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Chapter 523 The price of Zong Chuke

Chapter 523 The price of Zong Chuke
Linzhou City was not so easy to take. As Zong Chuke's rear, and a large amount of supplies were hoarded in the city, Zong Chuke still sent many soldiers to defend it.

But this time the main attacking general was Zhang Xiaosong.

The appointment of the generals of Wang Hua's Seventh Army, Fourth Brigade, and Third Division was somewhat controversial. The biggest controversy was Ge Shuhan, followed by Zhang Xiaosong and Xiao Song.They used to serve as important generals in the blood camp, and after being transferred from the blood camp by Lao Wu, they became important officials at the border.Later, because of Wang Hua, he was slightly demoted, but he followed Zhang Renyuan and made great contributions again, proving himself to the world.Even if it is transferred away, it is also a prefect.

But after entering Bazhou, he only served as the leader of two militia divisions, as did another important general, Guo Zhiyun.

However, the three of them knew well, Wang Hua had talked with the three of them before the appointment.What Wang Hua valued was not only their martial arts, but their ability in civil service, that is to say, they will be the real leaders of the eight states in the future.

Especially Xiao Song, who is a prime minister, if Wang Hua really let them be the chief of a militia division, wouldn't it be a waste of money?But in the future, the enemy will need more soldiers to participate in the battle. How to cultivate the combat effectiveness of the militia division requires the commander's ability.So the three militia divisions became led by three big bosses instead.

Although many soldiers were stationed in Linzhou City, Zhang Xiaosong was not troubled.

The governor of Linzhou was a bit careless. Although Zong Chuke was tight in front, he had the same thoughts as Zong Chuke. The actual strength of the blood battalion was still seriously insufficient.Besides, except for Kuozhou, Wang Hua has never been interested in other states for the sake of righteousness.

There are also affairs in the city. Because of the war, there are more and more Hu merchants hoarding in the city. These Hu merchants are not kind people. Robbers are often haunted, who will protect them?Only you can protect yourself.One is not weaker than the other. With so many Hu merchants hoarding up, the result can be imagined.There are also transfers of various materials.It never occurred to him, nor did he have the thought and energy to think that the blood battalion would attack Linzhou.

One has a heart and one has no heart.Moreover, it was Zhang Xiaosong who ordered it himself. He did not try to take down the whole city, but concentrated all his forces on one point to attack Ximen.

The fighting power of hundreds of geographers is not strong, and the fighting power of more than 1000 religious people is even weaker, but in the dark night, I don't know how many enemies came.Coupled with the fear of the blood battalion, the west gate was opened for a while, and as thousands of Dizi division soldiers entered Linzhou City, seeing more blood battalion soldiers entering the city, finally all the officers and soldiers in the city stopped to resist.

After that, with the help of the church members, Linzhou City quickly restored order.But Zhang Xiaosong did not end here. There were still 1000 people outside the city searching for the soldiers and civilians who had escaped from the city.The news cannot be leaked yet.

Zong Chuke also started camping in the west.

After retreating for a day, his pain invisibly increased.

If you don't retreat, you can't feel it. Once you retreat, the harassment of the blood camp will become more serious.

Because he was afraid of Wang Hua's division of troops and the disappearance of ghosts, Zong Chuke not only gathered the army, but also gathered the food, grass and luggage. Of course, these things would be taken away when he retreated.Although there are so many soldiers, it is not a tight matter to carry these food supplies, and it is only a two-day journey to Linzhou.If it is cavalry, it may take half a day to arrive.

But in this way, the team became bloated virtually.

The team was huge, nearly ten miles long. If it weren't for the wideness of the Silk Road, it might have been even longer. Although Zong Chuke sent many cavalry to roam on both sides, there were more gaps due to the flow of the team.

The soldiers sent by the blood battalion to harass them were like hungry wolves who smelled blood, and when they saw a gap, they rushed towards them fiercely.Sometimes even the soldiers wandering around the guards dared to rush over and beat them hard.

Especially that Ge Shuhan, who killed more than a dozen soldiers by himself.

At the end of the day, more than 1000 soldiers were sacrificed. The number is not very large, but the blow to the morale of the soldiers can be imagined.

When he arrived at Feimachuan, Zong Chuke saw the listless appearance of the soldiers, so he had to set up camp.

