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Chapter 580

Chapter 580

The imperial court sent Zhang Shuo to come. The first thing was to demand the return of the prisoners of war. After the supplies were delivered, the prisoners of war had to be sent back.This is a very cumbersome job, checking the list, as well as the soldiers' origin, original affiliation with the army, injuries, etc., so many people were brought here.The second is officials from various prefectures, who also came to Lingzhou. The first batch of officials were not these officials, but the tax collectors from Linzhou to Liangzhou.After losing so much, the lice, though small, are still a piece of meat.

It’s not just these. After these officials came to the 23 states, how should they handle their work? They can’t take it easy. Although they don’t have the initiative, they should participate appropriately in order to look good. In fact, this is also the original purpose, Zhang said. The idea is that the Northwest cannot be allowed to go out independently, and these details must be used to continue to bind it with the court.This participation is functioning as some twist, although this function is not worth mentioning.Also, the salary distribution of these officials is clearly stated.If there is no corruption, the life of officials will actually be very poor.

But now the power is in the hands of Wang Hua, these officials have no financial power, where can they embezzle?Therefore, can some appropriate subsidies be made on the rated official salary?
But this issue cannot be discussed on the table, and even there was no discussion during the negotiations. Now that the supplies have been delivered, the court has begun to tighten their belts, and even the new residences of the princesses have begun to stop and not be repaired. When negotiating, otherwise these officials will have to find a reason to go back.

There is another thing, that is the racecourse, which also needs to be checked, the original war horses are ignored, many war horses were injured or killed in battle, Wang Hua promised to compensate.Moreover, since these horses were drawn out, they were all excellent horses, and Wang Hua could not be allowed to fill them up, so he had to check them one by one and re-print the official seal.In addition, there is also a racecourse, which has to be measured on the map.Now even the children in Chang'an City know that Wang Hua returned to pastures in the 23 states for farming, and cannot use inferior pastures to make up for it.

The last one is He Xi.

Li Xian also gave a gift, a picture of mandarin ducks bathing in spring inlaid with a lotus and white jade kui.

The workmanship is very exquisite, and we have to say the butterfly effect brought by Wang Hua. In the past few years, such works would not have appeared in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Based on the materials, I carved out a picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water, with small bridges and flowing water on the side, and a few peach blossoms that have just bloomed. Shown on Yugui.There are golden lotuses inlaid underneath, and a few lotus leaves have recently bloomed, just like the tender lotus leaves that have grown out in spring.

The work is good, but this jade itself is a BUG.

Among jade wares, Yugui occupies a very important position.

It is a ritual vessel used by ancient emperors, princes, nobles and ministers when they offered sacrifices and funerals. It is shaped like a rectangle at the bottom and a triangle at one end.But at the wedding between Xiang Wanghua and Wang Han, what kind of gift can be given, this gift is not suitable.

There is also a small poem inscribed on the side:
Min Tian is sick and powerful, and Tian Du is mourning.I was starved, and the people went into exile.I live in the desert.
The heavens have committed crimes, and the thieves are fighting among themselves.Fainted and exhausted, collapsed and returned to the state, it is really Jingyi our country.
Gao Gao 訿 訿, I didn't know its delicacy.Work hard, fill the hole with restlessness, and I am demoted to the hole.
Like that year of drought, the grass does not collapse and flourish, just like that year of living.I am in this state, and everything collapses.
Wei Xi's wealth is not as good as it was then, and Wei's guilt is not as good as it is today.Bi Shusi, can't you help yourself?Staff brother Si Yin.
The pool is exhausted, and there is no cloud.The spring is exhausted, and there is no cloud in it.Pusi is harmed, and his elder brother Sihong will not bow down to me.
In the past, the kings received orders, just like Zhao Gong, who opened up the country for hundreds of miles every day, and today they are also closing down the country for hundreds of miles.So sad!Those who maintain the present do not retain the old!
Zhang Shuo looked at Wang Hua and asked, "Director Wang, what do you think of this poem?"

From the beginning of the conversation until now, Zhang Shuo didn't give Wang a good face. The dozens of cannons on the Chang'an city made him feel cold.

This poem comes from "Zhao Min" in "Daya", which satirizes that King You of Zhou appointed villains, and the people of the country were in dire straits.

