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Chapter 597 Murder

Chapter 597 Murder

These seven conditions and the loss of hundreds of thousands of people made Li Longji feel a little unhappy. In addition, he regretted that he could not get the artillery technology immediately. In fact, the other conditions were relatively loose.

But it was much less difficult than Li Longji expected.

He immediately said: "I believe my father and aunt will agree."

"I know they must agree, but I still don't feel relieved without anything in writing." Wang Hua said bluntly.

If we talk about simplicity, ordinary people are more simple. As for credit, for high-level people, the more they reach the top of the pyramid, the more credit is like straw paper, ready to be used to wipe their asses at any time.

Li Longji stood up and said, "I'll go back right away."

"Wait a minute," Wang Hua pulled him down, and said, "There is one more thing I didn't tell you. When you went back, if there were no other mistakes, the late emperor had already entered the mausoleum. This time you came to Lingzhou , did not hide it well. I believe that some people in the DPRK got the news. When you go back, it may be the day when the Empress Dowager Wei will attack you. So we will take a two-pronged approach. I will take 500 people to Chang'an, and by the way There are some cannons. I will wait for your news in Linzhou. If your father and Princess Taiping agree to come down, I will go to the capital immediately. But you are too weak in the Habayashi Army, and I alone will not be enough But I can't bring too many people there, otherwise people will find out. Therefore, after you go back, immediately recruit some cronies from the Habayashi Army and cooperate inside and outside. In addition, I and my men sneaked into Chang'an, and I also need your help and cooperation. "

Time was a bit tight, but thanks to Shangguan Xiaowan's persuasion, Webster moved the political center from Luoyang to Chang'an, which was not far from Linzhou, which saved a lot of trouble and a lot of time.

"It's better like this," Li Longji stood up again, and suddenly thought of something, he asked hesitantly: "Then what should I do, Crown Prince?"

The 23 states will be handed over at the end of the year, and the soldiers will also be handed over at that time. The church will be moved out next year, and the tumor will be removed.But Li Chongjun is still a tumor in the northwest, after all, he used to be the orthodox crown prince.Wang Hua also created great momentum for him.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will bring him to Oceania again at that time. I believe you will not make any killing intentions?"

"No," Li Longji smiled awkwardly.

In fact, in the bottom of his heart, he thought that it would be best to kill Li Chongjun, and it would be over once and for all.

Wang Hua glanced at him meaningfully: "My lord, although the royal family is the most ruthless, I still hope you have a little bit of humanity. Since I helped you, the crown prince will never do anything to hinder you again. Oceania , let him take care of him for the elderly."

In fact, Wang Hua also hated Li Chongjun in his heart, but he could not be handed over.Otherwise, people will criticize him, take refuge in Li Dan and his son, and immediately hand over Li Chongjun's achievements, there is no need to bear this reputation.Besides, Li Chongjun is in his own hands, and Li Longji is always a heart disease.Then he had to be careful when he made up his own mind in the future.

Not to mention wisdom, there may not be so many talents in battle, but there are even fewer talents in governing the world.But in terms of scheming and tricks, there are a lot of talents in the court, and his aptitude can only be regarded as a middle-level level in the middle.

This is to leave a way out.

Wang Hua said again: "Also, now that I am assisting you, outsiders don't know about it. In addition, Tubo is pressing hard, so many people think that I will use the banner of the crown prince to attack Zhu Wei. If I send the army eastward again , will confuse many people. This created the conditions for me to lead the soldiers to sneak into Chang'an."

In fact, the mutiny does not need so many people, as long as the Habayashi Army in the palace buys 1000 to [-] people, the plan can be settled.But because of Wang Hua's admonishment, there are not many confidantes of Princess Taiping and Li Dan in the Habayashi Army.Shuang ran from Luoyang to Chang'an, so there were fewer confidants.

At the same time, in order to prevent Li Dan and his son, as well as the northwest, many troops were stationed near Chang'an.Many of these armies were led by Wei party generals.

So Wang Hua brought 500 people. If Li Dan and his son and Princess Taiping were added, the Habayashi Army they bought and some artillery could immediately calm down the situation in the capital.Otherwise, it will change as soon as it is delayed.

In order to cooperate, Wang Hua's army moved eastward, but in fact it was not an attack, but made a show to attract the troops near Chang'an to the west.Only by cooperating inside can it be successfully completed.

He went to Chang'an by himself, because he was afraid that Li Gu'er, mother and son, and Shangguan Xiaowan would be accidentally injured during the mutiny.These two people seem to have been killed in this mutiny in history.Especially Shangguan Xiaowan, because of her disguise, in the eyes of outsiders these years, she has become Webster's number one confidant.

