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Chapter 499

Chapter 499

"Wang, Wang, Wang Hua?" Poor Huo Chang's tongue was curled up.

It took me a long time to realize that I just said Wang Hua's name. Is he qualified to say Wang Hua's name?

Several other soldiers were also trembling with fright. Although they held weapons in their hands, they absolutely did not dare to take a step forward.To make meritorious deeds, one must have one's life to make meritorious deeds.

Wang Hua looked at his subjects like an official visiting incognito, with a gentle attitude and a faint smile on his face, and continued to ask, "Aren't I like Wang Hua?"

"Elephant, elephant," stammered the fire chief.

God knows if it looks like it, Wang Hua has never been to Gyeongju.But Wang Hua's name, no one would dare to pass it off.

Wang Hua didn't speak, but looked at the long black dragon under the city gate, and thirty or so big men were guarding him like stars holding the moon.

At this time, more than a dozen big men in civilian attire walked up the wall, and brought a table, a low chair, and a guqin.
What is this doing?Several soldiers on the top of the city were stunned for a moment.Two of them came to their senses and thought, no, it is impossible for Wang Hua to come to Gyeongju with only these dozens of subordinates.I think I thought of it, but I held this sentence in my heart, and I didn't dare to say it.

According to the principle, immediately pull up the suspension bridge, close the city gate, and the noose for pulling the suspension bridge is by your side, but dare to pull it?

Everyone stared dumbfounded at Wang Hua sitting on the low chair, and then saw Wang Hua put his hands on the qin column and sighed: "I haven't played the qin for a long time."

It's been a busy time.But after these two days, things should calm down.And the other two people have quietly come to Yashu.Zhang Shougui, this is a wise general capable of writing and martial arts, but because he followed Wang Huabing to Luoyang, he was transferred again and again, and then when Wang Hua killed Luoyang, he was framed again by his colleagues and demoted to Lingnan.Not only was he demoted to Lingnan, but he was also demoted to Jiaozhi Yanzhou, which was later Ancheng in the south of Hanoi.Because in Lingnan, people in many places have received the benefits of Wang Hua, but Jiaozhi has received the least benefits.The matter was not over yet. On the way to Lingnan, the soldiers who guarded him were ordered by someone to kill him.

But at this time, Wang Hua had arrived in Shannan early. After hearing this, he immediately ordered his subordinates to follow and protect him.It turned out that they planned to contact him after he arrived in Yanzhou.It's not that nothing will happen if he is taken to Shannan.And family, which needs to be transferred at the same time.Also, once in Shannan, the nature of this time is a little different from that of King Qin last time.Ask for his opinion too.

Seeing that the soldiers were going to kill him, the follower had to appear.

At this time, Zhang Shougui was even more disheartened than Wang Hua, so he took the initiative to defect to Wang Hua without persuasion.Thinking of his stories, Wang Hua thought of "Water Margin", all of them were heroes, but they were all forced by the gloomy court.

But it is not possible to come to Shannan immediately. It is a long way from Lingnan to Shannan, and family members have to be transferred in time.So he didn't arrive until late last month.

This general who is capable of writing and martial arts has been honed in several wars and has grown even more.His arrival further enriched the strength of the blood battalion.Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.Why does Tubo have two different appearances whether it has Lunqin Mausoleum or not?It is precisely because of the existence of this killing god.

Or before the Anshi Rebellion, Li Longji did not torture and demote Wang Zhongsi, causing Wang Zhongsi to die of depression. After the incident, Li Longji did not kill Gao Xianzhi and Feng Changqing. What's wrong with Tongguan?This is the difference between a famous general and an unknown general.

In addition to Zhang Shougui, there was another general, Wu Keli, who was also suppressed by the imperial court. Unlike Li Kailuo, his family members stayed in Chang'an.So in a rage, he ran back to Khitan and became a general of a tribe.Hearing that Wang Hua turned against the Tang Dynasty, he regained his energy and quietly ran to Bazhou to join Wang Hua.He also asked, "Wang Yingdu, are you a real or a fake rebel?"

Let Wang Hua punch him.But Ukeli was also happy even if he didn't fight back. See, this is the general who fought the war, and he just wiped out so many troops in Dayan.

