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Chapter 548 Come in and go out

Chapter 548 Come in and go out
Wang Hua heard the screams, but didn't look at them.

This situation is not what he needs, but he has given these people many opportunities, so he just needs to point it out directly.

But none of the tribes had contacted him, or hinted at anything, or released any kindness.No, absolutely not.

That being the case, the only thing waiting for them is the present fate.He sometimes hopes to be a Buddha, but he may not do good deeds. Everyone will be grateful. On the contrary, many people think that being weak is even more deceitful.If they are forgiven this time, the people of these states will never be able to govern in the future.

The screams from the west barracks gradually weakened, but there were screams everywhere in the city. These militiamen had learned beforehand that when they saw the blood battalion soldiers screaming at the top of their throats, they dared not laugh even if they wanted to.They left from the south gate contentedly, and the people of these tribes were still waiting for them to harvest.Because Wang Hua promised them that all the people of these tribes will be their slaves and wait for them to deal with them.

One by one, they gave a big gift to Wang Hua when they left the city, but Wang Hua just kept silent.

It's not that good either, according to Wang Hua's estimation, that's it, these tribes can gather one or two thousand soldiers to resist.However, in the face of five or six thousand armed militiamen, the fate is already doomed.

Mo Mo gathered the army, and at this moment, he saw that there was also a fight on the top of the city. More than 100 people dressed as militia were chasing and killing dozens of blood battalion soldiers guarding the city wall. The two sides were inseparable. However, the number of militiamen accounted for the majority, and they were still losing ground.One by one the militiamen were cut down.

He shouted: "Go."

Five thousand soldiers rushed down the city.

I don't know if it was a sympathy or a coincidence, another group of militiamen rushed up, and this time it was the turn of the soldiers of the Blood Battalion to run out of money.Finally, this group of militiamen gained the upper hand in numbers, lowered the suspension bridge, and opened the city gate at the same time.

However, this aroused the bloodiness of the soldiers of the blood battalion, one by one began to fight desperately, and after a while, some of these militiamen were cut down, and some fled to the top of the city.Just as the Blood Camp was preparing to put away the suspension bridge again, Mo Ju's army had already rushed into the city gate.Seeing that there was no way to stop them, the soldiers fled along the city wall towards the south gate.

But the Blood Battalion had already organized a line of defense in the middle of the street, firing desperately with their longbows.

Mo Ju shouted: "Get off the horse and raise the shield."

Just kidding, they have all entered the city, but can you shoot them back?But he looked, and there were dead bodies everywhere in the street, some shot by arrows, some chopped by knives.There are soldiers from the Blood Battalion, and there are also militiamen.But the militia made up the majority.There was still the sound of weapons clashing in the distance, but it was very sparse, and the battle seemed to be coming to an end.

Mo Mo thought, luckily, one more step later, the Blood Camp will regain control of the city.But he also clicked his tongue for the fighting power of the blood camp.This time the incident happened suddenly, and the time was not very long. In such a period of time, the Blood Battalion killed all the thousands of militiamen who rebelled. surprised.

The Blood Battalion soldiers on the street were still resisting, but many militiamen behind them began to panic, and they fled out of the city in a hurry.The escape of these militiamen finally hit the confidence of the blood camp again.

These soldiers of the Blood Battalion began to retreat steadily, and that was it, the formation was not out of order.Mo Ju wanted his men to use the speed of their horses to charge, but seeing the sharpness of their longbows, he was reluctant to sacrifice his men in vain.I had no choice but to fight steadily, use the shield to cover them, and push them back step by step.Finally, with the Blood Battalion army arriving at the gate of the South City, five thousand Turkic soldiers attacked the West Surrendered City together.

Mo Ju heaved a sigh of relief, finally more than half of the bridgehead of Fengzhou was in his hands.

Seeing the blood battalion soldiers retreating to the gate of the city one by one, Mo Ju shouted again: "Get on the horse."

After leaving the city, the terrain opens up, and the advantages of war horses can be brought into play.Besides, the dozen or so tribes continued to cooperate with them.The situation outside the city was not clear, but he faintly heard the cry of killing again from Henan.Undoubtedly, these tribes stabbed the knife behind the blood camp.

Just then, something new happened.

When they retreated to the gate of the city, the more than 100 soldiers of the Blood Battalion laughed loudly. While laughing, they bent down and smoked lightly, raising a thin layer of dust, exposing dozens of thick planks.Below is a big pond. The pond is not very big, but it happens to be a roadblock, blocking the gate of the city.

This is the first big gift Wang Hua gave to Mo Ju.

