. Or to be a shooting star. , across the sky."

Of course, what Wang Hua said was all irony.

Princess Taiping stopped crying and protested: "Wang Hua, did you come here to laugh at Gu Luo's end today?"

"You are the son of heaven, and I am a commoner, so I dare to laugh at you," Wang Hua said, but the sarcasm in his eyes became stronger.

Princess Taiping wanted to have an attack, and immediately thought of her situation, she was speechless.

Wang Hua said again: "When I left Chang'an, the **** called me into the Daming Palace and asked me to rescue you. The emperor was worried that I had some conspiracy with the Supreme Emperor, so he drove me out of Chang'an. "

With that said, Wang Hua took out the imperial decree.

Princess Taiping sobbed again.

But Wang Hua didn't care about her sadness, and continued: "But the Supreme Emperor has entrusted the important affairs of the country to the Emperor. Can I take you away safely based on this imperial decree?"

Now Li Longji is busy harvesting, with his wisdom, it won't take long for him to react.

"Erlang, please excuse me." Princess Taiping begged.

She immediately lowered her head, a sly look flashed in her eyes.Although several children were killed, she was very sad.But now she finally understands the reason why Wang Hua did not help each other, but why he stayed until now before leaving Chang'an.Not only for Wu Chongning, but also for the sake of his defeat, making him willing to leave this prosperous place and save himself.

"It's very difficult to save you. Your majesty didn't know how to go crazy when he heard the news that I rescued you? Besides, it's such a long journey from Chang'an to the sea. Even if I took the risk to save you, you don't know when you arrive in Oceania." How much trouble will it cause me!"

"No, Erlang, Gu is your lowly slave, and I will always listen to you." When Princess Taiping said this, her voice was very low, after all, there were dozens of guards brought by Wang Hua standing in the distance.

After finishing speaking, she concealedly put Wang Hua's hand on her breasts.

But Wang Hua pulled his hand away bluntly.

"Princess Taiping, don't do this with me. I know very well what kind of love you have for me. I don't know how many times you have visited me when I entered Chang'an twice?"

Princess Taiping was ashamed for a while.

"Let's talk about friendship. Back then, you treated Li Longji like your own son, and Li Longji treated you like your own mother. What happened later? Why did the court lady who grinded the red arrow powder for Li Longji disappear? I'm also very scared."

Wang Hua also spoke from his heart.

He was really worried that Princess Taiping would remain the same for a couple of years after arriving in Oceania.

Although because of the system in Oceania and the aspirations of the people, this possibility is extremely small.

Wang Hua circled around, and Princess Taiping finally understood what Wang Hua meant. She said sadly, "Erlang, don't worry, I don't think about anything. I just want to live the rest of my life in peace."

Wang Hua couldn't be satisfied with her words alone.

Seeing that Wang Hua was indifferent, Princess Taiping said in a low voice, "You rescued a Princess Taiping, not a troublesome princess."

It is also clear in my heart that during this period of time, the image painted by Wang is too bad.

But Wang Hua still didn't answer.

Princess Taiping was a little anxious, the two sat here and talked for so long.I don't know what plan Wang Hua had in mind, but Princess Taiping was very scared. Someone paid attention to Wang Hua's business and noticed her too.If Li Longji learned that she was here and led the army, he would definitely not be in trouble with Wang Hua, as long as Wang Hua did not insist on saving himself.

But there is only one end to die.

With a crying voice, she said: "What do you want from me? Do you want me to take out my heart and give it to you? It's not you who gave me to Li Longji."

Only then did Wang Hua relax. He didn't listen to Princess Taiping's words and didn't believe her. It was because of her attitude, especially when she changed her name to me and called Li Longji's name directly, which made him a little satisfied.

Looking at the sky, although the weather is very long now, it is getting dark gradually, and the mountains are vast.

Wang Hua asked the guards to take out food, ordinary dry food, but Princess Taiping didn't feel it, and ate a few mouthfuls numbly.

In fact, what Wang Hua was waiting for was when it got dark. Although he had made preparations, it was best not to bother if he could.

Taking advantage of the twilight, Wang Hua took a look at Princess Taiping's face again. She temporarily solved the security problem, and her face began to show grief and indignation.From time to time, I wiped my tears with the corner of my clothes, probably because I was in such a hurry when I ran away that I didn't even bring a handkerchief.