Not only the two brave generals arrived, but also the 90.00 elite soldiers transferred from Oceania.It's not combat effectiveness. These soldiers have considerable combat effectiveness in the tropical rainforest or other places.Immediately the fighting power is a little weaker.Of course, they have been battle-tested and have rich combat experience, so they can make up for it a little.Riding can also be trained.Mainly the control of the blood camp.After all, the rapid expansion this time led to a serious consequence. The share of Fan soldiers was close to [-]%.At least half of them are not loyal enough.This is a very dangerous phenomenon.

With these 1 people plus the original blood battalion veterans, this blood battalion iron army can truly be said to be in their own hands.There are also [-] management talents who have also arrived in Bazhou. Although most of these people still have to be tempered, they have also broken down the pressure on Wang Hua and Zhu Dian.

In this way, my subordinates need literary talents to have literary talents, military generals to have generals, and soldiers to have soldiers.If after another year of development, even if Tubo dispatched an army of 20 to [-], he would dare to resist head-on.

However, Wang Hua didn't say anything about Wu Zhang's arrival, and there's no need to say so.

This action was jointly carried out by Wang Hua and the major families.

Isn't the imperial court banning food?
Luck, continue to luck, on the surface it seems that more than a dozen families owe him favors to repay.Actually not.Even if they find someone to trust their relationship, that is an illusion.Is it true that with the prestige of these dozen or so families joining forces, a stone of grain can't be shipped to eight states?

But that was not what Wang Hua wanted. It would undoubtedly increase the cost, and the delivery efficiency was not high.

Therefore, there is only one goal in the end, to transport grain to Weizhou, Qingzhou, and Jingzhou together, and hoard it in the city.Not only let them make large-scale deployments, but also secretly send people to encourage other merchants who are greedy for petty gains to hoard food and continue to wait and see.

Of course, these merchants didn't know the details, and some merchants were agitated. Seeing the mountains of grain piled up in the cities of the three states, they couldn't hold back and sold them at a low price.However, there is still a large amount of food left to continue hoarding.

The officials of the three states don't know how much food they have, especially for the dozen or so huge families, it's not bad to bite the bullet and keep their food in the city, dare to question their accounts?But Wang Hua knew that he did not act decisively until the food in the three prefectures reached more than 100 million shi.

This time it was not a war, so there were few major casualties.But later it was mentioned many times by the world.

Go up to the soldiers to make a fluke plan, and then attack the country and the city.Attacking the city and plundering the land was already at a disadvantage.Why did Wang Hua leave in a flash?In this way, Tubo will not be forced to fight himself desperately, and casualties will be reduced. At the same time, when defending in an unfamiliar place, it is not necessary to divide up heavy troops, which also increases the difficulty of defense.

But why Zhang Renyuan felt chilled after learning the truth was mainly due to Wang Hua's attack.

This time it's still a heart attack, the previous low-key, certainly no one thinks that Wang Hua is weak.But why are you so low-key?This is because Wang Hua's power has not grown up, and he is fighting for righteousness and rectification, otherwise he would not have offered captives and supplies, and then used a huge amount of money to buy food roads.But once Wang Hua and the imperial court made a move, or took the initiative, this righteousness would be lost.

Of course, I also know that there is a lot of food in the city, which makes Wang Hua jealous.He wasn't even confident that he could hold the city under Wang Hua's attack.But can Wang Hua attack?Once they attack, there will definitely be casualties, and they will not be very low. This is doomed to Wang Hua's rebellion.

Or a surprise attack, like taking Dafeichuan, just like that, after fierce fighting.Besides, now that everyone knows the battle, the blood battalion wears weapons and horses that are exactly the same as the Tubo soldiers, which is why they were mixed among the deserters and pretended to be deserters.

But another surprise attack?

That's so easy, the road from Weizhou to Lanzhou is better, the road from Jingzhou to Yuanzhou can also make do, the road from Qingzhou to Yuanzhou is not so easy, and it is farther.

And Weizhou is not near Yuanzhou, Jingqing Erzhou is not near Yuanzhou, there is still a long road.There are many checkpoint military camps in the middle.Even to attack the state city, at least an army of [-] people must be mobilized.By the time the Blood Camp arrived, the city gates had already been closed.

So, thinking about it this way, Jingzhou did not lose, but the food was not kept.

I didn't see the movement of the blood camp, but the Dafeichuan Army and the Jishi Army of Shanzhou, Hezhou and Tubo often confronted each other, and every time it seemed that they were on the verge of breaking out.This Xin Nuoluo was indeed not someone to be messed with.Although there was a real fight, Wang Hua was not afraid.