Li Xian uses it here, one is to confess and blame Wang Hua, but there is another meaning, I want to cheer up now, but I am Kong Xie, this Kong Xie is not that he is just a small person in his current status, but that he is Powerless.But now that I have come to my senses, where can I call a caller?
Coupled with this Yugui, it is clear that I was wrong, please forgive me, come back and continue to be my Zhaogong.Probably embarrassed, so I used this hand.Indeed, despite his political stupidity, his literary attainments are still very deep, and some poems are also well written.

Although it was not stated clearly, this Yugui and this song "Zhao Min" have a profound charm and a sad meaning.There wasn't even room for Wang Hua to blame him.

Wang Hua looked at the poem and said, "The craftmanship is very good. Such small characters on the head of the rope are carved on jade, and the sketches are so thick that they seem to have everyone's demeanor. Which master did this come from?"

Zhang said angrily, "You are shameless now."

Wang Hua was not angry when he heard this, but laughed loudly, and said, "Zhang Shilang, it's good to be shameless. People don't have shame, and trees don't need bark, so they can be invincible. Why didn't I understand this truth at the beginning, otherwise how could I count it many times?" In danger and assassination? Zhang Shilang, after hearing your words, I suddenly remembered the history of the Qin and Han Dynasties, and I remembered a word, thick black."

Zhang said that although he was trembling with anger, he couldn't help being curious, what is thick black?
"Xiang Yu is the hero of the world, but he died in Wujiang. Han Xin once said to him that he called women's benevolence and common man's courage. At the Hongmen Banquet, as long as Xiang Zhuang wiped Liu Bang's neck with his sword, the world would be at his fingertips. You are not thick-skinned, women Human kindness! When you arrive at Wujiang River, you may be able to make a comeback, but you actually said something, 8000 people from the Jiangdong family crossed the river, and no one survived today. Zongjiangdong father and brother, pity me and miss me, how can I see it Even if he doesn't say anything, is Ji alone worthy of his heart? He slayed himself on the bank of the Wujiang River. What kind of hero is this? The bravery of a common man! On the other hand, Liu Bang. The king of Han challenged the male and female. The king of Han smiled and thanked him: I would rather fight wits than strength. May I ask where the word "Xiao Xie" came from? Brazen and shameless. He fought against Xiang Yu and lost every battle. On the contrary, the more he fought, the more courageous he became. No shameless person can do it. Chase soldiers In the end, in order to survive, his own children, filial piety, and Lu Yuan, he was able to chase out of the car. The great cause was accomplished, and the heroes Han Xin, Peng Yue and others were killed, and the words "cooking rabbits and dogs to death" were brought to the highest level Realm. The level of black heart is that the current empress is not his opponent. Therefore, he is invincible in the world. Han Xin can be humiliated by stepping down, but he can't forget Liu Bang's kindness of undressing and pushing food. He can't listen to Kuai Tong's words, and the result is miserable. Cooking a dog is more than thick, but not enough black. Seeing that Liu Bang’s army did not offend Qiuhao on the dam, Fan Zeng immediately wanted to put Liu Bang to death, and his heart was dark. However, under Chen Ping’s plan, he grew angry and died after gangrene. I can't bear to spoil the big thing, Liu Bang is weak at this time, he can attack at will, but he begged to go in angrily, taking an old life, not thick enough, so he became a shadow of history."

It turned out to be this thick black, but Zhang said that he felt enlightened after hearing it.

Amitabha, how can I listen to the bewitchment of such demonic words.

Zhang Shuo secretly sounded the alarm for himself in his heart, but Wang Hua didn't stop. He continued, "See that pair of red dragon stallions outside? It's worth about 300 yuan on the market. This is Guo Yuanzhen." The general manager gave me a congratulatory gift, but the materials I subsidized for him were worth nearly 2 million yuan, and I sent nearly [-] people to support him. Maybe he will ask me for things in the future. He didn’t either Feeling shameless, that’s why I got benefits and put down Dafeichuan. Compared with them, I’m still far behind.”

Zhang said that he couldn't help but said: "You are all the same kind of people."

In fact, whether it is Wang Hua or Guo Yuanzhen, they are still too far behind Liu Bang. Without him, they are slightly less cheeky, and even more unscrupulous.But maybe stimulated by Wang Hua's words, Zhang Shuo put down his arrogance and began to haggle with Wang Hua, seeking benefits bit by bit.

At the end, Zhang Shuo suddenly said: "Boss Wang, you said that you are not rebellious, so why don't you hand over the artillery technology to the court."

This is an epoch-making weapon. If the court masters it, it will make a vital contribution to the country's military strength.