Wang Hua handed over a handkerchief and said, "I'll tell you a story. A Taoist priest met Lu Sheng in an inn. The two chatted happily. During the conversation, Lu Sheng suddenly lowered his head and looked at Holding his old book bag, he sighed a long way. The Taoist asked curiously, Lu Sheng, you are strong and talkative. I thought you were very happy. Why did you sigh? Lu Sheng said that in life, one should make achievements. Fame, enjoy the glory and wealth, but I am useless until now. The Taoist smiled and said, I have a method here to let you get your wish. Then he brought a celadon pillow and let Lu Sheng sleep on it. It is strange to say, As soon as Lu Sheng touched the pillow with his head, he fell into a deep sleep. At this time, the owner of the shop was putting rice into the pot for cooking. However, in his dream, Lu Sheng felt that the pillow grew bigger and gradually turned into a door, and he walked away cautiously. Going in, there is actually a world inside, and his home is also inside. So he walked happily to the home. From then on, he lived a peaceful life. As time went by, he married the daughter of the Cui family in Qinghe County (The Cui family in Qinghe was proud to be married by people at that time, so there were many lady Cui in Tang Dynasty novels, such as Cui Yingying.) The Cui family is very rich, and the daughter of the Cui family is also very beautiful, and they brought him a generous dowry .”

Hearing this, Princess Taiping smiled gracefully.

This novel has not yet been published. She is Xiao Wanghua who is arranging the Cui family.Like Cui's married daughter, unless she is a talented Wang Hua, otherwise, if she wants to get his family's dowry, she will have to return it at least ten times.

"Lu Sheng's life became more and more happy. Later, he went to take the exam and was awarded a Jinshi. First he was a Weinan county captain, then he was a supervisory censor, an interview envoy in Henan, a servant of the official department, a secretary of the relocation department and an imperial envoy doctor. "Princess Taiping laughed even more. Such promotions existed in the Tang Dynasty, but it was impossible for the Minister of the Ministry of Households to also serve as an imperial envoy and doctor. One was Taige, and the other was Liubu. For officials, there is no such six ministers who also serve as imperial envoys.

But I also know that Wang Hua is making up stories, just like his "Dream of Red Mansions", which cannot be taken seriously.

Wang Hua also said: "During his tenure, he opened rivers and built canals, and he made achievements wherever he went. He was called a virtuous minister. But he was suddenly hated by treacherous officials, and he was accused of many crimes out of nothing, and he was going to jail. When the prison guards brought people to arrest him, he tremblingly told his wife, "My hometown is in Shandong, and I have five hectares of fertile land, which is enough to make ends meet, but I can't live a stable life, but I go out to seek prosperity and wealth, and I only ended up in today's end." He said that he would kill himself with a kitchen knife. Later, the emperor found out, rehabilitated him, and reinstated him as Duke of Yan. But at this time, he was not interested in fame, so he was only busy with his family. Thus, he had five sons, five All his sons became high-ranking officials, married five ladies from Wangmen, and gave birth to grandsons. His wish came true. There are countless treasures and horses in the family, and all the beauties in the backyard are gorgeous. But time is not forgiving. , finally old and frail, so he wrote a letter to the emperor to express his loyalty to the emperor. After reading his letter, the emperor was very moved, but when he received the letter from the emperor, he died. The death in the dream, wake up Lu Sheng. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in the inn, and the Taoist priest was beside him. He recalled the dream just now, and said to the Taoist priest, the dream of just being talented is really a beauty. I have understood the gains and losses of life and death, thank you very much. At this time, the owner of the shop has not yet cooked the rice."

Princess Taiping finally understood the meaning of Wang Hua's words, she suddenly lowered her head and said: "Everyone knows the goodness of the gods, but the fame can never be forgotten! Where are the ancient and modern generals? The pile of grass in the barren mound is gone! The world knows the goodness of the gods Only gold and silver can't be forgotten! In the end, I only hate that there are not many gatherings. When I close my eyes for a long time, the world will know that the gods are good, but only the wife can't forget! The king expresses his kindness on his birthday, and he goes with others after his death. The world knows Gods are good, only children and grandchildren will never forget! There have been many infatuated parents since ancient times, who has seen filial children and grandchildren?"

It was "Good Song" plagiarized by Wang Hua.

"It's good that you understand. After you arrive in Oceania, as long as you don't feel like you were in the past, I will not treat you badly since I reached out to help you."

Up to now, Wang Hua reluctantly said a word of consolation when Princess Taiping was defeated, became a bereaved dog, her relatives were killed, and her children were slaughtered, even with the element of warning.It can be seen that Wang Hua is worried about Princess Taiping.

After Wang Hua finished speaking, he looked at the sky and said, "Let's go."

A group of people mounted their horses and rushed to the edge of the Wei River.On the banks of the Wei River, Wang Hua had arranged ten river boats and five hundred soldiers.

This is the most difficult part of the journey, and it will be safe when we reach the Yellow River.

