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Chapter 458

Chapter 458

These people are doing major repairs, and Princess Taiping is also unwilling to lag behind.

But Wang Hua knew that it was one thing for Princess Taiping to also like luxury, but this time the comparison had her intentions.She wanted to imitate Wang Jian before he conquered Chu and asked for more good land, houses and gardens, so as to calm Qin Shihuang's heart, otherwise Qin Shihuang would not trust him to hand over the soldiers of the whole country to him, and he did not have enough troops, and he would not be able to deal with Xiang Yuniu's coquettish grandfather Xiang Yan.

But Princess Taiping's intention is that I am content with having fun, please Li Xian not to doubt her, it has nothing to do with the crusade.

But there is one thing, because Princess Taiping once threatened Wang Hua, Li Guer was very angry when she found out, and she was afraid that Wang Hua would blame her.Instead of coming forward directly, he set up cronies and attacked Princess Taiping.Princess Taiping was a little annoyed. She had accumulated a lot of strength in Wu Zetian's hands, and she also used cronies to attack Li Gu'er.The two became incompatible.Even Zong Chuke took the opportunity to flatter Li Bao'er and get involved.

(I have changed a lot of outlines to meet everyone’s requests, and I have a lot of headaches. Please donate and subscribe to comfort my wounded heart. I will give you a wonderful drama every few chapters.)
Li Gu'er did it cleverly, Wang Hua had no way to stop it, and just took advantage of this incident.So I opened my eyes and closed my eyes.

On this day, a retainer of Zong Chuke's mansion collided with a servant of Princess Taiping's mansion on the street.The two argued. Of course, this reason was also caused by the discord between Princess Taiping and Zong Chuke.Princess Taiping made the first move, but she was single and weak, so she suffered a lot.After returning to the mansion, she cried bitterly in front of Princess Taiping, who became angry when she heard it.

Beating a dog also depends on the owner's face. I am avoiding my brother and sister-in-law, not because I am afraid of you, a minister.Wang Hua was so awesome that he let his nephew smash the storefront, only said some annoying words, and then let it go.Besides, you mesmerizing minister.He personally ordered the housekeeper to arrest the doorman in Zong Chuke's house, beat him beyond recognition, and let him back.

When these two families started fighting, the officials in Chang'an City didn't dare to intervene at all.

But soon something happened.

When Li Chongjun rebelled, it was Su Xuan who tried the case. At that time, the criminal was tortured, and Li Dan and Princess Taiping were involved.Or they themselves have elements that fuel the flames.It's just that Su secretly pleaded for Li Dan, and Li Xian is also a kind person, so he didn't pursue the matter any further.

But unexpectedly, more than two years later, the case was brought up again.

Ran Zuyong wrote a letter again, saying why Li Chongjun escaped back then.It's been a few years, even if he fled overseas, there is still news, right?But now there are no people in life, and no corpses in death.Why?This is because there is a powerful force protecting Li Chongjun.

This is an eternal pain in Li Xian's heart. Last year it was said that it was caused by Old Wei.But Lao Wei is at home now, and has no authority in his hands, but Li Chongjun hasn't shown up yet, who is left to do it, is about to be revealed.It wasn't Wang Hua, and no one doubted Wang Hua. He stayed in Luoyang that night and didn't leave the city. Moreover, before the mutiny, Li Chongjun seemed to have taken a lot of credit from Wang Hua, without even saying a word of thanks.

This is only Li Dan and Princess Taiping.

Wang Hua didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Princess Taiping's servant was Wang Hua's subordinate, it was wrong, it should be Mu Zili's subordinate, it was Wang Hua who deliberately arranged a wonderful chess game to provoke conflicts between Princess Taiping and Zong Chuke.

He knew that Zong Chuke would definitely retaliate, after all, Zong Chuke was already a fake version of Wu Sansi at this time.If he is not afraid of Li Gu'er, or if he is unscrupulous, he may attack himself.

But he didn't expect that he turned Li Chongjun out again.After seeing that he rescued Li Chongjun, it became a wild card, first against Old Wei, and then against Princess Taiping and Li Dan.

Zong Chuke's other party members rediscovered the case back then. At that time, Li Chongjun's subordinates confessed that Princess Taiping and Li Dan were involved, and asked Li Xian to arrest and interrogate the two immediately and hand over Li Chongjun's whereabouts.

Seeing Li Xian's heart moved again, Xiao Zhizhong was so anxious that he wept and fell on the ground and said: "Your Majesty is extremely rich and owns the world, but he can't accommodate a younger brother and a younger sister. Don't you want people to accuse them and frame them to death?" Is it? When King Xiang was the crown prince, he insisted on asking the Queen Mother to allow the world to be handed over to His Majesty. For this reason, he could not eat for many days. The king and Princess Taiping?"