Originally, there were about a hundred households in Xishoujiang City, who made a living through business transactions and workshops.Later, when the Turks invaded, these people escaped together. Of course, most of them were captured again and sent to Turkic territory.After the Turkic people entered the city, they were also afraid that the Tang people would come in and mix with them, so there were no more people in the city.After Wang Hua entered the city, he was also worried that fish and dragons would be mixed up, and the people, including Fengzhou City, were not allowed to move in.Hearing the news of Pu Guqing just happened, he was inspired and made arrangements for the follow-up.Even more people are not allowed to stay.

Then at night, when the city gate was closed and no one was paying attention, I made some small arrangements.Include this pond, but dug for water and immediately covered with boards.Re-spread a thick layer of mud on top.It wasn't until this evening that the rebels in the city were dealt with that the mud was removed, leaving a thin layer of mud on top to cover it up.

The pond is not big, and if you give Mo Mo time, it may even take less than half an hour to fill it up.But it is impossible for Mo Mo to have this time.

At this time, at the rear of the two wings of the surrendered city, the Blood Camp placed small bamboo rafts in the river, and then connected them with thick ropes, connecting them to the other side of the river.A few simple pontoon bridges were built.soon.However, this method can only be used on specific occasions.If there are a group of enemies on the other side, just rush over and cut the rope. Before the row of bamboo rafts floats to the bank again with the river, the front end may sink together due to heavy weight, and the people or horses on it are like rubber balls. Rolled into the river.

And it is the branch of the Yellow River in the north. If you use this bamboo raft in the south of the mainstream of the Yellow River, because of the long distance, unless it is connected with a very thick steel rope, the rope will break due to heavy load.

It can barely pass now, the top can't carry too much weight, the soldiers lead the horses, and walk across the pontoon bridge in several times, anyway, there can't be more than five people and five horses on top.That's it, the middle section of the pontoon is still pressed deeply under the water surface, and the water surface reaches the calf.Fortunately, there were several pontoon bridges, and after a while, two thousand soldiers successfully crossed to the other side of the river.

This was also prepared a few days in advance. After discussing with some reliable tribes, they quietly sent handy soldiers to sneak into the bamboo rafts woven by their tribes.There is no way, who made nearly [-] traitors appear in the territory.

Including the several tribes in conflict, Wang Hua instructed them to conflict with these tribes surnamed Kang.Only in this way can we find a reason to disarm the fighters of these tribes and imprison them together.The dead bodies on the ground must be real, but none of the Blood Battalion soldiers suffered any casualties. Instead, they took off the armor of the Blood Battalion and put on the dead bodies of these militiamen.Let Mo Ju not see any flaws, and lead all the troops into the city.

These "meticulous" arrangements finally fooled Moji.

But when he saw this pond, Mo Ju immediately recalled what he saw like a revolving lantern in his mind, and shouted: "Withdraw."

Just after shouting, there was another loud noise behind him.The ambush at the North Gate broke out.

There was no ambush either. Wang Hua built an urn city at the north gate, which was not like a urn city, nor a wall like a wall. This allowed more people to stand on the wall near the gate.In fact, during the day, this building also played some role in defending against the enemy.

But it doesn't matter if there are dozens or even hundreds of people running on it, it won't collapse all at once.Of course, if Moji doesn't come to attack the city, it may be exposed to the sun, rain and dew, and it will show its original shape in three or two months.A pile of dynamite was placed under it. It was very difficult to blow up the city wall. It was possible to blow up this thing. The soldiers hid in the tunnel, lit the fuze, and ran out of the city along the tunnel.There was a bang inside, and the whole thing fell to the ground.It happened to block the gate of the city.

Of course, this also takes time. If, like Ke Zangre, he had an attack at night after entering the city, he must order his subordinates to check here and there to find out the problem.Now Mo Ju has this time to observe?This is the disadvantage of a surprise attack. If you don't see it through, you will be taken by surprise. If you see it through, it will be a huge disaster.

The third big gift came. The houses on both sides of the main street were clean, and they could do whatever they wanted, mainly the private houses at the back.Because no one lived there, Wang Hua locked them up after he entered the city, and the militiamen were not allowed to approach them after they entered the city. The euphemistic name is that in the future, the good houses will belong to the original owners and should not disturb the people.In fact, these houses piled up a lot of burning materials by taking the opportunity of moving materials and luggage.

Dozens of fleeing soldiers on the top of the city did not flee. After standing up, they picked up the bows and arrows on their backs and started shooting arrows at these houses.But they were not ordinary bows and arrows, they were all rockets, and all of a sudden the city caught fire.After shooting, take the rope and tie it to the wall stack, zip it, and slide to the outside of the city wall.