On the Yellow River, Wang Hua had arranged eight sea-going ships in advance, but they were all two sailing ships, under the banner of various aristocratic families, mixed into the Yellow River.But these ships are all new structures, not only fast and strong, but also have many weapons, and there are many sailors with good water skills on them, and the Yellow River is wide, even if Li Longji finds out, there is nothing he can do.

So Wang Hua chose to take advantage of the darkness before leaving Zhongnan Mountain and headed for Weishui.

After boarding the boat, the sailors immediately raised the sails and went down the current at a very fast speed.

Wang Hua stood on the bow of the boat, looking at Chang'an City silently.Chang'an City was brightly lit, maybe it was the original lights, maybe it was the light of the torches that Li Longji was asking his subordinates to continue to arrest Princess Taiping's cronies.

He turned his head and looked at Princess Taiping who was standing beside her with a gray face. She was also looking at Chang'an City in the distance.

Wang Hua asked, "Your Highness, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing, nothing," Princess Taiping said in a panic.

This sentence is a bit duplicity, even now, she still has some nostalgia for the luxurious life in Chang'an City.And of course the pain of bereavement.

The ten boats were sailing quietly on the Wei River. The summer wind blew, and there were crisp sounds from time to time. I don't know if it was the sound of the wind blowing against the waves, the waves hitting the ship's side, or the sound of the ships breaking through the water.

"Go back and rest for a while," Wang Hua said without pointing it out.

But when she got to the cabin, Princess Taiping stood at the door of Wang Hua's cabin and glanced at Wang Hua hesitantly.

Wang Hua laughed and said, "Your Highness, don't be so wronged. It was just a game before. As long as you are Princess Taiping and go to Oceania, I still respect you very much."

The purpose of Princess Taiping standing here is also to ask if she wants to sleep with her. Of course, no matter what kind of person she is, she has no intentions in this situation.

After hearing Wang Hua's words, she returned to her room.

But just as the ship was about to reach the territory of Huazhou and it was dawn, there was a commotion outside.

Wang Hua came out in cloak and saw countless small boats blocking the center of the river to death, and there were still many torches on the bank.With the light of the torch, I also saw Li Longji standing on the shore in person, and saw dozens of artillery pieces dedicated to Li Longji among the soldiers behind him.

Princess Taiping also woke up, and her face turned pale again. She never thought that her nephew would use such a big gang to deal with her.

Wang Hua sighed. He was not worried about the soldiers in the river, but said to Princess Taiping, "This is the mountain temple you went to. The great monk betrayed us."

When I went to Zhongnan Mountain, there was no tail behind. Li Longji got the news so quickly, and only the letter from the great monk of Zhongnan Mountain passed the wind report.

Wang Hua didn't even blame the monk in that temple, that person had no greed.Moreover, they are also afraid of leaking things and endangering themselves.What he meant was to let Princess Taiping understand a truth, what is meant by the wall being pushed down by everyone!

At this time, a small boat was sailing fast around them, and the person standing on the bow was Guo Yuanzhen, who was shouting loudly: "Boss Wang, can I have a look?"

Wang Hua leaned out and said, "I'm here."

The boatman brought the boat over, and Guo Yuanzhen jumped onto his big boat, looked at Princess Taiping who was standing not far away, and complained to Wang Hua, "Mr. Wang, are you confused? Just go by yourself , why bring this treachery with you?"

After all, the two had acted in tacit agreement many times in the northwest, so Guo Yuanzhen also had good intentions.

Wang Hua clapped his hands, and the guards around him blew their horns, and suddenly hundreds of gun barrels protruded from ten river boats.Each barrel is longer and thicker than the cannon left by Wang Hua.Some of these gun barrels were aimed at the soldiers on the shore, including Li Longji, some were aimed at the boats in the river, and some soldiers raised their bows and arrows.

Guo Yuanzhen's expression changed, so did the expressions of the soldiers on the shore and Li Longji.

If it weren't for the attention of everyone, it is possible that Li Longji immediately flattered his horse and backed away.

Guo Yuanzhen hurriedly stopped and said, "Boss Wang, you can't."

Even if he doesn't shout, he can't. These artillery pieces are all fake.This is to prevent accidents and to scare people, but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

Wang Hua looked at Guo Yuanzhen. Guo Yuanzhen was very high-spirited before he saw the foxes and tigers. Last night, Li Longji rewarded the meritorious officials, including him. Guo Yuanzheng Gao Lishi and others were rewarded.

But Guo Yuanzhen always felt a trace of sadness and pity flashed through Wang Hua's eyes looking at him.

Anyway, Wang Hua's gaze made him very uncomfortable.

Wang Hua said to Guo Yuanzhen: "General Guo, please go ashore and bring a word to Your Majesty. I have a few words to say to him."