Li Xian explained again, but a few days later, he transferred several sons of Xiangwang, for example, Li Longji was relegated to Luzhou as a farewell driver.

This is Li Xian's attempt to weaken Li Dan's power.It didn't matter at first, the place where the sons were transferred was not too far from the capital, and now that the capital was in turmoil, it was better to transfer to a place where it would be safer.Just like Wang Hua, who calls the wind and rain in Qinzhou, but what happens after arriving in the capital?He hardly said a word, but it was like this, and Zong Chuke almost climbed in.If it weren't for Wang Hua's unreasonable playing of cards sometimes, his outstanding force value, and Li Gu'er's protection, everything would be in turmoil now.

But at this moment, Wang Hua stood up and said: "Your Majesty is kind, and I agree with all the ministers. Brothers should live in peace. Otherwise, how can we set an example for the people of the world? But there is one thing, Your Majesty mishandled it." gone."

In the past few months, Wang Hua has hardly spoken in court, let alone during this important event.It's just that the ministers were very puzzled and didn't know what Wang Hua meant.

Li Xian was very happy to avoid Wang Hua's obscurity, but he was afraid that Wang Hua would cause trouble. Of course, when Wang Hua opened his mouth today, Li Xian was also surprised.

"In the past, Cao Cao sent Liu Bei to pursue Yuan Shu. When Guo Jia and Cheng Yu heard about this, they immediately said that Liu Bei was unstoppable. Cao Cao reacted and said one word, regret! But he also said that it is impossible to pursue him. Although it is possible that he cannot be pursued, But it has something to do with Cao Cao himself somewhat underestimating Liu Bei, even though he said that the only heroes in the world are the king and the ear. But can your majesty think about it, if Cao Cao doesn't let Liu Bei go, what will happen to history?"

This question is a bit far-reaching.

But one thing is, if Liu Bei and Sun Quan hadn't joined forces, Cao Cao's defeat in Chibi would not have happened, and then there would be the defeat in Hanzhong.

Li Xian's face darkened, and he asked, "Wang Qing, who are you talking about?"

Wang Hua didn't answer directly, but said: "Your Majesty, the prosperous place in Gyeonggi is certainly important, but it is also in full view. After the incident with the crown prince, His Majesty has attached great importance to the Habayashi Imperial Guard, so it should be safe. But if it is released to the public, it will be safe for most For some people, it is demotion, but for some people, it is a dragon entering the blue sky and a fish jumping into the abyss. It is like a minister who is not talented. When he arrives in Qinzhou, where is it? Can your majesty answer the minister?"

Although Li Xian was heavy, he laughed when he heard Wang Hua's proud words, and said, "That's a remote barbarian place."

"That's right, it's a remote barbarian place. Even the Ning family has governed for many years. When I first arrived in Qinzhou City, I couldn't bear to see the city. Even my subordinates were stunned. But what will it look like a year later? It's because it's remote and far away from the imperial court, so I can do it freely. What if I put it in the capital? I believe that even if I have the courage to do so many things that are beyond the control, I believe that many ministers will come forward to advise. Finally, consider Your Majesty's opinion, The minister can only give up. But the minister will always be a minister, not a disciple of the clan, even if the minister has the intention of rebellion, he has no appeal. What if it is replaced by a capable disciple of the clan?"

This time I finally understood. Wang Hua pointed directly at Li Dan's sons, but he didn't point out which one.

At this time, Wang Hua changed the topic again, and asked again: "Your Majesty, do you believe in my eyesight?"

Li Xian nodded.

The soldiers Wang Hua used in the Scarlet Character Camp proved his vision for military generals, that is, he praised Da Song, Zhang Jiazhen and a few ministers in the court, and when he was in Huazhou for disaster relief, except for the imperial envoys stuffed in by the court, The candidates he used all proved his ability to employ people.

Not only in the employment of people, but also in the use of things with eyesight, otherwise it would be impossible to see the food crisis and the money crisis.

But it was this vision that made Li Xian feel afraid.Fortunately, Wang Hua was restrained, self-aware, and took the initiative to avoid it. Li Xian also felt that he couldn't do without Wang Hua when something happened, so he had a good impression of Wang Hua in fear.

