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Chapter 512 Guo Yuanzhen's Anger

Chapter 512 Guo Yuanzhen's Anger
But the battlefield quickly shifted from the south to the east and northeast.

Zong Chuke heard that the Tubo people had begun to attack, and headed straight for Lanzhou with a mighty army of 20.

Zhu Ting sighed a long time after hearing this, and put aside the grievances between Zong Chuke and Wang Hua. Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty has waged wars with foreign countries many times, but except for the three expeditions to Goryeo, at most 28 troops were dispatched.If you add Guo Yuanzhen's 6 people, you can go to Korea.

Wang Hua went to Hezhou. According to Wang Hua's intention, Zhu Dian sent a warrior surnamed Kang Dabu to Linzhou City and sent a letter to Zong Chuke.In the letter, Wang Hua wrote that no matter what kind of grievances we have, the state is a state matter, and private matters are private matters.

Now, with the meager strength of the eight states, I am fighting against the 20 troops of Tubo, and the Turks in the north are watching, and they are already walking on thin ice.What does it mean that the imperial court asked you to attack eight states?It's just that there are quarrels between the brothers, and they join hands with each other when they meet outsiders. Besides, the people of Bazhou are really not the people of the imperial court?

If the frontline soldiers are distracted and defeated, hundreds of thousands of people will die.Does Zongzong insist on doing things that make loved ones hurt and enemies happy?
Not even a single harsh word was said.

But even so, Zong Chuke still gritted his teeth, thinking that you might "beg" me today too.

At this time, the Battle of Shan County had just begun, and the blood battalion had just withdrawn from Dingrong City. Zong Chuke underestimated the fighting power of Wang Hua's blood battalion, or the wisdom of Wang Hua and his brave generals, so he did something very important. stupid thing.

Not only did he not reciprocate, but instead he took Kondabula out and cut off the head to sacrifice the flag.

After Zhu Ting heard the news, he was furious. Kang Dabu had just been recruited into the blood camp last year. This young man could read a few words, and he was very courageous and brave in battle.In just a few months, he was called the team leader.It is one of the dozens of subjects that Xueying focuses on training.Because he went to Linzhou alone, he was asked to go to Linzhou City.

Even if the two countries fight each other, they will not be beheaded. Zong Chuke's doing so is too deceitful.

Moreover, Kang Dabu's innocent sacrifice also made Zhu Dian feel extremely sorry.He immediately ordered that all the soldiers of the Blood Battalion wear white sleeves and sacrifice to Kundab.

Guo Yuanzhen also heard about this, and he cursed in his heart, this traitor is clearly playing with fire.

From the perspective of the country, Guo Yuanzhen dislikes Zong Chuke very much.From a personal point of view, Zong Chuke framed Guo Yuanzhen many times, but Guo Yuanzhen was needed in the northwest of the court, otherwise he would have been transferred back to the court early, and those who were messed up by Zong Chuke probably had Zhang Jianzhi as his companion.

So Wang Hua said that the hearts of loyal court officials were broken.It wasn't Guo Yuanzhen who sat and watched his allies be wiped out the winter before last.He also wanted to survive, leaving the northwest, because his holiday with Zong Chuke would definitely end.

Loyal ministers also depend on how the king treats his ministers.Zhuge Liang can sing and cry, how did Liu Bei treat Zhuge Liang?
However, he began to lose his temper.

In the beginning, Zong Chuke was full of self-confidence. In addition to the 28 troops of the Tang Dynasty and the 20 troops of Tubo, even if Guo Yuanzhen's appearance was perfect, under the pressure of Hou Dehai, he had to send troops.This added another [-] troops.In addition, the imperial court secretly negotiated with Mo Chuan, asking Mo Chuan to cooperate with the imperial army, go south to attack the blood camp, and then allow them to plunder in Lingzhou and Yinzhou, as long as the imperial court's horse farm is not moved.Especially in Lingzhou, Wang Hua hoarded a lot of supplies.This is a great temptation for poor Turkic people.This area is equivalent to adding tens of thousands of troops.

