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Chapter 564

Chapter 564
Zhang said that he traveled eastward all the way and arrived in Luoyang without stopping.

Just as he was about to enter the city, there were several people standing at the gate of the city, and one of them shouted: "Master Zhang, please stay."

Zhang said he turned his head and saw Zuo Shiyi Xin Tibu, who was about the same age as him, was in poor health and had basically faded out of the government. The veteran supervisory censor Wang Qiuli gave the matter to Han Sifu, the veteran Zhongshu Sheren Li Yi, and the servant of the Ministry of Punishment Xue ascend.

Some of these five officials are older than him, and some are younger than him.Some official positions are similar to him, and some are much lower than his official position.

But most of them agreed with him, but Zhang Shuo remembered what Wang Hua had said to him, so he immediately got off his horse and saluted quickly.

Xue Deng asked: "Zhang Shilang, how is the progress this time?"

At this time, Wang Hua hadn't sent troops yet, but he was starting to make arrangements, and the court also got the news. They didn't know whether Wang Hua was serious this time, or if he was bluffing to force the court to submit.But people in the court are in panic all day long.If Wang Hua really sends troops, the court will be at a critical juncture.

Therefore, after hearing the news that Zhang said he was going back to Beijing soon, Xue Deng discussed with these like-minded courtiers, estimated the itinerary, and waited outside the city gate.

Zhang said that he shook his head, and he gave an overview of the situation.

Xue Deng asked: "Then you mean that Wang Hua will not rebel?"

"Not necessarily, he has no intention of rebelling, and the force forces him to rebel."

These few ministers are upright by nature, and they smiled wryly after hearing this. If they had such powerful strength in their hands, they would not bow their heads and catch them.But thinking about the current situation, several people are even more worried.

"Xue Shilang, how is the current situation in the court?"

Xue Deng said: "It's very bad, but there is also good news. His Majesty seems to be not satisfied with the monopoly of some people."

Zhang said that after hearing this sentence, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Although he wrote a letter to Li Longji, it did not mean that he wanted national turmoil.If the emperor can wake up, it's not too late, just like Zhou Chu eliminates the three evils.

"But Zhang Shilang, don't be too happy. Although His Majesty has some regrets, he has lost control of the court." As he spoke, Xue Deng recounted some recent situations, and then said: "Your Majesty's I don't know what I mean, but I do know that His Majesty has no one to use, and I don't know who to use."

Speaking of this, he burst into tears, even though it was Li Xian's own crime and he couldn't live.However, it would be better if the emperor was such a fool as Jin Huidi, but Li Xian is just a person with ordinary qualifications, and to be honest, he is not a tyrant.As a loyal and upright courtier, how could he not cry miserably.

"Xue Shilang, don't worry, wait for me to enter the palace to see if there is any possibility of reversing the matter." Zhang said that he was not sad, but he suddenly thought of something.It was some time ago, he was in Shengzhou, staring at Wang Hua.Wang Hua said a word to him: "Zhang Shilang, it's not that I don't agree with you, it's that the court has been corrupted. Now let's see how many direct ministers are in charge of the court? Are there no outstanding ministers? Come, let me tell you one by one. Here you go."

Wang Hua's ability to know people is unparalleled in the world.

Zhang said that he immediately congratulated Cong Ting.

"Wei Zhi, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is upright in nature and has long been famous for his talent. Lu Huaishen, the right censor of Taichung, is loyal, straightforward, honest and modest. Yuan Qianyao, the admonisher, is elegant and good at officials. He is upright and unyielding, with outstanding achievements in government affairs. Dali, a disciple of the family, judges affairs, and Du Siam is brave enough to judge affairs. The Dian signed Pei Yaoqing to be the head of the advisors in the Prime Minister's Palace, this person will also be a capable minister when he grows up, and this number of people is also the talent of the Deputy Prime Minister."

Some of these people said they paid attention to it, while others didn't.

Especially a deputy prime minister, the finishing touch is wonderful.You must know that the prime minister is not so easy to take on.

"Then there are you and Zhang Jiazhen. Although they are quick to make decisions and are extremely talented, they can be considered talents, but they have extreme personalities and cannot tolerate others. It is a pity."

