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Chapter 510

Chapter 510

And his quick wit was once again reflected.

I was also in a hurry, otherwise I would stand here and stop directing, and I would be burned to death alive.

Therefore, he not only ordered the soldiers to forcibly maintain order with bloody means, but also let the soldiers flee to the south gate.And also let the soldiers disregard the fire on their bodies, immediately push down the wall and push out a fire barrier.When he pushed the wall away, he saw the mystery of the wall and understood Wang Hua's step-by-step plan, but it was too late to regret it.

Seeing the commander's desperation, the soldiers settled down one by one, the order was restored, and the speed of retreat was accelerated.

But it didn't take long. With the help of the wind, the fire quickly turned the whole city into a sea of ​​flames.Although Ke Zan hotly cleared out a vacuum area at the gate of the south city, the heat wave was also too much to bear.In fact, it can be tolerated, and after a while, it will be smoked to death because of the heat.

First of all, Ke Zangre's law enforcement team began to disobey orders and joined the fleeing team.Ke Zan could not stop it, and was dragged out by his personal guards.Run away, Kezan's fever has reached this point, in order to let more soldiers escape from the city, standing here, the beard is gone, the hair is curly, and the clothes are on fire. It took a lot of effort to put it out, and it is already worthy of the soldiers .

As soon as Ke Zanre fled in front, the gate of the city behind was blocked by deserters.

But escaping outside the city has a more difficult journey.

Still a sea of ​​fire.The main thing is vegetable oil. Wang Hua spent a lot of money this time, and the large barrels of vegetable oil also cost a lot of money.These vegetable oils were all transferred from the Central Plains. The main thing the imperial court inspected was food, and they really didn't care about the vegetable oil.

The dumping of barrels of vegetable oil undoubtedly prolongs the burning time of the fire.Up to now, there is still a raging sea of ​​fire outside the city gate.Fortunately, riding a horse is fast.In fact, the horses were unwilling to rush out at this time, so they stabbed down on the horses with weapons, forcing the horses to rush out of the sea of ​​flames.

I rushed over, but it was still not over.

Wang Junchuo asked the Tianxuan Army to stand on both sides, separated by two hundred steps. A row of soldiers in front were holding weapons for vigilance, and a row of soldiers in the back were holding bows and arrows, firing arrows non-stop.

This is a very subtle distance.The idiom says that the arrow can be shot through a hundred steps, which not only shows the accuracy of the arrow, but also shows the strength of the arm and the long range.The effective distance of an ordinary soldier's bow and arrow is only eighty or ninety steps. After this distance, the power of the arrow begins to weaken.It is possible to shoot the opponent, but the deadly threat is not very great.Of course, this data does not work for those bows that are powerful and carry strong bows, such as Wang Hua's iron arm bow. When Wang Hua is fully drawn, it will have an astonishing range.

But that is a minority after all.

Now the Blood Battalion soldiers stood on both sides, leaving a distance of 220 steps in the middle, and with a horse in front, the distance reached [-] steps.In this way, a very narrow relatively safe channel is left in the middle.It's not very safe, but I can get away with it.

This is what Wang Hua repeatedly ordered.

There are many people on the other side, and the county seat of Shan County is very small. Although it is easy to set the whole city on fire, it is also easy to escape.If organized properly, many soldiers could escape through the flames in time.At this time, if they are not given any retreat, they will desperately fight for their lives, which may backfire and cause a large number of casualties to the soldiers of the Blood Battalion.

The facts were as Wang Hua guessed, many soldiers escaped at the beginning, and after Ke Zanre's forced organization, more than 2 Tubo soldiers escaped.Although it looks miserable, it doesn't mean they have no fighting power.

So another row of soldiers from the Blood Battalion was added in the front row, holding weapons to prevent some Tubo soldiers from red-eyed and rushing towards the archers desperately.

But the sea of ​​fire is very wide, so a trumpet mouth was opened near the city gate, with a width of more than 400 steps on both sides. In this way, even if you lost your way in the sea of ​​fire and escaped, you still got into this dead place. aisle.

Not long after forming the formation, Tubo soldiers came out, looking very miserable.His hair, eyebrows, and beard were all burned, and he kept flapping his hands.The hair on the horse's body was also burned off, and it screamed in pain.These can still be swung with hands, but the clothes on his body are also on fire, and they start to emit green smoke again when they are swung here and there.