Even if Sun Wu is alive, it is difficult to win this huge disparity battle.

However, after Kang Dabu was beheaded in the front, the news of the great victory in Shan County came from behind. The 1000 Tubo soldiers were gone in a few days, in the blink of an eye?This time it was completely gone. Less than 9000 soldiers were able to escape, that is to say, less than one percent.As for the army dispatched by Wang Hua, no one in the militia division took it seriously. In this way, the regular army only had [-] people.

The secret alliance with the Turkic people is not because the imperial court is shameless. The main reason is that there are only 10,000+ people in the original household registration in the eight states.But now there are more than 60 people, and they all come from Wang Hua.Will the imperial court still care about these common people?
Of course, this is just a verbal agreement, and there are only a few people who know it, and it is enough for both parties to know.It cannot be made public, and the Tang Dynasty will not admit it if it is made public. If it is admitted, it is these people who went after Wang Hua, and the people of the world will quarrel.

But now?

Xin Nuoluo gasped after hearing the news, not to mention Zong Chuke and the others.

Each face began to be cautious.

But the matter was not finished, and then it was reported that Stone Castle and Dafeichuan City were easily captured by the Blood Camp one after another, but Wang Hua obviously couldn't be distracted from him. back.Dafeichuan City hoarded a lot of supplies because of preparations for war, and the blood camp had no way to bring them back, so it was completely burned down, as if it had been washed with water, and even Dafeichuan City was burned in the fire.

Hearing this news, Zong Chuke was drinking in Linzhou at that time, watching the dance of several orchids while drinking, and he was holding famous fans in Linzhou City in his arms.

It's sunny outside, it's the end of spring, and it's also the best time of the year in Linzhou City, because in the north, there are still a few peach trees that haven't withered, and it's starting to be in full swing.

But inside it has already begun to be luxurious.

But upon hearing the news, Zong Chuke immediately pushed away the delicate pink head in his arms, and said to the group of orchids, "Get out! Get out!"

Originally thought that Wang Hua was a bobcat, but now that the hunter team has been dispatched, it is easy to catch, but after a change of face, the tiger may not be a tiger, but it is definitely not a bobcat, at least a cheetah.

Passed the information to Xue Sijian and Liu Jingren.

In fact, it was for Liu Jingren, Xue Sijian, to put it bluntly, was a wine bag and rice bag, and bringing him was purely to curry favor with Webster, because Xue Sijian was one of Webster's important confidants.

Seeing the nervous look on Xue Sijian's face, Zong Chuke felt a little regretful. He asked Webster for this errand.The only famous general in the court who could show his strength was Old Tang. He was determined not to go out. It is true that the old man was in his early eighties, and even if he had a strong heart, he also lacked strength.Zhang Renyuan is also getting old, even if Zhang Renyuan is willing to step out, Zong Chuke is still not at ease, this Zhang Renyuan flirts with Wang Hua, God knows if it will be overshadowed?

In fact, those who can do it and have passed the battlefield test are almost all under Wang Hua's hands.

If it was a lynx, the employer could kill Wang Hua, but now it's not a lynx, Zong Chuke has a headache.

Liu Jingren was thinking, at least he was better than Xue Sijian.After a while, he said: "It is difficult to attack Lanzhou by force."

"General Liu, tell me."

"Wang Hua can set up some ambushes in Shan County, but it is not easy to set up an ambush in Lanzhou City."

Hearing this, Xue Sijian's eyes lit up, and he was afraid of being ambushed, so he opened the city gate and had to go in, and he knew what unexpected things would happen the day after entering.


"Director Zong, as far as I know, the county seat of Shan County and the Tangfan Avenue have long been blocked by Wang Hua, but Lanzhou is an important route on the Silk Road. Except for these few days, the passing business travelers have never stopped. Although he I have cleaned up the scouts in the territory, but if arrangements are made in Lanzhou City, things will definitely leak out. However, there will definitely be small arrangements. And even if there is no arrangement in Lanzhou City, it is not easy to attack." Speaking of this, Liu Jingren took Make a map.