But this night, the blood camp soldiers harassed more violently, and some blood camp soldiers even used powerful crossbows, which was another kind of crossbow that Zong Chuke had never seen before.Like a big bed, it shone with a cold luster under the moonlight.

Not only did this crossbow look strange, but it actually took three burly men to step on it to pull it.

Then I saw these ten or so bows and crossbows being slowly opened, and more than a dozen flames lit up in the night sky.This time it wasn't bows and arrows. The flames kept flying in the air like shooting stars, flying into the middle of the camp all at once.The distance is almost more than 300 steps!

Then a dozen or so sparks rose from the middle of the camp.

In this way, Zong Chuke's strategy of intentionally extending the perimeter of the fence was useless, and he had no choice but to send cavalry out to drive out.

It's not a joke to send out at night to chase them out.Under the cover of night, the tactics of the blood camp were brought to the extreme.Out of [-] cavalrymen, only [-] cavalrymen were killed and returned with their helmets and armor removed.And the place where the fight was not far from the camp.

This time it was Wang Hua who came in person, and he deliberately made some support, talking about the shamelessness of the court and the innocent killing of Kang Dabu.

After finishing speaking, he asked loudly: "Brothers, we fought bloody battles with the Tubo people for the dignity of the Tang Dynasty. Why did the imperial court collude with the Tubo Turkic people to attack us inside and outside? Kill our brothers and persecute our people? Why did Zong Chuke kill our envoys when I wrote a letter with good intentions? Could it be that the people of Bazhou are really inferior? We are now spring plowing, and we will soon have A good day, why send troops at this time? Why not let our parents and relatives live a happy life? Come and tell me, who has defended the imperial court against powerful enemies these years? On the battlefield Who is the bravest? Brothers, for yourself, for your loved ones, for the hatred and shame brought to us by the court, use your weapons to prove it!"

The words made the soldiers' blood boil.

While they were fighting, they roared like wild beasts.

Through the fence, the 10,000+ soldiers watched in horror, and Zong Chuke saw more blood battalion soldiers running in the distance in the night, and he didn't dare to send troops out to rescue them.

In the end, Nangong was exhausted and fled back to the camp. Zong Chuke had no choice but to give an order to prepare more tools for fighting the fire.

It would be easier for Zong Chuke not to send troops, so he moved in more than [-] bed crossbows again.This was also just delivered to Yashu.Wang Hua didn't like Jinnu very much.The crossbow has a longer range and higher shooting power than the bow, but there is one, which is cumbersome.The bed crossbow is known as a heavy artillery when it is a cold weapon, but it is more cumbersome.So when firearms prospered in the Ming Dynasty, the crossbow gradually disappeared.On the contrary, the bow has not been eliminated. This is the same as the cavalry unit, the most convenient and concise is also the most practical.

However, this siege also reminded Wang Hua that offense and defense are interchangeable, and while attacking, one must also pay attention to one's own defense.So a batch of powerful crossbows were rushed out, including this bed crossbow.Once again, not many soldiers in Zong Chuke's camp could sleep for an hour or two, and they were all busy fighting the fire.

It wasn't that Zong Chuke had a sense of security because of the large number of subordinates. He wanted to break out of the siege overnight and flee to Linzhou.

The next day Zong Chuke led a group of demoralized soldiers and continued to flee eastward in embarrassment.If it wasn't for Linzhou's imminent arrival, the soldiers might be defeated without a fight.

Wang Hua followed behind with his army.

This time he brought the Tianquan Army, Tianji Army, Tianshu Army and all four brigade soldiers.However, after so many days of hard work, the number of more than 7000 soldiers was reduced to 4.But these 4 people are all elite soldiers who have gone through several bloody battles, and they have the morale of a big victory.

Attacking at this time is enough to defeat Zong Chuke's soldiers.

But Wang Hua didn't, and continued to harass, exhausting Zong Chuke's army to the extreme. Then they arrived in Linzhou, and when they saw Linzhou fell and they lost all their retreats, they attacked decisively.

In addition to the [-] regular troops, there are also [-] militiamen, who will be divided into several small teams to snipe the fleeing enemies.

But this battle is not over yet, silently sipping the harm in the north, Wang Hua wants to meet this old friend in person.

