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Chapter 619 1 Questions

Chapter 619 One Hundred Questions
But he didn't leave Lingzhou right away.There are still many things to do, the handover of the three states.Even the tripod of Kyushu cannot be transported back to Chang'an in this way, not to mention that it is not capable, but it has the ability. The tripod base is inlaid with many precious stones, and if it is bumped on the road, it will fall off.

At that time, the design was a material-based device, and one piece of related gemstone was missing, so it was difficult to fill it with other gemstones. If it could be filled, it could not maintain the beauty of the original pattern.

So after assembling, after seeing if there are any mistakes or places that need to be supplemented and modified, they have to be disassembled again, and assembled again after arriving in Chang'an.

At the same time, there are still many materials left. This time, the total cost has reached more than 300 million yuan. There are still many materials left, and these materials are very expensive.Wang Hua dealt with it to reduce some losses.In addition, there are craftsmen, and some craftsmen will be sent away.Some craftsmen had to stay and reassemble the tripods after arriving in Chang'an City.

He left Lingzhou, but each workshop left a lot of shares, so they were sold to some big families, and some dark shares were left for dividends.

This is also what Wang Hua is really dissatisfied with.One shortcoming of the Tang Dynasty was that the major families controlled too many resources, but Wang Hua not only failed to solve this problem, but in his hands, the major families continued to grow.The only thing that satisfies him is that they use this advantage to start harming the aborigines overseas.

Wang Hua took advantage of this time to write an article, printed several copies, and then sent it to the Guozijian and various downtowns in Chang'an for posting.

At the beginning of the article, I said: I like hunting books since I was a child. I have no great wisdom, but my memory is good.I didn't know it when I was young, but when I get older, I don't understand how many contradictions there are in the words of sages and philosophers.Posting this article today is really a place of doubt in Yu's heart. I hope that all the Confucian scholars and great sages in the world will teach me.

I don't understand, so I ask all capable people in the world for advice.Very humble tone.

Then list his questions one by one.

The first question is that it is said in "The Book of Songs. Daya", since you are clear about philosophy, you should protect yourself. The "Book of Changes" also says that the great virtue of heaven and earth is life.However, it is said in "The Analects of Confucius" that scholars are ordered when they see danger.A gentleman seeks benevolence by killing himself, and harms benevolence by not seeking life.

Shiyi is not a small classic, but a formal scripture, a compulsory subject in the scientific examination, so it cannot be denied. "The Analects of Confucius" is regarded as a precious book by scholars.In Shiyi, it is said that preserving and cherishing life is a great virtue.But Confucius said that it is right to sacrifice one's life for benevolence, and one should not jeopardize benevolence and righteousness because of coveting one's life.

When Wang Hua wrote this article, Li Chiying was standing beside her, and she was confused by the first question.Which one is right?
Then came the second question. Guan Zi said, those who doubt the present look at the past, and those who don't know the future look at the past. However, it is said in "Lu Shi Chunqiu" that the master wants to forbid the world to eat by eating the dead, which is contrary.Some people who ride in a boat die, and if they want to stop the boat from all over the world, it is against the law.Those who lose their country with solid soldiers want to stop the soldiers who are not in the world, which is against the law.

Guan Zi is very similar to Lu's Spring and Autumn.But Guan Zi said that the reality makes people puzzled, just look at how the ancients did it.If you want to predict the future, look more at history.Learn from history.However, in Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals, it is said that people in the world should not be forbidden to eat just because someone choked to death on food, people in the world should not be banned from taking a boat because they accidentally drowned in a boat, and the army in the world should not be canceled just because the country was defeated in battle.

The third question is what Confucius said, criticizing the evil and thinking the evil is right.However, Cao Xi, a famous minister of the Three Kingdoms, said that the so-called concealment of evil and promotion of good is the righteousness of a gentleman;

Confucius said that it is right to dare to point out the shortcomings of others.But Cao Xi said that it is what a gentleman should do to cover up the shortcomings of others and to promote the strengths of others.Although Cao Xi is not as good as Confucius, he is also a learned man and once majored in "The Analects of Confucius".Why didn't you notice this sentence that Confucius said.