Everyone screamed in pain, and they didn't even see the blood battalion troops on both sides.

There were still very few soldiers coming out at this time, and most of them crowded towards the north gate.There was no fire there, so few people went through the ring of fire.As a result, Wang Junchuo pressed his hand decisively, and the soldiers of the blood battalion stepped forward, compressing the distance of the passage to 150 steps.Compressed to this distance, that is indiscriminate shooting.Not one escaped.

Later, it was discovered that a death trap had been set up at the north gate, so they turned to the south gate together.It's not that Wang Hua didn't prepare at the south gate, and he couldn't prepare for it, because the Tubo people had heard about the battle in the valley, so they were very careful.If they are allowed to notice that there is movement on the ground, it is very likely that soldiers will be sent to check it out, and the whole plan will be destroyed.

So Wang Huasi paid for it, and finally decided to use the current plan.

Only then did Wang Junchuo restore the passage distance to the original distance.Then, under Ke Zanre's "disregard for his own safety", he forcibly opened the south gate to let the team go through quickly. At this time, the most people came out.And basically cavalry.This time they came with the entourage, because of Wang Hua's plunder and the relocation of the five tribes, as well as the horses that had been captured or burned before, the two Tubo armies could not organize a full cavalry army.There are also soldiers who left their horses and ran out because they didn't have time, or because they were in a panic, they also became infantry.

These infantrymen were the most miserable. They were originally burned with green smoke, and then dived into the sea of ​​flames, where the speed of the horses was so fast, many people were burned alive in the sea of ​​flames outside the city.Some soldiers barely escaped, but the safe zone of the passage is only in the middle area. There are arrows arriving, but the number is very small, and their strength has also weakened.

Relatively speaking, it is safer, but even if you squeeze into the middle, you will be trampled to death by the rushing horses.Those who did not squeeze into the middle were also shot to death by bows and arrows on both sides.

The city is not big, because this time there are still many soldiers who escaped under Ke Zangre's organization.

But after passing through this passage of death, at least one-third of the soldiers lay down forever.

There are also very few soldiers who are not afraid of death, rushing towards the blood battalion, wanting to exchange their lives for their lives. These people are elite soldiers transferred from Tubo, but they were shot by the oncoming bows and arrows, but they missed. Before coming to the queue, he was also hacked and killed by the soldiers in the front row with the arrows in their hands.The Tianxuan Army soldiers also did not come to make soy sauce.

The escaped soldiers reached their peak when Ke Zanger also escaped.Then there were very few people who escaped.Ke Zan hotly pushed out a vacuum zone, which was too hot to bear, let alone other places.Those who stayed in the city either killed each other, were burned to death, or squeezed to the north gate. Now the rest did not leave the city.

Wang Junchuo took a look, and immediately ordered to leave 2000 people, continue to shoot the fish that slipped through the net, and then clean up the battlefield all the way.This victory was easy, but there were more enemies left unsolved.With the siege on all sides, the territory of eight states has been unable to obtain supplies.Therefore, these materials, horses and weapons, no matter how rough or not, are very precious.

He led seven thousand soldiers from the Blood Battalion in pursuit.

Ke Zantuo led the army out of the circle of death, immediately got off his horse and rolled on the ground. If he didn't roll, he couldn't do it. His clothes were all burned.Some soldiers' armor was burned like a piece of hot iron, and they simply took off their armor and didn't want it.But at this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes behind.

Ke Zanre yelled badly, the enemy caught up and ran all the way with the army again.

In fact, the Tianxuan army was also a tired army. They took turns to rest during the day, retreated to the north bank of the Huangshui River, then turned to the west side again, crossed the Huangshui River, and returned to the Shan County city. They hardly had a good rest.However, they were better than the Tubo soldiers. After struggling in the fire for so long, their physical strength and morale were severely reduced.

The most important thing is the war horse. The blood battalion war horse was not injured and was intact.However, the horses of the Tubo people were burnt in nine out of ten cases.In order to get out of the city first and get out of the fire circle, the Tubo soldiers also stabbed the horse hard with their weapons. At first, the speed became faster because of the pain.But after running for a short time, there was no stamina left.

Ke Zan hot continued to divide the soldiers and intercept the blood camp.Now that he escaped, he didn't want to die at this time.

Fleeing westward in panic all the way, the road is very wide, the largest road at the border between the Tang Dynasty and Tubo.