The fight with the Tang Dynasty was an internal strife and a family matter, but when the door was opened, it was still a family.It is impossible for Wang Hua to sit back and watch Fengyou and other people in the state being robbed silently.Also, when Mo Chuai came this time, he had no plans for the blood camp, so why did he station troops in Yinzhou.It was not intentional to show the Tang Dynasty a show, and then use the blood camp to fight the Tang Dynasty and plunder the Tang Dynasty's rear.

His original intention was to hoard the army here.If the Blood Battalion was defeated, or was in danger of being disadvantaged, he would immediately send troops to overthrow the Yinling Second State. I believe that he would also get the greatest benefit at that time.After all, Lingzhou is the center of gravity of the eight states.

In fact, although he didn't do anything ruthless, because he stationed troops outside Yinzhou City, Wang Hua had to send [-] regular troops to defend.This put a lot of pressure on the Blood Battalion, which was already very constrained in its military strength.That is to say, without sending troops, Zong Chuke and the others will reduce the number of regular blood camp soldiers by [-] in disguise.

Moreover, he was very cunning. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately dispatched troops to Fengzhou, and none of his soldiers was lost, and he still gained a lot of benefits.

The little abacus played well.

With this old fox on the sidelines, even when Wang Hua sent troops to Tibet in the future, it might pose a serious threat.

Therefore, from the righteousness, we must send troops.From the future of Yashu, we will also send troops to teach this old fox a painful lesson, so that he can think about it when he makes up his mind in the future.

There is also the trouble of Xin Nuoluo, Wang Hua also needs to solve it.With one point in the army, there was another shortage of troops.Then the defense of the eight states had to be handed over to the tens of thousands of militiamen for defense.This requires tens of thousands of militiamen to grow up quickly. Even if they stand aside and watch, they will have a psychological preparation when it is their turn to fight on their own.

All the way to the southeast, Zong Chuke's losses continued to increase.

Even at noon, Zong Chuke didn't let the soldiers cook, but let them eat dry food and move on.

But at this time, they were getting closer to Linzhou City, and the soldiers quickened their pace. Finally, before dusk, the army came to Linzhou City.

But seeing the city gate closed, Zong Chuke didn't think about it, thinking that the blood battalion followed, and the Linzhou officers and soldiers were afraid, so they closed the city gate.He sent Zhang Gongxing to call the city with dozens of men.

But before Zhang Gongxing could speak, a large number of bows and arrows were suddenly shot down from the top of the city. Before Zhang Gongxing could say a word, he and his men were shot to death under the city gate.

Just as Zong Chuke was about to jump, two large flags were hung on the top of the city. The colors were bright red and eye-catching. They were the blood flags of the blood camp.

Zong Chuke was dumbfounded. Once Linzhou City was lost, his 10,000+ people would have no way out.

He was being stupid, and Liu Jingren didn't discuss with him, and directly replaced Zong Chuke to give orders, and shouted: "Form up immediately."

But at this time, all the soldiers were as dumbfounded as Zong Chuke, and only a few of them were starting to prepare.

At this moment, a large flag was raised behind, and the sound of horseshoes rolled like thunder, followed by puffs of dust.

Ge Shuhan's Tianshu Army rushed in first.The [-] soldiers of the Tianshu Army were divided into three cones, and the largest cone in the middle was led by Ge Shuhan, who was also at the front of the cone.Next to it were two small cones, led by Tuoba Tao and Tang Kequn.In the battle of Kuizishan, Tuoba Tao finally got everyone's approval and entered the ranks of important soldiers in the blood camp.

The three cone heads spread quickly like three waves of blood.

Some soldiers also resisted and took up the bows and arrows in their hands to shoot. This wave of resistance also shot to death nearly a hundred Tianshu soldiers.But the speed of the blood wave did not decrease but increased, and the three arrows immediately rushed into the middle of the army, setting off a bloody storm.

Zong Chuke's subordinates immediately panicked.

However, this was only the beginning, with a loud shout, Li Kailuo and Liu Tong's Suzaku Brigade and White Tiger Brigade chiseled over from the two wings again forming two sharp cones.

Their responsibility is not to defeat, but to penetrate, to pierce through the defense line of Zong Chuke's army, and make the 10,000+ army array scattered.So these three teams are moving very fast.

Just when there were still soldiers resisting, two rectangular formations appeared outside again.