Zhang said that he was stunned at first, which minister didn't want to be prime minister?I don't know whether Wang Hua is a compliment or a derogation, so I don't say anything.

"But you haven't grown up yet. If you talk about good looks, there are three good looks in the world, Yao Chongzhi, Song Jing, and Wei Anshi are the second. After you, Xiao Song and Zhang Jiuling are the best, and Yan Tingzhi and Li Shizhi can follow. "

Zhang said with a wry smile in his heart, you really don't shy away from your relatives, there are enemies like Wei Anshi, there are love generals like Xiao Song, and your brother-in-law and brother-in-law.But thinking about it carefully, Wang Hua also made sense.But now that Xiao Song is a general, can he be a good minister in the future?

"There is nothing more powerful than Yin Sizhen. He is not afraid of Hou Qing's stick, but Yin Qing's pen. He is so famous. In Qingzhou, there are four silkworms in one year. Good governance is like this, but it is just a thorn in the ears of the history. Li Jie is the best of all envoys! Mingmin has talent, why not use it more? Xie Wan, the general of Youwuwei, is clear for a while, defying power, capable of writing and martial arts, why not use him as the general manager of a party to defend against powerful enemies, But because Chang Yuankai, who was in love with Ma Shanmei, became the chief executive of Shuofang? Shi Bigou, the governor of Yizhou, has established a prefectural capital with a reputation. Why not use it as one to supervise the ten directions according to the history? The former governor of Yongzhou Shi Li Yiyan led the guest, and only pointed to the seat of the county captain. He said, this seat is also the seat of the Ming Dynasty, but I hate that I have not seen it. Who is it? Su Xuan, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs. Why doesn't your majesty listen more to Su Shangshu? Admonishment? In Tianshu, should be summoned, then Tianlinxuan asked all juren: Who is loyal? Everyone agrees with the purpose. Zheng Weizhong said: "The minister who hears the loyalty, the beauty of the emperor, and the evil of the emperor. The servant of Huangmen Zheng Weizhong, there have been a lot of troubles recently. I am amazed by many ministers who have saved Zheng Shilang. Dali Temple Zheng Wang Zhimin enforced the law strictly, and people called him a soap sculpture. Such a minister is a Dali Temple Zheng? You Suzheng supervises Censor Lu I would like to have a sharp eye and keep out evil spirits, so I can use him as an important member of the official department. Chang'an ordered Li Chaoyin to be upright and upright, and to lead the guards of the two capitals. It is a pity. It is a pity. Choose. Zhang Shilang, do you think there are any talents in the court?"

"Let's talk about the direct ministers of the imperial court. Li Yi also rescued countless fishermen in the south of the Yangtze River with a poem. He is extremely talented, and he is as famous and friendly as Xu Jian and Liu Zixuan. He is more than advising the king, and Xue Deng is also. The Wei family is clear, and Wei Min Also. Born from a poor family, but with a high integrity, Han Sifu also. Generous, ambitious, disregarding the Queen Mother's wrath, and preventing the Queen Mother from building a statue in Bai Sima Ban, Zhang Tinggui is also loyal and dare to speak. Fear, the king begs for courtesy. In the past, I heard that Su Weiwei congratulated the three-month snow as auspicious, and said that the prime minister adjusted the yin and yang, and caused the snow to fall in the late spring. Disasters, safety is auspicious? If the three-month snow is auspicious snow, then Layue Lei is also Rui Lei. I also laugh at it. It’s a pity that because of his straightness, he is dying and can’t be reused. May Wang Shiyi live a long life and correct my voiceless voice in the Tang Dynasty. The princesses overhaul the mansion, and the princes and ministers dare not speak , Wei Xinti is the first to advocate righteousness and write a letter of impeachment. His integrity is good. Zhang Shilang, may I ask these direct ministers, why haven't the government been reversed?"

But the general Wang Hua did not say that almost all the famous generals in the future of the Tang Dynasty had been collected by him in the blood camp.

Wang Hua’s words are now vividly remembered by Zhang’s words. Who said that we have no talents in the Tang Dynasty?
But he was thinking about a question, why did Wang Hua count all these talents one by one that day, could it be that the emperor didn't know who to use?
But he still shook his head: "No, it's too strange. If it is calculated, he will not have the disaster of Luoyang. It's just a coincidence."

