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Chapter 485: Jiong and Thunder

Chapter 485 Jon and Thunder ([-])
"Everyone, go slowly," Wang Hua and Zhu Dian said as they sent off a group of guests. Both of them sat on the chairs for a long time without speaking, they were too tired.

The reason why the eight states are occupied is as a base.

Don't say that if you don't rebel, you are rebelling, and you need a base.If you play like Huang Chao, that's not forcing the people to rebel, that's banditry, and you won't succeed in the end.Instead, it harmed the country and the people.The reason why Zhu Yuanzhang was successful is that he owned the base of Hezhou. At that time, all the heroes in the south of the Yangtze River were fighting together, and Hezhou was not the place of the Fourth World War?Why did Taizu succeed?It is to own the base area of ​​Yan'an.At such a difficult time when the small Japanese country came to encircle and suppress the silkworms, Nanniwan had to be reclaimed.

Therefore, it is very important to operate a base area as a base camp.

The first two lists on the list of famous players are basically correct, but the latter list is nonsense.Mochuxiong's talents are rough, and it's okay to be ranked first.But it is also very reluctant, it is to have the resources of a country, and other people may not do a bad job, after all, he has benefited from his brother's glory.

Da Zuorong also had a dispute in the second place. He only had one battle with Tang Dynasty.

Lao Tang, Lao Xue, Lao Guo and Zhang Ren would like to line up. Lao Tang may not be able to rank at the top. Lao Xue is more reliable, but until now he just has no chance to play.Lao Guo's backwardness was also not because he was afraid of Suoge, it was for his own benefit, so he didn't make a move.

It is indisputable that Xiao Song is on the list, but history has not yet evolved to that point. Not only Xiao Song, but also Zhang Xiaosong is not simple.These are the two people Wang Hua desires the most. Unfortunately, in his current situation, they may not join his blood camp.

Can Dayan be on the list?He is a tragic figure in history.This is even more shocking.

As for Wang Hua himself, others don't know, but he himself knows.In terms of martial arts, he can deal with Lao Guo two or three by himself.For Zhang Ren, I would like to be able to match ten or eight.But in terms of military talent, Wang Hua is probably far behind.The only good thing is some historical knowledge of later generations, such as the emphasis on scouting, guerrilla tactics and mobile warfare, and the wolf pack tactics of the Mongols, especially the front and rear. No one has yet used this tactic on a large scale.In addition, he is willing to spend money to lower the cost, attaches great importance to elite soldiers, and is clear-headed, aware of his own shortcomings, and is very careful in every step he takes.

Putting aside the knowledge of later generations, he may not be able to enter the top ten.The top twenty are dangerous.

To maximize his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, he deeply remembered some of his later experiences and lessons.

But the idea is good, but doing it is two different things.

It is useless to transfer the Qinzhou set-up. Don't think that the appointment of a few qualified officials will solve the problem.

The officials were still those officials, and Wang Hua basically did not move, unless a few officials who committed serious crimes were dealt with unceremoniously by Wang Hua.The rest just turned a blind eye and passed away. What Wang Hua needs is stability, not chaos.But the real power has been controlled by his subordinates, and the original officials have been emptied.There is no big problem with this.

But this is not the case in the eight states. In addition to officials, there are many tribes, and each tribe is not unified. For example, there are eight major tribes in the Dangxiang people, and there are other small tribes.It is beneficial, if the Dangxiang people are a piece of iron, the Tuyuhun people are a piece of iron, and the people with the nine surnames of Zhaowu are a piece of iron.Don't make up your mind about Wang Hua either, let these tribes die alive.Decentralization of local powers is conducive to central control.But the more tribes, the more chaotic.

The various tribes are not governed by each other, and there are many disputes.There are many conflicts between some tribes, and if the reconciliation is not good, it will also cause great chaos.

Also, these tribes are mainly nomadic and difficult to manage.In the past, the imperial court also focused on preferential treatment, but now Wang Hua is even more difficult to be tough.