Because of Wang Hua's blockade, the court doesn't get much information now, and the only way is to get it from the Silk Road, which has not yet cut off traffic.

But Wang Hua will not lay an ambush on the Silk Road.

However, it is different from the Tubo people. It turns out that the imperial court had various materials on the eight states, including detailed topographic maps.

Liu Jingren took out this topographic map. He pointed to the map and said, "Look at the topography of Lanzhou. The south is Langao Mountain and the north is the Yellow River. The terrain is dangerous. And once we attack Lanzhou City, we will enter the foot of Langao Mountain. This mountain can provide an ambush for the opponent. So we will not attack Lanzhou, or attack Lanzhou in detail, but Zongzong, look here."

As he spoke, he moved his hand from east to north until he reached a place called Sanlipo behind Ulan Pass.

Then he said: "If we attack Lanzhou openly, attract the opponent's troops, and then send surprise soldiers to capture here, what will happen?"

Yuanzhou and Huizhou set up many important checkpoints, including Huining Pass, Wulan Pass and Muxia Pass, in order to prevent the Turks and Tibetans from threatening Chang'an of the Tang Dynasty.

But Wang Hua's biggest negligence was that he didn't take Linzhou down, so he could attack Sanlipo from the inside.Capturing Sanlipo is tantamount to cutting off the road from Lanhui Erzhou to Yuanzhou and dividing the eight states into two.This will seriously magnify a shortcoming of the Eight States. The area of ​​the entire Eight States is not small. The area of ​​Lingzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuanzhou is far larger than that of ordinary state capitals in the Central Plains.

But looking at the whole eight states on the map, it looks like a slanting lying silkworm, slender and flat.

As long as Sanlipo is taken by surprise, the army will be dispatched from Lanzhou and stationed in Sanlipo.Eight states have really become two parts, when the time comes, it will be difficult to look at the end, Wang Hua will undoubtedly lose, at least Zong Chuke has a strategic advantage.

Moreover, there are several mountain springs in Sanlipo, so you are not afraid that the other party will cut off the water source. At the same time, the slopes on both sides are steep and steep. In the past, it was Wangpanchuan and Baxichuan, which were easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Zong Chuke's eyes lit up, but he suddenly remembered and asked, "But in this case, we must cross the Yellow River."

Wang Hua is not only good at using fire, but also good at water. It is really not safe for an army to cross the river.

Liu Jingren replied: "The battle of the Pebble River cannot be replicated. The area is sparsely populated, the water is flat, and the river is shallow, so a dam can be built. But the population on both sides of the Yellow River is large, and the dam is not easy to keep secret. Besides, the depth and flow of the Yellow River, he wants to build a dam." No dam will work."

The Yellow River also has many gentle places in this area, and it is not too wide, but it is far from what the fine pebble river can compare.Indeed, Wang Hua would not be able to build this embankment for a while, even if Wang Hua had unlimited labor. Or simply speaking, Wang Hua did not have the ability to build a dam on the Yellow River in Lanzhou.

"And most of the places we travel are in Linzhou." When Liu Jingren said this, his brows twitched.Although this idea is very good, but thinking of the opponent's unpredictability, he reminded: "Director Zong, we still can't defeat the opponent with our team alone."

Wang Hua really made a name for himself in this battle.

Those battles in the past were not really large-scale battles. Even last year, the tens of thousands of troops of Dayan were divided into several divisions.This time, 9 people made dumplings.

Zong Chuke understood, and he immediately used Kuaiqi to inform Chang Yuankai that Chang Yuankai was not Guo Yuanzhen. After hearing Zong Chuke's order, he immediately dispatched a large army, divided into two groups, and went straight to Yanzhou.At the same time, he also sent a message to Mo Chuai, who also agreed, and slowly drove the army into the fringe area of ​​Fengzhou, approaching Yinzhou.