"Zhang Shilang, what coincidence?" Han Sifu asked.

Zhang Shuo repeated what Wang Hua said about talents.

Several people were also thinking about it, and Han Sifu suddenly said: "Zhang Shilang, report this matter immediately after you enter the palace."

"Han Guishi, no way. If this is recommended by others, it can make the emperor think about it. But it is recommended by Wang Hua, which may not be useful. You have also seen it, because Wang Hua praised Zhang Xianggong, and Zhang Xianggong is now how?"

"Zhang Shilang, at this time, at that time, now the emperor wants to repent. And if you say it, it will make the emperor think about it. If Wang Hua wants to rebel, why should he speak out about these talented ministers to reverse the decline of the court? "

Zhang Shuo patted his head and said, "That's right. If he wants to rebel, he should hope that the country's government will be chaotic and the people will live in dire straits." Having figured this out, he stopped talking to these people, and immediately got on his horse and bowed his head. Started and said: "Everyone, I will go to the palace first, and we will talk after I come back."

He rode straight to the palace.

Zhang said that when he entered the palace, Li Xian was summoning all the prime ministers and important ministers to discuss state affairs. He mainly heard the battle report ahead, saying that the blood battalion gathered a large army and seemed to attack Chang'an from the southwest to the north.

Seeing what Zhang said, Li Xian was very displeased. He wondered what you were doing, and deliberately asked, "Master Zhang, did you bring any good news when you came back?"

Zhang Shuo lay down and said, "Your Majesty deserves to die for not doing things well for His Majesty."

"No way, why did you come back?"

"This is my request to come back on my own initiative, and I made an appointment with Wang Hua for 20 days." Zhang said the matter in detail.

"This wolfish and ambitious rebellious minister, I trusted him so much at the beginning, and now he has come to threaten me! Back then, he said that the king wanted his ministers to die, and he had to die. If I had known, I would have killed his whole family." Li Xian said, While angrily throwing the tea cups, tea cups and saucers on the table to the ground.It kept making chilling noises.

In any case, even a good old man would not be happy if he forced a courtier to this point.

Zhang Shuo didn't say a word, until he finished throwing away all his things and sat on the Dragon Throne panting, Zhang Shuo said, "Your Majesty, please think again."

"What benefit did Wang Hua give you, even you threatened me?" Li Xian angrily picked up half of the teacup on the ground, and smashed it on Zhang Shuo's head.

Zhang said that a stream of blood flew out of his forehead immediately, but Zhang said he just kept silent.

After rushing all the way, Zhang said that he had become very haggard. Coupled with his heavy thoughts during this time, he had lost a lot of weight.

Seeing his appearance, Li Xian finally softened his heart, and asked, "Why did he do this? No matter what happened, I have always treated him kindly, and I also gave him the position of chief executive of Lingzhou. He still wants to What do you want?"

If it wasn't for what Webster did that night, Li Xian could have said that he was not mean to Wang Hua. He was only in his early twenties, and he was the servant of the household department.There is no way to go up again.But this is also Wang Hua's usefulness. If there is a fire, he will be dispatched immediately, and the fire will be extinguished.Such a minister, in the hands of the emperor, will treat him kindly as long as he does not lose his head.But that night, Li Xian actually acquiesced, and finally cooperated with Wei Shi to kill Wang Hua.

Based on this alone, I am not qualified to say this sentence.

But now is not the time to talk, Zhang said: "I have been in Lingzhou for many days, and I have talked with Wang Hua many times. When I was at the gate of the city just now, I met Xue Shilang and talked about it. I once said After one sentence, there is no objection in the heart, and the force forces him to rebel."

"You mean I forced him to rebel?" Li Xian's anger that had just subsided rose again.

"Yes," Zhang said, knowing that he should not shrink back at this time. If he shrinks back this time, the goal of returning this time will not be achieved. He continued to say in a neutral manner: "I just want to ask your Majesty one thing. Now Bazhou is south of Jishi Mountain, The Tubo people were defeated, and this piece of land was owned by the Tang Dynasty. The Turkic people were defeated and expelled from the north. However, because of the invasion of the Turkic people and the Tubo people in these two places and the people in several states, each family had no food left for the day, and they were hungry. .But why did the imperial court seize the grain transported by Wang Hua at this time?"