Mochuo gave Wang Hua a disgrace in front of him, and the retribution will come later.And there are more people.

Mo Mo's mind went blank, watching the fire spread, he shouted: "Get off the horse and move them all."

Due to the rush of time, the wall was not wide and thick, and there were many fallen stones, but there were also many soldiers in his hands.

It really made them move out a gap, but at this time the fire was already burning to the eyebrows. Seeing the gap open, the Turkic people didn't care to move the gap a little bigger, and squeezed towards the gap one by one.It was useless for Mo Mo to yell repeatedly, but they got stuck in the gap together.

In the end, Mo Ju hacked and killed dozens of people in a row before stabilizing the situation.But this is also the situation at the gate of the city. Because of the spread of the fire, other places squeezed towards the gate of the city one by one, killing each other and trampling each other, and countless people died.

Mo Ju's face turned gray with anger.He is also a hero in the entire Mobei prairie. When did he suffer from this loss?

But he never thought, wouldn't He Tongmo, who drowned in the Yellow River, be a hero?How unfair is it to die?

Suppressing his anger, he opened the gap again, and finally half of the city gate was exposed.Only then did Mo Ju let go, and rushed out of the city with his men and horses.

But as soon as he arrived outside the city, a rain of arrows flew towards him.

Mo Mo looked at the other party, there were not many people, but his own number was even smaller, and with the current morale, why are you talking about fighting?He had no choice but to raise his weapon and call the incoming bow and arrow, leading the people to rush over.

Wang Hua also remembered Ge Shuhan's lesson, so when encountering such a situation, Wang Hua gave instructions in advance.Seeing them rushing towards them desperately, the two thousand soldiers of the Blood Battalion dodged to the side, opened a passage, and continued to shoot.

While shooting, they kept changing formations, and the army continued to decrease in groups, chasing and killing the fleeing Turks.After chasing for more than ten miles, I gave up chasing.When Mo Ju led hundreds of soldiers and fled to the east surrendered city in a panic, another group of troops was killed on the way.Lun Gongren and his son led a group of soldiers and came out again.So run away again.Fleeing to Dongshoujiang City, there were only two hundred soldiers left around Mo Ju.

After this battle, he only had about [-] troops left in his hands, and he no longer dared to act recklessly in the wild like before, obediently guarding Dongshoujiang City, not daring to leave even one step.And because of the fall of the field, the Yellow River regained Wang Hua's control, and Mo Chuo didn't dare to let soldiers cross the Yellow River to provide support to Mo Ju.

The balance once again tipped in the direction of the blood camp.

Wang Hua didn't care about the war. By this time, the overall situation had been settled.Even the common people were appeased by various chiefs.Those Hu people who wanted to be aristocrats in Gulunhe, whether they lived or died, Wang Hua didn't need to show mercy.Once again, [-] elite soldiers were arranged to board the warship and provide support to Shengzhou City with their weapons.During the daytime battle today, Zhang Shougui was attacked fiercely by the rebels again and suffered heavy losses.But this time, because the North River Bank was controlled by Wang Hua, the rope net formation would never work again.

What he is most worried about now is the safety of Li Xuejun and An Jiewu.

The two people sent by Wang Hua were not the first to find An Jiewu. Although they knew the location, the people on the other side of the river were too strict to check and let the people sent by An Jiewu go.Mochuo will definitely close the gate again, the blood battalion has occupied Hebei, how can the scouts of the blood battalion be allowed to enter and leave Henan at will?

The two scouts did not travel much in one day, but they were almost discovered by the Turkic people several times.

The same is true for Li Xuejun. She wandered around Nanhetao for several days, very blind.Because the Turkic interrogation was very strict, not only did she fail to find An Jiewu and the others, but she also did not get any useful information.Just yesterday afternoon, she saw two Turkic armies that were going south, but they joined up halfway and started to turn around and go north.

Li Xuejun didn't know what happened in the rear, but he knew that such an arrangement must be weird, so he planned to turn north immediately, return to Fengzhou, and inform Wang Hua of the news.But when passing through that Pingchuan, I accidentally saw An Jiewu and the others.

In fact, Li Xuejun did not know the ethnic group, but because he often traveled with Wang Hua, most of the soldiers in the blood camp, Li Xuejun still had an impression.Especially dozens of regiment leaders, she is familiar with almost all of them.

Seeing a few familiar faces, Li Xuejun stopped and paid attention, just in time to see An Jiewu walking out.So when no one was paying attention, he slipped over and called An Jiewu.

An Jiewu was taken aback. Others are easy to impersonate, but Li Xuejun is very difficult to impersonate, especially with her blue eyes.Hastily invited her into the tent, so that no one else could see her.After saluting, Li Xuejun began to talk with him.