Now that the host and the guest are changing positions, if there is a fight, although there are many soldiers on our own side, it may not be beneficial to put so many seemingly more powerful artillery on board.What's more, Wang Hua was meticulous in his work. With so many subordinates suddenly appearing in Weishui, he didn't know who was behind him. If he really turned his back on him, it would deal a serious blow to Li Longji's unstabilized regime.

He said meaningfully to Wang Hua: "In the past, you once praised that His Majesty has the best qualifications among the sons. For the sake of the common people in the world, please think twice before acting."

After speaking, he jumped off the boat.

Guo Yuanzhen came to the shore and said a few words to Li Longji. Li Longji actually came to the shore, but Gao Lishi tried hard to dissuade him from behind.

It should be said that Li Longji was quite courageous at this time.

Wang Hua said across the river: "Your Majesty, I know how you feel, but I want to ask you a question. How many members of your Li clan have died so far because of this emperor?"

First, Li Shimin killed his brother and brother, and then the prince's dispute.In the hands of Li Zhi, Li Zhi was considered a benevolent lord. He once made the Persian king Belus the Persian governor of the Tang Dynasty. His territory almost reached the Persian Gulf, and he also killed Fang Yiai and Princess Gaoyang. By the way, framed.Wu Zetian killed his own son, but killed more of the Li clan.From the Shenlong coup to yesterday's coup, a total of four times, countless ministers were implicated, and many clan children were also involved, killed and exiled.

But Li Longji may not be able to listen.

Wang Hua asked people to put down the boat again, and handed over Li Dan's imperial edict to Li Longji.

After Li Dan finished reading the imperial decree, he said loudly again: "Yesterday afternoon, you were always doubtful about the Supreme Emperor calling me into the palace, so you hurriedly ordered me to leave the capital. In fact, there is nothing else, it's just that the Supreme Emperor thought of him. Among the brothers and sisters, there is only one younger sister who begged me for help. I saw that the Supreme Emperor spoke sincerely, so I reluctantly agreed. Because Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty spoke sincerely to King Liu Fei, Zhu Xuhou was able to uphold justice. Lu is Liu. In ancient times, Yao used the words of Shun, exiled Gonggong to Youling, released the scorpion to Chongshan, moved the three seedlings to Sanwei, and killed Gun to Yushan. The four crimes were sincerely surrendered, and the world was safe. Regardless of Princess Taiping What crimes have been committed, today she is almost wiped out, just a poor woman."

As he spoke, he pushed Princess Taiping out. In order to wear down her vigor, Wang Hua didn't change her clothes. Up to now, she was still dressed in the clothes of a servant. With fear, she shivered in the cool morning breeze, looking like Very poor.

Wang Hua said again: "Your Majesty, have you seen what she looks like now? Besides, she will soon be taken to the remote overseas place you mentioned by me, and she will never be able to meet her old friends in the Central Plains. Death is the greatest punishment in life. You told me before that after you ascended the throne, you must be kind to the people and make the country prosperous and strong. If you can’t be kind to your relatives, how can you be kind to the people in the world? Why do I have so many Way to leave the Central Plains, but choose this method of making your whereabouts public? Because I think His Majesty must understand this truth, and let the people of the world see the benevolence in His Majesty's heart."

He said with his hand on a gun barrel.

This seemed like a very unintentional little action, but Li Longji's pupils dilated.

Seeing that Li Longji did not speak, Wang Hua said again: "Your Majesty, I can guarantee that she will not worry about you about Princess Taiping. It is the Supreme Emperor who authorized you. The entire Tang Dynasty, the hundreds of millions of people, all belong to you." Just a thought. The country has suffered four mutinies in less than ten years. You should govern the country immediately and settle the hearts of the people. The Tang Dynasty has come to rule! Your Majesty, I will go."

After speaking, he ordered ten river boats to set sail again.

I don't know whether it was because of Wang Hua's words, or because he obeyed his father's imperial decree, or because he was afraid that Wang Huayu would die.Li Longji didn't issue an edict to stop them. He stood there all the time, watching these ships gradually disappear into the sky.

It was dawn, and a red sun rose dazzlingly from the horizon.

 PS: I am sorting out the outline of the new book these days, so I will stop updating, please forgive me.This is not the end, there are still a few chapters behind, so I will give you an explanation.If I'm not satisfied, there's nothing I can do. After all, none of the people Wang Hua should bring with him is dead or missing.Although it is history, I hate writing scenes of civil war, so I let Wang Hua make this choice, and the cause will be delayed for decades.If you are not satisfied, please forgive me again.The next book has nothing to do with history, maybe write whatever you want.

(End of this chapter)

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