Wang Hua looked at Zhang Shuo and thought in his heart that you are so embarrassed to speak up, so he said, "You say I want to rebel, so let me count it as rebellion."

It has reached the point where it is today, and a large amount of supplies and food that are in short supply have been transported to the states of Linglan. Wang Hua does not seek to be king or hegemony, but he has the strength to stand proudly in the northwest safely, and he will not be afraid of any party. threaten.

On the contrary, the imperial court was very worried that Wang Hua would cut off the connection between the Central Plains and the Western Regions, cut off business routes, and cut off the source of horses.He was even worried that Wang Hua would send troops to Chang'an again.The two are now completely reversed.

One sentence left Zhang Shuo speechless.

But Wang Hua changed the subject and said, "But if the imperial court wants it, I can sell a little to the imperial court at the cost price."

That's good, Zhang said he didn't know why Wang Hua showed such kindness, and he immediately asked, "How much?"

"The only thing on sale now is that kind of small cannon. Eight states are trying to make it, and each one costs [-] yuan."

"You are stealing money!" Zhang said that he was so angry that he wanted to beat Wang Hua. He had never seen that small cannon before. It weighed sixty or seventy catties, and even if it was packed in silver, it would not exceed one thousand coins However, Wang Hua actually asked for two thousand coins.But he immediately lowered his pressure and said, "What I want is technology."

"Technology? Back then, the telescope became a weapon of the blood camp, but what about the telescope now?"

Ask Zhang Shuo until he can't make a sound again. Back then, the telescope was called clairvoyance in the blood camp, and special personnel were assigned to guard it. When it was in danger, he would rather not take his life, and destroy it immediately, so that the enemy could not get it.But because of a fit of anger, Wang Hua dismantled it in the palace, and it didn't take long for the Turkic people to have it, the Tubo people to have it, and I heard that the cannibals all had it.

"As for why it's so expensive, please follow me," Wang Hua was also angry this time, and dragged Zhang Shuo to the workshop forcibly.

This is a set of process technology, and I am not afraid that Zhang said that he can discover the secret.

Wang Hua pointed to these gun barrels that have been tempered and said: "But this gun barrel will cost nearly [-] workers. These are the most skilled blacksmiths. I have to pay at least [-] yuan for each job." , up to [-] Wen. They also provide accommodation, a meal at noon, and even settle down their families. If you don’t believe me, ask them about their wages.”

The fact is the same, but most of them get a salary between [-] and [-] yuan. After all, they are craftsmen, and without such a high salary, they will work without putting in effort.There are some craftsmen who get [-] Wen, but very few. They are all top craftsmen. Without this salary, it is impossible to keep people's hearts.Plus other expenses, that is to say, the average cost per worker is no less than two hundred cash.

Wang Hua also said: "And these pig irons must be high-quality refined iron to make a gun barrel. After hundreds of refinements, the refined iron spent on this gun barrel reaches tens of thousands of jins of refined iron. And the loss of related equipment, Also, in order to develop it, it took six years and tens of millions of dollars. Add this cost, tell me, how much does it cost to sell a cannon?"

Wang Hua said it was scary, but in ancient times, the cost of making artillery was very high. The artillery technology in Ming and Qing Dynasties was developed, and there was a whole set of cost-saving processes. Hundreds of taels of silver, the Qing Dynasty spent 620 taels of silver to manufacture nine 180-rib cannons, each reaching [-] taels.

Although these two types of cannons are larger than the two small cannons of Wang Hua, firstly, they are cast, so the cost has been reduced a lot; secondly, the craftsmen are official craftsmen, and only pay a small amount of salary, which further reduces the cost .Of course, in reality, Wang Hua would not spend more than [-] yuan to make a small cannon. This is because he kept improving, otherwise the cost would be reduced by half again, or even more.

But Zhang said that he was calculating in his heart. Although it is very expensive, if the court spends 100 million yuan to equip [-] such sharp weapons, although it will cost a lot, if these [-] sharp weapons are put together, the enemy will be defeated. nightmare, so I asked again: "So how much is this shell worth?"

"It is relatively easier to manufacture cannonballs, and it is not very expensive. But Zhang Shilang, I advise you not to think about it. The first is because of the shortage of manpower, and the imperial court needs to buy them. Maybe it will have to wait until the next year, because the production is limited. In [-], the number of artillery pieces I allocated would not exceed fifty. It may work in a small battle, but it will not work in a big battle. And it has many limitations. This is just The original weapons of firearms, more mature weapons will appear in the future, and large-scale equipment is not worth it. I also went from Oceania to the Northwest, and I only plan to equip a hundred or so, and I don’t plan to mass-produce them. And that kind of cannon, more Not going into mass production."