The main thing is the economy.

Qinzhou's model cannot be copied.Qinzhou was originally not good, but why did Wang Hua choose it? Because there is a natural harbor, but no one pays attention to it now.Everything is built around the port.There is water transportation, the Yellow River.But that is the middle and lower reaches, and this is the upper reaches, which can only be navigated in some areas, and some places have a drop of several meters, and no ships can navigate.So don't count on water transportation.

Therefore, it is very difficult to develop the economy. Even if Wang Hua wants to set up a workshop, he also considers the attitude of the court and whether it will be blocked.So after much deliberation, some of Xixia's strategies are taken to heart, focusing on self-sufficiency.Fortunately, there is salt in itself, and then there is food.You can't rely on your own food, the procedures for bringing it in are troublesome, and you have to be careful, and the cost is extremely high.

Therefore, the Yinchuan Plain, as well as other plains and valleys near the Yellow River, have become key considerations.Now it is still mainly nomadic, which is also caused by Li Shimin.He settled a large number of Hu people in this area, besides here, there is Hetao.This is also the reason why Wang Hua chose this place, disloyal to the Tang Dynasty, the strong is the king, both soft and hard, easy to accept under the palm of his hand.

But this strategy itself was not very good. Later, there was no chaos in Yinxia, ​​but there was chaos in Anlushan. The main reason for the chaos was that there were many Hu people in the north, and Anlushan had many Hu soldiers.Yinxia was not in chaos, but after the Song Dynasty, a Xixia Kingdom also appeared.

So at least Li Shimin didn't do a good job.There is nothing in his hands. The whole Real Madrid is better than Real Madrid. At least Xiaobei can still play from time to time when he sits on the board. But like Li Xiaogong later, there is no chance to make a move. Yuchi Jingde, Qin Qiong, Cheng Yao These chaotic characters such as Jin are more or less famous generals, and Li Shimin asked Li Shimin to pull them to his side as bodyguards.Lassau to the extreme.

Moreover, Li Shimin did a better job as a coach than Comrade Xiao Mu and Comrade Lao Ka.So no matter how he arranges, there will be no mistakes.The khan of heaven, the Turkic Khan and the king of Linyi danced for Li Shimin and his son at the same time, which emperor can do it?

But has he ever considered whether his descendants will have this ability?Not to mention anything else, even Li Xian now, a thousand Li Xians are not worth Li Shimin alone.

This led to Wang Hua's current situation, which is beneficial but also disadvantageous.

Li Zai's loyalty to the imperial court is not high, and the warriors selected from the tribe live on horses all year round. They have a fierce personality, a strong body, and excellent riding skills.But there are more disadvantages.

It is Wang Hua who will clean up the government, but the policies and decrees may not be effective for these tribes. They are independent kingdoms one by one.Moreover, some tribes live very hard, but Wang Hua may not be able to deliver the supplies to the tribesmen if he wants to help them.Even knowing that the chief has been corrupted, it is not easy to deal with.If it is not handled properly, it will become chaotic.

This is like a parent with rough family education, and the child is very dissatisfied.But if you really defend him against injustices and beat his father, the child might fight you desperately.

Not only is the distribution of supplies a headache, some chiefs themselves are very rude to their people, and Wang Hua is also difficult to deal with.At least not for a few months.Not only is it difficult to move, but in the absence of foreign enemies in the past few months, even soldiers have been difficult to recruit.

So Wang Hua wants to do good things, but how to do it is very difficult.

I have been thinking about this issue for several months, and finally there is only one way, planting.Now the Northwest is not like the Northwest later. Now the Northwest is still very rich in water resources, and the Gobi desert area is not large, such as Dafeichuan. Later, it was basically a Gobi desert with grassland, but the grassland is hardly visible. There are short grasses, lying on the ground like poor beggars.But now there are swamps everywhere. The reason why Xue Rengui was defeated was because of this bad land.And the grass grows vigorously on the grassland.