"Zhao Jue Shu" said that women who show off their beauty are not chaste, and scholars who boast of themselves are not trustworthy. "Hanshu" says that those who achieve great things do not stick to small details, and those who perform great gifts do not need to be modest.

"Zhao Jueshu" is not as good as "Hanshu", but it still has a great influence among the literati today.

Zhang Liang's master, Huang Shigong, said that if the land is wide, it will be barren, and if it is wide, it will be strong. Protecting one's own things can make people safe and guard themselves, and those who are greedy will be disabled.This sentence made Sima Guang agree very much, that is, to be conservative.

However, the famous military strategist Sima Cuo said that if you want to be rich, you must expand your land, if you want to be rich in soldiers, you must be rich in people, and if you want to be a king, you must be virtuous.Except that the two viewpoints of morality are consistent, other viewpoints are opposite.

"Zuo Zhuan" says that the heart has no time, so why is it that there is no home? "The Analects of Confucius" says that etiquette and righteousness are not presumptuous, so why is it so sympathetic?That is, don't do bad things, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

However, there is a well-known old saying that goes, accumulating destruction destroys gold, accumulating slander grinds bones, many feathers drown in a boat, and a group of light dismantles the axis.Besides, there is a living example of three people becoming a tiger.Even if you have done nothing wrong, the villain will repeatedly attack and frame you, and you will be unlucky.

Seeing what Wang Hua wrote here, Mu Zili and Li Chiying were speechless.

Confucius said that a gentleman is not a tool, but a sage knows everything.Wang Hua disagreed with this statement. He didn’t believe that Confucius was not as good as a craftsman if he was asked to make utensils. He was not as good as a farmer if he was asked to farm. He was not even as good as Liu Tong if he was asked to fight.But Wang Hua didn't refute, and he didn't comment on the whole article, he just picked out the remarks of these sages and sages, and let them use the spear of the son to the shield of the son.

So next, Liezi said that the heavens and the earth are not perfect, the sages are not omnipotent, and all things are not perfect.Therefore, the vocation is born, the vocation is shaped, and the ordination is enlightened.

Although Liezi is mostly fiction, but Wang Hua agrees with this sentence very much.But he didn't say it right, but let this sentence be opposite to Confucius' sage Zhi Zhou Wan Wu.

Confucius said that a gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always sad.But he also said that Jin Chonger's domineering heart was born in Cao Wei; Yue Goujian's domineering heart was also born in Kuaiji.Those who live in the past without worries will not think far away, and those who cover themselves and taste leisure will not have broad ambitions.Now that you are magnanimous, why do you need to be ambitious, "thinking far and aiming broad"?
Tang also said that Zhuan Zhu assassinated King Liao of Wu with a knife hidden in his bosom, and everyone in the world praised him for his bravery.Xi Shi wore a coarse dress, and people all over the world still praised Xi Shi's beauty.But Shenzi said again: "Maoqiang and Xishi are the most beautiful women in the world, but if they wear animal skin clothes, people will be scared away by them. But if they are made to wear beautiful fine linen clothes, passers-by will stop." Come down and appreciate it. It can be seen that beauty must be set off by good clothes, and beauty will lose its beauty if it does not wear beautiful clothes."

Both of them made sense, but both exaggerated a little.

But putting these two sentences against each other makes people speechless.

Xiang Liang said that those who started first were subdued by others, and those who started later were controlled by others.It is also said in the book of war that the ancestors had the will to win.That is to say, it is better to strike first, and then to suffer.

However, the historians of the Zhou Dynasty said that there is no beginning of misfortune, and the one who begins the misfortune will die.Don't be the one who takes the lead in causing trouble and enjoys happiness.Confucius also said that one must be moderate.

