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Chapter 588 Putting

Chapter 588 Putting

In the end Song Jing was released.

But being demoted to Yongzhou made a small farewell.I came to the capital once and served as a prime minister for less than half a month. I have changed from a governor of Qinzhou to a Biejia in a famous poverty-stricken area in the Tang Dynasty.

But Song Jing himself, apart from being a little embarrassed due to being locked up for a long time and the pain caused by the torture, there was no other expression on his face.

In fact, he was very lucky in his heart, he never thought that he would have the chance to come out of Dali Temple alive.

He immediately left the capital with his injuries and did not stay for a day.

This decision is more wise, otherwise after a few days, even if he wanted to leave, he might not be able to.

Song Jing was spared, and Webster sent Qinzhou to Lingzhou to write an imperial decree for Wang Hua, who wrote Wang Hua as the general manager of Lingzhou, the assistant general of Guanglu.

The appointment of this casual post immediately caused a big uproar.

Although it is a casual job, that is, a false job, Dr. Guanglu ranks third among the 29 levels from Kaifu Yitong Sansi to Jiang Shilang in the Wen San stage, second only to Kaifu Yitong Sansi and Special After entering, it is Cong Erpin Essay prose.

The Fuguo General is a little bit too much. In the Wusan class, the first rank is the Hussar General No. 20. The ninth level is the Deputy Lieutenant of the Accompanying Rong, the head of the guide, and the Fuguo General is second only to the Hussar General. After that, it is the second level, the second-rank Wu San rank.

It is understandable for Webster to win over Wang Hua.

If only one item was given, it wouldn't cause so much controversy. Guan Jian and Webster gave two of them.Not to mention others, even within the Wei Party there are controversies.

Webster said: "Don't have heavy bait, don't catch big fish."

Webster has always regretted the matter of Wang Hua.If I had known this earlier, if I had attached great importance to him back then, why would I be here today?Don't talk about orthodoxy, others may respect orthodoxy.But this kid may not take it seriously.Could it be that his surname is Wei and Wu Zetian's surname is Li?
This idea can't be said to be wrong. When Wang Hua expressed his friendship to Li Xian, he was no longer an unknown kid and started to take charge of the blood camp.If at that time, she saw Wang Hua stretching out an olive branch, she would also throw away the olive branch, plus his relationship with Li Guer, the Wei family and Wang Hua still had a cooperative relationship, maybe the grown-up Wang Hua would really Remains silent on her search for a position.

But when she bet her treasure on Wu Sansi, it was too late.Besides, because of her existence, the Wei family had ambitions for Wang Hua's industry.There is one more thing she doesn't know, Wang Hua already knows that she sent people to the Turkic blood selling camp.

The erbium was heavy enough, and the group headed to Lingzhou again, and also explained to Li Gu'er by the way.The main reason is that Li Bao'er is not cooperating now, and Wei Shi is worried that marrying in Lingzhou will not only not have good effects, but will have bad effects on the contrary.Therefore, I will make some explanations and test Wang Hua's tone.

So will this big fish catch it?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Wang Hua is not in Lingzhou, but in Jishi Mountain.

At the end of November, it was very cold in Shannan, and the Tibetans attacked again.

Wang Hua also got some information about the new general Chi Risong.This is a veteran who made great contributions in suppressing the rebellion of Ni Brahmins.But this person's rule is extremely cruel, killing and whipping at every turn.

There may be military discipline, but the soldiers are very dissatisfied.

Handed over the news to Guo Yuanzhen, and negotiated with Guo Yuanzhen personally.Although he was not happy with Guo Yuanzhen's actions, he had to cooperate with Guo Yuanzhen.If Dafeichuan falls, it will be difficult for Jishi Mountain to hold on.The two are closely related.

Guo Yuanzhen was very happy with Wang Hua's door-to-door business.

Now he is in a very difficult situation. Speaking of troops, maybe he can get more troops than Wang Hua.However, most of these troops were recruited by various ministries in the Western Regions.Now that Tuyuhun has been obtained, the source of troops has been increased.

However, the actual situation is that he is suffering and cannot express it.

After all, they were recruited, and these tribes were governed by Ji Mi, so there should not be too many casualties.Of course, even if the entire army is wiped out, the chieftains of these tribes will have nothing to say, but in that case, it will be difficult to govern in the future.

The second is that the time cannot be prolonged. If Da Feichuan is taken down, he must be rewarded and sent away immediately.Even if Dafeichuan is lost in the future, it will be fine to recruit troops again.But it is impossible and unaffordable to keep the troops permanently.

That is to say, there are only a few Tang Dynasty soldiers preparing for the arduous winter battle on Dafeichuan.

Although they have also undergone hard training, compared with the Fanzi, these soldiers of the Tang Dynasty still have a long way to go in responding to the altitude of the plateau and adapting to the cold.Some people got used to it, the Tuyuhun people, Guo Yuanzhen also recruited a group, but he didn't dare to recruit too many, for fear that the Tuyuhun people would despise them in the future, and they might rebel again.But fortunately, at the end of September, Li Xian was not confused. With Guo Yuanzhen's repeated reminders, and Wang Hua being "surrendered", Tuyuhun Khan and the Tubo princess were released from the capital.At the same time, a large number of gifts were rewarded, which made the people of Tuyuhun more sincere in their return.