After arriving at Jishi Mountain, he brought [-] troops transferred from Tubo, and then integrated the army.I didn't fight, but I often took it to the border of Heshan Prefecture, strolled for a while, and then returned quickly.This was done on purpose to increase soldier morale.Now with this defeat, the morale of the soldiers in the two places is low.And he's done the math, Wang Hua is now integrating and managing the affairs within his jurisdiction, coupled with food troubles, the focus will not be on the military.Even in the military, he quickly withdrew.We only walk around your door, but we won't fight you.To fight on my territory.

Wang Hua was speechless with anger, and finally said only one sentence: "This guy is working cunningly."

He walks, and I walk too.So the two armies came and went, which seemed very lively.

But this is still an illusion.

Xin Nuoluo knew that Wang Hua wouldn't fight him to the death if he didn't get enough food.Wang Hua also knew that if Xin Nuoluo didn't improve his morale, he wouldn't really attack Heshan Prefecture.These two people came and went tacitly, but outsiders didn't know it, thinking that the war was about to start again.

However, Xin Nuoluo also became a chess piece used by Wang Hua at this time.

In fact, he is not here.

The weather turned cold, and the speed of water conservancy construction accelerated. Even in the border area between Lanzhou and Yuanzhou, a large number of people dug ditches.

But no one thought of it, and a series of smoke bombs were released.The people who dug these ditches were among them.But at this time Wang Hua had already deployed the army.Not daring to be too many, they only sent [-] soldiers to each route. Those who went to Weizhou were Ge Shuhan, Wu Keli, and Zhang Shougui, those who went to Qingzhou were Wang Junchuo, Guo Qianguan, and Liu Tong, and those who went to Jingzhou led them personally. Gongsun Yun is the deputy.

In fact, when I think about it sometimes, Wang Hua also feels very happy. Like these generals under his command, having one or two is already grinning from ear to ear.But look at his subordinates, the stars are like clouds.It would be even better if Zhang Xiaosong, Xiao Song, Wang Jun, and Wang Haibin, the fierce general who served as the striker under Xue Na, were invited over again.

But this is just thinking about it, Zhang Xiaosong is better, Xiao Song was born in the Xiao family, Wang Jun was born in half of the Taiyuan royal family, poor in the downtown area, no one asks, Fuyin has distant relatives in the mountains, it turns out that the Taiyuan Wang family may not recognize this distant disciple, I also recognize it now.Wang Haibin was directly born in the Qixian branch of the Wang family in Taiyuan.Although the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Xiao family in Lanling have a good relationship with me, it is related to their future, so they may not be allowed to mix with me.

Of course there are others, Guo Zhiyun, Li Kailuo and others were also born in the blood camp.However, each has its own difficulties, and if they haven't defected until now, it is estimated that most of them will not defect to themselves again.Wang Hua is not reluctant.

The three groups of people have been arranged, and the stars are like clouds.Then Wang Hua asked them to change into common people's clothes and dig ditches. Now that there are too many immigrants, seeing strange faces is no surprise to other common people.But Wang Hua still separated them carefully.This ditch was dug to the junction of Weiqing and Jingjing.

Then quietly brought weapons and armor.At the same time, not far from them, there are herdsmen grazing, mainly horses, which is also not noticeable.The livestock kept in the eight prefectures are mainly horses, not counting those of the imperial court. Wang Hua owns nearly [-] war horses, and there are tens of thousands of war horses from various tribes and party members.

Winter has come, and it has not yet entered deep winter. This is also the last period of grazing.Thousands of war horses appeared, mixed with cattle and sheep, and they were not in one place, so no one would be alerted.

The second step of the plan started again. Two days ago, "common people" in twos and threes left the original Lanzhou and entered the Weijing and Qingzhou.Because the people broke up together, they only carried a saber or saber. The people of the Tang Dynasty emphasized martial arts, and even literati and inkmen had to carry a saber as an ornament. More than 6000 "common people" used various identities to enter the three states, and none of them raised alarm.But at midnight last night, these people gathered separately, touched the garrison of each military camp, and quickly controlled each military camp.There were also small-scale battles, and the name of the blood camp could be heard, but the morale was low.

At the same time, the other soldiers changed their civilian clothes, put on armor, and mounted war horses.Come quickly, there are occasional escaped soldiers, but let them catch up.However, Wang Hua didn't use any killers on his own family, he just captured them and threw them into the barracks for guarding.