After talking for a while, they talked about Shi Yugen, the young lady of the Shi family and Cao Anda.

When Li Xuejun heard this, he knew something was wrong.She also told about Pu Guqing.

An Jiewu's face changed when he heard that, and hesitantly asked: "Shi Yugen has a few younger brothers who are doing business in Bazhou, so they shouldn't join the enemy, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. After you go back this time, will you let him go? Even if Wang Yingdu heard about it, I'm afraid you will acquiesce in revenge against him. Will he be afraid?"

That's what I said, but things are not easy to check.

Shi Yugen cannot be directly arrested for interrogation.If you ask carefully, even if you surrender to the enemy, he will not admit it.If you don't ask carefully, if you don't join the enemy, it will undoubtedly remind him, and at the same time, it will make the Shi family members unhappy.But An Jiewu's expression changed, and Li Xuejun noticed it immediately, and asked, "Captain An, what are you thinking?"

An Jiewu was thinking about one thing. Not long after the young lady of the Shi family committed suicide, a Turkic soldier left suddenly.Then a few Turkic soldiers were brought in.But these soldiers made An Jiewu very uncomfortable.First of all, the eyes of people in my group are not right, and their attitudes are also different.It turned out to be a wooing, but there was a natural sense of superiority in his attitude.Now faintly let him dare to feel a little awe in their attitude.

But this is intuition and cannot be used as evidence.

Li Xuejun pondered for a while, then looked outside.After a while, I saw those Turkic soldiers walking around, and in the distance, there were other tribes.However, they have been stationed here for a long time, and conflicts often occur among the various tribes.At this time, two tribes clashed in the distance. A Turkic soldier walked over to investigate. He passed a dense red willow bush, which was the place where Li Xuejun was hiding just now. For a moment, I almost fell down.

Li Xuejun said, "I have an idea."

After speaking, leave the tent immediately.Among these nomads, there is no one who wears a mask, and Li Xuejun dare not wear it.However, she has sharp eyes, sharp ears, and quick agility. Whenever she sees someone coming, she makes a prediction in advance, and changes her walking direction so that people can't see her eyes.As for the white dress, it was already covered with dust because of traveling around in the past few days and passing through many deserts and Gobi areas, so it didn't attract people's attention.He came to the red willow bush very generously.

An Jiewu was still worried at first, but it took a while to see the mystery, and he was amazed in his heart.Don't think it's easy to say, but really hard to do.Ordinary people simply can't do it.No wonder she could hear the news from Tuqishi.

After a while, the Turkic soldier who watched the excitement came back.When he was passing red willow bushes, he saw a young woman walking towards him.Probably sand was drilled in the eyes, and he was rubbing his eyes with his hands.The eyes didn't see it, and the clothes on her body were also covered with dust, but other appearances could be seen, the skin was more snowy, the nose was pink and the lips were pink, and the two willow cheeks had a faint peach rosy color, which definitely wasn't meant to be reddish with makeup or powder.The body is even taller, with a waist and breasts, especially a pair of breasts, which seem to tear the clothes on the chest.

The Turkic man was stunned, this is the young lady from that family, she looks so pretty, why didn't he see it?

The young woman turned her head, walked towards the red willow clump, looked around, and probably went inside to relieve herself.But because the Turkic soldier was behind her, she didn't see it, so she got in.

He also looked around, but no one noticed, so he followed suit.

After a while, Li Xuejun came out.This is a very safe way, because it is still a little far away from the tribe surnamed Shi, and there are several tribes scattered around, and some tribes are very hostile to the Turkic people.Therefore, if something happened to this soldier, no one would think that An Jiewu and the others did it.

But got a bad news.

After walking back, he said solemnly: "Shi Yugen has rebelled, and he provided the news to the Turkic people more than ten days ago. Moreover, the army you saw was silently let you see it, and then sent the news to Wang Ying Governor. I saw their two armies joining together on the way, and they were returning north again. Now there is even worse news, because you have lost value. Mo Shui is preparing to send troops to deal with you, and take your sacrificial flag .”

Having said that, she looked outside, where the tribesmen and soldiers were preparing to cook dinner.Yet she was very sad.Now we have to hurry up and leave, but how did these people escape to the Yellow River, even if they escaped to the Yellow River, Erlang knew it or not.In addition, the Turkic people are strictly interrogated, how can they escape safely, not to mention the clansmen, because they are so realistic that they will not be suspected, and they dare not leave too many horses. There are more than 2000 people, and there are only about [-] horses. There is no chance of escape.

Could it be that these more than 2000 civilians and soldiers were massacred by the Turks?

(End of this chapter)

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