But there are many difficulties.

When Wang Hua came to Dafeichuan, Guo Yuanzhen came out to greet him in person.It has nothing to do with his Northwest King, but is forced by the current situation.

The two discussed for a long time before Wang Hua returned to Jishi Mountain.

Soon after, the Tubo people were dispatched.Guo Yuanzhen let the soldiers hide in the camp, and they could not hold out.Even the trained sleds were not shown to the public.

At this time, the blood battalion was dispatched.

Ge Shuhan secretly led 5000 people across a small path in Jishi Mountain.This trip was very difficult and dangerous, because the road was originally a tall and steep mountain road, and it was still a trail, and now it was full of ice and snow, making it very difficult to walk.

After crossing the Jishi Mountain, you will arrive at the Bailan Department.

This is the plan of Wang Hua and Guo Yuanzhen.Let Guo Yuanzhen's army use their persistence to attract Chi Risong's main force.Then, taking advantage of the emptiness of Bai Lan's troops, Ge Shuhan led a surprise army and inserted into their rear.This will cause Chi Risong to panic and shake the morale of the army. At this time, the blood battalion ambushing and Guo Yuanzhen's army will attack from both sides.

Chi Risong's subordinates are harsh, and the military discipline may keep up, but due to the excessive harshness, the subordinates will be dissatisfied, which will have a serious consequence, and they will not be willing to be used by him.If you have the upper hand, there is no problem.Once downwind, there will be a collapse.Then this battle may even be under the control of Wang Hua and Guo Yuanzhen.

This time, however, the plan went awry.

At the beginning, Goshuhan's army marched smoothly.But at this time, Ge Shuhan was not the captain who had just entered the blood camp at the beginning.He faintly felt that something was wrong, although this time their army was caught by surprise, but the progress was too smooth.This made him feel uneasy. In Wang Hua's words, don't believe in miracles. If things go wrong, there must be demons.

Therefore, the army was stopped and a large number of scouts were sent out to check.

Seeing that the blood camp was so vigilant, the Tubo people had no choice but to order an attack, and tens of thousands of troops surrounded them from all directions.

Ge Shuhan knew that he had fallen into the trap, and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.That is to escape. The 5000 people fled north in a hurry, but by this time they had penetrated deep into the belly of the Bailan Department.He was gradually overtaken by the Tubo people.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Ge Shuhan gave another order to throw away all the horses, get off the sleds, and only take all the javelins and simple dry food.This order came very timely.Otherwise they will be dumpling.

Although the Tubo people surrounded them, when the encirclement was about to close, they did not expect the speed of the blood camp to be so fast, and the javelins played a role in this weather.After nearly two hours of bloody fighting, when the Tubo army was about to charge up, the blood battalion broke through and fled back to Jishi Mountain in embarrassment.

More than 1000 warriors were lost in this battle, and almost all supplies and horses were lost together.

It was only later that Wang Hua realized that he had been fooled by the Tubo people.

Just when winter came, the Prime Minister of Tubo, Kilixu, re-guaranteed Xinuoluo to the Queen Mother of Tubo.

Many ministers in Tubo did not agree with Kilixu's proposal, but Kilixu insisted on his own opinion.And said the reason, although Xin Nuoluo was defeated, but Beibei Mochuu himself was defeated by Wang Hua several times, such a comparison makes sense.And even though Xinuoluo was defeated, his command level was still far above that of Chirisong.If you stick to the Bailan department, Chi Risong can do it.If you send troops to Dafeichuan in winter, you must have Xinuoluo.

Finally, the approval of various officials in Tubo was obtained.But after Xin Nuoluo came to the Bailan Department, he blocked the news, still under the banner of Chi Risong.In addition, it was winter at this time, the roads were full of ice and snow, and even the commercial roads had stopped, and the two sides had no information, so Wang Hua and Guo Yuanzhen did not know that the commander of Tubo on the opposite side had been changed.

When attacking Dafeichuan, Xinuoluo made repeated calculations.This time it was tantamount to committing crimes and meritorious deeds, and he also regarded Wang Hua as the number one enemy from the bottom of his heart.Therefore, be extra careful when calculating, and immediately think of Chi Risong's character. If he is Chi Risong, when the attack on Dafeichuan is not going well, he will definitely pour out his troops and the rear will be empty.Besides, Wang Hua built several roads in Jishi Mountain, and the real dangerous road across Jishi Mountain is not long.

So the Bailan Department secretly left reinforcements.

But he didn't expect that another sled came out of the blood camp, which was faster than the speed of the war horse. In the end, it only won a small victory and did not wipe out the invading army.

Afterwards, Wang Hua realized that Xin Nuoluo had been replaced, and said with emotion: "If this person is not eliminated, he will eventually become the number one enemy of the Tang Dynasty."