Bringing up the cannon, Zhang Shuo thought about it and asked, "Then how much does it cost?"

The cost of this small cannon is so high, let alone that kind of cannon.

"Some of its cost is similar to this small cannon, and some of it is slightly higher." Looking at Zhang Said's puzzled eyes, he explained again: "Because the former is cast, and the latter is artificially hammered. , so the cost of the former is lower. But the technology of the former is more imperfect, and it is inconvenient to move, so I did not plan to mass-produce it. But these two guns have unlimited development prospects. This small gun, the technology develops , the cost is lower, and the range is longer, and the rate of fire is faster. You have also seen that kind of cannon, although its power is great now, but I am not satisfied. The range is not enough, the accuracy is not enough, the shooting The speed is slow, and the barrel is easy to explode. When the technology is mature, its power will be ten times that of the current one, and the range and speed of fire will also be ten times higher. That is when it will be used for military purposes."

Wang Hua is not referring to modern artillery, but the artillery of the foreigners in the late Qing Dynasty.Of course, there are many technologies that need to be improved, from the formula of gunpowder, to the technological process, to the technology of smelting steel, casting technology, and even the lathe bed.But in fact, relatively speaking, if you want to be flexible, you can't just have a gun, you have to have a gun.

The doubts in Zhang Shuo's mind were solved, but Zhang Shuo had more doubts in his mind.If it continues like this, what kind of weapon will Wang Hua create in the future?
Just like what he said in Qinzhou, you can fly as high as your heart is.

He said seriously: "Director Wang, what do you need such a strong force for?"

"Revitalize the nation." Wang Hua replied with the same seriousness.

"What you are doing now is to revitalize the nation?"

"Isn't it? Is it necessary to help the Li family in order to revitalize the nation? Is this the Li family the country? The people are all the running dogs of the Li family? I don't know whose home this world was more than 100 years ago, or who this world will be after 100 years. Whose family belongs to the world? Zhang Shilang, it’s not that I’m obsessed with obsession, it’s that you’ve been poisoned too deeply. The virtuous and the powerful live in the world.”

Wang Hua added a strong person and emphasized his tone, and said: "If you don't believe me, if you stay in Lingzhou these few days, you will see a good show. What kind of loyalty and morality, if it is not my luck Escape from Luoyang and create this piece of sky in the northwest, will the emperor give me this Gui? Gui, yes, once I return to Luoyang, I will immediately return to King Yama."

Let Zhang said that he was speechless again.

If Wang Hua returned to Luoyang with one hand, even if Wei Dang didn't deal with him, after Li Xian weakened Wei Dang's arrogance, he would still attack Wang Hua because of this upheaval.Since ancient times, how many ministers with high merit will die well?

Among the three heroes of the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Liang went to eat small balls as a Taoist priest, Xiao He was cautious, that's it, Liu Bang showed his murderous intentions.Another vanguard, Zhou Bo, pretended to be a fool and lived the rest of his life. However, his son Zhou Yafu was forced to death by the Ming emperor Han Jingdi.In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu was the only one who dominated a group of subordinates. There was only one person, Geng Yan, who took almost half of the country for Liu Xiu. Will be a grandson, so everyone is happy.

Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was also regarded as a Ming emperor, and killed the No.1 general Shi Wansui, and the other two heroes Gao Ying and He Ruobi were killed by Yang Guang again.Only Han Qinhu had a good death, and it was also because he did not fight for merit and could pretend to be a grandson.Han Qinhu's nephew Li Jing is the originator of pretending to be a grandson. He is invincible on the battlefield and invincible in the world!But after he returned to the court, he was very tolerant. He could endure being impeached by the imperial censor, and he could also tolerate Hou Junji's framing him.Immediately handing over military power when there is nothing to do, thanking guests behind closed doors, and immediately going out when the country is recruited is definitely a hard-working old scalper. Such an old scalper, not only Li Shimin, but even Zhu Yuanzhang probably would not be able to do it.But his ability to pretend to be a grandson is not as good as that of Guo Ziyi later.

Li Ji, another hero, is also like this. He doesn't like to be promoted, and he doesn't worry about being demoted. Regarding Wu Zetian's affairs, he directly flatters Wu Zetian. This is the emperor's family business.That's why it ends well.