This is obviously not working hard.Zong Chuke was also helpless, but because the Turkic people went south, they also took away a lot of troops from the blood camp, so it can't be said that it didn't work.Write to Guo Yuanzhen and Hou Dehai again to speed up the siege, what are you doing, singing opera, that is, singing opera, you pay your own money, and don't expect the court to spend money for you.

This is a group of armies advancing separately, forcing Wang Hua to disperse his troops.

In fact, it was mainly to write to Hou Dehai. Guo Yuanzhen was not right with him, and he knew it, so he had to use Hou Dehai's status as a military envoy and the celebrities around Webster to force Guo Yuanzhen to obey his orders.

When Guo Yuanzhen saw this letter, he thought it was a fart. Wang Hua played this battle happily. If it wasn't for avoiding taboos, he would have gone to Shanzhou to drink with Wang Hua.The army of the Tang Dynasty was still very brave at this time, and they won and lost battles with the Turks.

But even with the Tubo people, they have almost never won a battle. Wang Xiaojie's battle is not counted, they are far away from the Tubo border, and it is not easy to attack them, so they took the four towns.

And the process of winning is very easy, just like dancing. Not only can you dance well, but you can also lead the other party to dance with your own pace.Or just like the poem he wrote, when playing and laughing, the mast and scull were wiped out.

Talented people, let these treacherous officials and a queen with unscrupulous ambitions be forced out of the court.If the queen mother is alive, Wang Huawen has literary talents and martial arts talents, then it is possible to assist the queen mother to build a prosperous and powerful country.It's a pity, I keep pushing.

In fact, it is not the credit of Wang Hua alone. Many ideas were conceived by everyone, and they were prepared a few months in advance. Don't even think about it. Wang Hua's men are really concentration camps for famous generals. Most of the existing or future Tang Dynasty All the generals in the army were concentrated in Wang Hua's hands, that's why today's battle results.But how does the outside world know?

He was thinking of having a drink with Wang Hua, but one person was in a hurry. After seeing Zong Chuke's letter, Hou Dehai immediately went to Guo Yuanzhen and said, "Director Guo, the rebels are already at war with Tubo, and they should be able to attack the city." right?"

"Siege the city? How to attack, just to enter, do you dare to enter?"

Hou Dehai was speechless, maybe he really didn't dare to go in, he rubbed his hands anxiously and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Waiting for the opportunity."

Hou Dehai came to his senses, what was the siege, and then thought of Zong Chuke's reminder, it was obvious that this old boy was flirting with Wang Thrush and singing for the court. He took out the seal of the court and said, "Mr. Guo, Some order you to send troops immediately."

Guo Yuan became angry, and he shouted: "You are the general manager, and I am the general manager! When will it be your servant's turn to intervene in military affairs? Could it be that the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers under my command are just child's play!"

Lao Guo has sharp eyes, and his military skills are no less than Wang Hua.Not only did he not have the golden fingers of Wang Hua, and he did not find these capable generals, nor did he have the knowledge that Wang Hua had advanced for more than 1000 years.But his strategy is not weak.

Wang Hua seemed to be in crisis, but he didn't resolve it much. Maybe Wang Hua had this idea in his heart, but Guo Yuanzhen was outside the situation, but he could see many things clearly.Mo Chuai obviously made some bad agreements with some people in the DPRK.But silently sipping the old traitor, he is sitting and watching the opportunity, and he may have other thoughts.It is impossible to expect him to send troops to Yinzhou immediately, at most it will be involved.That new Tubo general is even more treacherous, but this person will definitely send troops, but it's hard to say how determined he is.

Therefore, as long as Wang Hua dealt with the troops of Zong Chuke and Chang Yuankai, the situation would naturally resolve.Although the two men have a large army, the chance of defeating Wang Hua under the leadership of a group of mediocre men is very small.

After this battle, it is very likely that the imperial court will be seriously injured.And it was the imperial court who moved first, and together with the Tubo Turks.Wang Hua would not stop there, and even the eight states borrowed immediately became twelve states and twenty states.

The embarrassment of the court is coming soon.