Shenzi said that those with virtue and ability submit to those without virtue and ability because their power is too small, and the latter has a high status.So when Tang Yao was a commoner, he couldn't even command his neighbors, but when he became an emperor, he could order and prohibit.It can be seen that virtue does not obey people, but power can make people submit.

But Jia Yi said that since ancient times, those who make enemies with the people will inevitably perish, and the final victors are the people.So Jie Xia claimed to be the father of heaven, and Zhou of Shang called himself the king of heaven, and the common people still scolded them.It can be seen that power is not necessarily the most noble, nor is the name the most glorious.

Yuan Gu and Huang Sheng quarreled in front of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. Huang Sheng said that Cheng Tang and King Wu succeeded to the throne by killing Xia Jie and Shang Zhou.Yuan Gu said it was wrong, Jie and Zhou were licentious and immoral, which made the people's hearts turn to Tang and Wu.This is not self-righteousness, but destiny.But Huang Sheng said that no matter how old the hat is, it is worn on the head, and no matter how new the shoes are, it is impossible to replace the hat. They are worn on the head, but under the feet.Although Jie and Zhou have no principles, they are still the kings of the country, and they use their ministers to seek the king. What is it if it is not murder?

Jiang Ziya said that with strict punishment, people will be afraid, and if they are afraid, they will be afraid.Clear rewards will induce people's greed, and lack of greed will lead to resentment.Therefore, when the king governs the world, he cannot let his subjects see what he likes.It cannot be said that it is wrong, no matter which country was founded and the dynasty was established, all the heroes have fought for credit.

However, Wenzi said that the real reason for not receiving grace is that the punishment is deterrent.Therefore, Zhuge Liang also said that prestige is based on the law, and if the law is practiced, you will know kindness; if you limit it, you will know honor.The Kingdom of Shu was governed greatly.

Wenzi said, human beings should not follow their words, but follow their deeds.The old man is brave, the country is in trouble, the man is lustful, and the country is in chaos.However, the King of Qin said, "I heard that Chu's iron sword is sharp and advocates excellence and clumsiness."A man with a strong iron sword will be brave, and a man who advocates excellence and clumsiness will be far-sighted.Thinking of the warriors from afar, I am afraid that Qin is also the picture of Chu.The former asks the people not to follow Renjun, while the latter asks Renjun to take the initiative to set an example.

Confucius said, if you don't worry about inaction, you won't be able to stand if you worry about yourself.When he was trapped in Cai Chen, his student Zilu saw him and said, "I used to hear from my master that those who accumulate good deeds will be rewarded with blessings. Today, you have accumulated righteousness and cherished benevolence for a long time. Why did you end up in this field?"

So Confucius said again: "Zilu, let me tell you, do you think that good people will be rewarded with good things? Then Boyi and Shuqi will not starve to death in Shouyang Mountain. Do you think wise people will be believed? Then compare You will not be dug out to test your heart. Do you think loyal ministers will have a good end? Then Xia Jie’s loyal minister Long Feng will not be beheaded. Do you think people will listen to advice? Then Wu Zixu will not Will be killed by Fu Chai. There are too many people who are knowledgeable and far-sighted gentlemen who have been buried for life because they have no chance, and I, Confucius, are not the only ones?"

There are a total of one hundred questions and more than 7000 words.

All use the words of sages or sages, tit for tat, even use their own words to their own words.

Each one is extremely tricky.

Wang Hua is not Song Zongyuan, and Zhao Rui. Now he is famous all over the world. It can be said that there are only Li Dan and his son, Princess Taiping and him in the world. These four people are the most conspicuous.

When this article arrived in Chang'an, it was immediately praised.

But it also created a bigger controversy.

For example, use Confucius to belittle Liezi and defend Confucius, but you cannot use Confucius to belittle Confucius himself. So some great Confucians tried to explain these contradictory issues, but these contradictions are too contradictory. No matter how they explain the doubts, they cannot be believed.Most of the readers are at a loss.

By doing this, Wang Hua did not belittle the hundred sons of the various families, but intentionally magnified these contradictions, so that everyone can see that even the sages have some inconsistencies.