Xiao Song and Guo Qianguan led the Tianquan Army and Tianji Army and charged into Zong Chuke's army at a steady pace.Goshuhan and the others were supposed to attack fiercely, the formation was chaotic, the soldiers could not find the generals, and the generals could not find the soldiers. With almost no effort, the two armies rushed in.

But at this time, the formation changed again and became two spheres. These two huge spheres were constantly flowing, and the soldiers on the outside were gradually drawn into the inside as they flowed, and the soldiers on the inside were gradually drawn into the outside. Repeatedly, this effectively ensures that the soldiers in the battle have time to recover their strength and breathe for a while, which means that the soldiers fighting on the periphery will always be a new force.

The two sphere arrays are like a meat paste machine. As it rotates, large pieces of blood and flesh are splashed. Human heads and limbs keep rolling in mid-air and fall to the ground. Blossoming open.

At this time, Ge Shuhan and the others also rushed out of the army, turned around again, and several awls turned around and slammed down hard.

10,000+ Tang Bing finally collapsed.

Even Liu Jingren began to collapse.

He has also led an army and fought a battle, but he has never seen such a fierce opponent.In the past, it was believed that Wang Hua's two major defeats against the Tubo people were achieved by conspiracy.It is only now that I know that without a strong army, no one will execute no matter how many intrigues there are!

At this time, two armies came again from the periphery, Gongsun Yun's Azure Dragon Brigade and Wang Jun's Xuanwu Brigade.

Seeing the appearance of two more troops broke the psychology of all soldiers.Even Liu Jingren was wondering how many troops Wang Hua dispatched.

Yes, there are still troops, who can surround them and prepare to set up nets to catch deserters.Although after some tempering, Wang Hua still didn't want the militiamen to participate in this kind of battlefield where the sun and the moon could not be seen, which might cause unnecessary sacrifices.

At this time, Wang Hua came late, and he brought hundreds of personal guards, holding a big banner with a "Hua" on it.

Seeing this big flag, the 10,000+ troops all started to run away as if seeing a prehistoric monster.

Only then did Wang Hua start to shout, kill those who run away and kill those who resist.Surrender without dying, hold your head in place, put down your weapon, and wait for processing.

After Wang Hua yelled, tens of thousands of soldiers from the blood camp followed suit.

With a single sound, countless soldiers knelt on the ground, put their heads in their hands, and began to surrender.

Wang Hua shouted again: "Offer Zong Chuke's head, and reward half a penny, and whoever captures Zong Chuke alive, will reward one penny."

This price made all the fighting soldiers in the blood camp burst into laughter.

But everyone knew that this was Wang Hua deliberately humiliating Zong Chuke's worthless.If he really wanted to kill or capture him alive, he would definitely not be rewarded with only half a penny or a penny.

After laughing, all the blood battalion soldiers shouted again.

In fact, the current battle has entered the mopping-up stage, and it is only the deserters captured and killed.

However, Zong Chuke was very cunning. When he saw the two rectangular formations turned into two spherical formations, he immediately took off his official uniform and replaced it with the armor of an ordinary soldier, and headed south with his personal guards. Flee in the direction of Taohe.

However, after fleeing not far, they saw a large group of soldiers appearing in front of them.These are the militiamen of the second division that were encircled and suppressed, but now how can the deserters be distinguished from the militiamen or the regular army.Some fled in other directions, and some simply knelt down and surrendered with their heads in their hands.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zong Chuke led people to continue to escape in other directions.But when he turned his head, he saw a dozen guards around him looking at him with strange eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Zong Chuke sweated on his face.

A dozen of the guards didn't say a word, they rushed over and set Zong Chuke up.Didn't Wang Hua yell?Catch a penny alive, which proves that the reward for catching alive will be a little richer than the reward for killing.Really a penny?Zong Chuke himself would not believe it.

Not only Zong Chuke, but at the same time, Liu Jingren and Xue Sijian were all being watched by his subordinates.Then, at the same time, these most caring personal guards rushed over like wolves.

PS: Listening to the crisp birdsong outside, I went out to take a look, and saw a black swallow hovering in the sky with a wonderful dancing posture.One or two flowers are swaying in the breeze, and there is a large green leaf underneath, which is very pretty and fresh.Spring is here, and this volume brings the book with it.Are there any depressing chapters?If it’s cool, let’s count the votes, there is no monthly pass, some recommendation tickets, or rewards or something, ha ha.Continue to three more today.

(End of this chapter)

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