"Since Your Majesty believes in my minister's vision, I'll spare you the courage to say a word. Among all the princesses, in terms of resourcefulness and scheming, Taiping ranks first. Whether it is Princess Anle or Princess Changning, it is less than one-tenth. Even the queen is far behind in scheming." Among the sons of the world, the king of Linzi is very talented, he is proficient in poetry, music, painting, and calligraphy, and he has great ambitions. What will happen if he arrives in Qinzhou? If he has a different heart, there are at least countless people in Qinzhou who can be used by him Of course, Qinzhou is too far away, so it’s nothing to worry about. But how far is Luzhou from Luoyang Chang’an?”

Wang Hua's words for Li Longji were compliments, but his ambition was terrible.

But Wang Hua also told the truth.

It was this time when he was demoted to Luzhou that Li Longji began to "prosper".

After arriving in Luzhou, Li Longji recruited talents in many ways and collected the hearts of the people, showing outstanding political talents.A gorgeous mansion was also built, with a Defeng Pavilion built behind it, where people often enjoy the scenery, compose poems, and comment on state affairs with Luzhou celebrities, staff, and friends.When it comes to Tang Taizong's illustrious achievements, he looks up to the sky and sighs, and seems to have infinite emotion; when it comes to Li Xian and Webster, he smiles, and seems to dismiss it.When everyone talked about their respective ambitions, he listened quietly without saying a word.Everyone asked him, but he laughed and didn't answer.When the wine was full, they danced away from the table and sang the "Great Wind Song" by Han Gaozu to let everyone know that he has extraordinary ambitions.Because of his elegance and erudition, he is approachable, courteous and corporal, and people of insight are willing to join him.He himself employs various people, and later Mao Zhong, Li Jide and others were all appointed in Luzhou.

This is not fatal. After he returned to Beijing, he quietly came to the capital with Mao Zhong and other elite soldiers.Then, using the power of Princess Taiping and the cronies in the Habayashi Army, they launched an attack in one fell swoop and were able to succeed in the mutiny.During the mutiny, a group of people he brought over from Luzhou became the main force.

It was only because of Wang Hua's promotion that Ji Chuna and others asked Wang Hua to get out of the capital one by one. At that time, Zong Chuke's power, or Webster's power was not as strong as in history, so the attack on Li Dan and Lao Wei was postponed.

How could Wang Hua make Li Longji fulfill his wish?

Xiao Zhizhong became anxious when he heard that this was Li Longji's life, so he immediately blocked Wang Hua's eloquence, and said: "Wang Shilang, you are also a direct minister after all, and you can't just because the King of Linzi smashed your shop, that's a big deal." It's time for the public to avenge the private, and to add insult to injury. Besides, you also said that the public should return to the public, and the private should return to the private, and you can't speak privately in the public."

Wang Hua simply ignored Xiao Zhizhong's words.

According to history books, Xiao Zhizhong rebelled in his later years and took refuge in Princess Taiping, so Li Longji died temporarily.Regarding this statement, Wang Hua could only despise Sima Guang's desperate efforts to maintain orthodoxy.

How can a person change so quickly?
It is Zong Chuke and Wu Sansi's grievances and resentments, or Webster's efforts to reconcile, even if this is the case, Zong Chuke can't complete the claim that he is Wu Sansi's henchman, it should be said that he is Webster's henchman.

Old Wei's change can be regarded as fast. After returning to Beijing to become prime minister, he mostly drifted with the flow. Even Yuan Chuke, the captain of Suanzao County, wrote a letter accusing Old Wei of ten major mistakes.After Lao Wei saw the letter, he was ashamed to express his thanks.But in fact, he was always indignant towards Wu Sansi and Zong Chuke.Otherwise, Zong Chuke would not take him as a target.Of course, this is also Webster's way for himself.

So Xiao Zhizhong can only be said to be a member of Princess Taiping. As a member of Princess Taiping, before Li Dan came to power, he could only help Li Dan talk to Princess Taiping, and would not join forces with Zong Chuke.This is like the cooperation between Li Xian and Li Dan, and even Webster and Princess Taiping when Lao Wu was in power.

As for this Xiao Zhizhong, even though he and Xiao Song, who had been reborn in Xueziying, both came from the Lanling Xiao family, and the Lanling Xiao family and Wang Hua have always cooperated well.Wang Hua also didn't have a good impression of Xiao Zhizhong.

However, in Wang Hua's eyes, this clarity and turbidity are not valued.Don't listen to Sima Guang, and don't listen to Liu Yan and Ouyang Xiu. The real Qing is for the country, not to help Webster, nor to help Princess Li Taiping.This has been helping, but it has selfishness in itself, so how can you clear your name?