Wang Hua entered Jingzhou City early in the morning, and headed straight for the city with his subordinates in disguise.

In the final analysis, because of Wang Hua's two weak performances, and Xin Norton's proper exercise with him, all the officials and soldiers in the three states relaxed their vigilance, which led to Wang Hua sneaking into the city of the three states without anyone noticing. .

Wang Hua sighed again, and said to himself, "Does this count as a civil war?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Hua began to play the piano, and the sound of the piano was clanging, accompanied by the cool morning wind and severe frost, with a strong and murderous air, it was "Guangling San".

At this time, when the warning horn was heard, the soldiers had already begun to drive away the people at the gate of the city, and the situation was in chaos.

They wanted to close the city gate, but it was so easy to close.Dozens of big men came out from the crowd, drew their horizontal knives, and shouted: "We are soldiers of the blood battalion. We are here on business. Don't resist. Those who resist will be killed without mercy!"

Blood battalion soldiers?
Although it was not as shocking as Wang Hua's name, the calves of the dozen or so soldiers guarding the city gate were also frightened.This is also a group of killing gods. When did they come to Jingzhou?There are still soldiers who haven't reacted, but you are so powerful, these dozens of people want to take Jingzhou City?
But one thing I understand is that even though they were not wearing armor, they were not as numerous as the opponent, and their combat effectiveness was probably far inferior to the opponent's. A dozen or so soldiers ran away.If you can't beat them, you have to go back and bring in reinforcements.

Step, step, step.trot all the way.Could it be them, even the common people ran away like crazy, the blood camp came to kill, and blood will be splashed five steps at the gate of the city, can they stay here?They ran even more happily, which made people shout and neigh at the gate of the city for a while, and it was a mess.

After a while, the guerrilla general Qiu Shanli who was guarding the city arrived with hundreds of soldiers.

Although he was afraid of the reputation of the blood camp, but there were very few people on the other side, Qiu Shanli still shouted loudly: "Who are you? Why are you blocking the city gate?"

A soldier of the Blood Battalion hissed impatiently: "What's the noise! ​​Don't you hear our battalion commander playing the qin on the top of the wall? Listen to our battalion supervisor playing the piano a few times, please be quiet."

It also makes sense, Wang Hua is a genius in Luoyang, and his piano skills are also known all over the world. Everyone present has heard of it, but there is really no one who has heard Wang Hua play the piano.In fact, he didn't know anything about the sound of the piano. It is estimated that he could not hear the sound of Wang Hua playing the palace sound as a horn, and he could not understand it at all.But how can this glory be missed?Moreover, the city is about to be captured, and our battalion governor is still sitting on the top of the city playing the piano at ease, so we have something to play when we go back.

The battalion governor plays the piano?

It was only then that Qiu Shanli noticed the strange atmosphere at the top of the city. Several of his subordinates stood on the top of the city like logs, and there were dozens of strangers standing there. Among them was a young man who was sitting on the top of the city and playing the piano.Soldiers don't understand, but he can understand.

This song "Guangling San" is played extremely fiercely, which fits the generous killing intent of "Guangling San".

He is also a battalion supervisor, he can play the piano, and he is also a young man. Besides Wang Hua, can there be another person?
What to do?What to do?
Qiu Shanli was so anxious that sweat broke out on his head.He can hear the meaning of the piano, but is he in the mood to appreciate it?

To fight or not to fight.If you don't fight, you can't just watch Wang Hua lead dozens of men, not even wearing any armor, and take down Jingzhou City while playing the piano.When the news reaches the imperial court, I don't want to keep my official position.

But how to fight?That is the master who was killed from the ambush in the palace.Although he has hundreds of soldiers, he may not be killed.And really he only brought dozens of people to seize the city?This master is easy to say, but if he is angered, he will also kill God.

He still had the courage to think about whether he should fight or not.Even the soldiers who beat him would not listen to him.When these soldiers heard that Wang Hua was sitting on the top of the city, if they were outside the city and the city gate was closed, they still had a little courage.Now that they are on the top of the city, they still have the desire to resist.

So hundreds of people stood at the gate of the city and listened to Wang Huatan's "Guangling San".

When the news got out, Jingzhou Inspector and related officials also came with soldiers and servants, but they had the same thoughts as Qiu Shanli, not knowing whether to fight or not, so this time there were nearly a thousand people, standing there listening to the king. Draw fuqin.

(End of this chapter)

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