Her natal family also did many outrageous things.During the mutiny, Shangguan Xiaowan showed Li Longji the cursive script of the edict made at that time. The cursive script was the same as the cursive script this time, and let the prime minister assist the government.Li Longji refused to listen and was beheaded under the flag.

If he didn't go to Chang'an himself, Li Longji would also kill Shangguan Xiaowan.And Li Gu'er, for the sake of his sister and to cut off Wei Shi's blood, Li Longji might not have the guts.It's a big deal to accuse myself of a crime afterwards.

But Li Longji couldn't guess all of Wang Hua's thoughts.

He didn't even know why Wang Hua changed his attitude and came to support him.I thought it was this time that I brought my wife and Wu Chongning over to persuade Wang Hua's harem repeatedly, which made Wang Hua's attitude change.Of course, at this time, he didn't think whether he would kill Shangguan Xiaowan and Li Bao'er in the future.

But when he heard that Wang Hua personally led [-] soldiers and artillery to Chang'an, he was more confident, gave a big gift, and left the northwest immediately.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
With the arrival of March, the most beautiful season of the year also comes to Chang'an.

The peach blossoms in Qujiang Pond are in full bloom like fire and flowing clouds all over the sky, and there are also a group of upstart students who have passed the Jinshi exam, and they are traveling in Qujiang Pond to praise their knowledge.

In order to whitewash the peace, the Jinshi Department did not stop this year. On the contrary, 51 Jinshi were recruited, and the number was very rare in the past.Because miscellaneous studies began to be valued gradually, another 56 people were recruited from other subjects this year.

In Chang'an City, except for the increase in soldiers stationed, everything else remained as usual.

But in this bustling environment, murderous intentions are gradually revealed.

At the beginning, Webster was still busy burying Li Xian. Although she personally poisoned Li Xian, this time she gave her husband a very beautiful burial.

Just when Li Longji was thinking about Wang Hua's answer in Lingzhou, and Wang was persuading Wang Han and Li Chiying, the Tubo envoy arrived in Chang'an.He had an audience with Webster.

If it is said that negotiating with Wang Hua gave something substantial, but when negotiating with Webster, the Tibetans played a trick.

The messenger first took out a map of the territory.On this territorial map, Tubo clearly marked the boundary between Tubo and the Tang Dynasty with the line from Jishi Mountain to Wuhai City.These two places are a bit of a dispute. After the territory map is finalized, it will more or less become a legal principle.

But this is imaginary stuff.

In this era, who cares about the territory, expand if you have the ability, and lose if you don't.For example, in the border areas of the Tang Dynasty, in order to prevent the enemy from disturbing the border, many places evacuated the people and replaced them with soldiers.Or use Hu people to block the border and use Hu to resist Hu.

After giving benefits, he said: "Queen Mother, although I am in Tubo, I have heard many things about the Tang Dynasty. We Tubo have come up with an idea for your country."

He pointed to Dafeichuan and said: "First of all, I came to your country this time to profess my vassal to your country. Then your country can transfer Guo Yuanzhen away from Dafeichuan. Anyway, Dafeichuan is from Tuyuhun. When you rebel, you are not loyal to your country or Tubo. As long as your country transfers Guo Yuanzhen back to Dafeichuan, we will immediately send troops to Dafeichuan to punish the Tuyuhun people. As long as we can send troops to Dafeichuan, then we can Contain the troops of the blood battalion. Without the threat of the blood battalion, the queen mother can stabilize the court within a year. Bring back a clear and healthy Tang Dynasty."

The Tibetans surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, which would be a stimulant to Webster's newly established court.

Moreover, the Tubo people sent troops to Dafeichuan, which could indeed contain the troops of the Blood Battalion.

But even Webster, she didn't get confused. The so-called vassalization and the so-called territorial map are just empty words.Once the imperial court recalled Guo Yuanzhen and withdrew its troops, letting the Tibetans occupy Dafeichuan again, most of them were meat buns beating dogs, and they never returned.

But it moved her heart.As for whether Tuyuhun was taken over by the Tubo people, could she manage it?Not to mention Tuyuhun, but the 23 states in the Northwest. What is the difference between independence and independence?
Besides, he was from Tuyuhun.

It would be the best if the blood battalion could be restrained.Moreover, if the Tubo people profess their ministers, it will become an internal conflict, and it seems that the people have confessed.

However, she still had a hard time, whether Guo Yuanzhen could be recruited back.