Even the words of the sages may not be the truth, and the words he wrote on the silk tapestry can be doubted, but it is not easy to use the words of the sages to hit Wang Hua.

At the end of March, Wang Hua finally left Lingzhou.

Difficult to come, easy to go.

After all, white marble is too huge.

Although the white marble is now carved one by one, there can be no mistakes, but there is no mountain road.Go down the Yellow River, enter Chang'an from the Weishui River, and go to Hukou to run the dry boat again.That is to go ashore from the river, go to the downstream area where the water is flat, and then go down the river.

This is easier to handle with a raft, otherwise the huge weight may start to run aground in the upper reaches of the Weishui River and the Yellow River.

There are wheels installed under the wide raft, and the tripod base is loaded onto the raft directly from the workshop, that is, various large timbers form the floating boat.Then widen the road, pave the road with yellow sand, and use horse-drawn and human-push methods to make the slope very gentle at the mouth of the river, and push the raft directly into the river.

After encountering a steep river, this method is also used to go ashore and then go into the water.

In addition, it was going downstream, so the speed was very fast. On April [-], the team arrived in Chang'an in a mighty manner.

Li Dan led civil and military officials out of the city to meet him.

No matter what quarrels Wang Hua had with the imperial court, or whether he despised the imperial court, Wang Hua now handed over all of the Northwest.Although many people were removed, what was left behind was a prosperous and prosperous Northwest. Coupled with his achievements in killing Zhu Wei, he didn't have any hatred for Wang Hua.

Moreover, the symbolic meaning of the tripod of Kyushu is particularly grand.

Therefore, Li Dan and his son, Princess Taiping, the prime ministers, ministers of civil and military affairs, and all the courtiers who entered Chang'an City, all came to Weishui.In addition to them, there are many people in the distance, watching from a distance.

But to their great disappointment, the huge raft was covered with yellow silk, and nothing could be seen.

Wang Hua chatted with everyone in a very cold tone, including Li Dan.On the contrary, Li Chiying was very happy, chatting non-stop with her father and Li Longji.

Wang Hua waved his hand, and the fleet continued to move forward. This was going directly into the city along the Yong'an Canal.When the water level was low after autumn last year, Wang Hua instructed Li Dan to widen the Yong'an Canal, so it entered the city smoothly.When we arrived at Dunyifang, we pulled it ashore again.

There were many onlookers, but still no one saw the true face of Ding Qi.

Dunyifang is close to Anhuamen in the south of the city. It has a large area and few people. Because of the land occupation, Wang Hua chose this place so as not to disturb the people.But let Li Dan change to Jiudingfang.

Although Wang Hua didn't say anything else, Li Dan was very cautious and vacated a square of people, and built a tall building in the middle. Next to it, there are many pagodas and temples.The atmosphere is solemn.

The gate for placing the tripod of Kyushu is very wide, and if it is not wide, it cannot be pulled in.But there were many soldiers guarding around, and when they saw the dry boat coming, they started to set off firecrackers.

Pulling it in, there are many majestic buildings inside, but there is a small square in the middle, surrounded by soldiers guarding, and a huge pavilion in the middle of the square, where the tripods are placed.

Workers carefully pushed the Dingji in and put them together.Next is a highly difficult movement, which is to put the tripod body on the tripod base.

These nine tripods are very large, Wang Hua intentionally weighed them, and they reached a little over [-] jin, which is nearly [-] jin.

Seeing the tripod put down, Li Dan and the others felt a little worried for the first audience.

Now Dingji has not been assembled except for the wood part placed under the white marble, and all that can be seen are wood carvings and three-dimensional maps.But those exquisite maps cannot be touched, how can people lift them up?

But this is very familiar to Wang Hua. He checked the points before and carried them up and down next time.Then when assembling, lift it up and down.

Immediately ask the craftsman to put many sandbags on both sides, put wooden boards on the sandbags, and leave the tripod eyes.Although it occupies a large area, it is an ellipse after all, with a very long length. The longest part reaches 45 meters, but the maximum width is only 15 meters. It is a dome, and the width on both sides is even less.So it is not difficult to do this.