"I don't know about this, but an order has been issued to return this batch of grain to him."

"Your Majesty, don't you really know? Although you issued an imperial decree, Wang Hua's men who transported food were all regarded as rebels, and they were killed before they even waited for the queen of autumn. Even the hired ships , and were successively burned by the local government as gangsters. Let me ask, now that the grain is scattered around Bianzhou, who dares to transport this batch of grain to Weizhou, until Lanzhou? Since His Majesty does not want to release this batch of grain, he will not release it. This is the right of the owner. But there is no need to issue this imperial decree, instead it becomes a cover-up and loses the dignity and tolerance of the owner."

"What's going on here?" Li Xian turned his head and saw Wei Juyuan and the others.

More than a dozen bigwigs repeatedly said they didn't know.

But some people hate Zhang Shuo to death, while others gloat in their hearts.

Li Xian looked at their expressions, and now he became more and more aware, how could these people not know about this important event.This is not 400 shi of grain, but [-] million grains, put on the river boat, which can only be transported by nearly a thousand river boats.Turning to the Weishui River, the tonnage of the river boats is even smaller, that is, thousands of boats are needed. If they run together, it will block out the sky and block out the sun.

It's not that these ministers don't know, some know it and won't say it, and some know it but dare not say it.

Thinking of this, he felt a burst of sadness.

Zhang said that when he saw Huo Hou coming, he wiped the blood and said, "Your Majesty, I had a conversation with Wang Hua in Shengzhou. I said that talents are rare, but Wang Hua said, how come there are no outstanding ministers?"

There was a tampering here, and then I repeated what Wang Hua said that day.

The dozens of people Wang Hua mentioned ranged from the talents of the prime ministers and deputy ministers to the talents of the future prime ministers and deputy ministers, and then to ministers of various ministries, and even admonished officials, local officials and frontier officials, and listed them one by one.

Now that Zhang Shuo said it, aren't you worrying about not having someone you can trust?I will name them now and let you choose for yourself.As long as you make good use of these talents, the court will immediately regain its righteousness.

But these bigwigs were very moved when they heard it. Wei Anshi, who had squinted his eyes and said nothing, opened his eyes in surprise when he heard that Wang Hua included him in the list.

Li Xian originally wanted to get angry, my minister, what qualifications do you have to comment?But it was quiet for a while.This time the list is not many, dozens of people, some are close to Wang Hua, but some are not close to Wang Hua.For example Wei Anshi and Song Jing.There are also indifferent ones, such as Yao Chongzhi.There was Wei Anshi, his enemy from the Wei family, and his relatives Zhang Jiuling and Yan Tingzhi.

It is extremely fair to judge according to its ability.

And it is more detailed than the lists given by Tang Xiujing.

In fact, there are not many, as long as the reorganization around these dozens of lists, a temporary new leadership organization can be established immediately.In fact, Li Xian has no ability. If he has the ability to make good use of these ministers one by one, these ministers are also Real Madrid superstars, and the political situation of the Tang Dynasty will improve immediately.

He interrupted what Zhang said: "Don't worry, take a pen and write down these people."

He doesn't have a brain to speak easily, and he will keep it in his heart once he has said it.

The eunuch took a pen and paper, and Li Xian asked him to sit down again, and asked the maid beside him to fetch water for Zhang Shuo's face, and took out a cloth to bandage the wound on his forehead.

This made the big guys sitting there frowned.

If Li Xian really appointed ministers according to this list, the entire court would cause a major earthquake, and their interests would also be involved.

Zhang said he was relieved to write out the list.Anyway, seeing Li Xian's attitude, he felt that there was finally a glimmer of light in the dark court.

Li Xian looked at the list and asked again: "Why did he criticize these ministers?"

He still understands this simple truth.