When they came to Linfan City, they called the city gate, but there was no sound from the city gate, and there was a rain of arrows in front of them. They were unprepared, and hundreds of people fell down all at once.

Siddulje is still angry, we are our own people, are you blind?

Another rain of arrows shot down.

She learned that Du Zhi was incomprehensible.

But Ke Zanre realized that Linfan City had also fallen into the hands of the Blood Camp. He looked to the south, where the night was dark and the mountains overlapped.He was a little apprehensive, but there was nothing he could do. Even if he attacked the city, it would take time, and he might not be able to take it down.But after hesitating for a while, the blood battalion soldiers chased after him.

If you are not afraid, you even hope to have the opportunity of this head-to-head confrontation.But now there are less than 2 people, and everyone's morale has plummeted. God knows how many soldiers from the Blood Battalion will catch up?Besides, are there any other blood battalion soldiers around?

Gritting his teeth, he fled south again.

After escaping to Heiying Ridge, he suddenly heard a loud shout from a jungle in Hei Ying Ridge: "Don't leave, thief."

A big man brought five or six thousand troops to kill him.This is Gongsun Yun's Azure Dragon Brigade.

When Ke Zhan saw it, he was not afraid, and immediately organized a counterattack.But although this army is small in number, it is a new force after resting until now.The two armies fought without losing the wind.

But after being entangled for a while, there was another sound of horseshoes behind him, and Ke Zanre knew that the soldiers of the Blood Battalion were chasing him again.Had to order: "Retreat!"

But at this time, the two armies are wrapped together, so it is so easy to withdraw.

Ke Zanre escaped, turned around, and heard the sound of weapons colliding, the screams of soldiers, and the neighing of war horses.But most of the soldiers' screams came from their own subordinates.Then I looked behind, and at this time, there were only 9000 poor people.

Seeing this situation, almost no color was left on his face.

After running for a while, I turned to the ancient Tang-Fan road again. There was no way, the terrain was complicated, I was afraid that Wang Hua would ambush, and there were many places with cliffs, and some places were separated by rivers.Marching normally, carrying luggage, opening mountains, building bridges when encountering roads, but where are the tools now?

However, he was uneasy in his heart, Linfan City was taken down, what about Suirong City?What about Dingrong City?

We arrived at the foot of Suirong City just ahead, and it was also dawn at this time, and the eastern sky began to show a hint of paleness.

As he guessed, another 4000 people came out ahead.This is Wang Jun's Xuanwu brigade.

At this time, Ke Zanre didn't want to run away anymore. He turned around and said to his soldiers: "Everyone, we have no way out now. Killing one is enough money, killing two makes one. Kill."

It was very tragic, and it somewhat aroused the morale of some soldiers.

Eighty-nine thousand people drank together and rushed over, but they had a desperate heart, but they didn't have the physical strength to do so.Although they had the upper hand in terms of numbers, they didn't have the physical strength to support them when they fought.And not for a while after the battle, the pursuers caught up again.

Ke Zanre had no choice but to forget what he said just now, and ran away with his men again, but this time the number of people who could keep up was not 9000 people, but 900 people.

The battle on the other side is also over.

There are also many Tubo people outside the North City Gate.In addition to the first batch of people who ran out of the city, there were many people behind who did not hear Ke Zanre's order, or who heard it and saw the flames outside the city and did not dare to leave the city, and fled to the north gate together.

But they lost their main general. Looking at the blood battalion soldiers on the opposite side, although they were militiamen, the Tubo people didn't know that there were countless people lying in ambush on the other side of the tunnel, which was quite scary.And as more and more soldiers escaped, the range became wider and wider, squeezing into the range of bows and arrows, and they were shot dead one by one.Similarly, no one was staying at the gate of the city, and the hot air flowed out of the city like a flame.So they started to trample on each other, who doesn't want to stay in the safe zone?
At this time, Guo Zhiyun sent someone to call out to put down their weapons and surrender without killing.

After shouting, six springboards were set up, and then a dozen or so balloons were raised on them following the east wind. The Tubo soldiers knew what was inside the balloons, and this was the most insidious move.At the beginning, some Tubo soldiers dropped their weapons. Most of the first ones to drop their weapons were the Tuyuhun people and Dangxiang people recruited by Tubo this time.