Then some high platforms were set up, and many simple gourds, that is, pulley blocks, were placed on them. The workers stood on the wooden boards to lift them, and then pulled them with the pulley blocks, and carefully placed the nine tripod bodies on them.Next, tighten the Si Ke, it wasn't the Si Ke that just wrapped Ding Ji.The circle around Dingji is more than 110 meters long, and the length of silk tapestry is less than 80 meters.The space left in the middle was intentionally left by Wang Hua, otherwise such a circle would be full of silk tapestry, which does not match the overall theme, so there are exactly nine three-dimensional carved golden dragon columns at intervals.

Not only the nine pillars, but many other places are related to nine. For the ministers in the court, this means the supreme meaning of nine five, but for Wang Hua, it is just a homophony of the word "long". An auspicious smell.

Put on nine disc pillars and wrap them with silk tapestry.

Originally, when I came here, I could get a glimpse of the leopard, and I was able to leave. When I saw the silk tape stretched out, I was immediately attracted by the writing on it.It has nothing to do with Wang Hua's calligraphy, but the content above, and it happens that a solar eclipse happened this year.

I was very surprised, especially when many of the above formulas were accompanied by illustrations, which once again attracted the attention of the ministers.

They knelt down to watch one by one, and then discussed in low voices.

Wang Hua was very satisfied with this point. What does it mean to moisten things silently? He was afraid that some old Confucian scholars would set fire to burn these ten huge silk tapestry pieces.

Next, the jade paintings and porcelain paintings will be inlaid, and the small pictures made of three layers of gold, silver and precious stones will be reassembled.

This is not a day or two effort, it takes several days to complete.

But seeing this, the monarchs and ministers left very satisfied.

It should be that Wang Hua was satisfied with many places in the Tang Dynasty. The first point is the policy of openness and inclusiveness, the second is that there is no literary prison, and the third is that the culture is not rigid.Otherwise, if many things on this tripod of Kyushu were placed in the Ming and Qing dynasties, or in medieval Europe, many academics, such as the earth is round, Wang Hua would be burned alive on the pyre immediately.

It is still not open to the public, but from the mouths of many ministers, the common people have already learned about the situation of the Kyushu Dingding.Therefore, many people surrounded the main hall every day, looking inside eagerly.It's a pity that no matter how they stand on tiptoe, they can't see what's going on inside.

Wang Hua also left here, and he returned home.

It was the original mansion, because the imperial court was preparing for him to return to Beijing, so they sent someone to clean it up, and the plaque on the mansion's door was still shining golden.

However, in this mansion, the parents are gone, the big phoenix and the third phoenix are married, the fourth phoenix is ​​in Oceania, several other related women and their children also left the Central Plains and went to Oceania one by one.

Although in April, you can still see the brilliant summer flowers, but Wang Hua felt desolate for no reason.

When they arrived at home, Mu Zili and Li Chiying had asked their servants to settle down the house.

When the meal was ready, Li Longji led several eunuchs to the Wang painter.

Look at my sister, it's a normal behavior.

Wang Hua saluted, and the courtiers saw the emperor's etiquette, but the attitude was very unflattering.

Li Longji was not angry either. On the pier, when his father greeted Wang Hua, Wang Hua's attitude was not very respectful, not to mention that he was a puppet emperor.

After talking with Li Chiying for a while, he turned his head and suddenly said to Wang Hua: "I read the history books recently, and I was very moved when I saw the story of Duke Heng of Qi and Guan Zhong."

Li Longji didn't say much else, but this sentence has a profound meaning.

Guan Zhong's theory of governing the country is similar to that of Wang Hua. He opposes empty talk and rule by doing nothing, which is purely to deceive people.Even Sima Qian was fooled.It is true that doing nothing can govern the country and the people. I don’t believe that officials sleep at home and govern by doing nothing for a year.