But after asking, he couldn't help but shudder when he thought of what Zhang said about Wang Hua just now.Sending troops to Chang'an is a dead end.If we send troops to Lingnan again, maybe the Tubo people and the Turkic people will take advantage of it again, then the Tang Dynasty will be besieged on all sides.The most worrying thing is food prices.This memory is still fresh. If the price of grain rises to a few hundred pennies a bucket, there is no need to send troops.If there is no second rescue of Wang Hua in a few months, then it is possible that the Tang Dynasty itself will have people rebelling and uprising everywhere at the end of Qin Dynasty.

No wonder Zhang said he came back in such a hurry.

Thinking of this, the eyes that looked at Zhang Shuo couldn't help softening.

Zhang said he also clearly noticed this change in Li Xian, which was a good sign.Even though Li Xian showed many times that he would accept his advice, and once he turned around and returned to the palace, Webster would change his mind as soon as he provoked him, and he always began to loosen up.Besides, now Li Xian is gradually dissatisfied with Webster.

He calmly replied: "When Wang Hua arrived in Shannan, Your Majesty, don't think too complicated. It's like some people believe in Taoism, some people believe in Buddhism, and some people believe in both religions. Each person has his own idea. At the beginning, I didn't believe it. , but after arriving in Lingzhou, I have to believe what I saw and heard. Wang Hua violated the legal system when he went to Shannan, and this case is even more unreasonable. Just relying on this point is more than enough to kill the nine clans."

Li Xian nodded after listening to Furan, this also came to his heart.

In the past year, it was precisely because of Wang Hua's rise in the Northwest that he was embarrassed.

"But he really just wanted to survive. Why didn't he escape to Oceania? Firstly, he was not reconciled and believed that he had done something to the imperial court. Second, it was because of Princess Jincheng that the Tubo people were treacherous. It may not be true. She must have had a bad life, because Wang Hua specially sent someone to visit him several times, and what he said should be more authoritative. The third is indeed to get rid of the scourge of Tubo for the people of the Tang Dynasty. Now Jishi Mountain is already owned by me, and Tuyuhun and Dafeichuan are just around the corner. If possible, even the army will go to Zishan next year. But to complete this task, we need a source of troops and a rear base, which is the original meaning of his borrowing of Bazhou."

"Then why would he make those rebellious demands?"

This refers to the 1000 million stones of grain, 1000 million coins, 1000 million liters of vegetable oil, 1000 million pieces of cotton cloth proposed by Zhu Dian, and the territory that Zhu Dian dialed on the map.

"That's also the words of the blood camp. If they really have this intention, they have captured several states in Qinwei as early as in the battle at Jieting. Why send troops today? But this time the blood camp also suffered heavy losses. If the court wants to calm down, everyone To make a concession, I promise that Wang Hua will still be a courtier of Datang, and continue to expand the territory for Datang. Although the emperor concentrates on internal affairs, Datang is still a country where singing and dancing are peaceful, the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful." When it comes to this, Zhang Shuo also bites the bullet.

It won't be that simple, but no matter what, first stabilize the blood camp.

In fact, when things developed to this point, he also began to feel confused.

He made up his mind, and said: "Moreover, the imperial court dispatched 30 troops this time. Although the national treasury has had a slight surplus in recent years, the logistics supply of 30 troops will be a huge number. Your Majesty, think about it again." Is there any effect? ​​Most of these soldiers are newly recruited, and their combat effectiveness may not be stronger than that of the Tubo army and the Turkic army. Let alone the generals. But looking at the record, not to mention the defeat of Zong Shilang, more than 20 troops of Tubo were lost in the hands of the blood camp. Mochuo led countless brave generals, and the two wise ministers of Turkic, only to be left in a panic. On the one hand is his own family Two tigers hurt each other, one side is giving way to the other, the country is strong and the people are safe, Your Majesty, how do you choose?"

As he spoke, he looked at Li Xian expectantly.

He looked at Li Xian, and several people were looking at him, especially Wei Juyuan, with cold eyes shining.

Zhang said that he turned his head and accidentally met his eyes, and just smiled contemptuously.

He went out today.And he knew clearly in his heart that if Li Xian didn't save the situation.Because the words I said today will soon have a good end.

But for state affairs, he doesn't care anymore, and he is afraid of the eyes of you, an incompetent prime minister?

Li Xian walked back and forth.

Then I looked at these big shots and asked, "Tell me, how should I choose?"

(End of this chapter)

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