Although it didn't raise him to the height of Lunqin Mausoleum, it was tantamount to affirming his military talent.

Now Wang Hua doesn't know, but he knows that Chi Risong didn't make the big deal this time.The opponent changed to an expert, and the surprise attack was useless.So Guo Yuanzhen and Xiao Song were immediately notified to launch a counterattack immediately, because the sled and javelin had been leaked on the battlefield.If it was Chi Risong, he could still be negligent, but this person will definitely not be negligent.

Sure enough, as he expected, when Xinuoluo was chasing Goshuhan, he immediately thought of the main battlefield when he learned of these two novelty things.Once the enemy throws these two weapons out, the speed is faster and the weapons are sharper.The only point is that the impact of the horse is missing.

But the opponents are Wang Hua and Guo Yuanzhen, they will have a thousand ways to use this speed and sharp weapon to avoid collision with the horse.So he immediately notified the front line to be careful, and rode to the front line himself.

Seeing that the enemy was still guarding the camp and could not come out, Xin Nuoluo also smelled a hint of conspiracy.Moreover, he was very decisive and immediately ordered the withdrawal of troops.

This withdrawal was also very timely. Xiao Song and Guo Yuanzhen's army began to counterattack, but Tubo retreated in an orderly manner. Their two armies had no choice but to take advantage of their speed and harass them all the way. They chased to the south of Baihai, and gradually became unfamiliar with the terrain. , plus the people did not cooperate.In the end, they had no choice but to win a small victory and retreat to Dafeichuan.

Wang Hua's hope of taking advantage of this opportunity to defend Bai Lan's family was shattered.Tubo's hope of taking advantage of winter to recapture Dafeichuan was also shattered.The two armies are once again at a stalemate, and this time the stalemate may last for a long time.

Xin Nuoluo reluctantly reported the situation to Luoxie City, and Wang Hua also reluctantly returned to Lingzhou.

Only one person is very satisfied, Guo Yuanzhen.He didn't catch a cold in the Tubo area in the south, which was located in the cold and bitter plateau.There is not much benefit in taking it back, and the sacrifice of taking it back is great.This is not like Dafeichuan, which is rich in water and grass, and has many war horses.Let's stop here.

Before Wang Hua arrived in Lingzhou, he heard all kinds of things happened in Luoyang on the way.

Since there was no hope of recovering the Bailan Department, he had no choice but to shift his focus to state affairs.

Hearing that the imperial envoy came to Lingzhou, Wang Hua didn't say anything, and hurried back slowly.

After seeing the eunuch who announced the decree, Wang Hua's attitude was lukewarm, and the eunuch did not dare to complain, and began to announce the decree.

Wang Hua's attitude was still very contemptuous. After announcing the decree, Wang Hua asked: "I remember a while ago, didn't Empress Wei say that she wanted Bao'er to be the empress dowager? Why did Li Chongmao be made emperor now?"

This eunuch is Webster's confidant, and he came here not only to proclaim the decree, but also to appease Wang Hua.As long as Wang Hua is appeased, many people will misunderstand that Wang Hua is flirting with Webster.A few months later, when she truly controls the court, Wang Hua will be dispensable.Of course, it would be best if Wang Hua clearly supported her.Don't talk about Dr. Guanglu, so what if you give him a special promotion?

The Tailin replied: "General Wang, the public opinion is not suitable now. Do you think the Empress Dowager wants to make Chongmao the emperor? But this transition is necessary. After this period of time, the princess will still be the Empress Dowager. Believe in this simple arrangement, With the eyes of General Wang, it is natural to see it."

"You mean that the empress wants to follow the example of the empress dowager and make Li Chongmao the emperor, but she only helps a puppet to come to power, and she will abolish him in the future, and become the emperor herself?"

"Cough, cough," the eunuch choked, these words can only be understood, not expressed in words.

"Then let me ask you again, the queen said she would marry the princess to me, when will she marry?"

"General Wang, it's very difficult. Now that the late emperor has recently passed away, the princess's marriage to Lingzhou would have violated the rules of ritual. If she married at this time, it would even have a negative impact on the queen mother. So this matter Marriage must wait until a year later before discussing matters again. At that time, the Empress Dowager will have more power to speak, and the princess will have passed the funeral period. At that time, if she gets married, there will be less resistance. This is also the reason why the Empress Dowager sent servants to come , I beg the general to forgive me."

"The funeral? I don't know how many people there are in the Wei family, or how many people there are in the royal family. If they mourn for them one by one, wouldn't I never want to marry the princess for the rest of my life? Besides, don't tell me that the emperor is really sick. It’s broken. Go back and tell the queen, when will the princess be married off, and when will the imperial envoy be sent here again. I don’t care about this broken general and broken doctor.”

Originally, Bai Lan's department was not taken back, so Wang Hua was so annoyed that he directly threw the eunuch out.

After driving away the imperial envoy and his party, Wang Hua said to Zhu Dian, "Let it go."

It's not letting the dogs go, it's letting Li Chongjun live.

(End of this chapter)

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