Therefore, Guan Zhong is extremely opposed to this kind of empty talk, and advocates a rich country and a strong army. marrow.

The same is true of Wang Hua's consistent governance policy.

Not only that, but Guan Zhong was a humble businessman and started from humble beginnings. Although Wang Hua's father boasted that he was a gentleman, no one took him seriously.

Duke Xiang of Qi had an affair with Wen Jiang, the wife of Duke Huan of Lu, his younger sister. Both Guan Zhong and Bao Shuhu, who had political foresight, predicted that there would be chaos in Qi, so they protected their masters, Prince Jiu and Xiaobai, and fled to other countries to escape the disaster. .Soon after, Xiaobai's mother, the daughter of Lord Wei, killed Duke Xiang of Qi and made herself king. She reigned for more than a year, but was killed by the nobles of Qi State, leaving Qi State without a king.The two sons were eager to go back and seize the throne of the monarch.First, Xiaobai and Bao Shuya went to Ju State for their chariots, and then they went back immediately.Duke Zhuang of Lu knew that there was no king in Qi, and he was very anxious, so he sent troops to protect Prince Jiu and returned home.But it happened that Xiaobai had already gone back. Guan Zhong, please go first, and personally led thirty soldiers to intercept Xiaobai. After seeing Xiaobai, he shot an arrow.The son Xiaobai fell down at the sound. Guan Zhong thought that Xiaobai had been shot to death, so he went back.Unexpectedly, the arrow just hit Xiaobai's copper clothes hook. Xiaobai was so quick to think that he bit the tip of his tongue and pretended to be dead.After being frightened by Guan Zhong, the speed was even faster, and he immediately returned to Qi State and ascended the throne smoothly.

But the story did not end here. After Guan Zhong arrived in Qi State, he heard that Prince Xiaobai had ascended the throne, so he attacked Qi State with Duke Zhuang of Lu, and was defeated. The State of Lu was afraid, so he killed Prince Jiu and handed over Guan Zhong.Guan Zhong thought it was over, and was escorted back to Qi State anxiously. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in Qi State, he was immediately opened the prison car, removed the shackles, and was regarded as a guest of honor.

Later, Duke Huan of Qi not only disregarded the previous suspicions, but regarded Guan Zhong as Zhong's father, which became a good story about the harmony between the monarch and his ministers.

Li Longji said this sentence with a lot of meaning. The conflict between you and me is not as deep as that of the son Xiaobai and Guan Zhong. Why can't it be a good story?

It's just one sentence, but it's very sincere.

Wang Hua just smiled.Of course, if he helps Li Longji, he can also help Princess Taiping and Wu Chongning save their lives. Similarly, Li Longji has been very kind to him in recent years.

But what?
So Wang Hua didn't answer.

Li Longji left very disappointed.

Maybe he thought in his heart that Wang Hua was a little ignorant.

Don't look at Wang Hua now in the capital, with his prudence, it is impossible not to hold back, just like when he was in the court back then, who knows that he has mastered a terrifying power without anyone knowing it? ?
Therefore, he very much hoped to get Wang Hua's support.

A few days later, Gao Lishi came to Wang Painter again.

Gao Lishi first thanked him for everything he did for his people in the south. Until now, Wang Hua was still in the valley. After hearing Gao Lishi's explanation, he realized that he had inadvertently made the great eunuch who would call the wind and rain develop a good impression of him in the future. .

But Wang Hua did not hate this most loyal eunuch in ancient and modern times, he was very humble and asked him to sit down.

Gao Lishi said: "Erlang, can I have something to say?"

"Please say."

Gao Lishi looked around, Wang Hua understood, and asked his servants to leave, leaving only the two of them.