Wang Hua said loudly: "Xiao Shilang, am I wrong? Although Ran Zuyong is a villain, it is unbelievable to frame Xiangwang and Princess Taiping with the help of catching wind and shadow. But it is really good for Xiangwang and Taiping Hello princess, for the sons of the royal family, we should live in harmony with the whole royal family. It is not to let the sons of the princes, especially the king of Linzi, take up real positions everywhere. Instead, they will be rewarded generously to ensure their prosperity and wealth. It can be used. With the status of the son of the world, capable people and strangers have gone to him, and when the time comes, there is no ambition, and it is possible to have ambition."

This ambition is not really an ambition.

And even if the Li Longji brothers were kept, because of Wang Hua's words and Li Xian warned them, Li Longji didn't dare to do anything in the capital. This was not much different from raising a few priceless fat pigs.

But Wang Hua spoke righteously, and even Ran Zuyong directly called a villain. A group of irrelevant ministers couldn't figure out whether Wang Hua was thinking about the peace of the country, or taking the opportunity to make trouble and deal with Li Longji. To avenge Li Longji's original actions.

But Princess Taiping and Li Dan have many trusted ministers, so Wu Jing stood up and said, "Your Majesty, please listen to me. Since the Civilization Period, the successors of the Tang Dynasty have almost been cut off. Your Majesty regained the throne, and the favor spread throughout the nine royal families. Clan disciples living in a place of smog, besides, King Xiang and His Majesty are brothers and sisters. For this family relationship, they even give up the riches and honors of the world to each other. There is no such thing as a virtue in the whole world. Since ancient times , because of trusting people of different races and suspicion of blood relatives, there are countless things that lead to the subjugation of the country and the destruction of the family. Besides, His Majesty has not been on the throne for a long time, but one son raised an army and was killed, and the other son disobeyed his father's order and went far away. , only the younger brother Xiang Wang can get along with. Shi ridiculed Emperor Wen of Han for not being able to tolerate the ballads of King Huainan, His Majesty should take this as a warning. As for what Wang Shilang said, or Wang Shilang is for the sake of harmony between His Majesty's brothers, it can be left behind. The post has been decided, and if you go back on your word, the Xiangwang family will be in panic. The brothers have split. Moreover, the Linzi king is just a different post, and he is not a governor, so how can there be such ups and downs?"

Wang Hua just sneered, why the ups and downs?If it wasn't for me, it wouldn't take long for you to see the ups and downs, but that might be in your favor.But a new struggle will start again.Wave after wave, it makes people want to die.

But for Wu Jing, Wang Hua has some good feelings, no one else, this is a historian, he edited "Zhenguan Minutes", Wang Hua had read it two or three times in his previous life.

Wang Hua didn't say a word. Originally, when Zong Chuke and others planned to use Wang Hua to make trouble, they took the opportunity to push Li Dan and his son, and knock down the wall completely at once, but Wang Hua came with a villain named Ran Zuyong. Let them also be puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.Therefore, neither made a sound.

So Li Xian said: "Wang Qing, you are worrying too much. I want the people to decide, don't stop me."

But at this time, Wang Hua has also achieved his goal. With his own vigilance, I believe that when Li Longji arrives in Luzhou, countless eyes will be on Li Longji.It is absolutely impossible for Li Longji to call the wind and rain in Luzhou as in history.

After cleaning up the Habayashi Army, Li Longji was relegated to Luzhou, far away from the important places in Gyeonggi, and because of Wang Hua's words, he couldn't attract talents.In the Xuanwu Gate incident two years later, more than half of the opportunities were basically lost.

This is what really cheated Li Dan and his son.

It seems that Wang Hua has become a big-headed ghost today, but in fact Wang Hua is very happy in his heart. He made an exception when he returned home and drank a few glasses of grape wine from the Western Regions.

But after only a few sips of the wine, Li Longji rushed in angrily.

This time Li Longji was in a hurry.

Originally, Wang Huajin advised to clean up the Yulin Army, and had already cleared away many cronies placed by Li Dan and Princess Taiping, which made them heartbroken for a long time.

But that is not fatal, and the soldiers in the Habayashi Army will not hold up banners foolishly, saying that I belong to the King of Xiang and I belong to Princess Taiping.In fact, the clean-up was blind. Many innocent people left the Habayashi Army, and some cronies remained in the Habayashi Army without realizing it.

But this time is different, Wang Hua's light words have already put his family and aunt on the fire for barbecue.Especially Wang Hua's sentence, can Your Majesty trust my eyesight?Then come a review.

Over the years, in order to avoid misfortune, Li Dan almost stayed behind closed doors.

But that is not called staying behind closed doors, but waiting for an opportunity and waiting for the opportunity.Moreover, the world also focused its attention on the aunt and father, and no one paid attention to himself.But when Wang Hua made this all of a sudden, almost everyone's eyes were on him.

(End of this chapter)

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