This Guo Yuanzhen also has a big tail, he is a disobedient guy.

Looking at her face, the Tubo envoy said again: "Queen Mother, do you think General Guo is a bit disobedient?"

This sentence made Wei Shi a little angry, isn't this a slap in the face, if you don't open the pot, you will uncover the pot.

But there is no way, I don’t make it clear, so it’s hard to talk about it below.The Tubo envoy said, "It's still not difficult. Guo Yuanzhen is holding his troops to protect his kindness. If the Southern Wangbu, Jinchibu, Puzibu, and Mangbu rebel and invade Jiannan, what will happen?"

He was referring to the Southern Six Edicts, which were sandwiched between the Tubo people and the Tang Dynasty, sometimes to the east and sometimes to the west.However, because Tubo was strong in the past few years, most of them were ambiguous with Tubo, and sometimes invaded the borders of Jiannan, and even colluded with various southern tribes in Jiannan, sometimes rebelling and sometimes surrendering.However, these remote places are not the center of gravity of the Tang Dynasty, and the focus is on appeasement.

But after these years of development, the Southern Liuzhao gradually developed ambitions.

For the distant border, Webster didn't care much, even if it is lost, it is also a poor area, and maybe the court will decompress it.

But this sentence made Webster's eyes light up.

If these various ministries invade the border, it is not impossible to support them with the influence of the Tubo people.So with this reason, Guo Yuanzhen was transferred to Jiannan as the general manager, and Guo Yuanzhen could still protect himself, and he also had an excuse.

But Webster was not able to see clearly the importance and disadvantages of it, and she was also deceived by the Turkic and Tibetan people, so she had to discuss it with her confidantes.

So he opened his mouth and said: "Now that the late emperor enters the mausoleum, this is the most important thing. I will give you an answer in a few days."

The Tubo envoy knew that Webster had actually acquiesced seven points in his heart, so he withdrew happily.

Webster has been discussing with his confidant these days.However, as Shangguan Wan'er thought in her heart, there are corrupt officials and flattery among her confidants, but there are very few ministers who are capable of doing practical things.

Although it seems that there are many "benefits", the Turkic people and the Tubo have bitten once, and they are afraid of biting, and they don't know what to do.

The matter dragged on, but Webster got another message.

This time Li Longji broke the boat and showed up in Lingzhou many times.It was also heard by some people.

When Li Xian entered the mausoleum, Ji Chuna, Wu Yanxiu, Zhao Luwen, Ye Jingneng, and Zhu Wei's family wrote many times to let Webster follow Wu Zetian's practice to proclaim himself emperor.

Webster's heart was very eager to move. If it weren't for the Northwest Blood Camp, most of the northern and southern imperial guards guarding Miyagi, as well as the important departments of the three provinces and six departments, would be controlled by the children of the Wei family.

It is not difficult for her to become emperor.But Blood Camp, she looked to the northwest and gritted her teeth with hatred.

If it was a blood camp, it would be better, there is mainly Li Chongjun.

Seeing Webster's hesitation, Wei Wen became a little anxious. He ordered Dou Congyi to secretly write a letter, using a prophecy to explain that Webster should take the Tang Dynasty and rule the world.He even told Webster himself that King Wen Li Chongmao should be removed.As long as Li Chongmao died, he could immediately support Li Gu'er as the empress dowager in exchange for Wang Hua's support, and then Webster would proclaim himself emperor.

Webster shook his head and said, "Don't rush."

Now her daughter's attitude is starting to soften, which is a good sign, but her attitude is still lukewarm.You must wait until all mausoleum procedures are over.Li Gu'er's attitude improved, so she would do another enlightenment, and then let her write a letter to appease Wang Hua, and then wait until Wang Hua "opened up" to come, it is best to hand over Li Chongjun.

Then things are settled.

She also said: "There is no home in the northwest, and the lonely family is not at ease. Moreover, there are King Xiang and Princess Taiping in the court, even if the lonely family rules the world, these two people will also make trouble."

When Li Dan was mentioned, Wu Yanxiu suddenly said: "Queen Mother, I have something to report."

"Please come here."

"I heard that King Linzi appeared in Lingzhou, but because of the long distance, this matter has not been verified." He is Webster's male favorite, otherwise it would be difficult to say without evidence.This incident is not a joke, it can be big or small.

When Webster heard this, he suddenly felt terrified.

The other ministers were also silent.Li Dan's city is deep, and Princess Taiping's methods are decisive. Although these two people have lost power, they still make these people feel very scared.

Moreover, these people faintly smelled a sense of uneasiness about this matter.