Gao Lishi said: "There is a law in the state of Lu. If a woman from the state of Lu is a concubine in another country, if she is able to redeem her, the gold will be taken from the mansion. Zi Gong saved people from the princes and gave them money. Confucius said, what do you do? It is not right. The sage should let it change customs and customs, and let the people know the truth of enlightenment, not just what they think is right. Today, Lu is rich and poor, and there are many poor people. Take the money without harming the action. Don’t take the other Gold will not redeem people. Zilu rescued the drowning man, and his man worshiped the cow, and Zilu accepted it. Confucius said fondly, Lu people will save the drowning more. Why do you do this? Doing favors to others is a reward. There are bound to be many people in the world who receive favors from others. If you don’t repay them, there will be no one else to give you favors. Erlang, is this slave girl right?”

Wang Hua said, "That's right."

He knew that Gao Lishi had come to be a lobbyist, but when it came to favors, apart from the fact that Li Dan and his son were not embarrassed about Li Chiying's marriage, there were tens of thousands of people who had migrated and received Li Longji's help, but for their father and son, Your own favor is far greater than the favor they give.

Gao Lishi changed the subject, and said: "When the great river reaches the East China Sea, it stops rushing. When Kunlun Mountain reaches Dashi, it stops being tall and tall. No matter how great a person is, his belly is as wide as the sea, but it is also the end. Just like King Donghu begged for a Chollima from Maodun, and Maodun gave it to Donghu. King Donghu asked Modun for his beautiful wife, and King Moton agreed to King Donghu’s request. King Donghu wanted to occupy the Xiongnu again. He was furious and said, "The land is the foundation of the country, how can I give it to people. So I sent troops to raid Donghu, defeated them, and killed the people of Donghu. Therefore, the ancients said that things should be done in moderation."

Wang Hua said again: "That's right."

But it doesn't stop, it doesn't depend on a person's attitude, but on the power he possesses.

Even if Li Longji really takes power in the future, he is also far away in Oceania. Well water does not violate river water, why should enough be enough?But right now, if he helps Li Longji uprightly, it may make Princess Taiping angry, which is not beautiful.

Gao Lishi said: "When the moon is full, it is not far from a loss. When the water is full, it will overflow. Now the spring flowers are still in full bloom, and the weather is getting hotter. This temperature seems to be very favorable for flowers, but The spring flowers are about to wither due to the high temperature. Autumn comes, and the fields are golden again, full of the joy of harvest. But inadvertently, autumn frost falls on the world in the early morning. Danger, it always comes when people think it is the safest time. "

Wang Hua still smiled gently and said, "That's right."

Don't think that he stayed in Chang'an, but actually did a lot of covert protection.

And this time will not be very long, now the battle between Li Longji and Princess Taiping is at its most intense, and it will break out soon.As long as that day comes, he will leave the capital.

At this time, Gao Lishi suddenly changed the subject and said, "Since Erlang thinks what I said is right, don't you know that your disaster is around you?"

He was startled and deceitful, Wang Hua was not worried, and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, Lishi, what disaster will happen to me?"

"Could it be that Erlang still doesn't know?" Gao Lishi said in surprise.

Wang Hua was also wondering, what could make Gao Lishi think that he was being controlled by Li Longji.His face was still very calm, and he asked, "Lishi, ask for advice."

"Don't you know who kidnapped Her Royal Highness back then?"

The Princess Gao Lishi was referring to was naturally not Li Gu'er, but Li Chiying.This Wang Hua really didn't know, he shook his head and asked, "Do you know who kidnapped her?"


"Who is it?" Wang Hua was also very puzzled about this matter.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you."

"Lishi was joking, the kidnapping of the princess has nothing to do with me." After Wang Hua finished speaking, his face was a bit annoyed.If Li Longji dared to blame him with stolen goods, even though he arrived in Chang'an, he would make his emperor's dream a moon in the water, a flower in the mirror.

"It has nothing to do with you, it is one of the closest people around you."

"You said Muzili?"

The person closest to me is far away in the sky and close in front of my eyes. Only Mu Zili is the right one.But if Mu Zili did it, the consequences would become a bit serious. As a concubine, he kidnapped the princess.If it was in Lingzhou, it would be a joke, no matter who you are, it would kill you, so it doesn't matter, but now that he is in Chang'an, the situation is different.

(End of this chapter)

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