As long as people are sent to dredge the rivers one by one, and then dig some ditches, they can be planted on a large scale.Once settled down, it will be beneficial to people's life and management.At the same time, it also washes away the wildness of these people.

But it's not that simple.This is not like Qinzhou, where refugees can be recruited. Even if there are 2000 million refugees in the imperial court, Wang Hua will not be allowed to flourish.Even if Wang Hua pays for it out of his own pocket, it needs the cooperation of all tribes.Also, switching some tribes to their way of life does not solve the fundamental problem.In the vacated area, new nomads joined.Just like the Han Dynasty defeated the Xiongnu, the Xianbei came again.To solve the root cause, only the country has a long-standing and excellent system to ensure that the officials are clear and the king will not be fatuous.

But right now there is only one way. Solving this problem will not only benefit management, but also increase grain production.

This requires persuading these tribes to contribute their own labor, and there are cotton fields developed by major families along the way, which also need to be negotiated.In fact, the ditches dug are beneficial to everyone, but everyone knows the truth, but when it comes to the distribution of benefits and the inferiority of human beings, no one can figure it out.Some people even think that if there is less distribution, it will be bad for everyone.

But fortunately, it is summer now, there are many rainy days, and the river is soaring. It is not the time for excavation, and the planting season is also missed.There is still time to coordinate.However, there are also disadvantages. It turns out that these states mainly focus on border defense, with tens of thousands of troops stationed there.It is impossible to support the people of these eight states.Now that Wang Hua has taken over, the imperial army has also driven Wang Hua away.It is impossible for the imperial court to allocate food.

Now Wang Hua also has a lot of troops in his hands, and even the number of troops will be expanded later, which depends on self-sufficiency.It is too late for Wang Hua to farm.So he has to continue to think of ways to get a lot of food by himself.

Not only that, if the strategic policy is implemented, more food will be needed.

It's not that I'm afraid of money, the main reason is that we can't openly transfer grain.It is possible that a month later, when the court finds out, even a catty of grain will not be brought in.This must be negotiated with Li Xian.This is the hurdle, otherwise, the food in Wang Hua's hands would be more than enough to feed the entire Northwest.Guan Jian is whether the court will be accommodating.

This is one aspect.

There is also the threat of the Turks behind.In the war against Tubo, Li Xianneng foolishly thought that he was just reaping the benefits, but Mo Chuai would not be so stupid, and might take advantage of the fire to loot.That will undoubtedly make him worse.I can't lose a big defeat. If I lose a big defeat, some people in the imperial court will immediately do something wrong.

This is the biggest drawback of the Land of the Four Wars!
Finally, there is the question of religion.Few people don't believe in ghosts or gods, but it's easier for you to believe in one kind of ghosts, but you believe in many kinds.Tribal conflicts, religious conflicts.

Wang Hua thought hard for a long time, and there were some worries, but there are disadvantages and there are advantages, and there is no one religion that dominates the advantages, only my own Taoism is a little bigger, and that is under my control, so the problem is not big.Otherwise, there may be a situation in Europe where the power of the king is not as great as that of religion.

This is to encourage religious equality and freedom. If you have the ability, let the number of believers increase. Don't kill people, set fires, threaten or cheat, let alone launch holy wars against other religions.But for these religious leaders, they can't adopt the previous practice in Toyosu. They must focus on softness and supplement it with rigidity.Call them one by one and explain the truth to them.

After all the hard work, Wang Hua did not give up. A few months later, he used some thunderbolt methods against some disobedient elements.

Also, in order to resolve tribal disputes, in addition to reconciliation, the concept of a family is promoted.Encourage them to intermarry, it is best to intermarry with Han people, and they will be Sinicized together. In the end, there will be no party members and Tubo people, and the national crisis in the future will also be reduced.

Just like most of the Persians and Zhaowu nine surnames who disappeared in the long river of history, did they really disappear?Mainly melted.In fact, in later generations of China, it is difficult to find authentic Chinese blood, and even Wang Hua himself doubts whether there is Hu people in his blood.