With Wang Hua standing in the way, the court could no longer dictate to him.

Therefore, he got angry very confidently.

Hou Dehai didn't know what he was thinking, but when he heard that Guo Yuanzhen was so arrogant, he said angrily, "You, you, you want to plot rebellion too."

"Mother's rebellion, your mother, you people are just turning black and white. I have worked in the border for so many years, your mother, you actually said that I am rebellious," Guo Yuanzhen pinched Hou Dehai's hand Throat, said angrily.

Why did Wang Hua get to this point today? This group of people forced him to leave.

No matter what his intentions were, he was really fighting Tubo and beat the Tubo people to pieces.If it wasn't for the imperial court's obstruction, both Dafeichuan and Jishishan would be in the bag now.After accepting these two places, Tubo was compressed in Yakhe River and Luoxie City, and it was still a fart.

"One more wordy word, be careful that I will use the crime of confusing the morale of the army to drag you out to sacrifice the flag." Guo Yuanzhen was also in a daze, waiting for the post of Dehai Supervising Army, as if Guo Yuanzhen didn't have the right to kill him .There is no need to chop, Guo Yuanzhen is quite strong, even though he is over 50 years old, he strangled Hou Dehai's neck, and Hou Dehai almost choked.

Fortunately, the soldiers nearby saw something was wrong and immediately pulled them away, otherwise Hou Dehai might be strangled to death by Guo Yuanzhen.

Hou Dehai jumped up angrily, pointed at Guo Yuanzhen and said, "Okay, okay, you trafficker, just wait and see."

This period of history in Lao Guo's life was disgraceful, and when Hou Dehai exposed it, he also jumped up, ready to beat him up again.

But Hou Dehai was very clever. After scolding, he ran away immediately. The human trafficker in the northwest is the king of the northwest, covering the sky with one hand.We can't afford to offend you in the northwest, but I can sue you.

After returning to the station, he immediately wrote a memorial with embellishments, and prepared to hand it to Luoyang, accusing Guo Yuanzhen of conspiracy.

If it was normal, Lao Guo might let the eunuch pour a pot, but at this time, Hou Dehai couldn't do it even if he wanted to sue.Wang Hua immediately sent people to block the commercial roads in the entire Hexi Corridor.As long as it is a human, don't try to pass, unless Hou Dehai turns his men into a big bird.

But this was Hou Dehai's angry thought, but Guo Yuanzhen knew that the Battle of Lanzhou had begun.Otherwise, Wang Hua wouldn't block the business road.

But even he didn't guess correctly, the battle started from Lanzhou, but that was not the main battlefield, and the course of this battle was also unexpected by Lao Guo.

On the sixth day of April, Zong Chuke led a mighty army to leave Linzhou, and arrived at the city of Lanzhou on the eighth day of the lunar month.

The battle begins.

But before the start, Guo Yuanzhen sent another big gift to Wang Hua, summoned his generals, and said: "This Wang Hua's battle is too weird, and it seems that it is not safe for us to stay in the city."

These generals didn't know the inside story, but they heard about the first battle in Shan County, and after hearing about the results, they also felt guilty.So ask what to do?
Guo Yuanzhen pointed to the back, there was a plain behind, and there was no shelter around, and then said: "Where should we camp?"

It seems very reasonable, but where to move, it is equivalent to retreating the army for more than 40 miles.The pressure of this resignation state is self-relieving.Then Guo Yuanzhen secretly wrote a letter to Wang Hua, I will withdraw from the land for more than 40 miles, and you can withdraw part of the state's troops.I can't guarantee anything else, but before the fifteenth, I will definitely not attack the city.

Wang Hua was naturally very happy to receive this gift.

But when Hou Dehai heard the news, he almost died of anger.Well, it was originally a secret collusion, but now it is an open collusion.But he is a eunuch, he can dance as he pleases, who will listen to him?

PS: I moved in the past two days, and I planned to have two shifts in the past few days.Added an update today, thanks to the leader of Yuema Tianshan, and thanks to all the book friends for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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