Wei Shi was silent for a while, and asked, "Really?"

Wu Yanxiu replied: "I also just heard the news. I don't know if it's true or not. But according to the itinerary, if the news is true, King Linzi is on his way back and has not arrived in the capital yet."

Webster said, "Send someone to investigate."

Countless party members were sent out to keep an eye on the roads from Lingzhou to Chang'an.At this time, Li Longji was rushing back.Although when he returned, he did it very secretly.And in order to win the trust of Wang Hua, he left his wife and Wu Chongning in Lingzhou.

This is tantamount to a hostage taste.After all, Wang Hua will personally lead 500 people to sneak into Chang'an. What if Li Dan suddenly turns his back on him after the incident?500 people may not be safe.

Wang Hua didn't say anything, he just smiled.

Before he actually handed over the Northwest, even if he entered Chang'an alone, Li Dan and his son might not dare to keep him.

But now that they have cooperated, Li Longji has appeared in public many times this time, it is easier for him to go back alone, and it is even more eye-catching to go back with two female relatives.

But I didn't expect Li Longji to be seen by the people sent out by Webster as soon as he entered Qizhou.

Come back and report immediately.

After confirming the news, Webster's face was as dark as an ink cloud in the night sky.

At this time, Wei Juyuan spoke: "Queen Mother, don't worry. Although Wang Hua left the young princess of Xiangwang's family in Lingzhou, there have been many misunderstandings among them, and it will be difficult to resolve them for a while. Besides, the minds of Xiangwang and Princess Taiping Shen Shen, if Wang Hua had this ambition, it would be better for him to help the Prince Xiang who was plotting rebellion than to help King Xiang. But King Xiang..."

Having said this, he stopped.

Since they all found Wang Hua, it also shows that they have the idea of ​​eradicating Wei Dang.

Wei Wen said again: "Queen Mother, if you break it, you will break it, and you will continue to leave future troubles."

Webster gritted his teeth and said, "Kill."

This was the first time she made it clear that she wanted to kill King Xiang and Princess Taiping.Of course, the matter is not trivial, and it will not happen until Li Longji comes back.

Start to make strict arrangements.

This time it was done very secretly, but one person had doubts in his heart.Cui Riyong, Minister of the Ministry of War, is a very cunning person.If he succeeds in participating in this matter, and Webster ascends the throne, he will certainly be rich and prosperous.But the most expensive ones are the members of the Wei family, and I am the Minister of the Ministry of War. How much can I get?

Moreover, he felt that although Wei Shi controlled the court, but the foundation was not stable, it might not be a good thing to make this decision hastily.

At this time, he played a trick and sent someone privately to check on Li Longji to see his expression.

A very "smart" person, not long after, when the servant came back to report, Li Longji looked very good.Of course, in exchange for Wang Hua's support, great things can be accomplished. This time, he no longer has the worried look of Zhong Zhong when he came back last time.

He felt that it was a little weird.

Besides, he was in the Ministry of War and knew a lot of military information. Although supporting Li Chongjun was more beneficial than supporting Li Dan and his son, he also knew that Li Chongjun had done some things in the northwest that disappointed Wang Hua.

So he made a decision to inform Li Longji of the news.

But right now the Wei party in the capital has deployed many spies in order to deal with Li Dan and Princess Taiping, and he dare not meet Li Longji, and even dare not let his servants get close to Li Longji.

After thinking about it, I found Master Purun, a monk in Baochang Temple.

The great monk usually offered a lot of incense money for Cui Riyong's wife, and had a very close relationship with Cui Riyong.

And now there are many monks and Taoists, and they have a lot of friends, even if he gets close to Li Longji, no one will pay attention, at most they think that Purun is going to cheat Li Longji of incense money again.

But Purun was also terrified when he heard the news, and joked, what skills and spells did he have? If Webster knew that he had tipped off the news, he would die miserably.But this great monk was thoughtful, he thought of the risks, and he also thought of the prospects.If I help at this time, how much incense money will Li Dan and his son reach the top in the future, just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

So he used some means to secretly find Li Longji.

Li Longji turned pale with fright when he heard the news.He didn't have Wang Hua's ability to fight out from Chang'an City.

Now, except for his wife and sister, the whole family is in the capital, and they don't have any military power in their hands. Even the hundreds of strong men brought over from Luzhou dare not show up.If Webster did it, the whole family would die without a place to bury them.

How to do?
Li Longji looked at the sky outside the window. The clouds in the sky were light and clustered, but in Li Longji's eyes, they looked like knives, swords, and galloping horses. Jump over.

(End of this chapter)

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