Therefore, the greater the credit, the more you have to be a grandson.

Thinking of this, Zhang said that he was also frustrated.

But no matter what Zhang Shuo thought in his heart, Lingzhou became more and more lively.

Not only the major aristocratic families, but also some ministers in the court quietly sent congratulatory gifts, but it was strange that none of these ministers came from Qingliu, most of them belonged to Webster's party, and some even appeared in Wang Hua's purchase order on the list.The gifts given were also very generous, and the servants left immediately after they were delivered.

But Wang Hua knows that the real climax has not come yet.

On August 23, a person came and finally kicked off the climax.

Wang Hua was discussing matters with Zhu Dian, when the guard brought over a greeting card with a line written on it, Zhang Lingjun, a member of King Qiao's family, congratulated Chief Executive Wang on his wedding anniversary, and begged to pay his respects.

Wang Hua handed the invitation to Zhu Dian, and the two looked at each other.

In fact, Zhang Lingjun didn't write about the sect of King Qiao, and they also knew who Zhang Lingjun was.

This person is from Luoyang, Li Xian's second son, and now the most important aide of the eldest son Li Chongfu.Li Chongfu was framed by Webster and once framed the prince Li Chongrun with Zhang Yizhi's brother.

Wang Hua has always wanted to find a successor who can support him. He used to pay close attention to Li Chongfu, but now he continues to observe Li Chongfu, but Li Chongfu doesn't know.

Those who were exiled by Lao Wu last year all returned because of the amnesty.Only Li Chongfu was not allowed to return to the capital in Junzhou, so he wrote a statement saying: "Your Majesty showed the etiquette and burned firewood, and prayed to heaven in the southern suburbs, and all the people in the world were pardoned for their sins and punishments, but I, as your majesty's own son, did not have the fate Admiring the emperor's kindness, is this the kind of kindness that God treats all the people equally! All the officials and common people who knew about it, shed tears for their ministers. Besides, His Majesty is merciful, can't you show mercy to your desperate son!"

The words are very sad, it is from this person's hand.

But after the performance was presented, no echo was heard.

Another thing I know is that because of Li Xian's cheering up, Qingliu began to regain its strength. The imperial censor Jin Heng and the supervisory censor Li Shangyin impeached Cui Shi and Zheng Yin, coquettishly attached to the powerful, accepted bribes, and received bribes. People's money and people's officials, and even the shortage of officials.

Li Xian immediately imprisoned the two of them. After interrogation, a large amount of bribes were verified.According to the law of the Tang Dynasty, if the head of the supervisory department receives money and breaks the law, a foot of one hundred sticks, one horse plus one grade, and fifteen horses twisted.The law of the Tang Dynasty also stipulates that officials who bend the law by accepting money are not within the scope of the "Eight Discussions".

If dealt with according to the law, both of them should be sentenced to death.

But Wang Hua doubted whether Li Shangyin and Jin Heng's effort this time was to take advantage of the situation, wait for the return of Song Dynasty, and further control the power for Li Xian.

But these two people are very cunning. After Wang Hua appeared in Shanzhou last year, they were also cunning. While relying on Webster, they flattered Shangguan Xiaowan and Li Gu'er.Of course, Li Bao'er also knew that these two people were unreliable, but at this time she was gradually losing power, and the two prime ministers defected, which made Li Bao'er somewhat happy.

After the incident, Yu Shitai demanded that the two ministers be executed, but Webster did not come forward, and for some unknown reason, Shangguan Xiaowan and Li Bao'er pleaded for them.Wang Hua didn't know what happened in the palace, but he knew that there was an important reason. They kept silent on Wang Hua's matter, and they didn't agree with Wei Dang.This may be another reason for their intercession.It is also possible that Webster was a little unhappy. After all, they were supported by Webster, and they would definitely be unhappy if they were not obedient.Or Webster used his retreat to paralyze Li Xian.

In short, from the beginning to the end, only Li Gu'er and Shangguan Xiaowan came forward, so Li Xian changed Cui Shi as the governor of Xiangzhou and Zheng Min as Sima of Jiangzhou.

Originally, these two things were irrelevant, but when Zheng Min went to Jiangzhou and passed through Junzhou, he met with Li Chongfu and had a long secret talk. It just so happened that this news was also monitored by Wang Hua's subordinates.

Therefore, Wang Hua said to Zhu Dian: "The drama has begun."

(End of this chapter)

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