Shrugging his head, he walked towards the springboard and was detained by soldiers sent by the blood camp.But cold water was prepared for them to extinguish the remaining sparks in their bodies, and then some dry food and water were given to them, to depress them.

Surrender provided food and drink, but not surrender seemed to be a dead end, and even the bravest Tibetan soldiers finally laid down their weapons.As a result, this accelerated the rate of soldiers pouring out of the north gate, and as a result, a total of [-] Tubo soldiers were captured.As for the others, they will stay in the sea of ​​flames in Shanxian County forever.

Guo Zhiyun laughed when he saw it. The militiamen he led had the weakest combat effectiveness, but they gained the most.Not only captured nearly [-] Tubo people, but also got nearly [-] horses and countless armors and weapons.

But after a while, he stopped laughing.

Ke Zanre escaped from Suirong City and continued to flee for his life.We took a detour around the mountain road, but fortunately there was no luggage, so we were flexible, and we will go on the ancient Tang-Fan road in a while.He was gambling on luck, after all Dingrong City was not far from Stone Castle.Besides, the blood battalion has set up so many ambushes, it may not be able to take down Dingrong City.

When they came to Dingrong City, the gate of Dingrong City was opened wide.He originally wanted to rush into the city immediately, but felt strange, why didn't anyone come out from the city?

Looking up at the top of the city, there are several flags flying on the top of the city, and a few people are sitting drinking wine. Seeing him looking up, one of the thin people stood up, poked his head out, and said, "General Ke Zanger, a certain It's Mo Hegan from the Blood Camp, who has always been polite."

Ke Zan hot cried in his heart: "Not good."

Just when he was about to run away, Mo Hegan said again: "Hasn't General Ke Zanre run enough for one night? After running for one night, how many people are left under the general's hands? Even if the general runs back, will you Tubo let him go?" You? Surrender. Our battalion commander values ​​the general very much. Surrender may not be without glory and wealth."

If it was the original, Mo Hegan's words were not convincing.surrender?Get over your own difficulties first.But now?I have 9 people, only a few days, and there may be only a few people around me left, which is more ruthless than the last ambush.Even the people around them may not be able to return to Dafeichuan safely.

With a sigh, he finally put down his weapon.

The coach was like this, and the other soldiers were already discouraged at this time, and they all dropped their weapons one by one.

When Wang Junchuo and the others arrived, they were all speechless. Although he had made great contributions that night, Mo Hegan persuaded Ke Zanre to surrender with just one sentence.As for Ke Zanger, it was not because of his failure that some people looked down on him.There is still something remarkable.Even if he were to lead this army by himself, facing Wang Huayi's heavy platoon, he would not be able to get any good results.

And getting Ke Zanre is of great significance, and it will have a great blow to the morale of the Tubo people in the future, and because he used to be an important general in the hands of Dayan, and now he is in charge of Dafeichuan, it is very important for Dafeichuan and Ji Dayan. The terrain of Shishan is very familiar.With him leading the way, counterattacking the two places in the future is equivalent to having a living map.

Just one sentence surpassed all the credit for their bloody battle that night.

But there was an even bigger surprise to come, Mo Heqian ordered his servants to bring washing supplies, asked Ke Zanre to wash off the ashes on his face, and then brought out wine and meat as treats.His attitude was very gentle, but Ke Zan shrugged his head and kept silent all the time. He was forced to surrender, so what face did he have.

Mo Hegan didn't blame him, and asked gently: "General Ke Zanre, I heard that your family members are still staying in Dafeichuan City, isn't it?"

Is not this nonsensical?Ke Zan hot replied angrily: "Yes."

Mo Hegan continued to smile and said: "I have a way to rescue your family, and let you make great contributions in front of the battalion governor."

"what way?"

Mo Hegan revealed his plan.

Wang Junchuo and Mo Hegan stayed together for a long time, and they knew each other well. Wang Jun had been together for a while, but they were not very familiar with each other. As for Gongsun Yun, he still had a contemptuous attitude towards this Turkic man.If it hadn't been for the great foundation that Wang Hua had built in the past few years, now Wang Hua intends to support him as one of the four giants of the blood camp, even above Zhu Dian and Kong Heizi, he is still a little unconvinced.

But after hearing this plan, sweat also broke out on his face, this kid is too insidious, too bad.No wonder Wang Hua valued him so much.

(End of this chapter)

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