But it's definitely a good thing.

Although there are many Hu people here, generally speaking, there are also many Han people here. Coupled with the large-scale development of cotton, many Han people have migrated here.This policy can still be implemented.

And he has an advantage, he only brought one woman over, Li Xuejun.But can Li Xuejun be considered a Han Chinese?I don't know who he is.There are Persians, as well as European blood.History also has an advantage. Under the leadership of Li Shimin, the Hu people are not very repelled now, and the status of the Hu people is sometimes even higher than that of the minorities in the south.

But in this way, in addition to promulgating various new policies, discussing development plans.In addition to dealing with the possible crisis, Wang Hua also summoned the chiefs of various tribes, religious figures, chiefs and representatives of various families.Not only Wang Hua was exhausted, but his greatest helper, Zhu Dian, was also exhausted.

These two IQs belong to that kind of demon level.It is conceivable that they can be exhausted and weak.

The servants brought tea, and two women came out.

Li Xuejun gently squeezed Wang Hua's back behind Wang Hua, and relaxed for him.

But there is another woman who is more gentle than Li Xuejun.This is a woman with the surname Zhongmi of Zhaowujiu. When Zhu Dian was inspecting, he saw a few people forcibly pulling a girl. He took people up to stop it.Poor, some people are really poor.This kind of thing was common in the Tang Dynasty, even if Wang Hua saw it now, there was nothing he could do about it.

He is not a savior, he can only try his best to help most people, even for the sake of the people, he can't bear to adopt Zhu Dian's best policy.Can't save everyone.

The girl was reluctant and struggled, but it was of no use.

Zhu Tong saw that the girl was very juicy, so he took money to redeem her for her.He originally sent her back, but a few days later, the girl escaped from the house and found him at the door again.It turned out that when her father saw her coming back, he planned to sell her again in exchange for a sum of money to solve the crisis of the whole family.

Zhu Dian was speechless and could not blame others.He knew the situation of this family. The old couple was very capable of giving birth. They raised seven sons and three daughters.My son is old enough to start a family.Once you get married, you have to spend money.It just so happened that the youngest daughter was beautiful, so the old bustard in the brothel valued her, and after only one persuasion, her father agreed.After selling it once, one son got married, and since he came back, he sold it again and got another son married.

Zhu Tong had no choice but to ask her to take another sum of money and go home.But the girl was not happy.What is the use of taking this money back?There are two older brothers in the family, and one younger brother is not married.Even if they are all married, what should we do if there are any difficulties in the family in the future?
Seeing Zhu Tiao's kindness, the girl stayed with Zhu Tiao and did not leave.

Wang Hua was a little funny when he heard this.He took the initiative to take a sum of money to subsidize the girl's family.So the little girl stayed by Zhu Tong's side.

One day or two days, I have feelings.This drew Wang Hua's attention again. Zhu Dian had a family member who also moved to Oceania.Moreover, Zhu Ting is in his early 40s, although it is the golden age of a man, but after all, the little girl is only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Wang Hua despised Zhu Dian once in his heart.

But even in this evil age, it seems that I have done a lot of evil things.

After figuring it out, I saw that Zhu Tong was too embarrassed to speak, and the little girl was too young to know how to speak.Wang Hua took the initiative to take care of them, and let the little girl be Zhu Dian's concubine.It can be regarded as a supplementary reward to Zhu Dong, and it is better than going to a brothel.And because of her status as a barbarian, it is also beneficial to Wang Hua's policy of ethnic marriage.

Of course, no matter how gentle she is, she is not as good as Li Xuejun.Li Xuejun's control over acupuncture points and strength is far from what this Xiaomi can compare to.

Of course, the two of them did not continue to discuss matters when they enjoyed the care of the women around them.

At this moment, a subordinate hurriedly ran in to report.

Wang Hua read the information, handed it to Zhu Dian happily, and said, "What a thunder, what a embarrassment."

(End of this chapter)

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